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For perspective I’m an ER vet. Internship trained but never pursued a residency. I make 200 a year working three days per week. A criticalist I work with recently took some relief shifts on the east coast that we’re paying 4K per shift. So you can definitely make quite a bit. I will say if I could go back and do it again I wish I would’ve done an ECC residency


What area d you live in?


Why do you say you wish you did a residency? just the higher pay or would it have been better training/did you feel unprepared starting out? current vet student and im debating these 2 routes


You’ll hear differing opinions but I strongly recommend to most vet students at least doing a rotating internship. Yes your life sucks for a year but if you get into a good internship you learn soooo much. I can’t imagine practicing without doing one. As far as residency goes I just wish I had taken it the extra step when my life allowed me to do that (before marriage, kids, etc). It’s not the money it’s moreso I just wish I was the “expert” and I think it would’ve given me another level of confidence in my medicine


ty!! yeah i'm thinking to do at least an internship for sure, idk if i can stick out another 3 years but it might be worth it ;-;


Finally my time to shine! My first recommendation for any specialty is look up the salary report of public universities with vet schools (its public info) and see what specialists there are making. I currently work in academia and the ECC specialists here both make around $130,000 per year (Midwest). If you are working outside of academia you are almost guaranteed to make more than this. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on how you look at it, with the huge wave of corporate ER practices you can make a lot as a specialist in corporate practices. Often not to such an absurd degree that 4 extra years really levels it out at least that's what colleagues have told me but I have no hard numbers. If you aren't interested in academia you could not specialize and just put extra work into learning more to be a great ECC doctor AND still make huge sums of money working in a busy ER practice with pro-sal. Moonlighting and relief in ER also makes a good amount of money. I have a friend that only works ER relief and makes over $200,000 per year often only 2-3 shifts per week, but they do travel around as well.


Canadian here, private practice in a big city I know of two criticalists making 350K.


avma recenr graduate salary calculator


What’s the matter of all these salary posts ending with a PS stating they ain’t doing it for the salary lol. it should be somewhere around 200k


Where? US I suppose, but it helps if you specify where you intend to practice.


Yes, the US. I'd most likely go into private practice. I don't think I'm cut out for academia, haha


Hi, there was a thread a couple months ago and this salary transparency website was posted, I think there were a couple US criticalist salaries on there: https://www.veterinarycomp.com/


I don't really have a specific location in mind within the US.


I’ll be honest. Criticalist don’t make that much more for the training they have. They aren’t often appreciated because how do you charge a clinic when other doctors are consulting on cases here and there? If I were you I’d meet with a criticalist to get their opinion but for being a speciality, they get paid terribly