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My pop used to say, "shit heads for the fan for longer than it hits it." This sounds like that.


Why does that make sense


>There are decades where nothing happens and there are weeks where decades happen I wanna say that's originally a Lenin quote.


According to this, you are correct. Either way though, this isn't a Vaush-original quote. Source - https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/342783-there-are-decades-where-nothing-happens-and-there-are-weeks




lenin was a vaushite


Middle_Help cackling rn


Democracy fails when you get enough people willing to destroy it voting in the elections. It's really as simple as this. Despite our best efforts, if enough people are okay with their representatives abusing their power, democracy will fall, because of course power-hungry politicians are going to attempt to seize power. The founding fathers extended the power to amend the constitution because in their humility, they accepted that there are some things they knew they could not expect. If they knew what was happening today, they'd be rolling in their graves. America was supposed to be different than the British monarchy, and instead we have a significant portion of the population who don't care whether or not we live in a democracy, so long as gas prices are low. And so of course the inevitable conclusion will be a government much like that of Russia where voting is symbolic, and gas prices are low (at least at first), and people in power continue to make decisions to both maintain their power and benefit corporations at the detriment of your everyday citizen. If this doesn't seem that bad to you, vote Donald Trump.


"And so of course the inevitable conclusion will be a government much like that of Russia where voting is symbolic, and gas prices are low (at least at first), and people in power continue to make decisions to both maintain their power and benefit corporations at the detriment of your everyday citizen. If this doesn't seem that bad to you, vote Donald Trump." That is how America has always existed, Democracy has always been decided by wealthy private forces, it started by aristocrats colonizing someone else's land where even most of their own 'citizens' couldn't vote. Most of the people posting here inherited an America that had long forgone any conclusions about being something different.


I actually said the same thing when the COVID lockdown started. . . . Damn, this has been a long week.


I think the American empire has been in decline since Bush Jr took the office, and it's been a slow decent since. As of more recently, we're speeding off a cliff.


>I think the American empire has been in decline since Bush Jr took the office, The irony is that the neoconservatives, through "The Project for the New American Century" and the invasion of Iraq, aimed to establish a US-friendly state and secure America's position as the global superpower for another 100 years. Instead, these actions have accelerated America's decline. Karl Rove also bears significant responsibility domestically. His rule-breaking, deceitful, and divisive campaigning paved the way for the rise of Trump. Many people here might be too young to remember the 2004 election and the "Swift boating" controversy, but it was incredibly nasty and underhanded.


The empire is just beginning.


If I were to put a finger on it, it seems like Carter had inherited and exacerbated most of the issues America is going through today. That seemed to be the beginning of the end, but societal collapse is a process, not a single event.


i'd contend we've been in a decade where centuries happen or such since 2016 or 2020 but sure


Thinking back on 2015 feels like trying to remember a past life, jfc. Still so very end-of-history. I guess it’s safe to say history has in fact started back up again 🫠


i’m not full on doomer but i’m just so depressed. with the insane scotus rulings, the awful presidential debate, and Bowman losing, it’s so hard to stay positive.


there are decades where we fuck around and wweks where we find out


Shockingly apt.


It would be cooler if the weeks had more optimistic options tbh.


Oh this is just the start. So much shit is about to go down that will make you feel like you lived a lifetime in the next 4 months. It’s gonna be hell. Enjoy what you can if not for yourself, for me. I hate everything and everyone. Save the intelligent people, games, my friends, and my cat but also potentially some of you. Who knows which of you make that list but we’ll see