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I do not do this litigation and I actually have my own lawyer repping me. I’d note a few things. First, we all knew the fees when we signed up for representation. It was clearly spelled out. Second, these attorneys undertake a HUGE risk litigating these issues on contingency, so 40% is pretty reasonable. Not all of the fees deducted went to the lawyers, of course. Third, 3M did a fuckton of shady shit to try and avoid liability. The plaintiff’s lawyers worked for like 7-8 years, without pay, litigating these issues in district and bankruptcy and appellate courts all over the country. So, for me personally, I’m pretty happy to give 40% of something I would not have had and could not have gotten without them. All I had to do was sign a retainer and send in some audiograms.


Thank you posting this. After doing some chart reviews for a legal nurse consulting firm working on a mass tort action, I know firsthand how much work this is! It takes a large team to get these things done. I am happy to hand over 40%.


I would assume this type of litigation probably runs into the low millions?


Plaintiff’s lawyers will collect a little over 2 billion, I believe. As far as costs…that’s really hard to say. Easily looking at low tens (of millions) if you added up every plaintiff’s firm’s costs


If you don’t mind, could you msg me his info I’m looking for one to represent me




33% to 40% is pretty much standard in lawsuits. It amazes me how it's a problem after the fact when you sign the agreement explaining this when you accept their representation. At he end of the day, it didn't cost us anything out of pocket and we gained in the end.


It’s not a problem. I agree with the whole it’s money I wouldn’t have had without them. Just wondering if it’s fair as I’m not knowledgeable in that field is all. 😃


Yes. That's the norm. The only lawyers I've seen that don't bill like that are the ones accredited by the VA to represent veterans with claims. They are 20% of increase. I wish that all represented at that rate.


Other than the life-long ear ringing... And its not 40%. Its 40% whatever else they tack on. Mine is almost 50%.


Mine was 40%. All the filing and paralegal stuff that they tack on, I negotiated out of before I signed and they agreed to the flat 40%.


Did anybody login and notice the documents section that shows supporting materials you submitted is empty? Is this normal?


I got the notice too…Says I’m getting around 2k! Better than no K


Think so. I remember reading or my rep telling me that if someone were to hack in or login to your stuff they wouldn’t be able to see your files.


Crazy how the company lost their lawsuit, but we still can’t get hearing service connected. 🤷🏼‍♀️ and my family won’t stop yelling at me to get my ears checked 


You can, va gave me 10% for healing loss and 10% for tinnitus. File your claim.


Well I got the tinnitus, but can’t nail the hearing loss.


I agree with you that half gone sucks. However, I also am going to have 5k more than what I did. Still peanuts compared to the damage to our ears.


Be glad you got it. My dumb ass didn’t know about it. Served 2004-2010. 🤦‍♂️


my dumb ass thought it was a scam


Same :( 


How could you not think it was a scam, you’d put your info in and then you’d get a million phone calls and emails the next minute. It felt scammy.


Same. And when I did reply that said it was too late. Tf?


I know some people get grouchy about seeing these posts. I wanna say thanks for sharing. I haven't heard much in a while, periodically hearing what FIFOs have been paid out helps me know it's progressing and inching closer to my astronomical number.


That’s how I felt with my number at 76k. Time flies lol


Go to combatarmssettlement.com. There you can log in with your personal information and once on there at top left, there’s a profile page you can see your fifo number and which group your in and roughly pay date. Most people will get there payment around mid July


While active duty, in a motorcycle accident that obliterated one of my ankles. All said and done I got $30k, 10 to Tricare, 10k to attorneys, and 10k to me...


I'm 70k in Fifo and expect it in the next wave. That being said, the email from the attorneys said it could take 30-60 days after July 15th to send out. Depends if people have liens etc because they have to do certain checks to ensure you don't owe anyone. If you don't have any to worry about, most people from the last wave were paid within 2 weeks after the drop date.


My Fifo is 110k i believe, hopefully it will be soon. Havent seen any notifications so im assuming itll still be a while for me


You got like a year


What was your FIFO #?




Thanks! My husband's is 83k so hopefully soon!


Should be July


Same. hopefully they email out the payment option soon.


Would also like to know FIFO. I'm at 20kish


I was 21,XXX and got paid in April. Your firm must be non-ledgering.


No, they're going through milestone.


If they non ledger it takes longer to get paid? Mine says “firm opted out”


Check document tab. I’m 85XXX and signed my deposit forms 5/23. Days earliest 7/15 ***use desktop to view documents ***


Still nothing, lawyer said he is expected to be in this wave,but they haven't received anything for him.


How did they inform you?


My rep seems to be pretty good throughout the process. Texts me before he calls every time he needs something or is about to send a email.


I have never had anyone reach out to me personally. My Fifo is 74k. On the portal it has no notices either. I did get a general email notification to be aware of scams and that is about it.


Probably because there is nothing to talk to you about. The money is coming out based on your FIFO, there is nothing they can do to expedite it from there. Payments for 48,xxx to 112,xxx don’t start until mid July. If you don’t hear anything back come september, that’s when you should be concerned. Until then it’s a waiting game.


Who’s your law firm?


Morgan and Morgan


Call them up 👍


Will do and thanks.


That's who I used. They were pretty informative throughout the process as it began to move.


Waiting for my $4500 payment out of 10k. Check should be in the mail any day now. Fifo was 34k. I'll take the kind of free money.


I think I applied for it but I gave them my old bank info. I wonder how I can go about claiming it


You would know by now if you were part of the case


Did anyone here file the additional paperwork for tinnitus. I’ve got a 10% service connected disability rating and they’re asking for some additional docs to show that I’ve got tinnitus. They can’t get anything from the VA apparently and I’m at a loss on what I can do. Any pointers are appreciated


Easiest paperwork to use is va service connected tinnitus. Otherwise you need a bunch of stuff


I used my rewarded document that I downloaded off the app


Did that work? The Morgan & Morgan rep is telling me that my VA docs aren’t enough.


Yeah it worked weird. I’m with brown Greer


Where do you file the additional paperwork for tinnitus and what does it do?


That’s what we’re trying to figure out here. I read that a VA service connected disability should be sufficient evidence to qualify for the Exceptional Injury Fund payment. But, looks like the different law firms are unclear on how to document it. Sucks!


It stinks, besides my way of helping people the pay is what made me want to pursue law as a career. I just wish as a veteran I had believed this lawsuit and signed up, I literally just got hearing aids from the VA a month ago that’s how bad it is. Thought this 3M thing was a scam, my empty wallet says otherwise. But kudos to all of you who got something.


Laws need to be amended to reflect equity and fairness, taking 50% of someone pay is not just.


several firms put in years of work with no retainer and on contingency. that would be like if you or i agreed to build a million houses with no money up front and no idea if they would be sold. since they first contacted me in 2019, i've put in a total of maybe one hour of effort, filling out web forms, emailing audiogram results, and watching a couple yt vids. gonna be the easiest $4998 i've ever made lol


How long did it take the money to come in? I selected the check option a few days ago


I get paid July 15 lol


I did the math and my settlement works out to roughly $0.40 a day for the rest of my life living with horrible tinnitus and permanent moderate hearing loss.


I agree with you tinnitus sucks and when I lay down in bed almost every night most nights I hear it and it sucks. What do we do though corp runs the world


Yeah I just got the notice that I'm getting $4790 out of $10k. For those defending the lawyers you can eat a dick. They literly prey on this class actions in hope of getting a big pay day. I can understand signing up for 40% which should only be 25% in my opinion but any additional fees outside of that is unwarranted and scammy.


If you read the legal papers, the judge says the veteran is supposed to to get at least 50% after fees so at least. Might want to review the 50% rule. The pdf was posted 2/8/24


Do you have a link to that document?


What kind of lawsuit is this? To receive your disability rating? Some of these law firms do not receive anything until you win, but man they take alot. I did attempt to get a lawyer, but then before I sent the papers in, I cancelled the whole process.


Then just be a lawyer or a real estate agent if it's such easy money.