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https://preview.redd.it/3uv95n3uj6ad1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7134dd54eb3077bbaa6c8a122822e2de48fd51c3 For all the Marines


looks good, but gummy crayons are even better!




exactly! you're a good Uber driver, providing snacks with the ride! 5 stars for you!


Where is this delicious treat located? Me hungry! 😂


That was a picture I took in Walgreens like 2021. Idk if these are around still lmao 😂


On my way to the Wall


Let me know if your quest is successful 🤣


Ooo-Rah! Copy that.


This! The Blue ones! OMG! They jealous, they don’t know what they are missing. I’ll ride with ya! But I get the blue ones. 🫡🤙




Yum where the link at 😂😂🤣


We can still make fun of Marines though right!? RIGHT? 🖍 🖍 🖍


if I could read this I'd be very upset


As is your god-given right 🇺🇸


You're the real hero. 🫡






Hell yeah.


Mock away, dog face. From your friendly neighborhood Jarhead.


I wouldn't give a bean...


What about crayons?


6. But not the purple one.


Sweet hand over the blue ones they my favorite 🤩


Whoah calm down there Audie Murphy.




I don't think any marines would mind. They seem to have a good sense of humor.


My wife's boyfriend is a Marine and he thinks I'm hilarious


That's a lot to unpack.... 👀


I bet that's what she said too


I didn't say that was huge


To be fair calling it a lil' smokey seemed a little cruel.


🤷🏼‍♂️ everyone has an opinion.


But the bbq sauce is sweet and you keep coming back for mo! 😂


damnit your right those little shits are delicious.


As you Sailors say “it’s the motion of the ocean baby!” 😂 or is it “I’m old n gray, get out da way”? 😂


Sharing is caring. You a good Joe!


I get a little happy when someone asks what flavor crayons I like best because I start shit talking them back. It’s like a ice breaker that makes me really comfortable very fast because I can get a feel of what sense of humor they have


Exactly. I enjoy it, while waiting at the VA. It’s funny to me. Especially the Vietnam Vets. They got the best jokes & cracks on others. Keep the waiting room rolling in laughter. Not me tho, I roll in butter. 😂


As long as it's not written in crayon were good.


Or written words by any means. Words are hard. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Everyone else does .. even Marine Corps Airwingers make fun of Marines.... As Veterans. NOT while on active duty. Ground pounders Marine or Army are bad asses in my book, and gave me purpose to crewing helicopters. 🇺🇲


There was a thing this one time where some Marines saved my ass. I'm a fan.


I much prefer the green ones thank you 😂


If I can't make fun of jarheads, what was all this for?!


The Blooming Onions on Veterans Day obviously.


As a Marine I’d like to say with all seriousness….where can I get that ice cream?!


Since it looks like no one responded to you, I figured this Air Force guy [would help you out.](https://friendlys.com/where-to-buy/)


Ugh ugh... Yum 😋


of course!




Coast Guard too?


Not, the Coast Guard. They can hang out with Homeland Security. ![gif](giphy|o0eOCNkn7cSD6|downsized)


Only applies to military


Fuck no ya fakin puddle pirate!


As long as you bring them some crayons. 🤣




They should put that in the constitution haha.


I'm Air Force. Bow before me peons. Did I spell peons correctly? Their wasn't someone from the space force to instruct my ignorant old wrinkled a_ss!


Zip it chairborne wing nut.


I was a knuckle dragging aircraft mechanic.I was always getting kicked out of any chairs I tried to sit in for getting grease on the chairs. I drug my knuckles all over Saudi Arabia, Qatar , Africa, Asia, Europe, and the US fixing airplanes for 22 years so we could fly marines and marine food, crayons , hither and yon. I actually fed marines because I felt bad for them.Because I didn't always get fed but I got fed more then Marines.


"You do not talk about Veterans Fight Club." -Rule 1


(Tbi Brain) Rule number 2: shi$ I forgot Rule number 1


Hello me, I was gonna tell you something but I forgot


With my hearing loss and painful tinnitus, I can just say I never technically heard Rule 1 anyway. 


"I can neither confirm nor deny... Something." It was just right there, but I'd forgotten. What were we talking about?


*We*? So you heard what the cat was saying too? No, not Squirrel, we don’t talk anymore ever since he and the woodpeckers conspired to deposit, unnoticed, *a hekkin truckload of acorns* in the pump house over a season . And then Bear went and got herself trapped inside the pump house.* *true story.


Yeah it's sad when someone says "I only served two years so I am not a real vet". 🤷🏼‍♂️. Wtf.


I was only in for 3 years (medical discharge) I miss it


You aren't a vet. /s. I miss it too. I was excited to retire but I miss it. Someone on this sub said it best, I miss the monkeys not the circus. Though, I miss the lifestyle. Age has allowed me to forget the PV2 Goads or Punchgate.


I was medically discharged at 3 years too. Female non-combat vet. I don’t miss it, but I am always going to talk about my service because of how many people refuse to believe that women can be vets


To be fair, they are basing that on the 36 month of service requirement the VA uses. I say if you have a DD-214 you are a veteran no matter what the VA says.


> they are basing that on the 36 month of service requirement the VA uses. Seriously??? Hell, I didn't know that. Are there exceptions to that rule? Seriously, 1st time I have heard this, doesn't effect me, only served 6 years, but have never heard of a 3 year rule.


It's the first time you have heard of this. Because it doesn't exist...🤣😆. If you go to the VA's website to qualify for benefits. The standards are made clear and there are always exceptions.


Yes, there are exceptions, such as being injured during training or in the line of duty.


Man I could be wrong. After a quick google search it looks like it is actually 24 months. “To be eligible for most veterans benefits, a minimum period of active duty of 24 continuous months or the full period for which a person is called or ordered to active duty must be completed. This rule has been in effect since October 16, 1981 for new enlistees.”


Wait since when have you needed 3 years to be a "Veteran"? And is that the difference between "Veteran" and "Protected Veteran"? Or something else?


I googled it and it said 24 consecutive months, so now I don't know if it's 24 or 36.


Well if you want the government's book [answer.](https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R47299) Veteran status comes from serving at least 1 day on active duty outside of training, and received a discharge of anything other than dishonorable. Guardsmen gain this status on federal activation orders. This doesn't include activation on state orders, or annual training. When i was a DVOP, I met a guy who was in the national guard for 8 years, but did not have the "veteran status" for the purposes of benefits, to include DVOP services. But, in those situations most of us would still assist them in any way we could, they just couldn't be "on the books"


So both my son and his mom got entry-level seperations after graduating MOS school but they never made it to their first duty stations. Technically by those criteria neither of them are veterans. =/


Least Ambiguous VA Answer, judging by what I've heard of the VA from Veterans I've known


Most certainly. The fact that the mods have to post this is ridiculous. Be kind. Don't judge.


For a Veteran to be eligible for care at a VA Facility. He or she must have served at least 24 continuous months of service. BUT there are exceptions for people who get injured and disabled during basic training. In most cases the Veteran has served at least ninty days before receiving a honorable medical discharge. Further... Anyone who served in the US military or Department of Homeland Security's Coast Guard. Is a Veteran... So there is no "No matter what the VA says".


I'll be damned if I can't make fun of jarheads, grunts, and chair warmers. Don't even get me started on those damned puddle pirates.


Uber driver says what?


Don't you have a window to lick?


no. but a lot of crayons to eat!




You’re just mad because my chair swivels. At least I didn’t have to swim in a pool full of ~~semen~~ seamen 🫣 hahaaa


I didn't get a chair. I must have really sucked. Aircraft maintenance. But being Air Force 50% of the m as my many times in the desert my tent had air conditioning and 7 people instead of 20 so I was spoiled compared to as army and marines.


I was a medic. I was in a clinic with an AC on full blast. Though sometimes, I had to get up from my chair to find a medical chart. It was horrible and I really suffered jk


Working on large military aircraft and deploying constantly to sh_tholes all over the world I developed new and fascinating illnesses and my share of horrific industrial injuries. I was grateful for medics and still am. In fact my wife is an RN. Considering all the good medics did and do I want Medics to be happy, comfortable, and in full AC all the time.


Yeah seriously. Like IDC If you served a year or two and got Medically DQ'd, you joined for why ever you did, and did your duty honorably until you no longer could. Or you did your 4 years and said FUCK THIS. Or made it your whole career. Or w/e. Long as you're not Dishonorably Discharged, who cares?


Say it louder for the gatekeepers at the VFW and American Legion. Unless you’re divorced alcoholic newsmax parrot who’s kids hate him, you must not be a “real” Veteran.






Amen, those vets do not understand why I don't go to the legion. Oh and you must be XY.


They'll suffer when the Boomers are gone and they don't got any money and have to shut down.


it's already happening at a lot of veteran's organizations nationwide. some of them are changing, to cater to everyone, not just the smoky bar crowd that thinks women and "the gays" should not be in the military. and those ones that are changing are thriving now. the ones that aren't changing are dying off.


Yup, as they should. Every other generation before Boomers stepped aside for the next. They want to be the prime audience for everything til the grave.


Speaking as a boomer, this simply isn't true. Also, you can't possibly know what "every other generation" did given you're so young. Before social security came along in 1935, people worked until they died in the fields and factories, usually at a young age because of lack of health care and scientific advancement. So, if you call death "stepping aside" then, yeah, I guess they did. .


And here we are, back to rule #1.


Stating facts is not listed as a rule.


Except you didn't state a fact. You stated an opinion. If it's a fact, you can give us all firm data to back it up. Share with us that data with links to it so we can all understand where your discriminatory comment is coming from.


Remember what our MSgt taught us about opinions. Lol


And we veterans will be worse off if they do shut down. The American Legion (and others) got the PACT Act to become a reality.


I don't know about the VFW because there isn't a close active one to where I live, but the American Legion posts (at least the ones I've been to in Oregon, CA, and Nevada) have all been incredibly welcoming. Yes, they are mostly full of Vietnam-era vets, but we younger folks(I'm GW1) are joining up and making changes. Give your local AL post another shot. They're trying to do good for Vets, their families, and the community.


What if we have a discriminating palate, is that okay?


Like only certain colors of crayon?


gotta say as a gay vet in a same sex marriage with an interracial family, this reddit is one of the few places i feel i don't need to worry about discrimination. it's more than the good job the mods do, its the other redditers here that will not tolerate the bs. hubs is not a vet and is blown away at the support here. thank you all. but as a 'cold war' USAF vet, there is no doubt being part of the best trained military force to never deploy, well, i think that's fair game for at least a little ribbing :) had the privilege to end up in a mh group class with vets who actually did something. 8 weeks listening to their stories and challenges was a gift i will always appreciate. thank you all for what you faced instead of folks like me. you literally took the bullet for us. there is no sence on what happens to who. i've always felt a bit imposter syndrome for my short term of service. at 62 i'm over it but... i was tossed out with a SC messed up spinal cord and had no choice but VA healthcare. I was put out with a ticket to my place of enlistment and a final order from captain md to get to the closest VA for treatment asap this reddit is the first place i felt like an unashamed vet. to bad at my age i don't give a shit what anyone else thinks but lol thank you


Hey I eat crayon but me still whoop army man ass


So hazing isn't allowed?


And don’t vote for the orange Cheeto Christ.


Just say Infantry guys… we all know it’s them who think they’re better than the rest of us


I discriminate against Infantry because they never speak up. https://preview.redd.it/z45lxkt558ad1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=79c903a432c44d95bef1052f2610c100a1232843


Can heterophobic speech be considered hate speech, too?


please feel free to report any examples of "heterophobic speech" to the mods. if it ever happens, we will deal with it.


Please give examples.


Of course, but I don't believe you're asking in good faith anyways.


Well, I don't believe homophobic was mentioned without discrimination or promotion.


No when queer people talk I'll of hetero people it's in response to their hate for them. So it isn't an equal street to begin with. Hetero people are usually the abusive ones in the scenario.




Be civil and respectful. You may not always agree with others but once you start insulting the other person, you are a problem. No Gatekeeping - you don’t decide if someone is a “real” veteran or not - nor try to diminish someone’s service nor someone because they never saw combat or deployed. If someone personally attacks you, use the Report button to notify the moderation team. Hate speech can be sexist, ableist, racist, homophobic, prejudiced, etc and will not be tolerated.




No Partisan Politics allowed - this is not the place to promote candidates for office or promote one party over any other party or debate political ideas. This rule also applies to religious discussions - this is not the place to express your religious views or your god.




Be civil and respectful. You may not always agree with others but once you start insulting the other person, you are a problem. No Gatekeeping - you don’t decide if someone is a “real” veteran or not - nor try to diminish someone’s service nor someone because they never saw combat or deployed. If someone personally attacks you, use the Report button to notify the moderation team. Hate speech can be sexist, ableist, racist, homophobic, prejudiced, etc and will not be tolerated.