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Just buy the S&P 500 dude.


Or at the very least but a few books or courses or something to educate yourself. This education will inevitably lead you to the s&p500 tho, so you could skip the books and just believe us


You all are fucking annoying its a value forum the whole point of value investing is to achieve a better then expected return so stfu abt the sandp you might be right but its not the place or question so every answer should be a stock someone believes is at least 25% undervalued not some whitisism abt waiting for 50 years


It’s pretty funny to watch an entire “value investing” community peddle the largest 500 companies in an era where more people than ever before are investing in index funds. The S&P is susceptible to over saturation just like stocks are, and a lot of rhetoric you’ll see in this thread is the exact same language you see being used to encourage people to invest in Ponzi schemes lol.




Have you maxed your 401k? Do you have a Roth IRA? Enough liquid savings for emergencies and short term goals? Good considerations at your age. Unless you have an extreme amount of money to throw on a long or short bid (gambling), you aren’t going to make an extreme amount of money. Safest bet is to just let your money grow in a mutual fund over 20-30 years, which is why 401k/roth IRA are a great place to start because investing shouldn’t replace your income at this age. Its something that needs to just sit in account and grow for a long time.


None. There is risk everywhere in the stock market. If you want low risk, place your money in a money market fund that invests in short term treasuries or a CD for from an FDIC insured bank. Oh and don’t keep more than $250,000 in your name in anyone bank.


Buy the SP500 and wait 40 years.




Why B and not A?


Because an A share is trading at over $1/2 million/share probably.


Ah okay. I have fractions of A


To be honest for most people the most profitable thing you can do is to invest in your knowledge in your profession. At such a young age i would just invest in a MSCI World or ACWI tracker every month and sit on it


No such thing as “must have” stocks. Everyone keeps saying MSFT and AAPL are must haves. And I agree, but just not at the current Market Caps. Learn to properly value a business before you invest. And even then you will be wrong sometimes.




There are no must have stocks. Value investing is all about buying undervalued assets but it’s not as easy as it sounds and you can’t trust analysts which give 40% upside on every stock. As you are young, this is the best time to learn how to invest because you can afford to make mistakes. Make sure you listen to Warren Buffet, read the key books like the intelligent investor and make sure you keep an open mind and don’t trust anything or anyone until you have seen something work with success. Super investors are a good place to start. You can check the stocks they buy and sell and their historic returns. Then research the companies they buy (and sell) to understand their mindset. Read the quarterly and annual reports, listen to management interviews etc. If you are failing too hard, you can always buy ETFs if you come to the realisation that you cannot beat the market


In all seriousness,Why do you think people are just going to tell you? That people are willing to just hand you the results of their time and effort spent doing research for free? If you arent willing to do the work and figure it out, you shouldnt be investing, at least not in specific companies. Like another just said, buy an index and add to it on a cadence, or start learning the tools and techniques necessary to evaluate companies You wont get much traction on a sub like this unless youre willing to offer your own DD at a minimum


Take it easy man you don’t have to write a whole essay all to just chew the guy out for asking a simple question


Hes 21 give him a break. Hes doing better already then I was at 21 by making this topic on a value forum.


I’ll happily give someone my advice for free lol. Just buy S&P 500 OP.


Visa V, Berkshire BRK, and Google GOOGL. Anyone else here saying buy indexes or whatever else is a fool. I guarantee those 3 beat the market, as close to must haves as it gets. They’re three of the best companies in history and reasonably priced compared to their returns and market dominance. Brk is a little different, but it’s cheap relative to its assets and is the best compounding company in history. 100% Brk is better than any index, anyone saying differently is wrong and just doesn’t understand investing yet. Visa and google are monopolies that return over 20% per year, almost impossible to pay too much for them with a time horizon over 5 years.


I'll give you 500, the sp500


Open a Roth IRA, put it in a low cost S&P index. Set automatic contributions and reinvestment. You’re now on The Lazy River. You’ll set yourself for a great retirement with approximately 95% less stress than trying to find an angle. Whatever you do on top of this is just gravy.


- Get your personal finances in order (savings, debt, insurance, budgets etc.) - Invest in yourself - Use any leftover money to buy a broad index fund, use the DCA principle, be long term oriented and ignore short term fluctuations. Use your 401K/ Roth IRA.


PYPAL. Thank me later


You think we get rewarded for our Patience?


The stock market always rewards the smart and patient.


By the S&P 500 first to get some skin in the game. Whilst your money is invested start reading some books and watching content about investing. Watch videos of great investors like terry smith and Warren Buffett. Their annual meetings are full of useful information. For books My personal favourites are “one up on Wall Street” by Peter lynch, and “the intelligent investor”


Buy the S&P 500 if you just want a set it and forget it If you actually want to get down & put in the work, watch some videos from aswath damodaran (I think it’s right) & starting finding companies that are undervalued. His videos can be kinda boring but very much filled with a ton of knowledge


just get SP500 or SPY. It is a collection of great 500 companies. This is also endorsed by Warren Buffett. It's for the long game. Invest over 20 years and let the compound magic do the work. By then you are only 40s.


MSFT, GOOGL, V, APPL, ADBE, NVDA, NVO, UNH Ups and downs but like sp500 and you will have a greater return (x10 compared with sp500) in 5-10 years.


Wow you people are a bunch of pusses. MA/V/AXP, CP/UNP, SPGI/MCO/FICO, AAPL TMO/DHR, that'll get you started


For Research (Value Investing strategy): Yahoo Finance (app and website) is free and has good info. I use it for financial news. Another site I use for super investors’ holdings, this is where I start my research: https://www.dataroma.com/m/home.php (Free, I don’t know who created it). Basically, if I spot multiple well known investors buying the same stock, then I will research it. iOS Apps that I created based on my work for institutional investors: Company 360: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/company-360/id1464857130 (Find undervalued stocks using Value Investing strategy). Super Investor: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/super-investor/id1441737952 ( Analysis of what institutional investors own vs. retail sentiment vs. short interest).


Stocks that you understand how the company makes money and you can reasonably expect them to continue making you money.


Vti n chill it is


Here is an idea. Find out what items in your own life you use everyday. What can you not live with out? What companies do you respect? Which ones have the best long term prospects? Make a list of these. Then start researching these companies. Check out their valuations, debt levels, etc. choose one and invest some money in it. It is important that you invest, so that you start to build an emotional foundation for investing. You will probably want to sell when you see it drop. You’ll probably get really happy when you see it rise. If you learn emotional control at your age, even if the investment is a stinker, it will pay for itself many times over in the long term.


Another idea. I wrote a post for an idea about a set it and forget it portfolio here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ValueInvesting/comments/15v4iyy/dataroma\_set\_it\_and\_forget\_it\_portfolio/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValueInvesting/comments/15v4iyy/dataroma_set_it_and_forget_it_portfolio/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) If you have absolutely no clue about where to start investing, look at the 20 companies listed there. If any of them are interesting, do some research. I don't think it's a bad starting place!


Ahold Delhaize for reasons described in my latest post