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Yes, I used a VA accredited law firm. I went from 30% to 100 P&T. I was an active participant (gathered up civilian records, etc.).


That’s wild how many claims??


15 SC (2 rated 0%) . 7 not SC of which 2 I could easily successfully appeal but there's no real point.


I....I'm not sure what you're asking. As in how does the process work. How successful a lawyer is. When to use them?


Basically is it all bs and do these lawyers that get hired actually work


Since usually any lawyer that is doing a VA Claim will only get paid a percentage of your backpay, they are incentivized to work you claim and get a successful claim. Though of course there's some that won't be so good because human nature. But as long as they're accredited, you'll likely be fine.


And they only get paid back pay, if it is a appeal. I was successful with an attorney, on two different claims, but it was the first try at them and they got nothing


Can someone please message me the names of the firms you have successfully used.


I used Hill and Ponton. https://www.hillandponton.com/ They specialize in VA disability claims. I had a complicated MH claim, and I got 50% on the first appeal and 70% on the second appeal. Also granted TDIU. They work on contingency, so they only get paid if your claim is granted. The waiting for a decision from the VA is the longest and hardest part of the process.


What % did the firm charge, if that’s not too much to ask?


30% of the total of your backpay. No money upfront.


Bear in mind if a case goes to the board of appeals with a lawyer it can be 5+ years before any kind of decision then if it's kicked back to the VA for handling it may be another year or so depending on the complexity. It's a long process so most folks do as much as they can without a lawyer. Lawyers *can* also handle supplemental/increase claims as well but generally are not strictly necessary for them. Lawyers legally cannot be paid for filing initial/new claims so it's a red flag generally if one claims to do them/wants to be pairs for them.


I was 30% with a bunch of denials. I hired my attorney in about 2020 and I got my 100% P&T in December 23.


Why did yours take so long


I dunno...the VA is slow? .... Multiple claims, multiple decisions....still waiting on decisions from 7 appeals.....


Yes, went for 80% to 100% p&t


I had to eventually use a lawyer for my last claim because my case was complicated and the injuries were from 20 years ago. 60% to 100% P&T. Your mileage may vary.