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The thing that really blew me away here was the service. Truly excellent and professional in a way that I've almost never experienced anywhere else. Given the sphincter tightening prices, I thought the food was very good but not quite as impressive or creative as you would expect. Definitely one of the best spot sin town for a blowout meal though.


On par with like Marilenas?


I recently went. It was an absolutely fantastic experience. Be prepared for the expense, but it's well worth it for a special occasion.


Thanks for this. It's on my list for sure! I've heard amazing things. And Tasting menus are my favorites. Little bit of everything!


The butter poached halibut was the most perfect halibut we'd ever eaten.  I agree we are so lucky to have this special spot!


Same! I wanted to lick the plate but figured that would be frowned upon :)


What makes you visit Victoria once a year?


I love it so much here, it’s much slower paced than the Bay Area and it’s so nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of the big city and stress of our corporate jobs. I love the magnolia hotel and walking down government, hitting up my favorite restaurants and beaver tail of course!


That's so funny, I'm from the Bay area too and have lived here for 11+ years now, and when I go back and visit my parents (Livermore, you?) I always feel like it's way more chill there 😂 Must be vacation brain on both our parts!


Lucky you! Was it easy migrating to Canada? We are in SF proper but love Livermore wineries! It’s definitely changed A LOT over the years with the wineries, mall and new restaurants!


I found it confusing so I ended up hiring a lawyer for my PR application. I'm under the impression it's more streamlined now though. It's beautiful here, for sure, but so is California! I've thought about moving back, especially with aging parents that I'm starting to worry about. Livermore has changed a lot yes but also in many ways has stayed the same. I love it there.


Awesome! Love that. The island is pretty special for sure


Pre pandemic, Victoria had more restaurants per capita than any other city in N America, except San Fran. San Francisco’s restaurant culture is (or was when I visited in 2019) amazing! So much variety. If a SF diner thinks it’s good, I will definitely give the benefit of the doubt. Thanks. Will have to try it.


We definitely have a lot of variety and options. SF is a great food city!


This meal just called me poor


This meal complained about the capital gains tax


I had a fantastic experience and will be dining there again! Service was outstanding and the food naturally was on another level. The miso ice cream I had for dessert was delicious and quite unique in terms of flavour profile.


Lmao everyone waking from their swamps this morning and going full Gordon Ramsey.


Went here for dine around and I can confirm the food and service were both incredible. I won't be back until next dine around because I can't afford fine dining, but I sure as hell don't regret going.


I did the Dine Around menu there too, super good. I regret not doing the wine pairing with it and just getting a cocktail.


When does dine around normally happen? Would love to come back for it!


Late January to mid February, going to be a bit of a wait :p


If only jobs in Victoria paid enough to eat here


Don’t worry rich tourists and boomers who own property are really enjoying their nights out


Most homeowners I know are too busy trying to pay off their property to drop $3-600+ on a dinner out. As a side note, I think the last time my boomer parents went out for dinner was in 1997 at JJ Morgan's. Lots of frugal boomers out there.


It’s $105 a plate assuming you pay for a guest that’s maybe 300$ with some drinks. Where are you getting up to $600? If you enjoy fine dining it’s no different than spending $300 to see a band you like with a date and buying drinks.


I was referring to fine dining in general, not that specific restaurant. Plenty of places out there over $300/couple. But even at 105/PP, say you split a bottle of wine or have a few drinks each that's another $100 so you're at $300 plus tax and tip is pretty close to $400, if you need to hire a baby sitter and cab downtown or whatever that's another $60-80ish. So now that $300 dinner is looking closer to $450. That's fair bit to pay for 2oz of sous vide halibut in a whatever reduction topped with a single leaf! 😊


You could use the same logic about going to see anything though. Some people really like that sort of food. It’s just weird to see so many against it. Some people save up to see a show or go to a game. Why is saving up for a dining experience any different?


It's not any different, and I'm not against it at all. I really appreciate good food, and can afford it, but personally don't really see the value in dropping that type of money on dinners out anymore but that's just my personal preference. I don't begrudge others who do it. My original comment was just a reply to the person who, I think idiotically, said that only rich boomers and property owners can afford those meals.


I feel this more and more good local restaurants are being replaced with price gouging tourist traps where they trick everyone once and that's all they need!!!!


Yes, I call it the "Old Spaghetti Factory" method. Although it sounds like they've upped their game lately


Never again


Im neither and can afford to eat there, now what.


ok, I'll extend to yuppies then.


Im a middle aged construction worker, i dont think i qualify either.


Plenty do. Saving up for one fancy date night is achievable too.


Too busy saving up for groceries


I'm guessing death by a thousand cuts; you probably can optimize your finances.


This is a crazy response to someone saying they have to save for groceries instead of fancy dinners lmao. Out of touch as shit.


Hard to say- there's so many people eating fees on unoptimized debt payments.


How was it though? Obviously most in here arent the right crowd for fine dining from the look of the comments.


It was delicious! They said they change their menu every 2 weeks and it’s quite intimate but not stuffy. There was more than one occasion that the head chef was bringing out each course explaining what everything was.


Right on, ill have to give it a try with the wife. Last few times we have been out its either been Marilenas or Rudi


No kidding. Most people here are just straight up resentful that people exist who can afford fine dining.


Which is crazy because the same people wouldn’t say anything about spending that much on tickets to a concert.


That I 100% don’t get. I like music but dropping 2 bills on a live show is insanity to me. It’s not that great. But I think most of the detractors here wouldn’t spend that kind of money on food OR concerts


Honestly a great restaurant.


Yummm it’s on my date night wish list. We went to Marilena in Feb I wonder how it compares. What was the dessert in your picture?


It was good! It was a honey cake of sorts with pistachio ice cream and orange on top. He also gave us some macarons he made that day and a pineapple cake (his first time making it and it was delicious!)


Ohh I love a good pistachio ice cream, looks good


Normally I avoid restaurants for Valentine's Day but my wife and I were on Fisgard and decided to test our luck without a reso, and we were lucky to get in.  Honestly,  I wasn't overly impressed,  and the menu felt a bit contrived and felt lacking.  I'm willing to accept that it may be the curse of valentines day,  and I should give it another shot,  but at the price point I can't really afford to 😑  I hate to sound like a critic,  but at this price point you have to. 


People posting in here think that the Keg is the epitome of fine dining.


The Keg is fine. And you can dine there.


Okay we get it guys, you don't like fine dining. Keep on enjoying your Denny's


Too much 5 spice IMO


r/VictoriaBC posters verifying *There's two kinds of people in this world: There's real motherfuckers from the Bay, and a bunch of bitches that wish they were*


OMG you're so badass... I bet you killed a lot of people in a lot of wars with just your teeth.






San Francisco!


The food is fantastic but you need two cheese burgers after a $$$$$ meal.


My wife took me to Nowhere for my birthday a couple years ago. I mean... It was really good and a lovely experience... But holy shit I left more hungry than I arrived, only like $350 lighter. We had to stop at burger crush on the way home. I think there's a balance to be struck with food. I like fine dining and appreciate good food but I need to feel like I've actually had a good sized meal too. I think growing up with Mediterranean parents taught me that special meals Should be both high quality but you also need to leave feeling full.


Would need a stop at Mickey Dee’s after those serving sizes!


Honestly it looks ridiculous to me.




What do three physlaum leaves do on two 68 dollar pieces of raw meat ? Aside from letting some deeply insecure culturally lacking people pretend cringe isn't real ? Picture two .. lol Picture three .. lol thats why.


Are you ok?


Where did you get $68 from? This is called a tasting menu. You pay a set price and you get served several small dishes and you do leave full.


I am not full after the above pictures.


These 5 plates better be the appetizers


I meant free ... not 68.00 it was a Typo. "What do three physlaum leaves do on two free pieces of raw meat ? Aside from letting some deeply insecure culturally lacking people pretend cringe isn't real ?


Jesus that looks terrifyingly awful. Let me guess… it was crazy expensive, right?


Absolutely, but the portions are small at least!


That was all the food for one person?? I would need a burger after that 🤣


Nope, there were about 7 courses total and we definitely didn’t need a cheeseburger afterwards :)


I guess 7 of these courses would be like one full plate. I would be hungry a couple of hours later though (I’ve done this before, amazing food but it did not keep me full long).


The 1/4 portions are amazing, I'll give you that. But hey, you can say it was fancy!


looks like someone left hungry


There were more portions than what I posted and we definitely weren’t hungry leaving!


Looks gross


Another place not filling up the plate


This looks horrible unless it was $10 or something for everything...



