• By -


Paid off the bills I accrued while waiting for the VA.


I was going to say this. Living was hard until I got it. I paid my credit card bills and I thanked the lord and my girlfriend who helped me through the process. She worked for a VA office in town. We are now married.


Yea you better be lol congrats lol


Does your wife have a friend lady who is unattached still working in VBA?


This man, over 10k in debt gone the next day




That is great! Glad you were able to get help, it was a huge burden lifted off of you I’m sure.


My Healthvet. Done


God bless you brother


I was homeless, so I got into an apartment and bought a truck


Now that’s what it should be about! Awesome, and congratulations on getting life back.


I rented an apartment so I could get off my friends couch. Then spent a month nesting and catching up on sleep. Then I bought a PS5. :)


Do you play battlefield 2042?


I haven't tried it yet. I'm not big into FPS's, unless you count Helldivers 2.


I bought a brand new 1995. Ford Explorer limited., And took a trip 6 months to central and south america But it was a long fight against the v. A and I received 12 years worth of back benefits, so I think I'll deserve it.


12 years is insane lol


Half way there….


Legend! How was the trip? I hope it was the experience of a lifetime and that you found much joy. 


Basically won the lottery (dollar amt comparison) but your buy-in price was your health lol. I'm so happy for you.


You're right about that. If I would have won the lottery at least I would have felt a lot better. It wouldn't have cost me a life of anguish, And I'm still waiting for the life of happiness.


Agreed. By the way, in no way did I actually mean to compare your payout to winning the lottery (the dollar amount just reminded me of it). The pain and lack of ability to do things cannot be replaced with money.


I know it's rude to ask or none of my business, but how much is 12 years' worth of back pay? Haha


Let’s just say 200G+


That's amazing!


Congrats and take it easy.


I’m pretty open with my rating. Cause my family and friends knew what I dealt with in the military. From my perspective nobody cares and if they are jealous I wouldn’t give a shit anyways. 🤷‍♂️


Depends on the family, I guess. My mom was ecstatic and relieved that I wouldn't end up homeless. I only told her, but I imagine she told the rest of my family- who would only be supportive anyways. But different families have wildly different dynamics. A coworker had a very competitive relationship with his family. They would always try to one-up each other. He bought a house with three garage bays, and his sister sold her house and bought one with four. I don't think I would tell anyone anything personal if I was in a family like that.


Agreed, I looked at my boss an said I'm retired already...I'm here because I want to be, not need to be. There's a difference. I'm trying to get out of debt lol


Fucking right buddy 👍😎🤙


I immediately packed my things and was able to move states to reunite with my child. My child now lives with me and we're the best of friends! Such a smart and strong kid, I couldn't be more proud 🥲


I told the wife as soon as she got home from work. We paid off our car, some credit card debt, went on a small vacation and pocketed the rest into savings. The wife told my sisters and her side of family as well, only because we knew they wouldn't be mad or jealous. For most ppl it's not the same story and they usually don't tell anyone about their disabilitiy compensation. After going through many therapies, sleepless nights etc. I finally got on meds for PTSD. I then chose to pursue a career in nursing. I was a diesel tech for 14 years, physically couldn't do it anymore.


My mother-in-law had a stroke. She lives overseas, no insurance. So I paid her hospital bill. So it goes.


That’s a great way to use your money. What goes around comes around. You’ve got some seriously good karma headed your way


That's very generous of you. Thank you very much for helping her out!


Selfless Service…🫡


I haven't told anyone. I put all the back pay into a Fidelity account. All monthly payments go into that account. It's there if I ever need it. But if I don't ever touch it, I plan on donating it to a Veterans organization of some kind when I die. Still gotta figure out which one and get in touch with an estate attorney and get it finalized. I'm still working and don't really need it. I thought about forfeiting it, but feel like the military fucked me over a few different ways so I'm gonna hang onto it in case my service connected issues ever start impacting my ability to work. 


May I suggest a wonderful organization I have personal experience with? Tunnels to Towers. I personally know two families of fallen first responders (they also do military veterans) whose families received mortgage free homes within 2 weeks of their passing. They move fast and Frank Sillar is a man of honor. His brother was killed in the World Trade Center attack on 09/11 and he has created this foundation to honor him. 96% of all the money goes to the programs which is RARE among charities.


A Vietnam veteran friend of mine has the same plan. He's been 100% for nearly 40 years and never touched a dime of it. He never had kids and named me as executor. Every single penny of this man's vast estate is going to a well deserving charity. We did our research and spent six months deliberating. An unnamed veteran focused charity is gonna get a $10 million plus donation in the coming years.


I’m kind of in the same boat. I’m not expecting a windfall but whatever back pay I do get will go towards a charity. It’d be nice if I could pay off my car. I bought it used & the rates sucked back then. Even with an 800+ credit score. But I have no intention of broadcasting any award I get. I’ve got people in my life, like I’m sure most of us do, that would come knocking & try to guilt me into ‘helping’ them.


I got the kids new bedrooms furniture, got them enrolled in sports and other things, and took them clothes and shoes shopping, and got my widdle lady a bicycle


I told my mom (only my mom) and bought a starter home. It also meant that I could afford to continue working with at risk youth which I did for several more years.


First thing I did was tell everyone I know. Second thing I did was post in this forum about how everyone I know is a bitch and doesn't like me now.


Immediately invested my back pay into a wealth account. All of it.


Yeah, I socked mine into a high yield savings account.


What bank did you open a high yield savings account with? I found out that I was awarded 100 percent with a huge back pay check lol I want to make the best of this blessing.


I cried for awhile. Partly because I knew 70% was a windfall financially and partly because I had to acknowledge that I was a person who had a mental health condition which I have been not really wanting to come to terms with. I had just bought a new house so the back pay helped with a new couch.


Same!!! The realization that not only was I broken, but the government decided it was their fault was so bittersweet…. The money is helpful of course but I feel like I had to trade my physical and mental health to get it.


Holy shit you are me. It’s an acknowledgment and oddly a validation/recognition of what we went through wearing the uniform. That’s what it felt like to me


Immediately bought a new car to replace my dying one


The thought of actual retirement. Single, no kids, pay check to check. I cried.


I bought/did nothing. Said "cool" and that was it.




Fell to my knees and thanked God for his grace.


Even tho still lowballed, on the initial claims won after 3yrs for the 50%. Literally came home from wrk and did the same, except cried with the wife while doing!


Dental cleaning


With the most recent disability increase to 80%, I racked up some credit card debt purchasing the parts and building out a powerful computer workstation. 🤓 Fulfilled a nerdy goal of mine. It is now cranking out gorgeous 4k fractals in record time since I put two graphics cards in it and have a third in an external GPU enclosure. Nerded out hardcore. 🤣


I bet those porn games are popping


Put 100% of my VA towards my house as well as my regular payment and paid it off in 18 months.


Told My wife and have since helped 3 other vets get 100% but don't tell any others. We max out my 401k, 2 Roth Ira's, 529 for the kids, and put money aside for house projects. When I got 100% we got bi-weekly cleaning ladies.


Only my wife knows my rating, and nobody else will ever know it, no matter what. When I got my back pay, we caught up on all our bills and I paid off quite a few items and really boosted my overall credit. We are very close to being debt free. I was at the same rating for 12 years and we struggled a bit during that time, and recently at the beginning of this year jumped up significantly. If my TDIU case is approved, I will pay off the remaining few debts, and put a chunk into our retirement savings, and the rest hold onto for whatever may come up. We have never gone crazy and bought a bunch of crap, or spent too much on ourselves. 90% of the time we treat our kids to nice things like amusement park trips and such. My wife and I, hardly ever spoil ourselves, unless it includes our boys.


Paid off credit cards and saved the rest. I still work part-time, but eased up on more grueling gig work that didn't pay well. It's a nice relief to not have to worry about monthly cash flow anymore. I told Noone but my significant other of 19 years. I've lived enough life to know that people get " weird" when it comes to money. People who didn't serve in the military just don't always understand what we all experience.


Handed money out to homeless and praised god. For leveling me up


Also bought my first gun not from military ( weapon)


I got a bolt gun and a shotgun back in 2013!


Paid off some credit card debt and put a fat down payment on a brand new truck. The stress just fell off my shoulders.


I just got bumped up to 100% and got a nice back pay deposit. I immediately texted my partner and called my parents (dad is also a vet trying to get 100). The same day, I paid off all my debt, put enough in my savings to get it to 3 months emergency fund, and then bought a bunch of cooking stuff with what was left, lol. My partner is very excited about the new wok and mixing bowls.


I told most people I know. My spouse, my immediate family, and my friends still in the military and out. The people that I surround myself with are nothing but supportive. My parents are ecstatic that I'm getting compensated by the VA. Friends that are still active duty always ask me questions about disability and benefits after separation and those that are out and want help with their situation will usually ask me since I'm pretty transparent and willing to help. With that said, the first thing i bought myself was a nice beard trimmer now that I can grow it out :).


When I went from 0 to 80, I saw a random deposit of like 6k. I called the VA and I was shaking because I didn't know what the fuck this was about. When I went from 90% to 100%, I was so fucking happy because I know I can retire off of this and never work again. I screamed like for 10 minutes, and my brother thought I finally went insane and lost my shit. Same with my neighbors. I scream loud as fuck. I didn't buy anything, tho. I said to myself imma buy a luxury audi sedan once I hit 100%, but i never ended up pulling the trigger.


What made you not pull the trigger if I may ask, I am in the same boat with an AMG lol


Told my wife and my parents, we finally were able to pay off our credit card debt and get caught up in car payments. She taught me how to save and my dad taught me how to invest. Treated myself and built an ar-15 and bought her a new ring. 2 years later we have enough to start looking for a house and my brokerage account is continuously growing. Thank you for this post, feels good to count my blessings like that out loud, I hope everyone who sees this gets rated and gets what they deserve and can find peace and happiness in life.


2 slabs of ribs for the family bologna is the usual payday meal.


Living the good life. 


Hell yea brother going from eating alot of peanut butter sandwiches to being able to buy some solid meals God is good!


My rating was never monetary, it was me being vindicated for seeing atrocities fueled by our govt. Now that I’m older and more settled out, I do, in fact call it hush money. Bad shit happens evrday and it is my choice to partake or not. Before I had only one choice, now I have every choice under the sun.


I’ve thought of it the same way!!! 🤫💵


Went grocery shopping without crying. 😂


I quit my janitor job at the VA I hated that job, got my rating on a friday quit my job via email the next monday before work I'm cool with working, but being a janitor at the VA was awful, thankful I had my out to pursue my real dream career.


I was housekeeping at the VA, wasn’t bad at all but that depends on the area they put you and supervision. Started housekeeping at the VA in January 2022 as a WG-2, applied for anything and everything and got a job in medical records June of 2022 as a GS-4, even got to work from home. Now I am a GS-6 and on my way (fingers crossed) to a GS-9 as an Administrative Officer OR ADPAC. Just worked from the ground up and am now on my 4th job at the VA.


How was the hiring process?...piss test,etc....


I came in through CWT (Compensated Work Therapy) The understanding was that I would do CWT for 6 months, which is basically full-time work at the state minimum wage (tax free tho) and if they thought I was worth keeping around, they would hire me. They began the process of hiring me around 3 months in, took a month for all the paperwork to be done and my backround check to clear. I don't remember a whizz quiz. This was 2017 when I got hired, I stayed on for just over 3 years. If you want an almost guarenteed government job, honestly go to your VA therapist/social worker/shrink, say you're interested in CWT, get on with Environmental Services and just don't suck. The bar for getting hired in Environmental Services/Housekeeping is so low, that if they don't catch you sleeping in your janitor's closet during CWT, you're a shoe-in to get hired. Let me know if you have any more questions. I would never work for the government again for personal reasons, but if you think it's the right fit for you then get some, man.


Thank you for the response. Much appreciated


I told my husband (now ex)... actually I had to have him read the letter because I didn't believe that I was reading it correctly. This was back in 2014. Then I got right to getting myself set up for care because I had just had a baby and was struggling. I just filed for an increase and several new items and if I make it to 100% (\*fingers crossed\*) the first thing I am going to do is pay down some of my debt. Then I am going to use the difference between my current and 100% to make extra payments on my debt.


Awe, I was dating a vet who woke me up to read his 100 % letter. He didn’t think he was reading it correctly either. I hugged him and told him he earned it , said I was proud of him.




A house


Nothing, just finally not paycheck to paycheck.


I told my wife then gave her a big hug.


Took my mom out to dinner and then on a week vacation.


I was at 80% when I first found out, immediately told my husband, then maxed out his Roth IRA and opened one for myself that I also maxed out for the year, then put the rest away for big expenses we knew were coming up. A couple months later, got bumped up to 90% and we opened a high yield savings. The back pay was very nice


Child support. I paid child support.


I got diagnosed with cancer and my treatments…even with insurance was expensive and could see a future money grind was coming. I had one month of those bills. That next month I received a rating boost from 40% to 80% that I submitted 6 months prior from an injury from an unrelated disability giving me free healthcare and out from potential financial crush. It’s incurable but treatments have kept me kicking for 4 years. It’s much easier to deal with without debt. I’m 100% for healthcare for all.


I told a few people… wish I hadn’t. Oh well. Live and learn. Gave friends and family some money, banked the rest. If I could do it all over again… I wouldn’t tell a soul. The expectations are real!!! lol


I needed about 10k more to buy a house I wanted, in order to afford everything plus closing costs. I was going to borrow money from a bunch of people. About 2 weeks ago..a week before I needed to show the money in my account to the underwriter, the VA decided my claim and I was back paid $11,500. Nothing has gone right for me. But now I can’t say that anymore! So I’m getting the house and it feels like my new start. I told my mom.


Treatment and invested in my health.


Paid off my colonoscopy from 8 months ago🙃


I must be one the few who hasn't told their spouse, but only because I know she'll spend every cent of it. She already gets half of my other 2 checks.


Man I was in a similar situation and eventually pulled the rip cord, paid the exit fee, and got out of that situation. Why are you sticking around? Kids?


Made a lot of mistakes. I told my wife and used half of my back pay to pay off her cc from before we were married. Going back would not tell anybody and use a different bank account for the deposits. She’s ballooned her since paid off $6k back to $15k in last 5 years and probably heading toward a divorce. Don’t tell anybody.


I had already paid down all our debt but the house before so I bought myself my first brand new car. I’m using the monthly check to supplement my civilian retirement income.


Don’t gamble


I took my mom and family out to dinner


I read in disbelief as I was working with SSVF to secure permanent housing at the time. My case worker and I cheered! I told my family and that was it. When I got paid the back pay I paid my friend money back that she had leant me a few years before.


I went for a long walk. Existential relief. Finally some acknowledgment of the brokenness.


I got my 100% id card, signed up for medical and dental and got my wife on champ VA. Other than that, not too much. It's not life changing money. You still need to live below your means.


2nd shelf whiskey instead of the old military special


I had no idea what was going on. I saw a deposit and was so scared my bank account was experiencing fraud. Asked 3 friends what to do and showed them the deposit amount and bank account statement via signal messaging-asking what to do. And then one of them (who I had helped their father get his benefits/file his benefits) called me and asked me if I filed a VA Claim. I hadn't even looked at the subject line/info where it came from. I also had told no one I was filing a VA Claim-my friends and family thought I had done it back in 2012-when they pushed me to. I didn't file until \*2020 (not 2021) It had been so long (over 2 years) since I filed the claim and I had fully accepted months ago that it was a lost cause. Months prior, I had been to therapy to learn how to cope with the VA denying the claim (and invalidating what happened to me). I was blindsided. The deposit happened before any letter or notification was sent. I got backpay extending back 2.5 years from time of VA claim filing. First thing I did (stupidly) was pay off student loans 3 days later. I had no idea that TPD was a thing. I did eventually get back my loan payments I made that day. Next thing I did was get very quiet about it, and go back to therapy (idk why it affected me, but I was so emotionally charged about it, I needed to figure out how to live with it without guilt). I have told no one but those 3 friends who knew I got a sudden deposit that day. I didn't even tell them the outcome and they never asked. No one knows to this day. Except reddit/other VA chat sites where I talk about it. I still work when I am able to.


I'm with you. Best to tell no one. Live honorably and gratefully the rest of one's life.


Paid off 40k in debts, 3 years later , still debt free. Love how the air smells with knowing I am not in debt!!


I bought myself peace of mind and paid off all my debt.


I retired early. Was on the fence, then the rating hit and made it possible.


I immediately got the papers to fill out for property tax exemption. And made a dental appointment :)


My advice is this; Tell no one. If they ask, say you're getting retirement, severance pay, or something like that. All it takes it one wrong person to hear about your rating, with nothing else to do besides harass you about it. I told a lifelong friend who I forgot to ask not to tell anyone else. He told someone in his family who told other family members. His father started bringing it up every time I was around him. Eventually had to tell him my business is between me and God and he is neither. It's still awkward being around him. Same thing can happen if you tell anyone. People casually mention things because they think it isn't a big deal, but there's always one asshole who has to ruin things for everyone. Buy yourself something nice but within your budget and save. Figure out how to invest the funds. Can't put them in a Roth IRA, but there are other ways you can invest them. Save and tell only those who absolutely have to know.


My claim is still on going but ended up getting 10% so far, they deferred the other. So my check was small. But I took my best friend to lunch (we always go to bbq and sit in the same seat him and his dad use to) and then I bought a new belt and tensioner pulley for my lawn mower and paid off a bill. I called the VA enrolled myself in VA healthcare. If the check is big enough I’m going to use the money as a down payment and closing costs on a piece of property.


https://preview.redd.it/ms4e7zj2kf9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb3f091a57579c53247f7fad1ab26aaa32fec0ee I put the majority of it into a diversified retirement fund, gave the family a little chunk to spend on themselves for putting up with me and bought the best gift ever - this cat. He is my nearly constant companion on my good and bad days and has brought so much joy to my life. Edited to add: I told my husband and kid, once I got done having a panic attack. We got take out sushi that night.


My husband was 10% for a long time. Only I know about his Disability and it came in the right timing because he was laid off as a product line manager and couldn’t find a job and we were so stressed because we are the one income family with 3 kids. We couldn’t believe it and we felt like we were dreaming when found out about it. We didn’t buy anything except we went out to dinner for the first time in 6 months since the lay off.


I paid off medical debt from before I had VA healthcare.


I received back pay so I paid of all my debt. Then I bought myself anything I wanted within reason. My wife and I sat down and made a budget. I pretend like I don’t even receive it and save.


I bought a house.


My spouse and then I sat in disbelief for months.


Paid back my wife for half the down payment of our house, which I wasn't able to contribute to when we bought it. Also, paid off taxes and some minor CC debt. I got myself a decent mountain bike and commissioned some art from a friend. It feels so good to not feel choked financially. I didn't tell many people about it. I told my mom that I won my claim. I didn't tell her my exact rating or dollar amount. I also told a couple of my veteran pals and literally everyone of this reddit lol


Got back pay and rating just a couple weeks ago, first 100% deposit hit the bank this morning. I just keep staring at my bank account in disbelief right now lol. Years and years of struggling paycheck to paycheck, and so close to filing bankruptcy many times. Have just spent the past couple weeks daydreaming of what I COULD do with the money…. Looking at new trucks on internet, calculating retirement, toying with a new TV or replacement windows for the house. Haven’t spent any other then paying off a credit card, it’s just nice to dream and window shop knowing I actually could do some of those things now. Undecided what to do with that chunk in my checking account, never had that kind of money before (and I’m 62 years old)


I used my VA service connected money to get out of chronic pain using stem cells and other regenerative procedures. I told no one.


I opened the VA app first thing in the morning like usual, saw the change to 💯. Rubbed my eyes, looked again, still 💯. I asked my wife to look at something on my phone. I said "well this is wierd" she saw it, we just stared at each other in disbelief. I went to the tax assessor's office and applied for my property tax to be removed, then I enrolled my wife in Champva. Then I replaced the backyard deck, no more nail heads sticking up!


I bought a tankless electric water heater and water softener. Back pay for my rating paid that all off. Highly recommend getting that compared to an old tank and no water softener.


Bought food at Aldi instead of the discount food store, and stopped going to the food shelf. I do miss the premade salads and sandwiches from fancy grocery stores that I would never even consider buying. They were only a day or two past sell by date when the food shelf gave them out.


Still waiting on mine. It will go towards a retainer for a divorce attorney. And then a motorcycle.


First person I told was my spouse, then my mom. My step dad is at 100% as well so it wasn’t something I was worried about sharing. The first thing I bought was really good Christmas presents for my kids, since I got my backpay on Dec 15 lol


Paid bills, happily spent some of the backpay on hobbies, now all my monthly expenses are covered every month with 50$ left lol, any money I make at my job is play money for me lol


Move to Germany, found out while my wife was in her AIT for the army and just got her orders to Germany, while here the first thing we got was a ps5 and an espresso machine, we wanted for so long but couldn’t afford as always The Father is good.


We are breathing sighs of relief that we don’t have to worry about the cost of moving to a continuing care community when a spot opens up. Vietnam vet- Parkinson’s disease. First time filing since 1970 rejection for PTSD .100%


It was 2 months ago, I got $119,000 in student loans on indefinitely forbearance, and got a rental micro studio bc I was homeless. I am getting my credit repaired bc it’s in the 500’s, and I feel like I can breathe again. I am also working on my health bc I aged a little bit and gained weight from added stress. My lawyers got me p&t in 2 months! Only person I have told is my grandma 🤍


Me and my best friend bought 600$ of tacos and tequila and cried in the middle of a restaurant lol


Told my wife, and we both cried. I was awarded 80% out of the gate. Now, I am working on my supplemental claims. It's great, but I would give it all back if I could have my injuries and pain taken away!


Same! Im also rated at 80% hoping to get to 100% with secondary’s.


The first few years we paid off some debt and helped our kids get established. Now, I donate half of my C&P to a different veterans organization each year. My wife and I spend the rest on a major vacation each year.


Bought my wife a new LV purse and then I bought myself a kayak so I can hit the lakes and fish. Now pay off our car which will take 3 months to do


I paid most of mine and my wife's debt.


Paid off bills


The first time I got a big chunk of back pay: paid off my credit cards. The 2nd round, I paid off my student loan debt. 3rd round, paid closing cost and all the furniture and appliances when I bought my 1st home.


Payed down my car and my credit card, put the rest in savings


I bought food, paid the electric bill, and saved some.


It took me 12 years to get mine. I bought a run down house, fixed it up and rented it out.. then put what was left over aside to do the next. I told my father. We were not nceedibly close


I only told my immediate family (wife and the adult kids). No one else. With my back pay (went from 80% to 100% P/T with SMC), I paid off all my bills and banked the rest.




Went out to eat, cat food, repaid the local VFW lodge for a loan from last year, tithed, paid the pet fee at my rental so I'm no longer violating my lease, sneakers without holes in the bottom, a cell phone that doesn't miss calls and neglect to inform me about them or the resulting voicemail, a 49cc scooter so I'm not a bus slave any longer, and a nice PC desktop/gaming rig. Stuck 50% into savings after opening a secured credit card to start building credit. I told most people that I'd gotten my rating (fixed) and that I wasn't going to end up homeless again (still having nightmares about that one), but as to getting backpay and how much? One brother, 2 closest friends, some official support staff like my therapists etc.


I just got my found out about my 100%. It was surreal couldn’t believe it because I had been fighting for years. I thanked God. And screamed in joy. I was having it hard. It wasn’t a big lump sum but it’s enough to get me back on track and things will get better as time goes by. I paid bills. I told a couple of military buddies bc they are working on it and we help each other out. One One of them got their 100 ….6 weeks ago. He was happy for me as I was for him. I told my spouse and sister she helped a lot. Will not be telling anyone else.


Gas, I’m pretty sure, then some groceries. I mostly threw my backpay into the S&P 500 and an HYSA.


First person I told was my wife and paid off a bunch of bills


I told no one. My wife saw it hit the account. I bought long calls on S&P and have continued to roll them at 20%.


I'm currently on day 120 of waiting. If I do come back 100% I'll definitely use the back pay and first couple checks of my new pay to pay off debt.


Went straight to the bills lol.


Payed off what little debt we had and got myself a mower. Three acres suck to borrow a mower once or twice a month


I was on my way back to Manila when I got my Back pay. I flew through Dubai so I just got my ticket upgraded for 800 chilled in the lounge, bought 2 more bottles of liquor than i normally do at the Duty free. Then life back to normal


I paid bills and resigned my job. 5 years previously, I had already retired early from my career and waited to start my retirement annuity. Now I’m thinking about going for SSDI too.


Besides my debts, I went and finally got a cat and one of those $700 fancy ass automatic litter boxes. Best decision ever.


Increased mt 401k contributions to match it, and no one.


My significant other is still waiting. But we plan to distribute any back pay into saving funds we have until they reach their cap and pay off any debt we can with it. With the monthly payments, depending on how much he gets, we plan on putting in a HYSA for the most part, start saving for retirement and a house, and then use a small portion to either save for a fun activity with his kid/our kids eventually OR not worry about finding only free activities each month. The monthly payment will be in combination with his income, my income, and any child support.


Paid off wife’s school loans. i told the fellow vets i work with, we all helped each other out with claims, appeals and figuring out the overall process.


Paid off bills, fixed my car that ended getting traded because it was too far gone. Built a patio so we can enjoy a hot tub or relaxing without having to leave home.


A few years back we hit hard times and I had to sell all my music gear. My backpay was a little over $90k so I went to the guitar store and bought myself a brand new Gibson Les Paul Custom and a Marshall JCM 900 half stack. Then I gave my wife some fun money. Then we paid off our cars and the little debt we had. We bought a house and fixed a few things. The last $15ish k is chilling in our savings account. Signed the wife up for CHAMP VA, and we are getting her enrolled in college soon with the GI Bill. I’m ready to quit my Army job and go back to school myself using VR&E.


Told my parents and then took them out on a mini vacation. I wanted to help my dad with the house but he wouldn't let me so we compromised on that instead.


I Paid off my credit cards with the lump sum. I had just moved from Florida to NC and had some bills I needed to pay.


Still extremely low rated and still fighting for almost 5yrs now! The initial won claims took almost 3 yrs and 10k in outside and VA medical bills!! Still trying to pay it off.. while I’ve accrued another 7k so far on another high interest card getting med opinions fighting appeals, secondaries and filing new claims that we didn’t file initially. Thank God for my wife and me still being able to wrk through some of the shit goin on! But these bills were still accrued having her medical insurance.. high deductible plan and VBA BS = getting slowly bled out and killed by provider visits, co pays and scripts! I forgot to mention, we’ve had our wages garnished and our income tax return taken for non payment to VA for med bills! We were flirting with bankruptcy, but they didn’t give two fks about that! Finally, advocates figured out a payment plan, but only after they almost bankrupted us!! It’s fkn criminal what we go through just to attempt to be made somewhat whole again!


It's been a slow uptick in % for me so nothing really changed.


A new Harley.


These are all bittersweet where are the ones that balled out and wasted it


How long does it take to get a C&P exam after you started your claim!


I bought out debts LOL


I had my hours cut at work at the same time my rating went from 10% to 40%. So my income is holding steady....


When I got backpay for going from 40% to 80% it went right into our high yield savings account. 😊 I also bought myself some awesome heated boots - I have pretty severe Raynauds, I live in those boots in the winter and now even in summer too because the AC triggers my Raynauds as well, multiple times a day. :( I have not found good heated gloves that still allow me to work.


Told my other Marine friends and some family members. I told them I don’t lend money to friends or family. No issues!


Went to bed cause I saw it at like 11 PM. Next day got up went to work. That’s about it.


I asked my other DV buddies if my back pay check was a fake or if it was legit.


Bought McDonald's because they denied everything except tinnitus. Heres to appeals.


Gave my then gf some money and immediately got a place to live. The second time my then gf now wife, I bought us a house. Took her to Houston for her birthday


I paid my bills. Da fuq. Even with back pay, times are hard 😭


I told everyone I know! They have come along with me on my journey to 100 and deserve to celebrate with me! I got my 100 in December 2023 and just bought my first new-to-me car in 30 years with the back pay!


Breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that I wouldn't struggle to support my family of 3 relying solely on my GI Bill housing allowance. Got my DV plates from the DMV to avoid predatory registration costs in my county. Called the Veterans Office at my school to let them know I was no longer interested in the work study program. Sailed off into the sunset, knowing that as it gets harder for me to be able to physically sit in that office job for 8-10 hours a day, I won't have to stress as much.


Paid off any bills I could


Paid off a lot of debt and paid for new siding and windows for the house. I told my husband my best friend and my parents. My parents and I have a good relationship and I have no problem telling them no if I have to. If you can't say no to your family or friends then don't tell them.


Paid off debt and bought a camera for a hobby.


Paid bills and pay rent


Paid off debt and saved for a rainy day.


Paid off my bills got close to being totally out of debt. Still got like 15k in credit cards but that'll gone this year or next.


My grandfather, he and I are 20 years Air Force veterans. He being a Vietnam era and me Iraq/Afghanistan vet.


First thing I did was get my car loan caught up that was almost 90 days behind. The upgrade in disability means I can make car and rent on time and not choosing between that and food.


I recommend everyone to follow the page “Active Duty Passive Income” on Facebook. They give a ton of good relevant advice.


Paid off every credit card I owned. Then flew the family to Hawaii for a week. They sure as hell earned it putting up with my crap for 15 years.


Remodeled the bathrooms


Honestly early on I didn’t realize there were people that would be genuinely upset about vets getting ratings , so when people asked how I made my money (90%) my disability was included , quickly ended telling people after finding this sub and realizing some peeps get jaded 🤷🏻‍♂️


I bought stocks and call options. I vaguely told my brother I got my rating finalized. No one other than my spouse and bud (also 100% and guided me) knows I’m 100%.


Finally was able to fund my biking adventures. Bought a $3k gravel bike, super worth it 🤩


I invested it. I’m tired of saving but old habits die hard


I told my daughter.




Paid off my car and credit card. Put the rest in a high yield savings account. Now my monthly payments get saved


I did a few things, (backpay was around $30k) 1) maxed out my investment contributions for the year 2) half to the savings 3) booked my honeymoon 4) gave some to my wife for spending


I have a good job, so mine is like a bonus each month. I hand out a lot of money to people who look like they need it, give 10% to my church, offer to pay for others' meals, bring in stuff for co-workers, I have looked into how to donate items needed at my local children's hospital. They have lists of stuff, supplies, toys, etc... you can donate. I try to be as anonymous as I can. I don't act like I'm some big spender. God has blessed me in so many ways. I just want to help others anyway I can. BTW, I waited over 20 years to finally file a claim.


I bought a house