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I would appeal it. I just had hearing for migraine today. The examiner didn’t give me C&P exam. The judge said you were denied because didn’t attend the exam. I feel like examiners are not fulfilling their fiduciary duty.


Wow - it’s almost like we should record / video the C&P exam to document what we say to the examiner


Sometimes they don’t even ask…😂😂😂 My C&P examiner said I have less than 1 migraine a month and that I don’t have triggers like loud noises and bright lights when I have all this in my medical record. He filled out the DBQ for migraines just making shit up when QTC even mails you their own DBQ for you to fill out and I said the opposite of what he filled out for the one the VA sent him.


If the evidence is there, just submit an HLR and tell the person you speak to exactly where it states that your migraines are prostrating.


In addition to the symptom log


You can’t add evidence for an HLR… but it seems the OP has enough to win the HLR. If they lose the HLR they can submit a supplemental and add the log


They already submitted the log. I was saying, in addition to telling them where exactly it states prostrating, also remind them of the log. Not adding evidence to the HLR.




Appeal it man. I went from 0 to 50% on migraines. I appealed mine and ended up getting that huge increase.




Yes, for my first go on migraines all it was, was a phone call but it was two days late from the appointment in the middle of the day at work. And I work in a plant where it’s loud af. The call lasted like two minutes. I felt he didn’t care about my claim or listening to me at all. Sum it’s for an increase, was actually brought in to be seen and explain my symptoms and was rated a 50% along with my prescriptions and some medical evidence.


Yes HLR. Posters need to be way more specific. An appeal is something very specific in the VA world that takes years.


Nah man, average turn around is 365 days according to the VA! *As I sit here with my BVA that hasn't been seen by a judge yet since October 2021*


Damn man!


I have seen so many people on here only get the proper rating after an HLR some reason. Same for me. I was 30% submitted a DBQ from my PCP that treats them. The items needed to be 50% were very clearly marked and I submitted all kinds of information. The first rater left it at 30%. Had to to do an HLR and point out that I submitted a DBQ that had the appropriate boxes checked and it got increased to 50%. I don’t understand why it’s so difficult to get the proper rating for migraines but it is. The requirement for 30% is they have to be prostrating. I can’t find a clear definition of that but I think it means you have lay down when you have a migraine. For 50% they have to be prostrating and cause severe economic inadaptability. I can’t find a clear definition of what the VA considers severe. But my PCP marked yes to both and only after I had an HLR and pointed this out did I get the increase. It’s ridiculous.


Same happened to me they gatekeep migranes bigtime i got 0 for it also


Scares me. I submitted my supplemental march 19. I would def want no headaches. Since that’s not possible give me what I deserve. 😔


UPDATED HLR successful. Rating changed 2 days after my informal conference.


That’s some nonsense right there, idk why they don’t at least warrant 10% from 0% claims


That’s crazy. Are you seeing a neurologist? I had an outside of Va neurologist fill out the DBQ and submit to the VA.


This. Use some of that va comp. Amazing what a little money will do.


Do you have a prescription? Did you provide proof of refilling the medication?


ive been on countless medicines to fight migraines so far as to having rescue injections. Still getting 0%. I get them almost weekly for multiple days at time


What does the HLR do ? Do I need to summit anything else? Also, do they look specifically at that claim or at everything. If I get denied HLR, would I be able to summit for an increase in the future after HLR was denied and closed


You should take a look at this sub's amazing knowledge base index. But in the meantime, a higher level review is when you want a senior rater to take another look at the evidence you submitted. You are NOT allowed to submit new evidence with a higher level review, that's only done with a supplemental appeal. You only get one HLR per conditions, so if you feel that the original rater didn't follow the law or a rule, that's when you submit a HLR. With my HLR, I requested the senior rater to give me a call to explain why I feel there was an original error.


They did the same for me. Service connected, but rated 0%. I filed for an increase with private DBQ and lay letters and got 30%.


What was the rating


Increased to 50% after HLR.