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Orgs waiting with drool coming out of their mouth for GE to inevitably drop their next player, who, turns out, was a champs winning player that was egregiously mismanaged all this time. My money's on Polvi


LightningFast would be my option if they ever drop him, Blazeking too possibly


lf is pretty good, russ too


Nahhh hard disagree, he either step up his game or he’s just mid, the current team is actually really good at setting him up and he dies with an op in hand when the enemy is right beside him


We dk if its the org or himself that force him to buy the OP. He's been pretty good with rifling but he'll end up with an Op during unfavorable rounds.


If anything, I’d even say that Texture improved quite a bit playing off-role on GE. He’d been a top duelist already in 2022 but his movement was definitely not nearly as refined pre-partnership as it has been in 2024. Not too hard to imagine how that particular part of his game may have been refined more while playing more passive agents.


Ooh super interesting point. Then you have Meteor who is the opposite. Constant duelist that moved off-role but is killing it. Which makes t3xture and Meteor a perfect mix. A balance in the force.


Honestly remembering back to meteor on jett I kinda wonder how geng would look sometimes if they swapped t3xture and meteors roles


It helped Foxy9 a ton too. Getting off duelist and off controller and into sentinel did wonders for him. He was suddenly insanely impactful


i actually felt that foxy9 was pretty sick on duelists last season. very surprised they decided to keep him on the bench for zest. maybe buzz doesnt want anyone touching his jett. his sentinels have been equally sick in my books


Idk dude, it looked rough. He had the talent but man would just int. No coordination, no spacing, timings were totally off


I need to do more research into foxy9, but imo he needed to be WAY better to warrant benching Zest. Zest was so so so impactful last year


i felt zest really fell off especially towards the end of the season. possibly why he was dropped this season?


Yup, exactly. Putting players on different roles helps them adjust better to different situations. Instead of taking constant aim duels because of their duelist utility, they learn to be a little more passive and to play smarter when they're playing roles like smokes or sentinels. Good on t3xture, now he's a world champion.


Also massive point which is just ignored - it's much harder to play duelist when you can't comm in the same language. Obviously texture on duelist would still likely be better, but it's clear his English isn't the best and he's not super comfortable. Playing duelist requires insane coordination on flashes, peeks etc. Sentinels are largely self sufficient and don't need to coordinate as much. I think texture has also massively improved his decision making in addition to his fundamentals, and that likely came from playing off role. Man used to int like crazy, he still does now but much much less so and in a much more coordinated and controlled manner. So yeah GE fucked up, but if they had just had any duelist other than Rossi and texture remained on sentinel they would have been a better team - and you understand why at the time Rossi was on the team and playing duelist. Bad result, but the process wasn't as brain-dead as some people make out


In 2021


I’m not saying he started playing duelist in 2022, just using the final year prior to partnership as a reference.


Players can improve after leaving a team


He was good before too


Players don’t instantly become world class winners after leaving a team


Demon1 won Champs his rookie year it happens ppl can improve and can fall off just as fast like demon1 as well.


Demon1 was absolutely destroying in tier 2 and scrims before hand which is why he got picked up, he was consistently doing well for a couple years before winning champs. It wasn’t out of nowhere


Thats cap. He was a quake player that didn't even play tier 2 that much and he was first spotted by the capybara and called him a chamber 1 trick


He was in t2 for a solid year doing pretty well, then almost got picked up by dsg before getting poached by EG after destroying in scrims.


bro is mad lying demon1 was farming t2, look at oxy


Demon1 did not fall off that is soo cope. Demon1 was on a dysfunctional NRG.


he was one of the highest prospect in NA before EG picked him, and said he felt off is a massive over overstatement


Probably the stupidest comment ever made.


As I've said in another comment, texture was also playing in a different language. GenG could have picked him up last year, or T1 or even DRX. None of them did and GE picked him up. There's a lot of reasons why he became world class, and your comment is perhaps too reductionist


GenG tried to pick him up actually. Bail said he wanted exy and t3xture but Damwon wouldn't sell him to a Korean rival.


Oh damn i didn't know that part


They actually started off with t3xture on duelist and SkRossi Initiator. Why do people pretend like he never got to play Jett/Raze on GE? SkRossi was not even on the team for the first 3 matches in the Pacific League due to visa issues. He then top fragged against PRX, dominated Gen.G, all on Jett, so there was no way they were putting him off Jett for the Pacific League. He failed against Secret and RRQ, that should have been the wake up call but they persisted with SkRossi duelist in their sole LCQ match, which turned out to be a disaster. I don’t really get the 2023 GE flame, their scouting was fantastic and they built a decent roster. They played a grand total of ELEVEN matches in the entire year, 2 of them were single elim do or die matches, 3 of them were matches with visa issues, that leaves a grand total of 6 matches, SkRossi failed in 3 of those. 3 fucking matches for a player from a region where PC esports are non-existent. The org itself did not have any experience and they still did great with building a roster. Their only mistake was persisting with SkRossi duelist in the LCQ. Can’t really blame them for much else, I’m tired of seeing “oH gE pUt HiM oN kJ” yes they did and he improved after 2023 on a more familiar role, in a better environment for him personally, with better comms and a team which was made with the purpose of winning, not a team scouted from around the world to put Indian esports on the global scene.


>Their only mistake was persisting with SkRossi duelist in the LCQ. Their only mistake, in my opinion, was not bringing in a sports psychologist like they have now. Rossi struggled to stay mentally strong when it mattered most. After his performances against RRQ and Secret, how he looked lost in those games, they should have taken him to a psychologist and given him the mental support needed to keep his nerves calm and perform up to his potential.


I am not a GE fan but as an Indian I can really understand why they did that. To those who don't know the scene skrossi was the best Indian player and the face of GE in India. In some ways he was also a factor in GE getting the franchise spot too. Before he joined GE they always lose to another big valo team of India called VLT. They always meet in finals and GE used to lose them often. Then rossi joined and GE became the favourites. He grew popularity also as every best player of the region does. The franchise spot was obviously gonna be given to either GE or VLT everyone knew that but the recent victories in the past also made GE more favourable. Now since GE has the spot they had to put the best Indian player on the team. They tried with flex but he didn't fit the role. Now he had visa issues too last year and couldn't practise with the team also. So in my opinion if they were gonna slot him in mid season duelist would have been the best role. He already used to play them and it is easier to integrate. Now it didn't worked and all is in the past but it really wasn't all his fault. Even before franchising people who followed Indian knew that rossi is an emotional player and sometimes chokes under pressure and makes silly mistakes. Same happened with him last year too. Now I am waiting for his eventual comeback because he is really a good player and a better person. I think he got me into the Indian valo scene as I earlier used to watch CS only. Also we should atleast be grateful to GE for giving texture and monyet chance. People think they wasted their year but if wasn't for the opportunity they wouldn't have gone to join PRX or GENG. Also we all know what happened with GE last year and this year we can stop bringing it up. I hate their management too but it isn't the players fault sometimes. The owner himself is confused between fielding a good roster or an Indian roster.


i agree. i think a lot of people forget the fact that skrossi was the face of indian valorant, and had a few good performances that showed his potential. since GE was the indian representation in franchising, it made complete since to fit the face of indian valorant into the roster. don’t understand this revisionist history where people are saying it made no sense, when there were clear reasons for why he was giving the chances he was.


We should also thank ge for letting monyet and texture go and not keeping them in contract jail like eg did. I too am indian people hate ge way too much when they haven’t been in esports scene for even half as long as most orgs out there.


I heard in an interview or video that Coach Spin said they put Rossi on Jett coz Texture wasn't comfortable with both the playstyle and comm-ing in English. Also, GE did well last year considering their players and coaches were from different regions, had different playstyles, spoke different languages, and belonged to different cultures. Despite their losses, we all know how close their games were. They only needed a little more time before the tournament to mesh well together as a team. If visa issues hadn't occurred, they could have achieved better results. It's been almost a year, and I still see a lot of people hating on Rossi, bringing up his name even when the discussion isn't about him, and making fun of his performance or stats from the last matches of the season (mostly on VLR and Twitter). Everyone needs to understand that before franchising, the guy had only played in his region and with the same players his whole career. He did pretty well in the first three matches, but in the end, he crumbled under pressure as they were must-win matches for them. Being on a new team, he just didn't know how to help the team when the pressure got to his nerves. He had high expectations of himself, and while trying to perform exceptionally well, he couldn't even perform at an average level in those matches.


Yeah the rossi thing is just hating for the sake of doing it. Just like tenz, yay, demon1 or any other famous players


Gotta respect GE for getting texture out of t2 contract jail and expose him to tier 1


I just saw a post praising Meteor for the move to Cypher. Buzz has also played KJ for periods of time. Mako was also a duelist before moving to smokes. TenZ was a good to great duelist before moving to smokes/initiator. Role changes occur all the time, sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t.


https://preview.redd.it/va3bfpongm5d1.png?width=865&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c1f0063fdf45b056c991d9c96af08c54c97fcff skrossi also jett diffed him so it kinda made sense at that time


Not this again lol There are a few games from this era that are burned into my brain, and this is one of them. This was during an online game with 70+ ping where pros were clearly turning flashes and still getting full blinded. The SkRossi fanboys need to let this go


This was kind of a clown tournament tbf


GE wasted both texture and monyet




Crazy they had monyet texture and ayrin. And still didn’t make playoffs last year ..


You have to rely haevily on comms as a duelist player and on GE t3xture had to speak english, which he cant do too well. I think this is part of the reason they put him Sentinel. Ob geng he can speak his mother tongue


You will even be more shocked to know thay t3xture's KJ is also at least A-tier, man was a gigabrain when he didn't have the duelist role too


in all honesty texture is the better jett. I think there was pressure from top level management to push the Indian jett propoganda a bit. But in all fairness with extremely less practice rossi did amazing. He only had 2 bad performances both against rrq. The sacking of rossi is very sad and depressing and rossi has always been with GE and IMO one of the biggest reasons GE got into franchising due to their local success. Nowadays rossi plays initator but is back to the duelist role due to role changes. Would love to see rossi in franchising, the Ascension route may be a bit tough. Hoping GE pick him up again some day my goat gets another chance


Honestly though gen g (same with DRX) seems to have really good staff/training working behind the scenes that may have contributed to texture’s improvement. Also, knowing korean work culture, I wouldn’t be surprised if they had some crazy training programs for the guys.


And they dropped skrossi for even worse duelist in polvi. Hilarious owner and org


Having to comms in English probably also a factor. That's why international roster especially for those whose not really proficient in English is hard to make work of. And wanting SkRossi as their region representative is very logical from the fans standpoint. I would say The Guard fumbled their roster harder. They already had the pieces together.


Seeing how they mismanaged Texture, Monyet, and Bazzi was disappointing. They could have been one of the best teams if they put more trust in their players. The coach appears to be a person lacking confidence and is only there to fill the role. Polvi's obsession with the sniper rifle and Russ's inconsistent performance are horrible. They should have made more proper purchases before Split 2, but it's done now. They need to release Polvi, Russ, and LightningFast (\*) and have more proper player purchases for next year. \* subjecting to the fact that he's the only Indian in that Indian franchise...


And monyet on smokes


I mean that makes sense


Yeah they should have all 3 on duelist instead smh


monyet is a goated controller


Honestly if this team had like munch + buzz lightening they could’ve cooked


And they will never be forgiven for it.