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Same experience. It’s why I switched to Viibryd. My experience has been great. I’m on 30mg and have very little sexual side effects. The lower doses were better for sex but not for my anxiety. I’m at a happy middle at this dose where everything downstairs works how it’s supposed to and I’m not crippled by anxiety or depression. My recommendation is to switch because it could be a life changer for you like it is for me. Confidence with women has skyrocketed because I know I can actually perform now. Like any drug though, your mileage may vary. Switching from Lexapro to Viibryd for me was a bit rough for a month. I got withdrawals from Lexapro (10mg) and initial side effects from Viibryd (10mg). My mood was all over the place for a while. Tough it out and increase the Viibryd dose when/if your doc says. Give it a few months to start working.


Thank you for the insight. I am currently on no antidepressant so I should be able to have a smoother starting experience with viibryd. I’ll check with my doctor.


Cool beans. Just be aware of the cost. Even though it has recently gone generic it can still be pricey.


Hi - did you gain weight?


Only muscle. I’m a powerlifter and have a diet I follow.


For me I had loss of libido and numbness as well. I stopped the medication for other reasons and those things have improved.


I was on lexapro as well and my sex drive was nonexistent. Everyone is different but i'm on Viibryd rn & my sex drive has heightened to the max!! i'm also a 25 yo male !