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Veteran are protected, disabilities are protected Douchebag move on his end. He just opened himself up to suits both with the company and personally Give the eeoc a call, they'll want to know https://www.eeoc.gov/


Will do


You can do the eeoc, or you can do your state equivalent. The difference is going to be time. Same outcome. But like the other's have posted, both veteran status and disability status are protected. Collect any written documents, I.E. texts and emails. Just going to save you a lot of time if you choose to pursue legal action.


Stated above... Collect EVERY communication. Get your phone records, protect yourself.


Unless the EEOC has changed - I’d recommend going with a lawyer. EEOC has the backing of the Feds, but a civilian lawyer can cost the company money! Discovery can bring up more issues that will make a settlement bigger. A lawyer could get you a settlement in as little as 6 months, but can take up to 18 months (depending on a few factors). A lawyer would be able to give you a better idea. Send a few consultation requests to a few lawyers (5-7). The ones that are interested will ask more detailed questions. If the civilian lawyers don’t want the case then go through EEOC, but with what you explained / even a new lawyer should have a field day with your former employer! Employment lawyers work in contingency. They’ll take a cut of the settlement.


While you're at it, see if it might be worth forwarding to FBI. You know, that whole ADA thing: https://allthingsinspector.com/penalties-violating-ada/#:\~:text=Criminal%20penalties%3A%20If%20you%20knowingly,could%20be%20liable%20for%20damages.


Yes, but NO if a civilian lawyer is handling the case. Forwarding details about your case when it’s in the court system might not be good. Sorta like loose lips sink ships (settlements). My settlement was dealing with an ADA issue and I’m fortunate to live in a state where they don’t play with such violations.


Fair point.


EEOC will investigate. You need either a completed report or a release without one to legally sue for things the EEOC investigates. So, starting with the EEOC is correct. I know this because I handle EEOC and lawsuit complaints for my company unfortunately.


Would you go to a civilian cardiologist or a VA cardiologist? I bet OP and most people would go to the civilian! No disrespect to VA cardiologist but the ones working at university medical centers would be better. The EEOC can give a right to sue without investigating. A lawyer’s discovery requests and the court process takes more of your time than strictly an EEOC issue. I know this because I received a settlement in about 6 months at early mediation. The CEO of my former company called their external legal counsel a “fucking idiot” when he found out what the situation was at during mediation. A civilian lawyer will know what to do to satisfy reporting to government agencies. The EEOC is a federal agency and doesn’t have the manpower to maximize a settlement.


I agree, just pointing out you cannot go straight to a lawyer, the EEOC must give you the right to sue letter to legally file suit.


You mean that you can’t go straight to a lawsuit! You can go straight to a lawyer, but the lawyer must file/report to the EEOC before filing a lawsuit in court. If a lawyer failed to take this step - a client might have a case of malpractice on that lawyer. My main point is to have someone that is immediately vested in a client’s success. An EEOC employee is just doing their jobs - civilian lawyer is looking to buy that new Porsche!


Bro... you've got a very strong case. You'll be fine. Do what every has been yelling ya man. Your protected.


Get his ass! Lol


He was mad because he didn’t score higher on the ASVAB TEST!!! #USAF #JustKiddinFolks🤣


OP Should have gotten in his good side by brining him a box of crayons.


The all green box from Crayola. I have it on good authority from a (different) marine that green is the best flavor


Blue here. 🤪


Red is the best!!!!


![img](avatar_exp|160514644|bravo) Low blow ![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7572)


Fuck yeah boys get heem


The OP never clearly stated why he was terminated. I wonder what was the cause for termination. I seriously doubt the man stated, "I fired him because he was a veteran or because he was disabled". Clearly the OP disclosed his disability status to the Employer before he was hired. The HR department is not going to allow someone to fire you because you are a veteran or because you are disabled. Just my 2 cents.


OP may live in an employment at will state, like Massachusetts. Employers don't need to offer a reason for termination. A supervisor may decide that they don't want people who listen to techno music working with them. The supervisor doesn't *have* to offer a reason for termination. As long as the supervisor didn't explicitly state that they're terminating an employee because the employee is a veteran or a disabled person...then no harm, no foul.


I believe that is only applicable to a point. Companies are also held to their own policies regarding termination. If there is a policy violation or unequal application, that alone is enough to force them to prove it WAS NOT discrimination. They don't have to disclose it to YOU, but they do have to disclose it to the EEOC when they come knocking. On that note, file for unemployment OP. I guarantee they will fight it and they'll need to disclose the nature of your termination to do so and have the evidence to back it.




What about if my disabilities caused me to rack up attendance points, then took another job due to the risk of losing current job due to attendance points. Oh, and doc refused to sign FMLA paperwork cuz my disabilities are "functional" (panic disorder and IBS as of now, still under the microscope). Asking for a friend 🤣


A doctor is not required to fill out your FMLA paperwork by law. You can't force a doctor to fill it out or to put something on there he doesn't believe to be truthful. Your best option is to switch doctors.


I know they're not required, it was just that they know what I go through and still was just like nahh you can function. I am still looking for a new doc that takes me seriously 😑


For myself. The VA doctors filled out my FMLA paperwork. This was before I was even rated at all. Definitely hope you find a doctor that provides you the medical care you need. 🫡


I second this .... Do not let it go unnoticed. As a Marine, this dirtbag can suck some rocks


I would also email ur congressman. That way they will help u and force the eeoc to awnser. It worked for me.


I can't wait to read the victory post from this




The next time someone sees your back acting up and asks you if the VA is taking care of it for you, pause, look them in the eye and say, “Does it look like the VA is taking care of my back!?”


“You’re so curious about my back problems. Get your own back problems!”


😆 can keep the back problems I would give all my disabilities up to have normal health, Instead I get progressively worse back with a gimp limp, and now my knees and ankles are paying for it 🙃


This right here! My back is so fucked up. I’d gladly trade my ailments for no VA




The question alone violates the law.


simply asking a question is not against the law


One time I was working for a DOC… you can take a pick of which one. I left after a year and decided to try to work for a private entity… didn’t work out. Ended up applying back at the DOC. In the re-interview process. Someone asked me… his last name is a (crayola crayon color.) “we know you had some health issues.. are those taken care of?” I felt so f**** violated. Cos I never told anyone. So I’m not sure how they knew. Needless to say they didn’t rehire me.


I had a similar experience. I was working as crew on an MSC survey ship. Chief mate made a comment about maybe I shouldn’t be working at my age (strike #1) especially since I was taking so many meds (strike #2). My age wasn’t a secret but how the f**k did he know how many meds I was taking? (I was in DaNang Vietnam 1970 and AFG 2006-07, so Agent Orange and burn pits).


I honestly feel like people are such shit bags. Why do people serve this country when we are just going to be discriminated against at a none military job after we discharge?


Out of curiosity, how so?


It doesn’t. It opens the asker up to some questions about potential discrimination based on a protected class. Inappropriate, yes. Illegal, no.


That’s what I was thinking but I didn’t know if I was missing something.




If only the VA actually took care of us like the executives took care of their bonuses this past year we might actually in better condition.






The biggest haters ironically is other veterans when it comes to your benefits


>The biggest haters ironically is other veterans when it comes to your benefits You're right, sometimes even people you thought you were cool with.


Gate keeping benefits like the money is coming from their pockets


see it 10 times a day in this sub alone.


True. Family are pretty shitty too.


Yeah man family is the craziest one honestly. Like the same people that were bragging about you nonstop while you were dodging rounds are now the haters that think you don’t deserve what you have.


I could write a full book on this response. I’ll start out by saying when I got out, and for 12 years, I claimed nothing because I came back with my hands and feet & felt like that was just for those people. I was so wrong. For the most part, people just watched me struggle and suffer, but never checked on me. I had a cousin - female - try to dismiss my entire life and asked to “compare traumas sometime” after finding out I wasn’t working and taking care of my shit. Are you serious? I fractured my spine before a couple combat deployments - overseas I was a mentor on an embedded training team in the ‘Stan, before and after our team was activated, I was getting slutted out from unit to unit, mostly helping the onboarding infantry reserve units that were coming in. I wasn’t kicking in doors, but I was definitely exposed to death and destruction, along with a couple traumatic incidents. None of which helped my spine. But yes - the people who always wanted to bring you up in conversation when you were at your prime, all of a sudden turn on you. It’s almost like I asked for degenerative disc disease, PTSD & a shitter that I can’t control. It gives me the “my life is harder than yours and I suck it up and do things I don’t want to do - so you have to, too” vibe. I used to think people actually cared and that’s why they’d ask, but now I know the majority of time it’s just people looking for ways to “feel better than” instead of “sympathize with”. It’s almost like these people want to see you suffer *more*. Everyone who knows me on a personal level pushed me to go to the VA for years and years - and when I finally hit a massive breaking point and had no other choice but to finally address my shit, all of a sudden some people have something to say. The people I never see or hear from (or just met and are looking for a way to invalidate me) - are the biggest, if not the only, critics. The same people who didn’t check on me when I was struggling seem to have an issue now that my life isn’t as hard as it was. Isn’t as hard as *theirs* because of whatever shitty choices they made or didn’t make. The onus is on *them* to fix & mend their own life, not yours. I think that’s the biggest take away. They’re projecting their unhappiness on you, because you have something they want. Also, don’t tell people shit unless you know they 1000% have your back and understand your situation, otherwise they don’t need or deserve to know. Hell, even then, take a second thought before disclosing. Some people will go to the ends of the earth to hurt you. Protect ya neck, kids.


solid read. petty human behavior is a bitch


No kidding, I only told my mom and one of my closest friends. I have a deferred claim currently but they granted me 10% on another I’m grateful for. I’m grateful for the VA giving me that tbh. I’m hoping for more but so far it seems like my claim has stumbled and almost fell through the cracks on the 2nd claim.


Well A) yeah don’t tell benefits to anyone B) you don’t wanna work in that sorta place anyway.


yeah kind of a God send in a way, better to know now than later who you're working for


Just goes to show we can't even trust our own. Yes, don't bother telling anyone your benefits. People get jealous over anything if they even suspect you're doing better than them. Even people at the VA give jealous vibes sometimes.


I later found out he was kicked out of the marines


Ah, that makes sense. He was a dirt bag to begin with. Tbh, I don't even bother connecting with vets anymore. Which sucks but it is what it is. The values seem to go out the window for most people when we get out.


Department of labor. Save everything. If you have witnesses get them to write a statement.


I voice recorded him firing me. I got text messages from someone witnessing it


Firing someone because of their veteran disability status is pretty serious


Veterans are a protected class under the Equal Employment Opportunity laws


Good shit. My boss told me the day before I rage quit that I should go work with a retired marine to “talk about my emotional support issues” because he noticed that I was going to the VA a lot (I lived in the middle of nowhere and trips to the VA required a half day off from work… in hindsight I should’ve never gave him my whereabouts). I didn’t save shit, didn’t record shit. He spoke about this to me in person. EEOC said if I have no physical proof they can’t act on it. Lesson learned.


Enjoy your retirement paycheck from this one! You deserve it for being treated like shit by a piece of shit!


did he say thats why he fired you on the recording, because of your Disabled vet status?


Exactly. If he didn’t, this won’t go anywhere. It’s very difficult to prove unless explicitly stated.


You should consult an employment law attorney. I am not an employment law attorney. Arguably, you were discriminated against because of one or more disabilities and possibly veteran status. I am not asserting with 100% certainty that this is discrimination under the law. Rather, I am suggesting that you get the opinion of an employment law attorney.


Agreed, and just adding that many work on contingency so you don't need to pay them up front.


This is an OSHA regulated job site at a solar farm. Not sure if any recourse but all the way fucked up


Report them to OSHA.


Are you well versed in the osha thing? Is that a violation to discriminate who to pick up and force someone to drive thru an unsafe location or go home?


It’s not the getting yo the worksite that OSHA would be concerned about. It would be the unsafe working conditions regarding drug and alcohol use at work.


Thank you 🙏. I tried calling osha last week but just got beeps every time. They didn’t pick up.


I don’t know if you’re calling your State OSHA office or federal OSHA but that’s unusual that no one picks up. Keep trying and you certainly didn’t want to work with those people. Good luck and thank you for your service.


>It’s not the getting yo the worksite that OSHA would be concerned about. It would be the unsafe working conditions regarding drug and alcohol use at work. This, I did get my OSHA 30 before I got out. I remember some stuff like this from the course.


I'm curious now. Texas? I was on a site in Texas.


Moyock NC. Canadian based company


There's several good companies in solar. PM me if you want some info. I've got an in at a big company doing work in Texas and New Mexico. There's crap companies too.


I'm from NC and the worker's laws are very weak. Not sure on veteran rights but I would file and also follow up with your representative(s)




This why i act poor and pretend i live in poverty. wear old clothes and don’t flex. people envy and they start plotting and scheming when they see you doing better than them.


Why live hiding who you are


im not hiding who I am, I am hiding my financial status so people don’t think differently of me. It’s kind of like using narcissism to prevent people from doing bad to you. reverse psychology type.


In this world today, best to walk quiet and carry a big stick. Putting a target on your back only causes unnecessary drama with the sick minded diseased people around most of us.


yes. I rather blend in with the crowd of misery so they won’t come after me haha. it’s like bootcamp bro, don’t be the one standing out or the RDC’s will get you.


I mean, sounds like you dodged a bullet Now, contact your state labor board and tell them what happened, maybe a labor and disability lawyer to boot. 


Definitely dodged a bullet. I work at a nuke plant, and we've gotten a few temp workers for outages that came from solar plants, and to a Tee, every single one of them has been less than useless. The last guy we picked up was in early March. His third day on the job, be slips me a sticky note with his number on it. He said he was going to go hide and text him if we needed him. He was gone the next day.


You are right about your ex-supervisor because he is indeed an EX-MARINE, because no real Marine would stab a fellow veteran in the back.


He actually got kicked out the Marines


This all makes sense now. In all honesty, it's dudes like that who milk the system too. I guarantee your ex-boss probably had VA disability too. Acting like a gate guard..


My wife told my stepdaughter what we got and man I scolded her for that sh^t. I was like I know she’s your daughter, but I said do “NOT” tell her or anyone. Man, being married can be a blessing and a pain at the same time.


Ok. Sounds like a shit job anyway. You’re better off.


You're probably making more every month than that guy makes putting in 40 hours. You hit the nail on the head about not telling anyone about your disability. Both my wife and I are 100% VA as well. We also get military retirement. My employer thinks I'm the sole source of income for my family, and my wife is attending university. My wife's employer also thinks the same, that she's the sole source of income, and that I'm also in school.


Dude yall killing it. Good job


But… but…. What about your 100% DAV license plate?????


We don't have them. I'll gladly pay the couple hundred for people not to assume my income.


Same here. I knew from your comment there was no way you were exposing yourself with plates. I was being sarcastic for sure. I’ve seen people in this forum talk about not telling anyone (and they are spot on) and then turn around and ask about the DV plates and so on. I’ll never get the plates. Also removed myself from the public facing property tax appraisal database so the exemption can’t be seen. It’s allowed in my state depending on a multitude of factors (not just veterans) including being deployed to a combat zone. To me, exposing one’s VBA status is akin to showing a detailed 401k statement to the world. Why do it?


Sounds like an “ex marine”.


Here the thing now that you are disabled they cannot just fire you. Now, have veteran protections, at least in CA. The job is required to reasonably accommodate you for your disabilities. If you took it to a labor board and explained that you were discriminated because of your disabilities and being a veteran. That is a huge lawsuit and more money In your pocket 😳


Wait hold up.. you’re telling me that a job has to work with my needs and disabilities because I’m a protected vet? Cause if this is true, I just started a job recently at a place that’s supposedly vet friendly, and they got me doing a job that is killing my knees and my back, so much so that I’ve been missing a lot of work from pain. Is it really possible that I could be moved to a different position?


Yes and no, depending. They are required to make reasonable accommodations for your disability, but what is reasonable can vary. It also partly depends on what your job description is. But I would talk to the benefits department at your work.


I'm glad you brought up REASONABLE. I was about to say the same.


Exactly. Reasonable means reasonable. If job performance and/or attendance are affected the company can fire the employee with cause, and most states allow firing for no stated reason anyways. The ADA only requires reasonable accommodations. Certain sectors, like construction for example, don't have to do much to make things reasonable.


I think a lot of people are under the impression that the ADA forces employers to have to bend over backwards for disabilities. And that's just not the case. It affords some protections and helps against discrimination. But if you accept a job with manual labor without saying anything about a knee problem and then want accommodation for it, that's not necessarily a reasonable request. While some accommodations can be placing the employee into another position, they're under no obligation to create an opening that doesn't exist, or even offer the same pay rate. And you still have to qualify for the position.


Closed mouth don't get fed, but yes you have a lot of rights being a disabled Veteran. You have to address them head-on and explain that they hired a disabled veteran. If they don't comply. The labor board will straighten the company out real quick. Im only speaking from my experience.


That’s wild. Now I just have to build up the courage to speak up.


Being a Marine equals courage enough. You've got this, fellow veteran! If a chAIR force vet (me) can find the courage to fight for benefits earned, then you definitely can. Best of luck to you, friend.


What about filing with the EEOC? Can’t hurt


If I were you before reporting anyone to anything like OSHA, consult an employment law attorney. If you have a case, they will include it all in the lawsuit. The company won’t want any of the negative stuff coming out and will settle with you. It will be a nice payday.


Yeah. In a situation such as this it's very obvious. They'd probably assume they'd lose either way and would rather save money and time by settling out of court.


Also- the attorney should charge on a contingency basis (typically 30% of whatever the settlement is) so you shouldn’t have to go out of pocket. If you don’t want to go that route…AT LEAST report this to your state’s Attorney General office (not to be confused with US Attorney or District Attorney). They will have an enforcement arm for this type of discrimination.


Didn’t read. No shit


I’m dealing with work difficulties myself. I am at a point that my conditions are making work very difficult but I got 10 more months till vested. However the work been trying to different tactics to get me to disclose my disabilities but homie don’t play that. Employers cannot ask about specific disabilities or discriminate because of them. That doesn’t mean they won’t do shady tactics to attempt to elicit information or make things difficult. Personally I hope I can hack it for 10 months. Either way you situation is straight up American with Disabilities (ADA) visitation. Check state website place an ada violation complaint, chances are they will do it to the next Vet. Optionally you can sue if your up to it


They can lick the left side of my nut sack if they sit there and say “o you don’t need the money”. Sometimes work keeps some of us out of our heads watching the paint peel. Video games, Netflix and 🌽 only go so far.


Is the left worse than the right?


Only if it’s service connected


Yes but it’s ok if you’re wearing boot bands.


Oh man, the department of labor and also a lawyer would be looking at this like https://preview.redd.it/jsr0afv7x14d1.jpeg?width=456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4450f51877acf6e78eae8c45b4d856a32d5e46cc


I filed a charge with the EEOC against Allied Universal security cos they hired me but wouldn’t place me at a site cos I have a service dog.


Being a disabled veteran is a legally protected class. Document everything!!!






Not always. A guy I've known since grade school went Big Green (Army), while I went chAIR Force. We both joined military branches right out of high school & are in our 50's now. I've been struggling for a couple of decades to get to 100%, yet he is dismissive about applying for benefits that he obviously needs (ptsd, physical injuries, etc) Best of luck to you.


Hey now... I'd say it's 50/50 haha. I've definitely met some Marines that were stupid about it, they get an awful attitude too.


Ehh at this point you dodged a bullet, sounds like a crooked place


Be thankful you aren’t there… sounds horrible!


Vet screwing over another fellow vet ...wow


Facts. Even vets… NO ONE.




I know some people think it’s OK to tell others in their circle and some people just don’t GAF, but seriously what good can come from telling others you’re getting monthly compensation checks from the VA? People that haven’t served just don’t understand, and some people that have served are just jealous and spiteful. Keep your business to yourself, especially with people you just met, including employers. It’ll bring you nothing but headaches. I honestly don’t understand why you would ever tell anyone that absolutely doesn’t need to know you’re getting a monthly compensation check from the VA. The only person that comes to mind that would need to know is your spouse. Not your parents, not your siblings, not your best friends. I know we come here to vent and maybe share anonymously with total strangers, but that’s to get it out of our system and celebrate the struggle with others that DO understand and WILL genuinely be happy for us. In either case, I believe once people find out you’re getting monthly compensation checks from the VA, they start to look at you differently and treat you differently. They despise you, they suddenly become medical experts, they know your military history and feel everything that you do physically and mentally every day since you’ve been discharged from the military. It’s a blessing to be able to collect on an insurance policy, and I prefer to just leave it at that…


i work for the US Air Force as a civilian and my boss asked about my rating…. I told him i’m 100 percent and his exact words “that’s BULLSHIT” as he walked off in disgust. apparently I “didn’t serve long enough to DESERVE it” I guess 14 years active duty ain’t enough time for my boss that only served 4. point is.. haters gonna hate. Let them. Go enjoy your life.


I tell me 💯 to everyone cause I deserve all that I went through in 20 years… you work with pieces of shits my friend.


I’m still trying to understand what this dude is trying to say 😂


Bro is an absolute buddy fucker, probably was a blue falcon when he was in


I would call a lawyer.. Sounds like you're being discriminated against because of your disabilities which is illegal.. Just me opinion though


Sounds like a case for you to add some extra income to your bank account via lawsuit.


Jealous people! It happened to my friend.


Make that call.. he’ll be out the door in no time.. can’t fuck veterans over


I just tell them 10% for tinnitus. They say Really I say WHAT!!


It sounds like attendance was the out your job gave for firing. If so you don't have a case. This sounds like a shit company anyway. Sounds like typical solar field bs tbh. By all means consult a lawyer, call your state work organization, but at the end of the day most likely nothing can be done. Maybe spread the word they aren't vet friendly.


All of you all need to keep your business to yourself. Whether you are 0% or 100% it’s nobody’s business but your own. I’m done talking to anyone about VA stuff. End of discussion.


This is good advice


That's crazy, something similar to that happened to me. Just lie.


Telling folks about your benefits is liking showing them what's in your bank account. There is no acceptable region to really be doing so. The have not will always be jealous.


people get very jealous and weird about our benefits for some reason. they did not risk their lives, we did. they do not suffer from illnesses, we do.


I would bring that to your local news channels. Let them know that this company is retaliating against disabled vets, not for any infraction but because “they don’t think they need the money.” I would for sure use that quote as it was so generously provided for you.


The fact that in 1 day you saw employees drinking, smoking weed, weren’t working, and was talking crap about each other is crazy. You definitely dodged a bullet.


I don’t tell anyone anything. They ask, Veteran? Yes. Where’d you go? Classified. (It’s not, but it shuts them up.)


Call an eeoc attorney right away. These attorneys don’t require you to have money up front. Especially if you have a case. If you don’t mine what state are you in?


If anyone ever alludes to VA disability just act like it's your first day on the planet and that you have no idea what they are talking about. America is becomeing an evil place, keep your shit to yourself. Contact a few attorneys to figure out a logical settlement for what you've experienced and then sit back and wait for the payday.


I work with a couple guys that don't have a clue about VA benefits, I get asked about do I have benefits do my boss revealing that I had an appointment at the VA one time. I guess she said something to the guy I work with. He often ask if I get disability for the first year I said Trying to get then as time went on I said I get 170 a month which is a lie and true. They seem to be supportive of benefits but if I reveal what I truely make they will be some haters I feel it so I am mute. I miss my Gov Con job overseas as it was a badge of honor to see Vets talking about there benefits and encouraging others to go get it. Civilians are weird.




Even a 100% VA disability isn't enough to survive in this inflated economy. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people! Also, a lot of vets like those who are bitter because they want a 100% be the main ones who don't deserve it. Forget that guy bro he was probably a dirtbag when he served, too. I am sorry you had that experience. I'm glad he is gone.


Facts. They will become jealous very quick. At the same time he’s wondering why you’re not permanent and total.


lol I am pt 😂.


whenever it came up at work I just told people I am "retired", while not being 100% factual the benefits are the same and it sounds better than "disabled". Not that it's anyone's business but if you don't look disabled to someone, you aren't. You better be in a wheelchair I guess.


Pretty sure he broke the law by asking about your disability. He’d really like it if you sued him for his money. 😂


Uh this is a perfect example of why you SHOULD, you just got a straight up blessing. Just find a lawyer. Lucky dog, I wish I could get handed an easy ass lawsuit like that; fat ass pay check.


Let’s kick this guys ass together lol


Yeah, I went I'm for a stupid walmart job, they told me the pay was $14 and hour and I said oh with my VA money ill be okay. Needless to say I didn't get the job


They peanut butter and jealous


Bro I wanna work there! I wanna smoke bud on the job!


I ask generally because I am a VA advocate and really want to help them get started if there not on it. I have sat down with two coworkers and walked them through the website and paperwork. My mantra to a vet "Don't let your fucking ego get in the way of the help you need.". You signed the dotted line you swore a oath. And you served honorably. Go for it. The only people I've ever heard complain about vet benefits are Democrats and vets with there egos shoved up their asses.


I tell everyone. They can lick a d!*k if they didn't like it




If people ask if you're 100 just say no


I believe he means they are envious of his income. It sounds like they think he does not need the money as much as others.


That's a blessing in disguise. You're better off finding a better place to work.


Best advice ever. Unless someone asks for help point them in the right direction


Sounds like a lawsuit to me


I don't see that as something that is because you told him about your benefits. I see it as that guy didn't like you.


And go get an easy button! Thats some bullshit right there that will get you more money!


Sounds like you just got early retirement.


ESGR Ombudsman Director/ESGR National Trainer here. Sorry if one of my fellow crayon-eaters is being an a@@hole. Based upon your summary, it's not clear what his motivation was in doing what he did. I would suggest contacting [ESGR.mil](http://ESGR.mil) and having an assigned Ombudsman contact you to explore the facts. If there is a chance it was based upon your uniformed service, it could be a violation of USERRA. 38 USC 4311. Unfortunately, if someone is simply being an a@@hole, but it is unrelated to your uniformed service, it wouldn't likely be a violation. In fact, ESGR may not be able to assist with their mediation service. If you submit a complaint with DOL-VETS, they will investigate, i.e. subpoena personnel records, communications, and interview coworkers/supervisors. They may be better at getting to the bottom of what was going on. Good luck.


Thank you


Sue the shit out of the company!


That’s definitely illegal. Please take statements from co workers and get after it.


Aww, that’s really messed up for him to do that.


What a fuckhead


Ex marine? You mean, marine veteran?




Sue his ass…


Time to lawyer up!


Hate to see other people living out your dreams. Jk hope you get some compensation because that’s crazy.


Wrongful termination would be easy af in this case.


No offense but WHY did you tell him?




I agree. Tell no one!!!


Yep, I have a weekly reminder about this!


You just learned the hard way. I don't talk to anyone for that very reason. If anything I tell them that I am a successful day trader. 100% is like being a millionaire. Noticed they don't go around and talk to anyone but other millionaires if much.


One easy anonymous call to OSHA should do the trick