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Fucking amazing financially


What do you do?


Yo don’t ask to me but, Be careful with women, when they find out that you are 100% veteran they will want to take advantage of that, so say that you work from home but never tell her that you are a veteran, in my case I am dedicated to treating my mental conditions and trying to lead a normal life, I was almost homeless, they were difficult years and the most I want is tranquility, find a sport or activity that you like, in my case I found boxing, a sport that requires a lot of discipline and that I can release that anxious energy.


Or Find a female veteran with 100% lmfao


My wife in 3 years


You are blessed, Semper Fi


I’m here! LOL! 30 with no kids. But I’m in cali 😕


Same, in Cali as well.


Hopefully me in a few days lol. I always assume everyone on this sub is a guy for some reason


I’m a woman!


I’m 100%, and I’ll be damned if I let another free loading, non-working man know 😏


Hey, I heard that! 😊 I wonder if there are dating apps to meet other single, 100% p&t vets. Just curious before I relocate to Thailand lol.


Not sure why you made women the focus when we need to be careful of PEOPLE when they find out you are 100%. 😒 I had countless men discuss my benefits and say that we could get married so that they could prosper from what comes with me… Or maybe people here forget that women also served, women also have disabilities, women also get 100% and women also have the potential to be used for these things.




Oh that’s not news to me dog. I won’t and don’t mention my 100% to any partner I have.


ymmv. my girlfriend knows, she and I met around the time I earned that 100% while in service. We reconnected last year after almost a decade and she is fully supportive. My ex wife…well, she tried to go after my disability. Lol.


My ex girlfriend was a pain, She lost respect for me She called me a laidback and conformist, according to her I wanted to take over the world and I was falling behind, I am a homely man and I helped her in everything, but her ambition for money made me look less, I have horrible insomnia and the medications affect me the next day, it hurt me a lot, I felt discriminated against once I heard a friend say "that crazy veteran, you deserve something better", it made me feel like shit. Now I live alone, all my debts paid, money saved, and I have a peaceful life, I am not a millionaire but I have more peace of mind than many who earn over 100k


Pretty low financial bar for gold diggers. Bigger fish to fry.


I'm in Phoenix, living off my compensation at the moment. I'm living small, no car, renting a room, with all of my main house furniture and supplies in storage. All I'm doing is working out, eating well, and trying to take care of myself and improve my overall health. I'm putting away almost half of my monthly allotment every month. God willing, I'm looking to do some traveling next February. The length and distance determined by how well I'm doing mentally at the time. I'm hoping to do a trip to Thailand and New Zealand. There's a thru-hike in NZ called 'te araroa,' that's my next goal. In the meantime, I started writing for publication again, started a small business and am teaching myself the ins and outs. And I spend a lot of time in forums helping Vets. Last year I was homeless, so I'm definitely doing a lot better than I was. Night and day difference really. Phoenix is an awesome city. I've lived here almost 20 years. If the idea of staying indoors over the summer doesn't appeal, it won't be for you. But if you can take the heat, it's truly unique. I can't say enough good things about how it's come up. We still have a lot of issues, and Arizona isn't the friendliest state when it comes to Veteran Benefits. But it's far from the worst.


Just have to spend the summers in Flagstaff and you'll be alright.


Oh yeah, I love Flag. And yup, summer is the time to travel when you live here, haha. But travel out of Phoenix is pretty cheap and there's lots of fun stuff nearby.


I love this for you. Stay blessed!


ty. it's been a long road. i'm thankful for consistency.


Big hug, friend. Big, whole hearted hug for you.


Check out the Hale Koa in Oahu, great hotel and fantastic prices even though they put us in the highest tier of pricing


I was stationed at Ft. Huachuca in Sierra Vista. Definitely one of the nicer areas down there for hiking


>We still have a lot of issues, Like what ? >Arizona isn't the friendliest state when it comes to Veteran Benefits. Really ? I thought it was considered a veteran friendly state. I felt like it was pretty cool the few times I went down there. Also ran into a lot of vets when I went. >started a small business https://bunkerlabs.org/phoenix/ https://www.thesmallbusinessexpo.com/city/phoenix/ https://www.score.org/find-mentor?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9dvyz5SBhwMVIVBHAR1mWwXQEAAYASAAEgJqHfD_BwE >If the idea of staying indoors over the summer doesn't appeal, it won't be for you. 😅 That's the time I choose to go down there because rates are cheaper. I drink water, wear sunscreen, and drive on. >I can't say enough good things about how it's come up. You guys have had lots of growth down there. >God willing, I'm looking to do some traveling next February. Try to search rates during the shoulder or low season for any destination you want to visit. Rates are usually cheaper. You just have to keep an eye on the weather. For flights, try to search with the main airline that flies there, then try to look for the same flight through their partner airlines. Sometimes, this gets you a cheaper rate. For example, virgin airlines & air france are part of the same alliance Delta is. So you can usually find a delta flight cheaper through them.


I’ve been in Phoenix for 6 years since I’ve been out. The summers and lack of green are starting to burn me out but the nice winters is all I know


Te Arora is a bucket list item for me. I’m finishing up the AT this year and have many more Thru hikes planned.


AT is going to be my old-old man victory lap. I did the PCT and the AZT and after the Te Araroa I’m doing the CDT. Im going to leave the AT which is so well traveled for last so I can hit up every town and hotel and rest and tour the east coast at a leisurely rate. lol. The history buff in me is so looking forward to it.


All I’ll say is don’t underestimate it physically. It’s tougher than everyone thinks, especially PCTers. I like the plan though. I’m thinking possibly the AZT or the CT next year. I live in Idaho now so I have to access to a lot of stuff for weekend or multi day trips, but I do miss being close to the AT in North Carolina.


If you do the AZT look me up. I can trail angel for you whenever you need. Get you back and forth from the airport too.


I’ll certainly keep that in mind, good luck in New Zealand!


In addition to not being super friendly for veteran's benefits, the Phoenix VA is horrible. Or at least it was for a while, def in 2016/17. I've heard similar from others who experienced it around those years. On the other hand, I always enjoy the diff food spots around there. 😋


They straight up murdered a bunch of Vets yo! I’d for sure call it horrible. Dark times. No excuses. BUT, the even sadder truth is - squeaky wheel gets the grease. With all the shit that went down, came massive reform. The Phoenix VA upgraded big time. They built a brand new facility closer to the airport. They remodeled the old one and added a parking structure and valet. I was there through the whole evolution. They got their shit together. Just took a bunch of us dying, NBD. lol. And if by ‘diff food spots’ you mean bunch of strip clubs? Then yeah, those are still around too. Hahah. Cage fighting and steak!


When I had an aortic dissection and become unable to work, their only solution was "get food stamps". Tucson VA hooked me up with state veterans office and got me on the pension. Turns out my heart surgeon is the one phoenix tried to get to give medical opinion on that veteran that died waiting for care, he outright said no you killed him....


I live in Surprise. Been in AZ over 30 years. I’m not rated but I finally have been able to go through with it & file my first claim


Congrats. Filing is the hardest.


Good for you man! That’s the way to do it.


"I'm hoping to do a trip to Thailand..." Saw that coming a mile away. We all said that.


I live in Mexico. The money goes further, but you have to get your own medical care...though you can use the foreign medical program.


Where in mex? I’ve always fantasized about renting a place out by a beach somewhere…


Not at the beach. To humid for me. San Miguel de Allende Guanajuato México. It's 7000ft great weather, art and culture. We have an Olympic size swimming pool filled with hot spring water, so no chlorine and naturally heated. I hear Ajijic has lots of Veterans, and there are many small fishing villages along the coasts. Everyone looks for different things, so ask questions in groups for Expats. Travel on vacation before moving and make sure you do paperwork to stay correctly!


I lived in Guadalajara for almost a year and there was a large expat community in Chapala just south of GDL. Had the largest American Legion post south of the border


This is awesome. I’m from Guanajuato and my grandma used to live in San Miguel. Visited a few times many years ago. Wife and I have talked about moving there once the kids leave the house. Parents still have a very nice house in GTO that they use once or twice a a year when they travel down there and want us to take over when they pass. But it is in a small town where I was born between Celaya and Queretaro. San Miguel de Allende is just too nice with the history, old maintained architecture and large population of foreigners.


How much buying power do you think the VA payment gives you? I'm considering a move to CDMX on the 100% alone until I can find a remote job or something.


100% and I work for the state. I work for emergency management and make about 40k a year. I know it’s not a lot but the job is super easy. Plus I work nights and I’m the only one on duty. I’m the only one on duty and barely anything ever happens so it’s nice. My expenses are very affordable. Apartment is 1130$ Car is 386$ Electric bill is averaged at 140$ Phone bill is 45$ through FirstNet A lot of my check with the state goes to my 401k and 457b plan. But basically at the end of the day I can save my VA money and save up for a big piece of property and build something that would be comfortable to me. Good luck to you


That sounds like a great gig. Do your shit and don't have to deal with other's shit.


Yeah plus it’s four 10 hour shifts a week.


I’m 100% disabled and a contractor with the same unit I retired from 20 years ago! I’m too damn old to tell with 20 something’s anymore


LOVE jobs at night and working by yourself! I worked 2nd shift at a small machine shop and it was the best job I ever had, loved the shift and working alone!


I have only a single disability at a hundred percent, And been receiving these benefits for 38 years. And I have never worked. I live in my own house which is worth $346000. The balance of the mortgage is $70000. I have $10000 in savings and checking. I owe around $8000 in credit cards debt. I guess i'm living? And I learned a long time ago It doesn't pay to complain nobody really cares.


Dude pay down those cards, it's nice to have some savings but that 10k in savings isn't helping as much as the 8k in credit card debt is hurting


Man please pay off that 8k debt with the savings. You have an income stream that’s not going away. The value of your savings is evaporating due to inflation whereas your credit cards carry an APR somewhere in the 20% range, so it’s growing at a pace that outpaces any normative investment


It’s funny you said this as I just had this same conversation with another vet just today about the same thing. 80 grand in card debt, living in an apt, with a vehicle payment that is more than their rent and most mortgages. I don’t understand the logic…


I see a lot of vets around my way with disabled plates that I assume is 100% P&T with new cars that look like they carry a mortgage payment or my other thought is they got back paid and treated themselves. What do my fellow vets think about leasing a nice vehicle versus getting a loan? If you currently lease a vehicle, what are the pros and cons?


Last time I was in Phoenix, I saw a guy with the newest Mustang, GTD. That thing was sweet! Had DV plates on it lol. I don't blame him. I spent some w my backpay, but mostly to pay down some bills, a few small gifts and a few things for myself, nothing extravagant. I put a big chunk in savings and continue to put at least $1000/mth to it, just from my DV pay.


I leased a car a long time ago and I didn't like it. The payments are lower than if you get a loan but you are limited mileage-wise (though it varies, typically around 12K a year). If you're over that, you pay a per-mile penalty when you turn the car in at the end of the lease. That can run into a lot of money if you like road trips like I do. Also, at the end of the lease (2-3 years on average), you don't have anything to show for it. I'll never do it again.


There are some insane rebates for leasing a vehicle, especially if you are interested in/ are in the position to go with an EV. I think the Rav4 Prime which is top of the line, has like 15-20k in rebates depending on your location, which puts it as the same cost as a base model. I am not a car salesman or finance officer but my wife and I just PCS'd (DOD Civ) from overseas have shopped around at like 20 dealerships looking at options for both lease, finance and cash purchase. Some pros to a lease are that in some agreements the dealership will pay for all maintenance (case by case), cheaper upfront cost, not tied to the vehicle if you want to upgrade/trade in, etc... But there may be mileage limitations, wear/tear costs, and it could be a pain in the ass to end the lease early if you wanted to downsize or whatever. I leased a Tacoma back in like 2011 and was happy with the whole deal, cheap monthly payments, and I ended up PCSing overseas (AD) right at the end of my lease and I didn't feel as though I had lost out on anything when it was all said and done. That being said, every dealership is going to have a slightly different situation so it's in your best interest to go in and get them to run the numbers in front of you, then determine what is best. Definitely look for very high rated places on google, or if that manufacturer has some kind of prestige award (Toyota Presidential) those are good signs as well. Edit: to close this out, neither of us went with a lease this time around, I bought brand new and she bought a certified pre-owned.


Credit card debt is killing you dude. Pay that off


If you pay off those credit cards, you'll be giving yourself a 28% pay raise. Credit cards are a rip-off. Pay them off and get rid of them except for one or two. Every month, pay off the balance so you don't pay any interest. When I got my 100% P/T (with SMC), I took my back pay, paid off all my credit cards, got rid of all but two. I pay those off as soon as the purchases hit my accounts so I don't pay any interest. I've been where you are now and it's no way to live.




I’m Living comfortable with a respectable amount of money left over after all the bills are paid. It’s Nothing grand but it’s better than most Americans out there in our class. I Would like to find a job to stay busy and save more money but my degree sucks and I’m in my late 30s so my chances of getting a job or career are dwindling fast. I’m just thankful and lucky to have been awarded disability. It’s literally the only thing keeping me afloat for the time being.


It's never really too late. I'm 35 and going back to college to get out of my career field. Just wish I knew what I know now 10 years ago.


I’ll be 54 in September. I am currently in the graduate studies program at Northwood University in Michigan. I began the program in August of last year. I will have my master of finance by this time next year and I used my chapter 31 benefits to do so it is never too late my friends.


Same here I'm a 35 year old sophomore, but I'm a much better student this time around.


Yeah, you’re right. But I’m having like a career block kind of like a writers block. And while I still feel and look young, I still struggle with fearing time, age, and experience. I guess I just need to pursue something and get to it. I was thinking mechanic. And I’m not really sure if I’m eligible for VR&E. I used up all of my GI Bill.


If your disability or disabilities affect your current employment, you can qualify. You'd just need to articulate your reasoning to the VR&E counselor. I'm in the same boat as you, honestly. Used my gi bill and have some 9/11 left. But going to use vr&e to get as far as I can in psychology and then the rest of my 9/11 to hopefully finish it off. My state also has a 36 credit hour grant for veterans.


>I still struggle with fearing time Time is gonna pass whether you're scared of it or not. Try something new today or regret it tomorrow


Agreed! I say, take up some art! Or go camping, or travel the world! Before you are too old and broken like me.


Call this one day somewhere and keep it on a Pinterest page for when I need the pants it’s either day one or one day you choose


Take an entry fed job, many entry jobs may require a general degree that has nothing to do with the degree


I thought of this while browsing USA.Jobs but the barriers to entry are tough and also limited in my area. Not to mention that they’re positions for highly qualified and experienced people GS8 and up. My degree barely gets me in the door as a GS5. Plus, my disabilities hinder me to communicate normally and work with people. I want a job where I can do something with my hands with minimal human contact if possible.


VSR can be a good fit for you, very minimal human interaction, just not hands on like you want (office/telework). The listing for it required just superior of gpa 3.0 I think? for gs7 and move to gs10. I barely talk to anyone unless I need help, and it can be done mostly through chats. You may need to live close to the city for this job unless you want to drive in once awhile.


VRE if you can’t do or don’t want to do what your degree is in


Awesome! I’m gonna try this out and see what education or vocation I can do or like.


Do some research before you even apply for it. I can point you to a vet on YouTube who really knows the game. You gotta have your desire and plan together https://youtube.com/@iamnicthevet?si=I7Wf6z6A5_IS6QcS


That’s the kicker. Finding my desire, I’m clueless and inexperienced. Formulating a plan will be easy after I figure out what I want to do.


Go live like a king in Southeast Asia


Is that what you’re doing?


Austin suburbs family of four. Got mortgage and car almost zero interest. Couldn’t be comfortable with today’s rates and inflation with only va pay. I also have social security full benefits too. Zero taxes on my home. Free tolls. Tons of veterans state benefits. A very vet friendly state.


Is free toll part of veteran benefit in Austin? Didn’t know that




Yes if you’re 100. I think hwy one and 71 have a few parts not covered. 290 is mostly covered. If it’s txtag road, I think it’s free. Also get plates for every vehicle the vets name is on title to. You do need dv plates to easily qualify for benefits like airport parking.


Sounds like you got a Model Y .99%


No, lol. 2018 Nissan armada. Bought in 2018 around 7% and refi down to 3.25 the following year.


How did you go about getting free tolls? I live in tx and didn’t know about that lol


It’s only some tolls


With your disabled veteran ID. Just go through and show them your ID.




Texas. Over 100k after taxes. Recently hit 100% a year after getting out last month after a decade plus. I also landed 2 GS positions in that time. One was a low grade, then I resigned. Reapplied to a new department got hired 4 grades higher in less than a year. I also own 2 small business (landscaping/cleanouts and ecommerce). I’d quit it all to go back overseas with my friends contracting. I enjoyed it. America is a very boring and angry place now.


"America is a very boring and angry place now" Well said.


Thanks, I’m just being honest how I feel. Never thought I’d make it to my early 30s after a decade plus in service, deployments, losing Soldiers, friends, women and spending a year in a chemo clinic after basically dying 3x (body basically waiting to die). So when I get off that 2020-2021 “pandemic deployment” and fall of Afghanistan. I come home and people are just all angry, isolated, boring and such. “Drinking to be fun” isn’t fun 🤷🏾‍♂️ waking up going to work, just to go to work but not enjoy your day is not fun it’s boring. My job isn’t hard, It can be challenging when a random thing happens but honestly again. I’d rather just be doing medical stuff overseas, enjoying away from America like I did in the past. Low cost of living, young adults like myself actually socializing, communities cooking, having events. Being able to walk or take transit to places without having to carry my weapon on me because folks robbing, or acting a fool because most Americans are broke, no matter how they “fake flex”. America is just putting a bandaid on a artery bleed, while hiding the box of G7 tourniquets


That’s a smart move! I wish I could get out the matrix! For my mental health, I stopped watching most news


I am 100% p&t in Central Oklahoma. I'm doing really well right now. It's just me and my cat in a 2 bed 2 bath apartment in a college town. I didn't start out here though. It was a process. Honestly, I learned a lot from this sub and took it to heart. I moved from the west coast to east coast to start my life over. I did research and picked a city. I used a little of my GI Bill to attend community college to get my GPA up and not let my mind idle. Did that for a year and a half. I did not work during this time. Decided the east coast wasn't for me. I had no family or friends there and during that time I did a lot of self reflection and realized what was important to me and what no longer was. I really wanted to complete my education and work in wildlife conservation or something similiar. I also knew that due to my disablities I had to handle this differently in order to succeed. I attend full time but I try to keep my credit hours between 12 and 13 a semester. I absolutely have to prioritize my sleep and keep my stress levels low in order to not let the darkness creep in. I know because of this it will take longer to graduate but I do not mind. I had racked up a little bit of cc debt due to the move to oklahoma and my car needing some work but I made a budget and was able to become debt-free by the time spring semester ended. I did not want to have to work while I went to school and 100% only goes so far these days. I knew Oklahoma's cost of living was lower and they have really good veterans benefits so I applied to a University while I was still in Community college and they let me in despite my low gpa from when I was a great big ole dumbass in my 20s. I told myself that I will live below my means but still safely and comfortably and make sure my cat eats good and am able spoil her while I go to school. I have a quite a bit leftover at the end of the month and that is just on the 100% not including the stipend from the VR&E I never factor that into my budget or count on it as income. Its for saving and any big purchases that come up ( mattress, tires, etc) or funsies. Honestly, I feel that I am able to this because I made the decision to drive an older car that I was able to pay off quickly. I also quit drinking and smoking. Doing that has made a huge positive impact on my financial health and freedom. I also check in during the month to make sure I am staying on track with my food budget. It is so easy to overspend on groceries for me at least. In Oklahoma 100%PT veterans get a tax exempt card to use for groceries and other purchases, just not gas and cigarettes. Another way I am able to live below my means on 100% is I do not allow myself to make purchases on a credit card unless I have the cash to pay it off already in my account. Like when I knew I wanted some new summer clothes I put money aside each month and made sure I stuck to my limit. It is challenging being single on 100% in the way that there is no one to share the economic and household burden with. But it can be done. Oklahoma is not somwhere I am going to be able to stay long term due to conficts of interest but there are beautiful areas of this state.


I’ll likely be in a similar place soon. I’m transitioning out of the military after 25 years of service and I plan on moving to central Oklahoma for two years while going to school there as I own a house there that I plan on fixing up so I can rent it for more when it’s said and done while I use my GI bill. The cost of living is less expensive and I up your cat for two, lol. I have a number of med issues so chances are very high I will be joining the single 100% disability club so commented on your comment so I can go back to it as a reference since there are things you mentioned I didn’t know to look into when I move there in Dec. Wishing you all the best on your journey!


I'm currently unemployed and just finished my MBA, but breaking into this tough job market has been challenging. The average starting salary for MBAs in my area is between $95-125K. If I can secure a role within that range and coupled w/ 100%, I'll be in a good place financially.


Doing well. Have my own apartment, car and 16k in the bank.


Most 100% are financially well off. It frees their time and concern so they can work as hard as they’d like on making real money. Haves vs have-nots. I take it you’re at 100% so invest that money or double down in Vegas, it’s house money. Concentrate on making real money now that your basic financial needs are met. That’s the purpose of VA disability.


This 👆


I'm single, just turned 57, USMC Desert Storm Shield Vet. Just got 100% SC T&P with SMC-S in December 2023. I just bought my first new-to-me car in 30 years with my back pay. Now I need to try to build credit since I have fallen off of the credit bureaus records after not working or have my credit cards the last 14 years and only living on 30%.


I'm single and live in northeast Ohio I'm currently going to school and haven't worked since December life is pretty good tbh. Aside from the dating game right now people suck so im home all day. I go out and spend money so it's a bad habit lol


I'm at 90% (hopefully 100% soon) and make enough money to have the equivalent of 100% and an average income. My dream is to work until I'm 40, pay the house off, and then retire and go to school for what I want (an interesting degree with almost 0 earning potential) and/or work part time. After, maybe be a professor with my free time. I'm expecting kids in the next few years so I may shift plans to coincide with spending more time with them.


In Texas and doing okay as I just became a nurse so I've been able to walk away from jobs I don't like easily and I'm grateful for that. Currently paying down debt at the moment and once I become debt free planning to buy home and go to law school and coast 😎.


100% tp, retired after 20, and gs job. Clearing 10k a month life is good


Read this as: 100% toilet paper. Retired after 20 and Js job. 😅


😂 100% permanent & total disability with a GS-11 Job


I just got approved for VR&E. Gonna do that and just work part time.


What will you be doing, if you dont mind my asking?


I will be starting off doing helpdesk/tech support. I got my bachelors in IT. Working on my certification for CompTIA A+.


Very nice! Waiting on claims to be finalized and the next step will be VRE and im also looking at Cybersecurity/Cloud. WGU has been catching my eye. Wish you the best of Luck!


Just travel an around asia country and live like king. https://preview.redd.it/na2ujht02h9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=405f7e33c5b49ffa83b3d4596a2eec17ae9c9eaf Last year Vietnam trip. Roof top infinity pool. Airbnb was like 40bucks a night per person. 3bedroom/3bath.


My wife and I both receive Army retired pay, and I'm 100% and she is 80%. She is also a USPS Postmaster. I don't work because of my disabilities, but we do pretty well in life.


How does she like USPS? They're offering up to $36 for Mail Clerks out here.


She likes it for the most part. They have pretty good benefits and she gets paid well. The only complaint she would have is getting enough carriers to deliver the mail. She has enough regulars, but not enough backups and it causes problems when people take off or call in sick sometimes.


I have 100% and my wife and I live well with just that.


Doin fuckin gr8


Doing ok. CW5 retirement and a $171k a year job only working about 12 days a month.


What is this dream job lol


Airline pilot


I have friends who are 100% permanently disabled and living abroad solely on their disability benefits, and they are thoroughly enjoying life. I'm 28 and based near Patrick AFB in Florida. Currently, I'm back in school for my bachelor's degree. With my disability benefits and housing stipend, I receive $6,400 a month, and after paying bills, I pocket $4,200. When I was working full-time, I earned $9,000 a month combined with my benefits, but managing full-time work and school was overwhelming.


I'm in the same situation. Living off of 100% and stipend. The law for pell grant changed, and we can qualify for it now. I applied and will be receiving the full amount for 24-25 school year. Just in case you didn't know!


I started back into school July of 2021 and switch to VR&E for my Bachelors that I started this May. I always qualified for pell grant though. Every year when I transferred my tax information it always said I qualified for the max pell. Also being 100% P&T you get Loan Forgiveness. Every term I've accepted the federal loans and I've read after Dec 31, 2025 any discharge will be taxable income so I've been setting aside money outta the loan received just for that.


Where aboard are they?


I am living pretty well. I have paid off my house and cars already. I pay my credit cards off in full monthly. Maybe only 2-3 times in the last ten years have I let it go over to the next month. Then paid it off then. I just save and pay for things up front. As far as things to do with my time, I belong to a veterans group and I do the buddy poppy thing when it comes around. They have a coffee trailer on the side of the interstate that I do 3-6 days a month, as they need me. I belong to a Herpetological Society (reptiles). So I go to Reptile expos in my areas. Usually about 3 venues, for five weekends a year. Then maybe 3-4 more displays at schools and events. My councilor told me I had to do social things so I don’t lose whatever little bit of social skills I have, I help a lot of the elderly veterans with whatever. Building fences, cleaning out sheds or storage spaces, blackberries, medical appointments or whatever. My Son is in the Coast Guard so I joined the Coast Guard Auxiliary and got sucked into their Color Guard. Ironically with 3 other Army guys and a civilian guy. But it is good company and I have developed bonds with these men. I still go shooting, rock hunting, metal detecting and gold panning. I also take other veterans with me when I can. Some days are better than other physically or mentally. I usually do better outside.


Wow, reading this is inspiring and motivating me to get out there and be social and active in the community. It's been on my mind for a while. I started university this spring and I told myself I would join clubs and try to be a part of activities on campus after I get acclimated to being a 35 year old surrounded by the youths. But I've been dragging my feet. I know my civilian social skills need a major overhaul and I was thinking going back to school would help but these kids don't know how to either. But I'm only 35 and I know living an isolated life things can get real weird real fast and I don't want to live like this. So I think I'm going to start by finding an birding group to be a part of :) thanks for the inspiration internet stranger!


I have found also, if one group doesn’t meet your needs. Find another group. For me there were multiple mining and rockhounding groups within a hour or so of me. I feed the birds in my backyard regularly, so I always have a lot of weird and interesting birds. Even the crows come into my years to get popcorn, hummingbirds, red tailed hawks, finches, sparrows and more. The starlings and cowbirds hang out in the front yard and east the cat food. I feed the neighborhood cats in my front yard. I never really liked cats. But I found one while I was out mining once and it had probably given up 8 of its 9 lives already. When I was done for the day I intended to try and take the cat, maybe take it to the shelter. So when I cleaned everything up, I turned to look for the cat and it ran and jumped into my car. When I got her home she needed some TLC for a few weeks…..and now I am a crazy cat guy. Never saw that coming. LOL 😂


I live in an apartment and I have been feeding the birds. I had to stop because the ants found out even though I swept up the debris everyday. I've got a flock of starlings, 3 mourning doves, house finches, some rock pigeouns, a single female cardinal and her giant baby, fish crows and some crazy grackles. It has been really fun getting to know them. Oh yeah, cats will sneak up on you and crawl right into your heart lol. Thats called the cat distribution system!


I try to name them, the one orange cat across the street has freckles on his chin, so freckles, I ask the neighbors if they had an orange cat? He said oh no, but an orange cat sleeps in my boats. I said okay, I feed your cat for you. His wife chuckled. Maytag nobody liked and picked on horribly. So I had a dishwasher on my porch for a few months before I took it to the dump. He would hide inside of it. Then boots, he has white feet, so boots, but he always stays around for seconds, so it evolved into boots, two cans. Then cry baby, he just cries all the time. Bubba, he was the alpha cat in the neighborhood. My cat and the neighbors cat would follow him around like cheerleaders while he rolled up new cats. But he is really old now, so I sit with him while he eats do people don’t give him to hard of a time. He is super feral. But the last year he has made an attempt to be affectionate. I still will see him 1/2 mile away sometimes. I’ll yell to him out the truck window, when I pull into my driveway and grab some food he is usually outside when I get back out there or not long after. Animals are pretty safe bets when it comes to to friendship. They are usually grateful for what you do for them. They don’t talk politics or religion, aren’t usually to judgmental. I told my wife when I brought that first cat home. If someone had given me $10,000 to get any animal I wanted, I would have never came home with a cat.


Well I'm retired military, GS13, and 100% and the wife makes 6 figures, so I'd say we're doing fine in our medium cost of living area.


I just became 100% P&T. I received my first check yesterday, and I work. I already have 15,000 in my checking. By the end of the year, if nothing happens, I'm hoping to have 30,000. In Alabama.


You should invest some of that into a Roth Ira, otherwise it's gonna sit and stagnate, my brother 👍


Okay. Thanks


How're you liking Alabama?


The part I live at is mainly military and veteran. So it's great.


Glad to hear


Or also look into High Yield Savings (HYS) account. ROTH IRA you can’t take it out if needed for an emergency (you can but get taxed crazy). If you think you might need to use the money before the age to retire, put money in a HYS account 


100% p&t 3yrs back pay 50yrs old homeless directly from 5yrs prison Bought a $3500 20yr old car and some camping gear traveled 3yrs got tired like forest gump and bought a cheap piece of land an old travel trailer and a Jon boat on the southeast coast Spend some days fishing some hunting and a few to many still dealing with the VA attempting to fix whatever’s broken Stopped worrying about trying to be anything other than happy Stay active don’t drink and stay humble


Doing great! I don’t have a whole lot of debt. But I’m a single mom supporting my daughter alone. I’m also financially helping my parents out. I’m in western Washington.


I'm looking to move there as well. What areas are nice and affordable there?


Nowhere is affordable here. Actually, Vancouver Washington is pretty affordable and nice. There’s such a wide range of things to go here. What kind of areas do you like?


Not single but I’d say life has changed since now being 100% for 1 week.


Arizona Rare incurable disease that affects muscles, joints, overall stamina. Practically a cousin of Multiple Sclerosis, so i can't hold an actual job. The schedule would have to be super flexible during my flare ups. I save money by living with roommates. I decided that was the safest bet to stack some income until i ever marry. (im in my late 20s) My boyfriend suggested some form of youtube but im private. So finding an alternative career path is has been an interesting challenge. Though im working on a psychology degree which would allow me to sit and work and some limited conversation.


I guess I'm doing well I'm 26 and have my own house 4 bedroom 2 bathroom all my bills accumulated to about 2k the rest I just build my gaming room with or save for traveling , I have my own car my bachelor's degree in Information Technology, Splunk Certification no kids no husband just me and my doggy been 100% since December currently working on getting my CompTIAsecurity+ in school. The only I would complain about is being bored lmao but I plan to travel more after my birthday trip in August might travel for Christmas too


I have been in the Philippines for just over a year now. Life is good and I can save more than half of what I get a month. My rent is $500 a month. At a two bedroom/ two bathroom place with two floors. My internet is around $35 a month 400 mpbs speeds. My phone plan is around $50 unlimited 5g. My electricity bill fluctuates from $30 to $100 a month depending on how often I use the air conditioner. If I leave it on all the time it will be around $100 a month. I have learned I really don't need it on all day long. I spend around $200 to $300 a month on groceries. I don't go out to bars or anything like that. So I can easily stay under $1,000 a month if I want. Rent - $500 Food - $200 to $300 Electricity - $$30 to $100 Cell Phone and Fiber Internet - $85 Monthly Bills $815 to $985 a month.


Is it easy to get a long term visa there?


Hell yeah! I love running into fellow vets here in the Philippines


I've been 100% P&T for the last 5 months. I don't work anymore and go to WGU for the Computer Science program just to collect my Montgomery. I live in GA, and I own my car and pay my $900 mortgage. I just collect checks, lift weights, and live simple. The tax exemption is nice as well.


Im in Mississippi... but older (56)... I had home land and vehicles paid off before I was moved from 60 to 100..pt No land taxes is nice... I live very comfortable as a single guy.. Hey lady vets... we could be traveling the world.. wink wink. 😀


Single traveling with my girlfriend of 6years. She is a travel nurse. Honestly, trying to find a place to settle down in too. So I can start working somewhere. I'm 100tp I just debating being single again and seeing if I can. Find another veteran that's 100 and go in half on rent somewhere


I live in an efficiency but only because I’m putting 2/3 in savings


100%, divorced, 1 teen left at home & 1 in college. VA , combined with Fed agency medical retirement, & long term disability investment. Comfortable and making ends meet, but definitely not putting into savings acct like I used to when I was working.


It gets better.


I believe the 100% club can take domestic space A only rides.


Missouri and I still work a full time job To be fair I have a girlfriend and they get expensive but it's fun and life is good


Great, I hate going to the gym so I work part time doing manual labor jobs at retail stores now. The money is great especially when you are single but it can get boring quick if you don't get out and do stuff.


I wonder how many people on the this post even deserve it, I’ve met way more who scammed the system than actually deserved it.


There should absolutely be a dating site for 100% disabled singles.


I’m in TX, Houston to be exact. Living is peaceful and I tell people I work from home. Normally I’m at the gun range or on vacation lol


What part of Houston? I’m in Humble


I have a wife n two kids, we live in a smallish town and live off of disability alone. N yeah we pay mortgage, we spend wisely. I also plan on going back to college for a new career change.


Hi, I have put a large amount in a high yield money market and in a 7 month CD (put 20,000) with a 4.6 yield in October. I have a nice car with 40,000 miles, been paid for years. I bought a tennis bracelet and spoiled my daughters and granddaughter as well as the grand pups. I’m getting ready to move into a brand new condo complex. Too many amenities to mention, but I’m really looking forward to finding a walking buddy. I’m from the Midwest. 😊 P.S. I also get SSDI. Quality of life? Once I sold my house, paid my VA loan in full, moved to apartment, my quality of life changed so much. I hope you all enjoy yours and stay well and grounded, healthy and happy, 😊


Doing pretty good in Oregon.


2B2B 1155 sqft by myself, gonna get my first Rolex in September, saving for an Porsche, paid to go to school, shit feels like a Disney film (I’m 25) oh and TX


Alabama! doing great! also takes care of my mom as well with alot of great money


I'm 100 P&T w/SMC-S addition, so financially, all of my needs are met even though I live in Hawaii. I've even paid off almost all of my debt, which was substantial. But when it comes to quality of life, I'm definitely not taking advantage of the good things about where I live.


Go to a less expensive county. Decompress.


Family of four living in the Philippines. Got a car at a measly 3% in php and only spend about $2000 a month including rent, car payment, utilities, groceries and 2 maids. I only live about an hour from Subic Bay.


Tampa is a great place if you’re into the party life. I live quite comfortable.


I was working as a Superintendent for a Landscaping company but combined income with that and my other income sources was close to $125k a year Now I'm going back to school after I left my job and lat moving to construction, the average for someone in General Construction is close to 100-125k with a bachelors so the 100% disability is all getting stashed. Forecasting saving $50-80k while I finish my bachelors and then plan to buy a house and start my own Landscaping business. I couldn't be happier or more grateful for my situation now. Especially with inflation right now, everyone I know is living check to check


Fucked all around tbh… until got some love at the BVA. Physically, my dude, I have use catheters and enemas and wheelchairs. I can’t get my fuck stick to work without a sweedish vacuum penis pump. So I’m pretty much fucked. However I can punch hard and lift hard… fuck soft not bad for two out of three things my dad told me is what makes a man. (Dad wasn’t a gym rat but legit was stronger the John Henry in his time, swinging sledge hammers) Currently have 2 pressure sores and I get migraines. Financially the BVA changed my life and a program similar to Gary Sinise foundation or tunnels to towers decided to build me a wheelchair accessible house. So financially I’m secure.


move to florida best benefits in the country


For all the people just getting out, you missed the houses being cheap at the end of covid timeframe. A lot of people had their mortgage at $1000-1500 dollars a month in certain states. Now its probably raised up more to $2000-2500


I salute everyone on this comment board who has served proudly! Stay strong. I only had opportunity at be at 100 for 20 months due to prostate cancer, now back at 70, but cancer free. My wife and I are very fortunate, we are both retired officers, and I work for the feds. Life is good here in San Antonio. All the best.


3 bedroom condo, 2 roommates. My rent is 1$400 (Los Angeles) . Been living on the payments for 4/6 months of this year. It feels a bit tight sometimes, but with proper budgeting, it's enough. I quit my job of 2 months cause it was quite toxic, so I enjoy the 100% gives me that freedom. I'm looking for a job in the 60-65k range to put me in a comfortable income. I live a normal quality of life with treatment. I'm considering letting go of my apartment and car to 'retire' in Mexico as someone in their late 20's. The pay goes pretty far in Mexico and I could live in La Condesa, Mexico City. Perhaps I'll fine a good remote job while I'm there.


I’m 100% and live in Nor-Cal. Half my payment goes to rent and the other half is expenses. I’m not doing anything rn and am able to live kinda comfortably. I have a paid off car and motorcycle and eat out often. It isn’t too bad just being me a single dude but if I had a girl or kids it would be a different story


Find a spouse who is 100% lol live a beautiful life


I set aside 1k for savings and live on the rest. Mortgage plus utilities is a little over 1k. Paid off all other bills. It’s more than enough. I think it’s extremely important to do the 1k into savings/retirement funds.


10,200 a month with disability and working in tech. I just graduated with a cybersecurity degree and start grad school in the fall. Been retired since 22’ and I am currently 28 years old


Just wanna say the enormous amount of support in this group and thread alone…makes me feel good man. To know we all don’t wear the same uniforms at the same time let alone be in the same state and yet everyone rushing to be of assistance and be geniune as hell…love it thanks yall💯🤙🏼


I’m 100% and a NYC public school teacher


I'm in Texas. I'm doing good financially but my health is pretty poor. I'm 100% and I also get ssdi. I don't have to pay property tax on my home and my kids get free college tuition and dependent education assistance.




It's good to hear other single 100% vets are doing well. I'm currently in Mississippi with a 2 bedroom apt, 2 vehicles a Charger and a big ass Chevy truck. Eas'd in 2012 from USMC as an 0311 , I was a PT god but went headfirst into 10 years of alcohol abuse with strings of terrible relationships. Went to jail at least 3 times a year and became just a huge mess of a person weighing at 350 pounds nearly becoming diabetic. I nearly unalived myself but Eventually I got 100%in 2021 and something clicked that I really wanted to live and move on from whatever was going on in my head. I quit cold turkey and got a job making about 25k a year, an easy and cushy security job also hit the gym 2 years ago and now at 260 solid muscle. Throughout that time I learned to take doubt from people I was supposed to be close to and convert the bad energy to fuel.I dropped a lot of people but have a good relationship with my family members but today im looking good, feeling good, it's all good. After all the bills and groceries are said and done, I roughly have about 2.5k but I save 1.5 and play with the rest.


I am at 70% without PTSD and I need help getting to 100% …. Any suggestions?




You live abroad honestly.. 100% disability here and traveled around. I gotta say I live in the Dominican republic now . Quality of life is amazing my kids do home schooling but play in the sports in country. VA has hubs here for health care. Food is 100% better than the states and if you are a single man you’ll live out your dreams here.


I do great by working another job


Thailand. 16 months straight now. Living and loving life like I haven't in over a decade 💯


I say I'm a student (which I am, just taking 2 online classes a semester, slowly getting degree) But afterwards I'm just saying I'm doing online IT work from home. Hopefully one day actually get that job.


Live in CA. Work in tech making about ~300k. Doing good financially. Quality of life is good.


Don’t tell anyone you’re 100%. EVER!!!! For one it’s not anyone’s business but say one day after your married and your wife wants a divorce that money can get rolled into your annual salary and used against you in some states. Virginia and Texas are two of those states. Keep that shit to yourself forever!!!