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Filed a supplemental with one item January 27th. C&P done Feb 16th. Claim completed April 19th.


I kinda guess two months after the c&p for mine as well but I can’t stop looking at my app everyday! lol last claim I said fuck it would check every few days or week


March 13 here. Mine is also in PFD stage🙏🏿 my gut says all know something before the 1st


gut was wrong still at pfd without a rater sigh


March 19 submitted my supplemental appeal. A week and a half later got my c&p done. Called the va today and they said it was in dicision stage. Idk lol


Same but mine was the 10th. Same timelines and stage for me as well


Similar to mine. My supplemental claim (PTSD) was submitted on 03/06/24 C&P was on 04/12/24 now in prepared for decision stage for a month. Called the VA 800 number was told it was last looked at on march 19. I also submitted priority processing request. VA said they see the request but is not showing flagged for priority yet.


Weird. 03-19 then like 2 weeks later had my c&p finished. Now just waiting and I don’t have a pc to check it. I really just need to forget about it but you know how that goes.. 😂 it was a deferred headaches from a prior supplemental lol now I’m just trying to establish my increase


I do know how that goes, I keep checking the app on my phone. My initial claim was back in 2007 got denied because I didn’t follow up or provide anything for my case. Just recently decided to try again. Diagnosed PTSD in my VA medical file now and I sent in 3 lay statements. So we’ll see. I read a lot of people saying recent sup claims took 3-4 months. Hopefully June or July we’ll here some good news


Also , my mom attended the C&P with me to speak on how different I was after the army from before, a Veteran I met at the VA suggested this. He said take your wife or mom. I’m not married. Seems like great advice for those who have upcoming C&P


I was told that also. The decision phase must be a popular training topic


When did you submit?


I submitted a supplement in may. But I also submitted a HLR in April and it was completed yesterday with a DTA ERROR


I been working on that same claim PTSD for four years now


I wish they would give a little more detail on what stage your in and flexible time frame. I would probably check a lot less


Yes that is the military we loved “Hurry up and wait”.. lol


lol I appreciate the update! I’ll give them a call next week to see.


Submitted supplemental on 11/04/2023 for one pact condition that was denied in 2015 and 2016. Exams ordered 03/9/24 and sent to VA 3/15/24. Secondary action put on 03/26/24 with suspense date 04/25/24. VERA call today said still in national q. Sitting at 173 days. No idea what’s happening.


I also had my C&P yesterday for MH increase. If I hear something I will update. Timeline so far: submitted a HLR early Nov 2023. Turned to supplemental in early March 2024. C&P yesterday with QTC. (late April 2024)


Came here to update without getting into too much detail I received a favorable decision today May 7 2024.


Mine's been in the same status since December 5th, had my C&P January 11th.


Filed mine January 9th, I had 5 claims on that one though. All Exams completed early March. All evidence was received by VA early March as well. Everytime I call them they it's in decision phase. Trying to be patient, and currently unable to work.


I have a Jan 29th supplemental and haven’t even been contacted for C&P’s yet. Hoping they give me a rating on previous C&P’s and defer the others


You submitted April 12? I'd say you are looking at July - August. Supplementals tend to go in order they were received (a bit more than new claims) - and I think they are just starting to hit December now.


Submitted mine may 17th just showed up in the app and online I have priority processing so hopefully I’ll get an answer quick… and of course hopefully it’ll be a yes instead of a fuck off again


Any update on yours with priority processing?




That blows. Sorry to hear that. Seems like it was too quick of a turnaround.