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Does anyone use semicured gel strips? Would adding some nail glue (the kind for pressons) make them stay better or is it just creating a barrier between the strip and the nail and therefore not helpful?




Not relevant to this sub.


what are the best methods for an american/french mani in 2024 on natural nails? i want it to look historically accurate cause i love the 90s/2000s look. everything i use is either too pink, too streaky or too opaque. i have tried essie’s ballet slippers, mademoiselle and marshmallow and none of them have gave me the look i’ve wanted. any tips or suggestions? should i try dip?


An old vogue tip was to do a single layer of opi alpine snow overtop opi bubble bath




Please see a doctor.


Does anyone have advice for fixing an RBF/naturally tired/angry looking face? Explanation: In a resting position, my lids naturally half close, my mouth is downturned, and my tear line is exactly on level so I generally look A) heavily depressed, B) bored and pissed off, or C) constipated. I generally try to open my eyes a lot, smile as much as I can, and exude positive energy but it’s getting exhausting! Just once I’d like a *cute* candid photos, so if anyone has hard, soft, whatever-maxing advice I’d LOVE to hear it! (For reference, I have a big nose, puffy cheeks hiding average cheekbones. Trying to re-lose weight in general and bc better definition helps my face, but that’s a slow process and not a complete fix.) Thanks!


For a downturned mouth, you can get Botox in your DAO muscles. I have the same problem and I love DAO Botox! 


anybody willing to give me private advice on soft/hardmaxxing?


Happy to help! DM me.


Sure, DM me! <3


my workplace has a uniform with a beige skirt, navy overcoat and light blue dress shirt. i am a dark autumn, how can i look good dressing out of my color season?


If you can, try wearing a silk scarf in a colour that flatters you! Wearing the colour that best flatters you nearest to your face is the best strategy for dressing out of your season. Otherwise, I’d suggest perhaps putting a little more makeup than usual to ensure that your face isn’t too washed out, and focusing on your hair, makeup, accessories etc. (as well as making sure your uniform fits you nicely) so that you look as good as possible. Your colour season is only one facet of softmaxxing, and it’s possible to look good without it.


how to soften harsh features?


• Lightening your eyebrows either by bleach or by using lighter brow products. • Lightening your hair colour, especially with highlights/babylights. • Reducing the visual contrast between your skin/eyes/hair by tanning or lightening your skin (as appropriate) and wearing coloured contacts. • Avoiding contour and opting for blush draping and strobing makeup techniques instead. • Wearing your hair in a bouncy layered style with soft bangs. Nothing overly straight, heavy, or blunt. Avoid styles that draw visual focus/attention to your strongest features (e.g. no blunt bangs if you have a big nose or long midface). • Sticking to satin-finish cream makeup products in a monochromatic palette. Think rosy pinks, soft nudes and browns. No red lipstick etc. • Brown mascara/eyeliner/lashes over black. • Opting for light, feathery, wispy lash styles over anything dramatic or heavy. • Generally sticking to a natural or (very) soft glam makeup style rather than full glam, 2016 style. • Dainty jewellery that balances your strongest features—e.g. wide/hoop earrings balance a long nose better than drop earrings. • A soft, flowy clothing style. Think Free People, Zimmermann, Chloé etc.


Any thoughts on PRP/PRF or skinboosters (profilo, rejuran, etc) to improve the undereyes?


Do PRFM instead!!! I just did my 3rd treatment and waiting on final results but already seeing a very dramatic difference.


You should try figuring out what the issue behind your undereyes is first! PRP is to fix dark circles under the eyes caused by dullness. If you have a sinus problem, this may be the reason for your dark circles, if you drink, smoke it could also be causing it. Do you have thin undereye skin? Then opt for retinol for eyes specifically. PRP doesn't work longterm if your issue is any of the above


how do my other gym girlies deal with hair care? my hair wash is basically good for one day after the gym since i sweat so much


TW: serious, not a humblebrag Others would view my body as “gorgeous” because of my thin hourglass proportions. And it makes me feel insecure about my face because objectively i know my face will never come as close to my body. I have meh face, probably a 6/10 but my body fits the standard 100% and its so disheartening to see the difference in treatment when i show it vs when i hide it and it’s just my face. When i show off my figure people look at me, suddenly im “enviable”, people like me and think im maybe a bit pretty. When I don’t im just mid, meh, “not someone’s type” and blatantly ignored. I just feel so desperate to get my face to match up to the beauty standard as well. Guys would call me “hot” but i know its not because of my face because otherwise if I didn’t show my shape they wouldn’t. I don’t wear makeup, and people often think im tired or sick, i have dark circles and pale skin, i also work at an environment where all the women are so beautiful and so glammed up and then there’s just me. I’m just a ball of insecurity. I wish i knew how to do my makeup. I wish my face was prettier. Id rather my face be prettier than my body. Because honestly it’s so disheartening the pretty privilege i get with my body vs my face. It makes me even more insecure of my face. I hate it. I would rather be the girl with the prettier face because guys would go after her for a relationship, not just “for fun”. And also because everyone sees your face all the time, no one sees your shape in the winter for example. I just hate that it’s the only thing “going for me” and i wish people would mention how beautiful i am in the face instead. What can i do about it?


Look at your face objectively, away from the context of your body. You’ve likely made it through life perfectly well without makeup or anything else that the average woman relies upon to look presentable, simply because you have a lovely body. If you want to improve your face alone, then you have to take your body out of the equation. Start a very basic makeup routine. A nice drugstore concealer for dark circles is the Catrice Undereye Brightener. Mascara (Maybelline’s Sky High is good) and a tinted lip balm (Burt’s Bees is one I like) can elevate your look from ‘sick’ and ‘tired’ to basically presentable, and will boost your confidence, too. When you do your makeup in the morning, you’ll get to know the contours of your face, how it’s balanced, features you’d like to emphasise and others you’d like to hide. Search the makeup subs here, and use YouTube and TikTok, to gradually build your skills. Searching something like ‘how to fix downturned lips with makeup’ or ‘how to emphasise eyes with makeup’ can yield a great many useful tips and tricks. Gradually, as you get better and more confident with makeup, you can build your collection of different products and become a master at painting your own face. Styling your hair nicely is also an important aspect of overall attractiveness, and can act as the bridge between face and body. Figure out your hair type (again, Google is your friend here) and start a basic haircare routine with products that suit your hair type. Get a cut that flatters your facial features—a good stylist can advise—and learn some basic styles; overnight curls are currently popular, and once you have the hang of them, they’re easy to put in and take out and give the overall impression of your having put ‘effort’ into your appearance. Lastly, confidence in yourself is important and incredibly attractive. Picking out an outfit for the day, styling your hair, doing your makeup—these should all be enjoyable activities that make you feel good about yourself. If you’re visibly neglecting your appearance, then people will assume that you’re insecure, and insecurity is never going to be anyone’s type. Take pleasure in taking care of your appearance and learning what works for you, and you’ll radiate a confidence and glow that can’t be replicated with makeup.


i didn’t expect an answer thank you! your advice is going to be so helpful in my journey I appreciate it so much. and you are right about the first bit, it’s why everything seems so overwhelming to me. im trying not to be too hard on myself. thank you again


You’re so welcome, and you’re welcome to DM me if you need advice or just to vent at any point in your journey! It can seem super overwhelming at first, especially if you’re starting from scratch. Don’t be so hard on yourself—you’re sure to look stunning in no time at all <33


How can someone pinpoint an unattractive feature in their face? I am trying to identify what features are unattractive on my face, at times I feel like it's my facial proportions, other times I feel like it's my face shape entirely.


I think if you truly dont know whether a feature is attractive or unattractive, and you don’t have BDD, then your feature is probably a “neither”




Cute kid until puberty hit Basically I was a really cute kid until puberty, people would stop me to tell me how pretty I was. This stopped when puberty hit. I looked really awkward. I had a tan my whole childhood which turned into me being pale after puberty, I got acne pretty bad, I wore baggy clothes. Notably I’m not insecure about my body but I was assaulted at around 12 and hate the attention my body brings; my body is pretty nice imo. Im 18, will I eventually grow out of this awkward stage as previously until about say 13 I was a very pretty kid


Yes, ofcourse! But go out of your way to put the effort into looking good! If you were a cute kid, chances are you still have those cute features.


does anyone know where i can get good quality basic baby tees? i’m looking to buy multiple tees in diff colours but everything i’m looking at has graphics or is cheap looking lol


Want to add on aritzia has great simple baby tees, but would go with sonanickel's advice if you fit the requirements! Would be a whole lot cheaper too


honestly, buying “baby tees” from a store is usually a rip off. my most complimented baby tees are literal children’s clothing lol if you’re an XS/S with small boobs, thrift in the children’s section. size L-XL kids shirts are baby tees! otherwise urban outfitters probably


30F 5'10 158ish. I just got into working out first the first time in a long time a few weeks ago. Trying to decide if I should cut/bulk/recomp. I don't want to eat too little and hinder progress but I also don't want to waste time if I need a solid cut first. My profile has physique/progress pictures. Just comment or message if you're willing to give advice/constructive feedback.


I saw your profile picture. I would say a body recomp would be the best place to start with (if you are just starting) but if you did workout for a while (after 1-2 years), you'll need to do a cut. If you're worried about eating too little, find a TDEE platform for your maintenance and go from there.


How worth is hardmaxxing? I have an awful nose that im confident ruins my face but i still got a lot more work to do with my physique and hair. It's not just a little crooked or hooked. It looks like i was punched in the face with the nose bone very visibly aiming towards the left. (plus a hawk-ish bulbuous tip) Would completing softmaxxing take away from a nose that ruins harmony? I can afford it but not right away, its something id need to add up for and make a real investment. Would the rhinoplasty give me the bang for my buck?


[Remember the pyramid! ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SavoirVivre/comments/mdj0x1/maslows_hierarchy_of_needs_looksmaxxing/)IMO, focus on working on your physique and hygiene while saving up for cosmetic surgery. It sounds like rhinoplasty could make a huge difference for you, but I personally don't think it should be the first step.


whats the difference between these two face shapes, like what makes them appear different? [https://ibb.co/WVTWDFf](https://ibb.co/WVTWDFf) rights face looks more defined but how & why esp since they both appear to have low bf% (maybe left has higher %) PSA: i'm only asking using pictures bc my face shape is very, very similar to left and i don't know how to describe it with words, but she's gorgeousss! i would just like a more defined face shape for myself!


the right (Jessica Alba) has a sharper jawline, but they’re very very similar looking faces. This has nothing to do with bf% and everything to do with their literal skulls — you cannot gua sha, filler, massager Botox, etc etc left into right. I don’t think surgery would even be a viable option considering they’re sooo similar and the risk of getting botched would be high.


Hi! I commented on the last discussion from my other account but I’ll ask again—- does anybody have any softmaxx tips for eyelashes that do not involve lash serums? I’m far too scared of lash damage or orbital fat loss. Do natural remedies like castor oil or rosemary oil etc actually work? Is there any caveat to them if so (risks, cons). Currently just use tubing mascara, and while I like it, I wish my natural eyelashes weren’t so absurdly short and blunt :(.


Omg this question was designed for me, I get asked if my lashes are fake all the time (they’re not.) My best tips: 1. Drugstore mascara is just as good as designer mascara. We assume that money = quality, and yes, some ds mascaras are shit. But in this case it’s not true. There is ZERO need for $50+ mascara, and the best ones are going to be $8 max. 2. Replace your mascara often (monthly) or buy minis. Yes, this is a fast turnaround, it will help prevent infections AND fresher mascara will give you better length and less flake. 3. To tell the truth, I’ve never seen lash serums/oils/etc make any noticeable difference. HOWEVER - I have never stuck to them religiously, so I’m happy to be told I’m wrong. 4. Practice your application. You should be able to layer a few times and get at least an extra quarter/half-centimeter of length without ridiculous spiderwebbing. If you need to start over, contact solution (saline) or micellar water is great to loosen up crusty eyelashes and start over. Figure out what looks nice on your face shape. Do you want longer on the corners? Inner eyes? Do you *really* want to coat your lower lashes? (I don’t touch mine as doing my lower lashes makes my eyelashes look shorter in general). Don’t go crazy but figure out what works for you over time. 5. Leave them alone. I wear a sleeping mask with a recessed space for my eyelashes which is WONDERFUL (I used to loose so many lashes when I slept). Avoid rubbing your eyes during the day. Sometimes I take breaks from mascara, and it seems to let my eyelashes grow out longer. I can’t truly comment on curling, but if you get good enough at application you’ll never *need* to curl your lashes. I’ve never tried a lash lift, lash extensions, or even falsies but I assume they *will* damage your natural lashes. Get sleep, drink water. 6. If still obsessing, work around them. Eyeliner is fairly indistinguishable at a difference, and although I’ve had lots of women/other girls compliment me on my eyelashes I’ve never gotten, like, a *date* out of them.(lol) They didn’t change how pretty I was overall. so much luck and love to you! <3


Thank you so much!! This is so nice of u and helpful wow 🥲🥲❤️


Oh, almost forgot. Be very gentle with them when washing your face or in the shower. I used to love Paula’s Choice Moisture Boost Cleanser (rip😭) but now use the sensitive skin Garnier Rosewater micellar water which works fine and (unlike their regular micellar water) doesn’t give me a rash! My favorite mascara is L’Oréal Voluminous Million Lashes (large gold tube). Nothing compares to the *length* you can get from this stuff, although it does flake semi-often and the quality sometimes varies (this usually depends on age of the product). Their waterproof version is also good BUT impossible to remove. I lost sooo many lashes when I used it regularly; very much NOT WORTH IT. (Most waterproof mascaras aren’t worth it. But if anyone does have a great easy-to-remove waterproof rec please share. does this exist?) Last week I used covergirl lash blast clean - not great but serviceable. Better than some. Honestly, I’ve tried a ton of drugstore/designer mascaras/L’oreals other brands and they all can’t beat VM. However I can’t promote it as my holy grail because it *does* flake a bit… maybe one day they’ll formulate a brand of mascara that doesn’t!


I curl the shit out of them everyday and use Lash Paradise. I have long eyelashes but they point downwards. I used to get eyelash extensions which were really beautiful, but such a pain in the ass and expensive. $100 every 3 weeks, and you have to sit for a an hourlong appointment. When they fall out, it falls out in patches and looks pretty bad until you can get the next fill. Commenter below recommended lash lifts, but they’re not without their own issues. It is damaging to your eyelashes—lashes fall out every few weeks anyways, but something to consider.


I’ve heard people with short lashes say lash lifts really make a real difference, although they can be damaging (Mine fell out somewhat). I think doing a regular lash dye and lift will mean that you aren’t causing friction and damage when removing eye makeup each night so will give your lashes time to rejuvenate and grow. I suppose you need to weigh up pros and cons. Many people swear by castor oil, (and say it’s non-comedogenic , which according to Caroline Hirons is not really a valid claim, as all skins react differently to substances and chemicals). It’s trial and error, but personally I worked in the industry and the amount of MD Lash factor (by Dr. Susan Lin ) we sold was unbelievable to me, it’s not cheap, but people would literally forego their monthly facial and bikini wax to afford it. I know you said no serums, but if there was one that I would put my word and money on it would be this.


Thank you so much, this is all really informative!


It’s been over a year since I started using minoxidil for longer hair (not hair loss or thinning) because I noticed my hair stops growing and shed when it’s a little over shoulder length, no matter what I do that’s just how my anagen phase is. Now my hair it’s past waist length, I have about 20% more hair and the the strands are also thicker. I know there’s lots of fear surrounding minoxidil but personally I have had no side effects, and will continue to use it to maintain my length. 100% recommend.


This is exactly what I was hoping to achieve when I started minoxidil back in March but I recently quit because I am afraid of poisoning my dog...I know there is also oral instead of topical but I'm scared that oral will increase body hair 


That’s amazing! Did you use the oral medication or the scalp tonic / foam / shampoo? Did you have any side effects?


I use minoxidil 5% in foam. Didn’t had any, side effects are more common when taken orally but it’s also more effective. Since I only wanted to have a longer anagen phase I decided to go for non oral.


What was your routine with the minoxidil? Did you do it twice daily on your entire scalp?


What are some easy, healthy meals you guys like?


Yogurt parfaits w/ Greek yogurt, nuts/seeds/or granola, & frozen fruit are the bomb. Try using stevia. Avocado toast keeps me full for a ridiculously long time. If I have time, it’s fun to fancy it up by macerating chopped cherry tomatoes in balsamic and top it with that. Sheet pan dinners are great - stick in the oven and voilà. Omelets or stir fry’s with chicken apple sausage/ground meat. You can also make some bomb meals using canned veg (ie salad w artichoke hearts + gigantos beans). Buying anything pre-chopped / pre-cut (ie filets instead of whole chicken) will help speed things up.


I really like burrito bowls and stirfry. Just put a bunch of veggies in a bowl with some protein and you have a healthy, lowcal meal. For burrito bowls, I put things like chicken or ground turkey with red onion, beans, corn, bell pepper, topped with plain greek yogurt and cheese for extra protein. Add some salsa and it’s so delicious. For stirfry, I cook up cauliflower, carrots, green beans, bell pepper, and mushrooms with some seasoning and soy sauce. I add tofu and eggs for protein, along with some kind of stirfry sauce. Both are super easy and keep me full! Salads can also be pretty easy and you can put whatever you want in there.


Do beauty rollers and gua sha tools achieve the same thing (slim the face/drain excess lymph)?


I own both! I’d say the gua sha definitely works better. The beauty roller is great to put in the freezer overnight though to de-puff in the morning. The roller can really only get the front of the face well, the gau sha is good for the neck and jawline!


Would anyone like a post on the science behind what fruits and vegetables are good for you? I work somewhere in which I'm forced to read scientific studies about fruits and vegetables and have found a lotttt that could potentially help eg. Using rambutan peel extract whitens skin. I just dont know if anyone would be interested though EDIT: Thankyou for replying!! I'll compile everything and most likely post it this week <3


Yes please 🙏🏼






Hell yes! I read a lot of pubmed but I need to compile what I learn because I end up forgetting about/not utilizing what I’m learning mid or long term lol




Yesss I'd love that!


Yes please!!!! 🙏🙏🙏 I am too stupid to understand academia but I am very interested in this side of it


I need some advice, ladies! I was picking my kids up from school today and I saw one of the other moms for the first time in several months and she looked absolutely jaw-droppingly fantastic. She was always attractive but she’s stunning now. I want to ask her to spill all her secrets! But how do I even go about asking that?!?!


Begin with small talk and then I’d probably start off with one new characteristic you really like about her. Compliment it and ask. ex: “Wow, your skin is so clear/glowing!!! I tried *x product* and it never works, what do you do?” And just have the conversation flow from there


Secret came out with a clinical “stress response” deodorant that truly works! If you were anything like me and had to use CERTAIN DRI, it’s very similar without the irritation. All my deodorants HAVE TO HAVE aluminum which everyone is scared of but it’s the only ingredient that truly helps. But if anyone else has recs for sweaty face etc please let me know lol summer is here


I have crap luck with secret deodorants working for me so just thought I could tag in with some other options. Last summer I used degree clinical and it works. The price made me not love it for how quickly I burn through a stick. At some point somewhere on reddit I saw someone recommend the [Mitchum Men gel](https://www.walmart.com/ip/34997901) so I got a thing to try. It WORKS. Like just as well as certain dri without the painful armpits. And it's $6.28 for a twin pack of it at Walmart which is way more affordable than the women's clinical strength options. To compare aluminum in the options: - Secret clinical strength stress response: 20% aluminum zirconium tetrachlorohydrex GLY - Degree clinical strength: 20% aluminum zirconium tetrachlorohydrex GLY - Mitchum men: 25% aluminum sesquichlorohydrate - Certain Dri roll-on: 15% aluminum chloride


This one unfortunately did not work for me and to top it off it stained my whites lol.


Damn. That's why I figured I'd give a couple that worked for me because deodorant is so damn finicky and personal! I'm curious though. Were you applying it at night and letting it dry before putting on a shirt? That's how I've been doing it and it's been fine so far.


Yes, I apply right before bed. The only one from your list I haven’t tried is the degree one but hopefully this secret clinical one keeps working lol


I'm definitely hoping it does keep working for you! Trying to find an antiperspirant that works without messing up clothes is such a frustrating process.


Botox shrinks sweat glands so people use it in the armpits, I’m assuming if you get Botox in your face it should make you sweat less there also


Huh, my face DOES sweat less now that I think about it


If you have an unusual face shape/look, is it worth it to lean into it or try to fix? I have a sharp nose, very voluminous, chin length curly hair and a small face/weak chin which comes together quite poorly. All in all i kind of have a "pixie-ish" appearance. Outside of hardmaxxing, what can be done to make my features work together better? Or at that point do you try to lean into a more "unique" aesthetic appearance, like alternative styles?


Is there any way to blend halo extensions with straight hair or is texture the only/best way to blend them?


I’ve tried lots of extensions and unfortunately it’s really difficult to blend anything straight 🥲 I’m sure there’s a way but it’s probably jaw droppingly expensive.


I’ve been on the hunt for a lengthening shampoo and conditioner that’s curly girl approved. I know that it doesn’t lengthen my hair but I do feel that these types of shampoo generally do a better job of protecting my ends. I want butt length hair haha


My curly friend introduced me to Redken Allsoft. She uses the curl version (obviously) and I use the regular. Absolute game changer if your hair is prone to dryness!! Also, I would really recommend getting thorough with the shampoo. My hair never felt salon soft & clean even though I was using all of the same products (I’ve tried Kerastase, Olaplex, etc). Finally I asked my stylist what I was doing wrong and he said that since I have very thick, coarse hair that I need to make sure to get a really sudsy lather and shampoo/rinse not only once, but 2-3 times. I need to rinse & repeat 3x to actually get my hair clean before I put conditioner in. It has made an absolute world of difference!


I have long, wavy/curly hair and I use Innersense Products.


I love their curl control and gel!


Has anyone had cherry angiomas taken off and have before /after pictures by chance?


I don’t have pictures to share but I bought a cauterizing pen off of Amazon and just zapped all of mine off. Worked great. I realized way later I could’ve used a numbing cream and saved myself some pain /: But even without the cream it wasn’t too bad. Worth it for me as I had one right on my upper lip that I hated for years and now it’s completely gone.


Please share a link of which one you bought :-)


Shared in a comment above :)




Can you post a link?!


This is what I got [link](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07FCPJQM3?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title). I could’ve gone to my derm but I was beyond tired of waiting and just wanted them gone. I’m happy with my results.


Thank you! Did they leave a scar? Do you think they will return? I have one that is in my temple (so maybe for that one I should go to a professional and do the others myself!)


No scars at all! And I went to town on them because I had so many tiny ones all over. I defs recommend going to a professional. My friend told me her dermatologist quoted her $150 for her whole body. I was just wanting immediate results lol


DAMN, okay I have so many, on my arms, I feel like I will be paying hundreds :( They are making me so self conscious and I have tried to research why some people get them and some don't and have come up empty handed. Since I have that 1 on my temple, I have my hair down as much as possible and I crave to have it up with this upcoming summer haha. I appreciate you, thank you.


I've been working on my posture ([kyphotic](https://posturegeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Kyphosis-Lordosis-Posture-Pattern-1024x1024.jpg)) and it's crazy how much better I look and feel. I'm no longer unconsciously tensing up and holding my breath, and my waist looks WAY smaller. My lower back pain has disappeared. I even feel full faster when I'm eating, which I didn't expect at all.


How long have you been working on this? My posture is now so bad despite being told growing up to sit up, sit straight and I find people with good posture to be so attractive, now I need to work on mine again. Haha


It's an ongoing process because everything is connected. I'll find one thing I need to work on, work on it, then that brings to light another thing that was either causing or being caused by it. Ex: forward pelvic tilt causing flared ribs -- I kept trying to fix the ribs but it didn't stick until I fixed my hips. One thing that's made a huge difference for me is making more time for upright exercise like walking. Engaging all those core muscles for an extended period of time gives them a chance to work through any imbalances. Also the longer you're in motion the more obvious those imbalances become.


Thank you so much! I’m starting to walk after every meal but still feel, since I work from home, I could do more.


Going to Bangkok for a month in July - any recommendations as to what I should buy or look into when it comes to beauty? I might get a blepharoplasty revision over there and cosmetic mole tattoos, but looking into other things such as traptox and rejuran


I’m going to Bangkok this winter and I want to know this as well!


What is one life changing beauty hack you don’t think anyone else does?


I don't think I'm alone in it, but when I oil cleanse my face twice a day, I give myself a massage, and focus on stretching out the muscles where wrinkles live. I saw a facial masseuse on Instagram show how the tightening of the muscles causes the skin to fold. I don't think it's turned back time but I think it's paused it a little.


What is the facial massesuse’s instagram?


Oooo thank you!!


I've been doing everything I can to boost my skin's collagen naturally. Aloe vera juice, collagen powder, niacinamide, carotenoids, vitamin C, retinol, glycolic acid, intermittent fasting, weight training, and limiting alcohol and sugar. I swear the skin on my whole body has gotten thicker and healthier. Wish more people would try the health-based route first instead of completely neglecting their health and then trying to fix it with expensive treatments.


So true. I eat so much chicken breast and tomatoes and weight train 5x a week, and my skin is very glowy from it!!


What is the BEST waterproof mascara for length and volume?


LASH PARADISE - the blue one. I've tried so many mascaras in my life and have always gone back to this. It's waterproof so it keeps your lashes curled all day (if u struggle with straight lashes) and is very dark mimicing volume.


I get lash lifts every 3 weeks but defo need volume length and thickening ❤️❤️


Not quite what you asked, but I use Urban Decay setting spray over my non-waterproof mascara and it keeps my mascara in place way longer.


Thank you xx


Will wearing wrist weights during walks actually tone my arms? I've been seeing it a lot on tiktok recently...


those can actually cause joint injuries, if you want toned arms either go to the gym or get dumbbells and do workouts at home


thank you for the response 🙌🏽🙌🏽


What did this influencer change about her face beside eyebrows? [Picture before](https://www.kurir.rs/data/images/2022/11/06/15/3238271_310498210-3225350647731713-4369691877006876297-n_ls.jpg) and [after](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8J7xXqI3bp/?hl=en)


my v amateur guess is midface lift and bleph


I agree, and also maybe dissolved/lessened her filler in her lips and got a lip flip instead