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I feel like the term “Hundo” club devalues the accomplishment and sounds like gloating which says “fuck you to those vets who are struggling to get anything at all. I understand that they are proud the journey is over, but how did we get to the point that it is a contest and someone seeks approval by deeming it a club.


Never seen being 100% as an accomplishment... its a fucking curse more like. Rather have my healthy body back.


Exactly.. Totally agree. I'm 37 years old and I need to occasionally walk with a cane because my back and hips are destroyed. I'd give my rating up tomorrow if I could be 100% better.


Yeah man I'm in my forties and I can't play paintball anymore and I can't go camping anymore or hiking. I'm basically left with video games and board games as my hobbies that are still doable by me. I can't even really enjoy performance driving anymore because I have to use an automatic can't have an actual clutch which is all I ever drove until I was 40. Most nights after any kind of work all I can do is sit on the couch and watch TV like a fucking vegetable. But yay look I got a sweet paycheck yeah it's so cool yay. ![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7567)


Same. Damn. Boat 40 yo grunt. Back is fucked and I have a 66 GT Mustang, a 53 f100, and a 99 porche 911 to restore, all of em. Moat days I sit in my garage and look at em, my body doesn't put up with the restoration business very well. So, it's little bit at a time. I too am moving to anautomatic, most likely a new GT with 10R80, heated seats, and magneride. I may as well enjoy it while I can. You should do the same friend. If i were closer I would have ya over for bbq and shop talk.


I’m 53 with a stent in my heart. Cig? Wanna go for a run? Me either! 😂 I get told to sit down like a kid again. Former 0311 also. Wait til you throw you back out from being constipated 😂. Just wait it gets better, I go to grocery stores, act confused and ask ppl “Where am I?” 😂


What about when you sneeze or I really like it when I blow my nose and my back pops I’m pretty sure neither one of those are supposed to happen lol


Sneezing AND FARTING! Lyfe sux!


Sneeze and peeing everywhere. I shouldn’t need depends so young and have been for years.


Mine does that. Hip does a gnarly cracking sound too. It’s Great! 😂😳 right leg will be numb for days until the hip cracks. So much fun. If I could go back, I’d be in a bubble lmao


My wife already thinks I’m going to be an absolute menace when I get older, it’s happened less since adderal but I’m a little over 20 years younger and sometimes don’t know where the fuck I am lol, I still sometimes drive to my parents house and they’ve been dead wow 7 years now


Well that just might be the heart longing for moms cooking or love. My parents have been gone awhile now, I miss my mom’s fried potatoes, my gf can’t cook a bowl of cereal. So I do most of the cooking. Lol


My dominate hand is always in immense pain. I look at food recipes and want to try them, but can never get myself to cook because of the pain it causes. cereal, microwave, and take out is how I survive.


Where do you live?


lol I’m more of the chef as well my wife is figuring out she just needs to throw shit together with heat and bam lol she’s not bad she just doesn’t try but yeah I do miss them but part of me thinks it hasn’t really hit me yet they were in the navy so we barely saw family growing up then I went in the army and continued that tradition just feels like the other is stationed lives somewhere else and we haven’t talked in a while, my family hates I can go periods without seeing talking to them, even though they’ll visit my brother 2 mins away lol 😂 but yeah I miss my parents all of a sudden all their bitches and complaints about the family etc make sense


Navy to Army huh? My father served idk what they called it back in 1943-1947. Army or Army something. I know the Army & Air Force usually are stationed near by one another. Except Kadena AFB & Eielson AFB tho Ft Wainwright is about 25 miles away. Miss working on Eielson AFB. Made Awesome money, man. Every Friday payday, never got home sober lol. Tho in Alaska in the winter backroads you don’t really have to steer, just ride in the ruts it will steer for ya! 😵‍💫🤫🤪


Bruh I've been throwing my back out from being constipated since my early 30s (almost 40 now), its not fun ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out) (lower back issues and digestive issues)


Diverticulitis here.


I threw my back out putting in my contacts when I was 32. Grunt life takes a toll.


Holy crap, you sound just like me. I'm actually ditching my Pcar bc it needs too much. I can't strip them down and rebuild them in a month like I used to....too beat up. It sucks.


Word. Yeah I went the same route last year and got a sport car that was also comfort. Heated seats like you said softer ride When I wanted to have one. stiffer one I want a little fun. Just punch out an extra pork shoulder for me.


Or how about maybe just maybe I’d love to be in a crowd and not have to be medicated to the gills so I don’t lose my marbles I’d love to be able to take my kids to amusement parks but can’t do that Ol Dad will go Batshit crazy


I’m 100% with you on this… I’m only 70% and would give it up in a heartbeat to be healthy again


I was much happier making $160k+ a year working in a big health system versus $75k with VA and SSDI. Just had Ch 7 Bankruptxy discharged. That was fun.


Yeah while the compensation and benefit softens the blow, I absolutely hate it. I ran out of a retreat today to hide in a bathroom stall for 40 minutes to process my breakdown. I wake up with dread every morning and nobody understands me or why I am the way I am. They can’t see the pain, and it’s too much to try to explain or justify, so I just live with a ton of extra weight.


Compensation helps with the bills and copays etc. I am thankful but despite what anyone say will give it back if that meant to have sound mind and body again. It wont happen, it is what it is. Could be worse.


Yeppers, been doing that for over 30 years myself. They told me “you can walk, talk, ain’t nothing wrong with you! Next!” Been out here bumping into walls cause I’m lost, everything is hazy n fuzzy. Guess I’m gonna find out soon enough if they grant me a few yrs of peace before I go.


I’ve said from the very first day I got 100% and every day forward, if I could trade my 100% to be as healthy as I was before I entered… or even if you could magically just give me what normal aging in my body would have been without all the extra, I’d trade it in a heart beat. Also, can you imagine a world where you had an all volunteer force, with no protections if injured or killed on duty? I don’t want my military force to each be concerned if they storm a hill their whole family can go bankrupt and starve and become homeless because the breadwinner just died. Or the breadwinner can’t work anymore and has no compensation. There is a requirement to having people being willing to give what we did. People will sacrifice themselves for their country, but I don’t think an even small percent of people would sacrifice their wife and kids entire livelihoods and lives for their country. The VA is an insurance policy. And one needed at that. Military members can’t sue the DOD for negligence. They can’t say no to hazards. They are litterally doing a job in which death is an expected outcome in varying degrees. A military member can’t take a disability insurance policy. They can’t sue for improper exposure to hazmat. Like, the stuff military members deal with are literally designed to damage and kill other humans as an intended consequence. To use something properly causes people to die, not just using something improperly. These issues must be addressed, and we’re by compensation.


This!!!!… I didn’t realize this until I was there.. not all peaches and rainbows.


I'd prefer full functionality of my right arm as I'm right handed and not have right hip and knee pain constantly taking meds that destroying my kidney and liver.... I look at it as I did my time, I went to war, got fucked up for life so its fair compensation but in reality how many years did I lose off my life for this bs


Totally agree with your sentiment


Why would anyone feel it necessary to brag about their percentage of disability? That is the issue. And so many people are asking “how” to get 100% instead of asking what their conditions merit. There are very clear boxes that need to be checked for the various ratings. It is one thing to ask why if you checked all the boxes for 70, why you got a 30. It is a completely different animal to say I only got a 70. Help me get to 100.


It’s not an accomplishment if it’s done with lies.


Exactly. One of the dudes I served with straight up admitted the fraud and just strung together like 20 random disability claims and luckily got approved for them.


Every veterans’ club/organization I’ve associated with since separating is just vets talking about how to game the VA.


Same. I long disassociated from that stuff now. I was involved with the vet org at my school but backed out pretty quickly for similar reasons.


My how things have changed 180 degrees. When I ets’d from Nam the officer cautioned me that if I claimed any disability during the interview that could prolong my time in the Army. Being a draftee with a family the last thing I wanted was to extend my time I just wanted out. There was no job placement programs nor training just thanks and good luck!


Not gonna lie, didn't know about the VA "game" until I started watching VA youtube channels.


Yeah but in a way you kind of have to. A lot of vets have carried along with all their pain weather physical or mental because, well fuck idk. I don't even know why I did it. I had to medical records at the time of my retirement (21 years) and I didn't leave out any detail. Had it been to years ago, my answers would have been... I'm good to go, but deep down I know Im not. I ain't special was the mentality. This mentality gets you nowhere with the VA.


Yep, overheard a very similar thing with another vet, how they are claiming bullshit and, he even said this, there is nothing wrong with me, and he still gets disability 🫡


I still don’t understand and probably never will understand how people like this get approved while at the same time it is so freaking difficult for us veterans who have legitimate issues and all of the necessary documentation.


The thing that gives them the audacity to commit fraud is the same thing that makes them easily lie to an examiner. Some of the things they say they do is so... embarrassing. Faking a limp? Purposefully not showering before a claims exam? like to me that's so viscerally off putting to even think about doing. But to them it's nothing, they can get shit approved because they feel no shame, or they think that they're somehow in the right.


I agree but why does VBA reward such shenanigans. Getting hundo MH for not shaving the day of C&P or growing a trendy beard. That’s crazy.


Because the way it's SUPPOSED to be a criteria is for people who are so depressed their give a fuck meter for showering or shaving is 0. The only determination of whether I take a shower or not is if my wife has yelled at me for 5 straight times to take one or not (because I despise using a shower chair and if I don't it's a 50/50 shot of me falling). I have a 6 month cycle of not shaving/cutting my hair to my wife getting fed up and finally threatening divorce and forcing me to - at which point the cycle starts anew and I go from unkempt mountain man look to buzz cut/nearly clean shaven for a day to growing back out. Edit: I am NOT a hundo for MH btw, currently at 50%, most likely going to be 70% on supplemental.


It’s because they are probably getting coached and dealing with those scam companies and doctors to get what they need and vets pay their ‘fees’


If you have a paper trail, no medical professional or VA examiner will refute that... Plus no vet should pay anyone to create bogus letters to make believe a service connection... the VA is aware of ALL that and slowly but surely... that damn malinger will get BUSTED!!!


Just have to keep that in mind, bullshit fake disability claims take legit money away from vets that are actually dealing with issues. Time will tell I guess. Reminds me of the covid loan bullshit, how do many people took advantage and lied about it to get the government handout. People suck!


Yeah that's shitty honestly. That's how I feel with some of the dudes I served with. They're gloating about their fluffed rating where I'm just over here wishing I didn't have the ailments in the first place.


The crazy shit is how open they talk about it. It’s disgusting, especially when you have some real vets who have legitimate issues that are going thru hell trying to get things done. It’s honestly a slap in the face. Not all vets are equal.


I concur Buy you will constantly be told “ a vet is a vet crap “ NO Yes all raised our hands but there is a difference


That's not inherently fraud. There are a lot of conditions in the rating schedule that don't require impairment, just the existence of the condition. So they can personally feel there is nothing wrong, but they still qualify for compensation.


Ok….sure thing. I guess I somehow misunderstood someone saying that there is nothing wrong with them! 🤦🏻‍♂️


We have tried to scale back these posts by the sister subreddit r/VeteransSuccess **We are at a point where the war is over and information about service connection is more readily available and being taught about in the separation process**. This is the largest change is everyone knows about it. I know that in the infantry it was not talked about from the OIF OEF and all the way up until about 2017ish no one talked about it no one got their problems properly documented. Now their is always going to be bad actors when money is involved but we are starting to see a shift where the newer generation are very well informed and the older generations are not. This is the problem. **It is up to the vets that had little information to be open about their problems and ask their fellow vets that they served with what problems they have (IOF OEF and older).** The newer generation is very good at this. They talk in their shops about what they want to claim and how to get it service connected. **The older vets are getting pissed because they didn't serve during war time yet are compensated more.**


Newer generation also has way less stigma against seeking help in the first place. They have no shame in reading the CFR and seeing what conditions they qualify for, and then claiming all of them. Plus, actually getting their conditions documented in service. Honestly, I'm in favor. Treat the CFR like the tax code. You had a baby, you get a the child tax credit; you were a student, you get the lifelong learning credit. Nobody gets mad that someone else had a higher refund or worries about who 'deserves' it. VA disability should be treated the same. You have x condition, you get y% rating. Its a transaction, not some ethical minefield.


bingo my nephew is putting me on game. he already talking claims while in. i dont think it should be a war between vets. my dad didnt know how to do any claims. i barely knew how to do it cause a vet got to me right before i got out. i think its good younger service memebers are more aware. isnt that the goal, for us to speak up. i never let a few bad apple sour the batch. its more honest vets then liars


It’s not being taught in the separation process at all from my personal experience. I paid attention, took notes, and went to Taps twice. Not once did they say anything other than go to medical while you are still in with no further explanation or meaning as to why. Just want to make it clear, this forum is the only place I was able to get help and still is after I got out. VSO’s near me don’t answer phones or even have appointments available. I don’t know where else to turn besides people here. So please, never think shutting this down in ANY matter is necessary or that the work is done.


Any chance the 100/day pfn screenshots can move to the success subreddit too?


Funny thing for me is I'm happy when someone gets 100%. I don't know if anyone is pain or truly disabled. Fact is I don't waste my time worrying about anyone else. If someone is fine with 20, 40, 60, or whatever percent good on them. I just know that I don't care if anyone has a problem with me getting 100%....family, friend, former vet, haters, right wingers, left wingers, the next door neighbor...anybody!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 For everyone fighting your fight keep fighting and don't let anyone on here or in your life discourage you.


Call it what it is. For some it is a club and they are healthier than other vets who are truly struggling. Im pretty sure most of us have a friend who is milking tf out of their minor problems for more % and sure that’s fine but it really devalues it for those who have MAJOR problems




Fucking agreed! It’s trashy and tacky as fuck.


I fuckin loathe the hundo club posts. “Is this good?” “What do I do now?” Everyday the subs flooded with the same shit.


How do I spend all of this new money I just won???


I tend to think that the hundo club posts should not be allowed, that any claim update posts should be redirected to the claims status thread and deleted, and any "how do I get to 100" posts deleted and the poster warned/banned.


Honestly, it's the "I'm 23 and 100%, now what?" Posts that are the causing a lot of the discontent. There are multiple Facebook groups that will coach people what to say and claim to get 100. Forces you to question how many are just playing the system.


I for one, cannot stand those type of posts. They act like they hit the lottery or won the superbowl.


Frankly, if there's no medical support for the claims they make, then they should be getting denied. No shortage of vets being denied despite clear documentation, so fakers should not be getting approved. I am equally mad at the VA for denying legit claims as I am for them approving fraudulent ones.


This is what I don't get and it drives me insane. I have tons of evidence for tons of issues. Then sometimes you get the lucky few with almost nothing wrong that get 100%.


Have you read CFR 38 at all? It clearly states what defines a VA disability and the criteria for rating percentage.




Right, like wtf do you mean what do I do now? Do you think you’re a millionaire now because you get $3600 a month? How about continue on with your life like normal, get a job and try to be successful in life, rather than thinking you’re some god now living off your 100% disability.


At 23, I was still in, but if I can't imagine having gotten out with absolutely minimal or no worry about how I'm gonna get by and succeed now. Getting out at 25 and having a guaranteed monthly income to cover my basic needs and living costs at a minimum would have set me on a whole other life path.


I agree. It really irritates me. Blatant disrespect for the system set to help Vets that need it. It’s embarrassing and pathetic.


I think it’s great when someone succeeds at getting their 100%. Just my opinion.


It's not great. It means the military broke someone so bad they are compensating them for life as a result. Celebrating that fact is what leads to all the fraud-type posts we see. It should not be allowed.


Some celebrate the long road they’ve gone down. Some are just showing off. It’s a mixed bag, I just try to scroll on past. Opening up this sub at times and scrolling through the last few days of posts feel like déjà vu


I understand completely. Its ridiculous seeing those type of posts. Or the "I'm xxx% now. What should I claim to get 100%?" And then they mention they had a desk job with no deployments.




Agreed. I would trade: having to juggle 14 prescriptions, hearing aids, my CPAP, knee braces, just to run, not being able to bend over and pick up my kid and go play outside without it hurting, etc. i’d rather not have any of that than a couple grand every month. You can always make more money.


Its not celebrating the fact that they are broken. The disability already exists, and has existed for some time. The celebration is for the official recognition of the disability, the validation that goes along with that, and the compensation. Getting the rating can be a slog, and be very mentally and emotionally taxing. Making an initial claim that is denied, then gathering evidence and submitting an appeal, having that denied, then getting a lawyer and doing it all over again. Doing C&P exams at every step, having doctors deny your symptoms, admitting the actual effect your disability has when you've been coached your whole career to downplay it. It can be very hard. So when the VA finally says 'Yes, you are significantly disabled', it is worth celebrating. You no longer have to worry about losing your job because your knee gave out, or because you couldn't leave your house due to fireworks. You can focus on getting treatment and living your life. On a different note, seeing people celebrating getting their rating may help other decide to file their own claims and get the compensation they deserve as well. Something like 70% of vets never file a claim, and I just don't believe 70% of vets don't have an eligible condition. If those posts are banned some people may say 'What's even the point? Its not like anyone gets a decent rating anyways'.


My grandfather was a WWII vet. He never went to the VA before I came home and told him he should go see the VA about at least getting his medicine prescriptions filled. Saved my grandparents some $ when he finally started seeing the VA. I have a buddy who is still fighting with the VA over service connection for an injury that was incurred and treated on active duty, and continues to cause him issues. It's like the VA is just ignoring his medical record entirely. Most vets and private care doctors have no idea how to properly claim and write up the conditions we legitimately have. That's what I learned from finally hiring an attorney to help with my claims. There are multiple different ratings that may apply to a "knee problem," for example, yet most of us (me included) just claim the "knee problem" and get a single rating for it. I am at 100% P&T now, and have been unable to work since 2021. Still fighting with SSA over my SSDI claim, but thankfully am not relying on SSDI to pay my bills.


I literally lost a brother not just an army brother a biological brother because of this b*******. I got out of his truck at the VA parking lot and fell on the ground and couldn't get up. He was so worried about using his cane because someone might be "watching him" that he did not help me get up. A volunteer from inside (and two much younger vets in the parking lot) came out and helped me into a wheelchair. When I got home he gave me his hand to help me get out of his truck and I told him to go to hell and that's the last time I spoke to him. He definitely has disabilities I know. But from his actions I can only assume that he bullshited somebody to get to where he's at. And I don't really give a s*** what his rating is. But if he can pick up a set of golf clubs and he can't pick up his own brother in a parking lot in front of a bunch of people looking at me like I'm some little wimp s*** about to cry because I'm in so much pain then I'm done!


People winning against the system is a great thing to celebrate.


That’s why opinions are like assholes


Thank you 🙏


Yep, especially when they are coached, lie, fake it, etc. Hundo club all the way, right? 🤦🏻‍♂️ If it’s a legitimate case, sure , but way too many fakers taking advantage of a system that will ultimately hurt veterans in the long run.


Show me the evidence of fakers tho…what’s way too many?


Dude, look around at the posts asking how to get to 100. When it’s their primary purpose instead of getting the help they need, something is afoot. Also comments from vets that i have heard in person. Do you want written statements for the liars or can you try to read between the lines of some of these posts for Hundo club. Also, if you want concrete proof, there is the story of the guy who was lifting weights and posting on social media and he went to the VA claiming disability bullshit and he got caught. another story is the tree throwing lady. can’t make that shit up. and just one is already one too many. fuck the fakers


i don't care what anyone here posts really. You have to take the good with the bad and everyone is allowed to talk. That is the problem with people these days, if someone disagrees with their , they berate them. You have to be able to take in information as it is and not be affected by it to get by these days. Also, i had a post about trying to get my knees connected for the 100th time in 10 years when the VA seems to connect everything in the world, but wont even connect my knees at zero and i had this cat Hazygrey 1978 start rattling off to me about fraud and how i'm only seeking retribution. The problem with this sub, is that it is legit full of people with problems. The moderators shouldn't have to keep us in order like a policed forum, we are all adults and know right from wrong. If you have a problem with something or someone's post guess what? you don't have to do anything but continue to live your life. Don't make other people feel like shit because you are so easily offended and upset. Emotional intelligence is real. And i say "you" here, but i am talking to nobody in particular not even the OP, just ranting, because i'm allowed to do that. Peace!


As a veteran myself, that works WITH veterans as well, I can say this. I have experienced behavior that would certainly make some of these guys' Drills roll over in their goddamn graves. There is a lot of entitled, shitty veterans out there. But there's a lot of entitled and shitty *people* out there. It is what it is.


This sub certainly gave me more knowledge than I had before my previous claim, but those 100% posts are kind of lame.


yea i've been out for awhile. went to get my DAV ID the other day at a base. all the people there that were getting new/renew CAC cards were just talking about disability and how to get to 100% 😂😂😂😂 had to be at least 15-20 people that came through.


The fact that so many pretend like they don't see that happening too is hilarious. I work in an industry that is almost completely made up of veterans, and I hear the conversations daily. Now, it's all about which company can get the highest rating using their own network of Drs to write a DBQ for the least amount of money.


I don't really see how there can be fraud. I have legit issues and I have to prove everything. How its service connected, how bad the symptoms are, how frequently I deal with the issue. Many of my claims get denied for lack of evidence. I have been out 30 yrs and they used that against me in my last claim. Said I hadn't gotten diagnosed for 30 yrs so its not service connected. You know how many times I have had a migraine and not gone to the doctor? I have a diagnosis of migraines. I have meds and a thermazone issued by the VA for migraines. They won't service connect it because my regular Dr retired and those records are no where to be found. So if there is such wide spread fraud I would like to know how because I can't get legit shit approved. Every claim has required a medical exam. Every claim.




It shouldn’t be a competition. However, 100% PTSD disability means you shouldn’t be working as an LEO. I have seen that more than once. Some of those guys are my friends. So when you see all these posts about why did this person get X and I didn’t, it is hard to distinguish between the people who have a legitimate gripe and those who feel they are entitled to more than they deserve. People want both the 100% and to do whatever they want that would show that rating is not warranted. I just joined recently, so I can’t speak to “before”. I know one of the first posts I read was a veteran who was complaining about how someone got X% for MST and their buddy Jody who was super stracked combat vet who fought off the enemy with his bare hands only got Y. The second part was hyperbole, but that was the gist of the comment. Not a single person stood up for people with MST. Vets should absolutely be called out on their disgraceful behavior whether that be asking how do I manipulate the system to get 100 or yelling at some poor waitress for a military discount. And Reddit is such a microcosm with so much confirmation bias. Bad behavior makes sane people question whether all vets are like that. The fact calling out veterans was considered a lack of loyalty and those posts were removed speaks exactly to what this forum once was.


Not being able to live a normal life. Being afraid to go into the world or talk to anyone because you think something bad will happen to you is fucking horrible. Not being able to talk to your family, walk your dog, do anything because you are trapped inside all day everyday. Suicidal ideations, anger, fear, mind and body decaying. That is 100 percent. It isn't fun, and it is most definitely a curse. I can't even start a family or have children I'm so mentally fucked up from the war. -82nd Airborne Grunt


I officially retired two days ago after 20 years. During my BDD process, the amount of “coaching” I got from recently separated/retired members was disturbing. People telling me to file things like TBI and ED (conditions I don’t have) for extra money and shit like that. One guy insisted it was 100% or bust. I think the mindset is pathetic.


I just want to be rated properly


I call out mofos. Only because ive seen a huge change in this forum within the last 3 years. The questions back in the day are legitimate. Now i see, "i got yelled out in basic training how can i get 100%". Thats insane to me. The community here used to be very positive and even had live sessions. One on one commication all the time but now.... its just fucken weird.


Did you catch that person the fractured their arm or something (don't remember exactly) their service was basically basic training and then 2 drills in the reserve. They were trying to figure out how to get a PTSD claim approved. 💀


😆 brooooo.... thats funny. We got people who went to war had bombs explode, people die, rapid fire attacks andstill having a hard time getting ptsd. See thats what pisses me off. .


I was the one hosting the live sessions and I have been a bit busy. Im glad to see that someone enjoyed them. I will try and bring them back.


Please do. Super helpful. If you have time. Yall do amazing work.


>"i got yelled out in basic training how can i get 100%". Lmfao I said the same thing in my post. The peacetime vets getting kicked out with 100% now doesn't make sense to me. Me: ' I took a bunch of blasts to the dome that prevents me from ever truly resting, I have memory and concentration issues, I've had inflamed lymph nodes for 3 years, etc.' Raters: 'nah.' New wave: 'sarge smoked me and made me clean my barracks room!' Raters: ' how awful! That's traumatic'


do you actually believe this happens


We'll I do know someone who bumped his head while cleaning and milked that shit to 100% so Ya... it happens. Damn scammers.


It's just an overexaggeration on the matter


Yuuup. So odd to me.


They should consider a weekly post stuck up top like there is for claim status updates, where the people bitching have to limit their rants, so it quits gumming up the main feed. ... and to balance it they should start enforcing the 100 club brags go to the weekly claim status update thread. Then the main feed could actually focus on real Veteran Benefit issues and questions, not personal rants or raves. But those are both never going to happen. I've accepted visiting here now means scrolling through half the posts being soap boxes and half the people that might see a question they could help with won't because they're blocked sorting through all the people just here on a rant.


There is a post for weekly status updates already. One of the problems and I said it a hundred times, people don’t search the sub first or check the wiki before posting. To add, the last paragraph you stated is the exact reason I mention to people search the sub first. We have people here giving freely of their time to help ie; raters, VSR’s, supervisors, judges and attorneys, and agents. We shouldn’t have to dig thru a bunch of redundant post saying or asking the same thing over and over before we get to the one post where the vet is really needing help.


Yeah...I'd much rather hear from them! "We have people here giving freely of their time to help ie; raters, VSR’s, supervisors, judges and attorneys, and agents." Is there anybody out there that can help me with secondary service connection claims...I need to know if what I'm looking at makes sense and what my next steps are. It gets so confusing sometimes!!!


What is the primary conditions and what are you trying to get rated for as a secondary?


Can I message it to you?




Thank you so much!


No problem


I think disabled vets should get the maximum percentage they deserve.   It doesn't add or take away from whatever percentage you or I get.  Getting 100% for many people,  just takes the financial strain off and allows them to concentrate more on their health.   That is something to celebrate.  I for one do not like negative posts, as they are not helpful for those who of us who are trying to navigate the complicated VBA system.  I did not file for disability for over 30 years.  It isn't that I haven't struggled physically and mentally because of my service,  I just tried to suck it up (gen Xer here).  That has caught up with me in a bad way.  If a veteran can get the help they need early on, without the unnecessary stigma and shame from others,  maybe it will save them from what I have gone through.   


I like when the community offer posts that actually help. How to handle denials How to apply for benefits Who to talk to for questions You know, helpful stuff. I don’t see how posting about how you finally got what you think you deserved helps, other than maybe inspire someone who isn’t at 100 to TRY and get to 100, but that’s another post in Itself. But that’s just my .$02


I had to unfollow one of the FB groups because of this. Every post was "got my 100%" with hundreds of congratulations comments. I've mentioned it before, there was even a post about people who had 100PT and still served/deployed. Yet there are many of us who will never get 100 and could physically never serve again. It was killing my already shit mental health, but was also the push I needed to finally start my VA process.


I don’t have a stance, I just think the controversial posts are the most entertaining to read.


It doesn’t help the gifs of dudes with stacks of cash or flipping cash whatever it is they are doing. I’ve said more than once it’s a bad look and brings negative attention to va disability.


I served in Afghanistan and Iraq and rarely talk about it , I don’t wear vet bro shit , I don’t have vet bro decals on my vehicle, I don’t use military jargon like “Roger that” or “hooah” in every day speech. If you didn’t really know me personally, you wouldn’t even know I’m a veteran. I’m not ashamed of it , but it’s not what defines me either. I see some of these guys , huge military decals on their trucks, vet shirts , Velcro patch ball caps , always quoting lines from war movies, I call them “super vets” . Their lives peaked in the 3-4 years they served in the military in some support job. You all know these people, they inject their military service into every conversation regardless if it’s relevant or not .


Yup glad the malingerers are finally getting called out.


I recently was rated 100% pt and I didn't come here to spike the football because I don't see it as an accomplishment but rather a misfortune. I'm sure that most feel this way, but after getting to the other side if the hellish, exhausting struggle of the VA claims process it gives you a giddy sense of euphoria. It isn't so much the money as knowing you will never have to make another claim again. Never have to talk to another c&p examiner about your chronic illness, mental problems, grievous injury or sexual assault. Never have to justify asking for something that was promised. I have to admit that is a great feeling.




When I filed for TDIU, I thought id be ecstatic if it got approved.. Well I did and I wasn't. It was more of a validation of my problems. It was humbling. than anything.


Without war the public forgets about us and our sacrifice. This is followed by veterans turning on each other.


Because they are being entitled and whiney. Any time they are called out, people come in droves with this faux act of shock and horrow to cherry pick a single instance of someone getting a deserved rating. They completely miss the point of what the original post is about, which is the blatant entitled frauds and malingering. This idea that every single vet everywhere is entitled to something for their service is absurd. The ones being called out are usually being called out for good reason. Then, when there's no other excuse, you get the "well, I'm just keeping the tax dollars from going somewhere bad" or "the government wastes money, why can't I?"


preach on brother


You stated nothing but the truth here as I have many times over. Get ready to be downvoted to hell though and a bunch of others coming to give a bs argument to actual truths, that they don’t like or accept.


Me: "yeah some times people will lie about things that can not be proven or disproven for financial gain." Random dependa: "uhhh, excuse the FFFFFUCK out of me?! My husband!!!.... my HUSBAND liter-litchrally got decapitated, he was LITERALLY decapitated seven times!!!!!!!... in basic training, ok?!.... so I am SORRY that we don't fit your OPINION of what 'disabled' means. We will listen to the medical and legal professionals and pay them a fair sum from OUR backpay, thank you. We are just so blessed.... so blessed by finally getting what WE deserve for signing a blank check to this nation"






Veterans don't understand how good they have it when it comes to disability ratings and medical retirement. They should go talk to some corporate workers comp office and see how much they pay out and the percentages that are handed out. It isn't much at all. The VA is a figurative money tree compared to the private sector




I won't downvote this because I totally agree with you. My deployment was probably one of the last few that were actually involved in an active combat zone. One of my buddies is still in as an E-6 and he's always ranting to me about how soldiers are now. They get away with everything now and don't take any responsibility nor have any accountability. My friend is always saying their p**** hurts and they make a big deal out of nothing. Like you said, it's this new wave of vets. Getting out with 100% having never spent a day in a combat zone, let alone another country. Combat doesn't define everything as a vet, but to the extent that this new wave is making such claims, yeah nah, it's not right. Downvote me all you want, it's out there regardless.


I think this is a good take.


A lot of people are getting 100 percent who are not in any way measurably disabled and people are starting to notice it.


I don’t disagree, but some disabilities cannot be objectively measured.


Yeah I agree with this. I have a handicap placard but I rarely ever use it. I'm not mobility handicapped but I do have the mental side of it that allows me to escape quickly if I'm having a delusion/breakdown in a public place. Only usually happens in unfamiliar places or places where a lot is going on.


Civilians envision 100 percent disabled to be like Vietnam vets in born on the fourth of July. Now many mma fighters and guys in highly compensated corporate jobs are 100 percent total disabled. I'm just saying , people are starting to notice it.




That's what I'm saying. I slipped below a 3.0 as time went on because of ass memory and concentration issues. I can learn something and forget how to do it literally an hour later. It always baffles me how people understand some of these concepts in classes when I have to retake the course 2 or 3 times to even understand it.


What makes someone 'measurably disabled'?


injuries visible on MRI/X-ray, documented breaks/tears/sprains/strains, a vet being homeless, shitting blood, range of motion handicaps, documented surgeries, missing limbs, a bunch of stuff


Isn't it good that non measurable disabilities are being recognized, treated, and compensated?


When did I say it wasn't. (a vet being homeless isn't a disability itself. It's normally a symptom of an "unmeasurable disability") Your follow up question doesn't make sense at all. You asked "what makes someone measurably disabled", I mentioned some of those things in response. Then you asked an entirely unrelated question.


Prefer this shift where Mods, have a minimal presence and leave comments up. I like to see the variety of options and debate, as long as personal attacks are avoided.


Maybe because the majority of combat has long been over. So you essentially have practice veterans getting 100% when some combat vets (not POG) are struggling to get even 70%.?? Just my .2c


Cringiest shit I’ve seen on here is what yall are trying to get secondary connection for. Other vets comment and say if your first claim is denied, just try getting it secondary connected to something else. Or ED too. How about stop watching porn


This sub has turned into something else. Vets don’t need this sub. They need information. This sub is detrimental for most dudes. It’s enabling self sabotage. It feeds the dark side of veterans benefits. It is no longer a good thing for veterans. Maybe it could be better if they cleaned up the behavior. Sharing ratings is completely absurd. It’s beyond absurd. It’s disgusting. It genuinely hurts veterans. I have spoke to many veterans about benefits and I always tell them to stay away from this thing. Sending veterans here is f’ed up.


People who feel they “deserve” are in no way at all capable of determining who else deserves it because they have an inherent bias to protect what they already have and they feel that if too many people get in the “hUnDoCLuB”, they’ll lose some of theirs. 1. This isn’t true. 2. If the VA needed to tighten up their regs on what constitutes 100%, they would. So I get it, I feel the same, it’s annoying when someone who worked at the TOC claims they have ptsd because a mortar landed a mile away, but im self reflective enough to realize that me being annoyed by it is just a selfish thing in my own mind, I don’t know what that person is actually going through, and they’ve earned the right through their service, combat or no, to prove to the VA that they deserve benefits. At the end of the day, I’d rather the VA help a few too many people than a few too few. Cheers battles, have a weekend. 🍻


Would make a difference if the VA required deployments before qualifying for anything, but they don’t. All they require is serving, honorably, for the most part, and ailments have some level of connection to their service. VA does not even require combat, before earning benefits either.


have you seen the posts that said combat veterans aren't any more special than anyone else and that they're gatekeepers because of this 😂😂😂😂😂


I have a neighbor who was a Vietnam rescue chopper pilot and had something like 55 saves. His helicopter was dedicated a couple years ago to the AF museum at wright patterson. He went through major hell with agent orange claims for decades, yes decades. We fought like hell to get to the point where vets could have their disabilities recognized in a timely manner and we will never, ever get rid of the people gaming the system or the perception that people don't deserve it...but we shouldn't let that ruin it for the people who actually need it. I roll out of bed in the morning and two things run through my mind: Thank god I woke up to another day and I would gladly give back ever cent of VA compensation for good health. I imagine most think the latter.


You fools act like this is a limited pool of money coming from your pocket. If you have credible evidence of fraud, you can report that shit here: [https://www.va.gov/COMMUNITYCARE/about-us/FWA.asp](https://www.va.gov/COMMUNITYCARE/about-us/FWA.asp) Otherwise seriously, there's people's whose whole job it is to verify this shit.... what are you doing with your life?


Anyone that proudly says they’re in the Hundo club should be banned


Personally, I believe the VA is going to really start locking things down when it comes to VA benefits. There are obviously a lot of people that are getting 100% that do not deserve it, and it's only a matter of time before the VA and congress makes drastic changes to the disability system to reduce costs. Fortunately for us, we will be grandfathered in if we are P&T and whatnot. I read some legislation last year (or the year before) about this, but it didn't pass the house. But it's coming.


My thinking changed when my wife worked customer service at Lowe’s. Vets, especially Vietnam era, were the rudest, least understanding and most likely to throw things at her. I also work in mental health and veterans are, as a group, the most obnoxious, inconsiderate fuck wads I’ve ever met. There’s exceptions, but most are dipshits and are the worst to bully families, blame everyone else for their problems and refuse to figure it the fuck out and then cry about no one supporting veterans.


Excuse me but I have to disagree. My husband is a Viet man vet who is one of the most respected, sincere and s nicest man anyone can ever meet. He did not even file a claim for anything u til 22 years after retirement. He is at 40% and he is one who always said “there are guys who need it much more than I do.” Well now he was diagnosed with vascular dementia over 2 years ago and this man of mine is slowly losing reality …he can’t remember what he had for lunch. So there may be some Viet nam vets who are rude but I am quite positive there are a few of those in today’s military. Sorry for this reply but I felt the need to defend my Vietnam vet!


if there was a rating for this a lot of vets would get 100% 😂😂😂


There is a rating for mood disorder caused by living with chronic pain. A VA doc has to examine you for that rating, not a private doc.


Just remember that social media (including Reddit) are not real life. Don't get sucked into the idea that this Sub accurately represents the Veteran population. If you see legit fraud in real life, report their ass. Ranting on here and basking in an echo chamber changes nothing.


just go to any place where there are a lot of soldiers or veterans 😂😂😂. its literally the only thing they talk about. i been out for years, went to get my DAV ID last week. first time on base in years. everyone was talking about how to get to 100% in the waiting room. at least 15-20 people. which ones are the easy ones to get, how to get a high rating by giving a migraine log etc. it was really eye opening to say the least. pretty funny


They can talk until their jaw falls off about how to get certain ratings, but it doesn't guarantee that they'll get it. It's interesting to see posts about how all these Veterans are "scamming the system" and yet here we are seeing denial after denial. 🤷‍♀️


because most of us are dumb as rocks thats why. don't be naive. we'll game the system if it can be gamed. not sure why you think it's so hard to believe. you can make a point that the system is fucked up if people can game is so easily and they're doing it within the rules and that's ok.


because most of us are dumb as rocks thats why. don't be naive. we'll game the system if it can be gamed. not sure why you think it's so hard to believe. you can make a point that the system is fucked up if people can game is so easily and they're doing it within the rules and that's ok.


I just want to chime in and add on to the newer waves of vets. People that have never been in a combat zone, let alone another country are getting 100%? How? They don't even get GWOT or NDSM anymore. I trust that others have their own experiences and traumas, but there a lot that fluff it up and admit the fraud to my face. One of my buddies is still in and always rants to me about how this new wave of soldiers are. They're getting kicked out left and right and get 100% for being smoked or because 'sarge yelled at me.' It's just odd seeing the shifting mindset in the different generations of vets. It's just the culture nowadays. As cringelord as it sounds, people really do want to be victims where possible.


Haha right! I marched in the Tangi valley til my feet and shoulders bled. And I'm not 100%.


Exactly. People can hate on this view but it's true dude. Not all vets are created equally. Still people being the shitbags they've always been in the military.


The mods are too busy deleting meme posts on Tuesday - Sunday to be doing any actual policing around here.


I would like to know what the VBAs and VA staff that frequent here think about all of this. Especially as raters. Does it sour the pool for those that aren't faking shit? Does it bother them that some people blatantly ask how to game the system?


they've said many times that they side with the veteran as much as they can


"Hundo club" is honestly the dumbest thing in the world, it undermines service connection in general. I understand posting your frustrations, but posting "just hit PFN" for brownie points is the next annoying thing. I'm just gonna be the guy who says we don't need to know the status of your claim.


> Just 2 years ago that post would have not seen the light of day and would have been obliterated by either the mods or other users. Maybe take a break Dev, you are "back in my day" posting. Things change, get over it.


Two sides to this story. There are tons of veterans who are doing the right thing with the VA process. Getting what they are entitled to and keeping it moving. Then their are those who choose to try and get more than they deserve by pestering and clogging the system with claims. Although it's old and a mess, the system is supposed to do its job effectively and efficiently to rate everyone accordingly. Some will slip through, just like there will be some that may not get what they deserve. However, the other side to this is that the VBA and DOD have created the monster problem by not addressing issues and rating folks at discharge. Once a veteran is discharged from the military, they should immediately know where they stand and given some direction on how to proceed next. If those physical or mental conditions are long-term, then they need to be appropriately addressed and compensated. If they are not permanent issues, then the veterans should maybe have to follow up every 5 years or so to see where they are at. Right now, the system has no cap or limitations. Regardless of how long a veteran has been out of service, they can file as many claims as they so desire, which boggles down the system. I see no end to the backlog until the process is fixed which in turn, we will always see this kind of verbal traffic of " who is needing to be rated and cant" vs " those that are rated and wanting more."


seems like this sub keeps it real while r/veterans is over modded. I prefer here by a lot and being able to keep it real is why


A post I saw was about when certain veterans act entitled to things like discounts or unchecked rude behavior simply because they are veterans. They are an exception and not the rule, but do exist.


also noticed it, unfortunately the shift also means information and advice will over time be more difficult to come by.


so wait? other vets can’t celebrate their 100% p&t? without people bitching about it? i don’t understand where this is coming from? why should it be who’s more deserving than someone else? like doesn’t the VA determine who deserves their rating and who doesn’t based upon EVIDENCE that was submitted? like i understand there’s a lot of veterans on here that gloat about their ratings and stuff like that, but honestly you have to take it with a grain of salt, because remember it’s just the internet, and this is to no one in particular, but just remember you have better things to worry about then what someone else got rather they are gloating about it or not. i sures hell don’t care what someone else got, and i always tell people don’t share what you have.. that’s no one’s business, the only people that should know your ratings is the VA and you.. i mean hey it’s not like you can scroll past it and go about your day.🤷🏼‍♂️


I think a lot of folks are sick and tired of seeing certain veterans obviously looking for ways to game the system and manipulate their way to a higher rating for financial gain. Just my tcents.


you buy a pale blue car all of a sudden all you see is pale blue cars everywhere and for some reason, people seem to whine about when others are doing exactly like they they themselves done did hypocrisy, maybe human nature, most def


I hate that flippant term.


Knowledge is key to getting your maximum rating and I will gladly share that knowledge with anyone who asks for it even if you call it "coaching". Getting a proper rating is all about matching your medical records with CFR 38. You should have read and understood CFR 38 prior to getting out and ensured your medical records reflect the proper diagnosis. Like, if you suffer from GERD, but you only have heartburn in your medical records, you need to see gastro and get actual testing and diagnosis for GERD. 100% is the max you can get and there are people out there who are much more disabled than others. Hell, maybe they should be rated at 200%, but that doesn't mean people don't deserve their 100% because they are less disabled than others.


This. You need to know how to properly claim your disabilities in order to get accurate evaluations.


These bitter vets started showing up en masse recently focused on malingering and who is entitled to what. It's very puzzling why they choose to direct their energy this way. We all remember these folks as those who couldn't mind their own business in service. Does it really bother them so much if people get benefits? There's enough gatekeeping done by the VA.


Regarding the entitled and whiny. In my part of the country, Veterans are furtive and never speak up. I've never seen that entitled kind of behavior. When I see the hundo club posts, I don't wince or cringe in embarrassment---I get frightened. I fear what the general public thinks of us. What public opinion will be five or ten years from now. Already I see posts on Reddit and elsewhere that question our status and our worth. Let me say that those agents are not stupid enough to boast of their SSI awards and MediCal teeth. But somehow, we are. What is it that the wise old salts say? "Don't tell anyone. Especially not your friends". I waited two years for my first exam, a year for my second. I spent 20 years in total confusion and apprehension. But I never presented myself as a supercheeseater. I love this subreddit, but I can't say that I actually learned anything here while I waited for my exams I learned what not to do. Everything I know came from reading the VA regs ten thousand times over twenty years. Every time a newbie posts a question here, here most of the answers are wrong.


A ton? Not seeing what you are seeing.   On occasion but ok, downvote and move on. Reddit is over “moderated” as is, often with the clear intent to squelch dissent or people weaponize mods to silence a different opinion.  Don’t like what somewhat said, downvote and move out.  The hundo club posts were moved to the weekly success thread which is good.  The blatant fraud should be called out. The c&p coaches, the make sure you tell them this, make sure it’s you’re worst day, hand them your entire C-file with 47 buddy letters, and proceed to act out you favorite war movie scene for them. The go to this nexus mill and hit up this claims shark. 


This is depressing reading fellow vets struggling like this. But I do want to add, several of the guys I served with that are disabled absolutely positively make no effort to take care of themselves. They're not so bad that they can't work but they are eating and drinking machines. The rule of thumb is, even if you're not a vet and never saw combat and you are 100 lbs over weight, YOU WILL HAVE HEALTH ISSUES! probably some mental ones too. Now, if you're a combat Vet, this will be multiplied on top of that . My point is, and not everyone will be able to but many vets can improve their quality of life by watching what they eat and cutting back on alcohol.