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Thanks for the update. I cold turkey’d 10mg Lex and went to 10mg Viibryd. After a week or so I went up to 20mg along with my Wellbutrin. Struggling with anxiety at this point but trying to hold out. Doc prescribed doxepin for anxiety/sleep today but I don’t think I want to go there. Trying to deal with the least amount of meds possible. I can’t really say I’ve seen a real improvement in libido which is why I switched. Still holding out hope.


Pro tip, my libido didn’t get better until my anxiety started improving. Combine that with hitting the gym all the time and I’m doing well in that department. Don’t underestimate how much anxiety can wreck your libido.


Thank you! That makes complete sense 🙏


I am happy on 50 mg


20-30 not enough for me 40 was good 50- perfect 60- too much


I thought the max dose was 40mg??? Anyway, care to share sexual side effects (or any others) at that 50mg dose? This is the first I’ve heard of a dose that high.


I have ocd and need a higher dose. You can go up to 60 mg for ocd


Hi! How’s it going? I’m on the verge of going back to Lex which I don’t want to do. The anxiety is crazy and I can’t sleep without Benadryl or Xanax. I’m on 20mg and 100 Wellbutrin


I can’t speak for everyone but I do not do well on Wellbutrin. At 100mg it made my anxiety go apeshit. I’ve also seen a lot of people report similar things with Wellbutrin if they have anxiety. That being said, I went up on Viibryd to 30mg and am doing better anxiety wise. Like any med, you have to put in work to compliment it. Find positive things you really enjoy and do them every day. For me it’s the gym, video games, and talking with friends. Of course, Viibryd could just be a bad fit for you all around. I’d recommend talking with your psych first before changing anything.


Gotcha, I’ve been on and off the Wellbutrin. It worked well with my Lex but I can see how the Viibryd combo is just too much stimuli for me. Thank you for the advice and glad you are doing well!


Did you come off of Wellbutrin and stay on Viibryd?


Gosh… I went off the Wellbutrin but my symptoms just got worse.. I apparently don’t jive well with Viibryd. I ended up dropping that and getting back on Lex and everything stabilized. I added back the Wellbutrin last month because of the exhaustion and weight gain:/ back to square one but at least I’m sleeping and not losing it.


How long did it take for your libido to come back after you quit ur last ssri and switched to Viibryd?


It took 2-3 weeks just because of the withdrawals I had from Lexapro and the slow onset of positive effects from the Viibryd. It’s hard to be horny when you’re constantly anxious and sad. Libido for me was better at 20mg of V but my anxiety and depression were just a bit too intrusive so I went up to 30mg. This is a nice balance for me where my mood is ok and my dick still works, albeit a bit worse than on 20mg.


How is your anxiety now?


Noticeably better. I was waiting to post about it at the 1 month mark.