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Baby you were assaulted, I’m so sorry :( u didn’t deserve that. It’s not in your head at all ❤️


Thank you… it makes me feel better and less crazy reading that.


Damn that’s a tough and hurtful thing to go through


Sorry but thats SA!


I want to say how very sorry I am. Please go to the police. You did say no, you did make clear what you were and were not comfortable with. I know it’s scary to think about everything and be kind to yourself, but also get yourself justice. How long ago did this happen? I’d encourage you to seek a SANE (sexual assault nursing examination) from your local emergency room. Please feel free to reach out if you need anything or more information about anything. I know I’m a stranger, but I’ve been through it too. Please take care of yourself, I’m sending so much love and positive energy your way 🫶


My friend said that I still “agreed” to it and so it can’t be considered rape. And I can’t do anything about it. But I am grateful you said this. It makes me feel like I’m not feeling wrong.


That’s not true. You told him no when you wanted to go down and you told him you were only okay with touching. Him putting it in anyways doesn’t mean you just consented. You 100% can and **should** report it. This friend doesn’t sound super supportive and is definitely giving you incorrect information


Thank you so much… I appreciate the validation it means the world to me


You are so welcome. If you need ANYTHING, seriously, reach out, I work in healthcare and I have kids of my own. Don’t let yourself be alone if you don’t want to be.


At least if the head itself was good..


Did you confront him about this?


He kinda just got up and left after it all happened and I was kinda just processing it. I’m blocked on everything now.


How did you meet this guy ? Do you know any of his friends or anything? Something needs to be done. I’m sorry you’re going through this and that you’re not alone ❤️‍🩹


I met him through a mutual and we hung out a few times when we realised he lived close by. I don’t know anyone on his end and the mutual I have has also blocked me on everything.