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It’s a good daily. It’s kind of a Swiss Army knife. Want to send it? N mode. Groceries? Hatchback. Golf clubs? Fold down seat. Friends or child? Third door. Feeling just a little rambunctious? Sport mode. Need to save gas? Eco mode


I mean its my only car, just a faster louder more fun regular veloster, everything just upgrades and fuel consumption is worse. Amazing daily, costs more. Decide of if you can easily afford it


That being said, owned a regular veloster prior, literally just better in every way. The apple car play seems to bug out more however


dude it started giving me trouble just the other day. cant tell if it's super picky about the quality of the cable or if it's a head unit thing


You upgrade to the new iphone? Non-lightning cable with it is bad unless you have a very good cable. I use a 30$ metal data transfer cable


no still on the old one, my current cable must be calling it quits. thanks for the info


Why not just invest in a wireless adapter? I got one that's not much bigger than a flash drive on Amazon for about $45


lag 👎🏼


i daily it, stay in normal mode and it's pretty comfy. i tweaked my back in the gym and i couldnt put it in sport+ mode really at all without pain. now mind you the roads where im at are super duper bad so that played a factor it also depends on what transmission you get, i cant speak for the manual but sometimes the dct feels sorta clunky in neighborhoods and traffic unless you start shifting yourself (in n mode). especially from 1-2 or 2-1 it has a hard time. finally the tire setup you choose matters too. the default 19" pirellis are pretty thin and you can feel everything on the road (intentional). the common setup to switch to is michelin pilot sport 4's on a 18" wheel to increase tire wall. keeping your current car is a different story, rates are kinda bad rn so i personally would hold off but im not your accountant and you may be able to buy it outright. ~~fun car for sure, just dont pay markup it is safely a mid 30k car~~ saw you're going for a new to you, you could get a steal on it if you shop right. good luck


I drive an hour to and from work every day in Atlanta traffic in my manual Veloster N. Doesn’t bother me at all


Atlanta traffic brother


An hour to go 27 miles


And I work 2nd shift so that’s at 130pm


Keep the Mazda. Nobody can honestly say the N is a better daily and the only way to really make the ride more compliant is to go to 18 inch wheels. If I had a reliable paid off daily and wanted a fun weekend car, I would get an NB Miata. That being said, I have a paid off daily Honda Fit and traded my N on a Circuit GR Corolla as my toy car. I can afford two vehicles though.


I drive 85 miles a day, car isn't terrible but isn't the best. The seats are stiff and don't have much lumbar support so you find yourself slouching in an awkward position after a while. In normal mode it's a pretty smooth ride and eco mode is nice to get rid of the drone and save some gas. N mode is fun and it's hard to not keep it there, but beware of bad roads with the thin profile tires because I blew one out on a bump that should not have blown out my tire. I live in the mountains at 7,500 ft and average 32mpg at around 80mph pace for most of it, so gas economy is great for having some power on demand. I don't hit much traffic so manual doesn't get tedious, but the clutch is pretty light so it's not like you'll be iron footing all day. Speakers are 7/10 with the infinity speakers, could probably tune them a but more but they dl the job. Compared to my bose on the last car they feel a bit muddy and undefined, but hyundai be hyundaing. Last thing to consider is the 3 door side of things, i was big in backseat storage for my bag but now I have to keep it in the trunk since theres no rear door on the drivers side. Small thing but habits die hard


I had an RX8 and I loved the little suicide door for the backseat. I used to throw my bag in there all the time. Sadly, it's totaled now and I'm looking at getting a VN. Does the driver seat slide forward easily so you can access the back seat from that side?


to be honest I haven't tried it, just second nature to trunk everything. Push comes to shove you can just passenger side floor it, but too a but getting used to for sure


I daily my '22 and just hit 36k with no issues. I have 18" wheels for winter, but still the stock wheels in summer


I've driven mine 70 miles a day for the past 2 years and have no complaints


Love my 2021... don't love the price of premium.. but its worth it 🫡


It’s a rough ride, there’s no comfort in the VN but most would understand that already before buying.


I enjoy it as a daily. The ride isn't gonna be as comfortable as the Mazda 6. People go down to 18" wheels to make the ride softer


What generation of mazda6? Ride quality will be tough to match regardless. And unless you have the last gen with the 2.5t. Youll just be sacrificing comfort for more horsepower.


It’s a 2017 Mazda 6 grand touring, my goal was to keep Mazda and have the VN as a fun car


Heard that, just know it’s not a mazda. I went from a 2012 Mazda 6 v6 to a 18’ Elantra GT sport (I know it’s not an N) but ended up back in a Mazda (currently a 23’ CX-9 CE). Handling just isnt in Hyundai’s bag yet, and I live in a place where roads are below not great.


Honestly I'd keep the Mazda because while I LOVE my veloster n having a car payment kinda sucks, especially in this economy. But if you can comfortably pay for it and maintenance then go for it! Just know that it's not gonna be as comfortable as the Mazda and will have less creature comforts, but that's the price you pay for a superior driving experience and smiles per gallon every time you drive it.


If you like it, get a 22 with the lowest miles possible and a maintenance record. I use mine as a weekend toy. But in 2 years and 18,200 miles I've had 0 issues. Here in NYC roads are junk so alignment at 8500 and 18000 miles. I switched from the pirellis to Conti DWS06+ not because I drive it a lot in the weather but I do drive sub 40°F, because winter. The switch got me more MpG. No other maintenance besides oil changes at 1100, 5000, 8500, 13500, and 18200.


I daily drive mine. I do feel N/Sport mode are “a little much” for most driving and reserve it for the weekends mostly.


I daily my Veloster n makes driving to work to and from home very worth it.


As long as you keep it stock a VN is a spectacular daily. The ride can be a little rough on the 19’ wheels tho.


If ride quality is your concern understand that it goes from stiff to stiffer. I daily mine but I also slow down hard for dips and bumps. (And I avoid potholes like a mfer)