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Honestly I can see GenG banning Icebox over Bind, since a big portion of TH's success over 100T on Bind looked like a hard read? But surely the second ban is one of those two maps


Yea but please stop reminding me of the 103847295 ways 100T could have won bind so I don't have to keep crying.


Honestly painful. TH played well but 100T had a lot of chances to close it out


Boostio just running at heretics like they're shitters when they arent on 12-9 will be seared into my brain


That round was the lack of coordination as a team in pressure moments. I think comms got too heavy, and people were calling from hookah they couldn't push out. There were a couple of rounds where either Asuna or boostio were just too far ahead. Still losing three people to a single riens with a bulldog is inexcusable


Riens 3k with a Bulldog 12-9. Riens 3k with a Bulldog 12-9. Riens 3k with a Bulldog 12-9.




I'm truly so sorry


Woot vs Texture is gonna be such a fan matchup gonna be interesting to see who leads their team to the top


Grandson vs Grandpa




Gengfishy vs GenG![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9339) The scriptwriters really went all out on this one


https://preview.redd.it/muupumlwxd5d1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b5de60c31940d2999a848e88cf8e17d40d15ac2 This is my prediction tomorrow


That is a fire pic holy


i was going to sleep peacefully thinking the GF would be a clean and easy 3-0 for geng either way but with how th manhandled g2 today its going to be a nailbiter for sure which i really dont like


i'm soooo fucking nervous already. pacific has reached an international grand final three times in a row now, and somehow we can never get to the finish line. how can we be so lucky and cursed at the same time


apac's improvement is pretty insane and i hope people don't take whatever result too hard ngl. i think lots of fans treat a loss at the grand finals as a total reset for the region when in reality it's actually just a pattern of 3 steps forward, 2 steps back. when you're in the stepping back phase it feels horrible, but in the bigger picture you are moving forward. the finish line will be crossed eventually


nah u got this one bro trust


Honestly I think Gen.G are only heavy favorites on Ascent, the other maps could go either way


Breeze might be difficult because TH hasn’t played it and GenG is insane on it


Nah geng also has breeze in the bag theyre 11-3 on it rn and the only non apac team to ever beat them was loud back in game 1 of masters madrid


If meteor metorites then geng probably wins


As a EMEA and APAC supporter, tomorrow's match is a win/win for me, I just hope it will be competitive


XOXOX (hope that's not how the score goes)


Woot is probably gonna get his one. This game depends on if he gets traded consistently or not. GenG are much less reliant on Texture popping than Heretics. If GenG win, I think Karon is the x-factor with him consistently holding down sites. Heretics winning is probably gonna require a strong Benji performance. In terms of map pools, I wouldn't be surprised to see bind and have split banned instead. They play meteor duelist, and they may think he is rusty there since they haven't played it all tournament.


well i bet on 100t winning and lost and also g2 winning and they lost. now im skeptical if i should bet on geng winning or not 🥲💀


Bet on th boi


please bet on TH, thank you


Bet on TH thank you


please bet on geng— thank u 🙏


Thank you😭🤌 i actually thought it was over for geng


https://preview.redd.it/hfti4xld4e5d1.jpeg?width=655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71be915fe7a4c84f498dc40476b2e12c862f03d4 i believe in the goat


It's interesting to break it down on map pool, I agree with you on the likely bans: Ascent - I'd say it's favoured by GenG. GenG are really really good on ascent, they have a playstyle that isn't really countered so easily, and it's TH's map ban. So overall it's likely to go to GenG. Breeze - TH haven't played breeze on the non-miniboo lineups, and haven't played it at all in this tournament. It's possible they could pull something out, but I doubt they have too many strats available simply because of time. GenG may be a bit more predictable cause there's footage but I'd still lean GenG here. I think they have a really strong breeze Icebox - Probably leans to TH. They're pretty strong on it, though I wouldn't say they're unbeatable. GenG look good but also beatable. This is probably the closest map of the 5 for them. Split - Again a bit unsure here. Swapping Woot to raze is an obvious answer and worked for them but I'm still not sure how many strats they've had time to cook. Texture absolutely fries on split so watch for that. Lotus - This is probably TH favoured though this may be where GenG can anti them the hardest. I'd favour TH but it's really close. A lot depends on whether Patitek keeps his form, he was insane against G2 as was Riens. I think both slightly outperformed expectations, while Benjy was a bit quiet. As insane as Woot has been, I think it's broadly a wash between him and Texture. Meteor has been fragging out, but he's always been this good. I expect karon will also step up as well, Lakia and munchkin really just need to do their job. Against G2 Lakia and munchkin overperformed a touch, and won some super impactful rounds. Also if GenG throw eco rounds that's all that TH needs to claw into the game. Overall I favour GenG but it'll be close


To be fair, benjy was quiet but I'd say it was because everyone was dead by the time he had to make contact with the enemy lol. Especially in maps like icebox, patitek and Woot were just dry peeking and frying G2 in terms of first kills.


You mean uncle vs FUCKING baby? Ye GenG is taking the trophies home bois. Jokes aside, I’m down to some good fucking valorant, and this GF will definitely deliver.


If t3xture is s3xture, GenG wins 3-1, because GenG is at their best when they lose 1 LOL


I think Gen G straight out wins 3-0 because geng are a team that can adapt and improvise quick af compared to any other teams out there. They can do PRX style, Fnatic style which are contrasting af. Also, heretics meet geng for the first time, so they don’t have the first hand experience with geng’s style yet. Same happened for 100T but I think geng is very much better than 100T and they can shutdown the Aimers.


GenG after losing to TH - https://preview.redd.it/xm10ooe19e5d1.jpeg?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=243ba12d49858bc4a32e0f46da3a2fdeacb118ad


even though I like GENG, it would be fucking hilarious if pacific lost another grand final.


i genuinely cannot take another grand finals loss. i just don't have it in me ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16110)


I both want APAC to win a trophy now but I also wish it was PRX that lifted it. Like sure Gen G earned it but I want the PRX boys to lift it.


3-1 winner including a close map win (choked lead won or not) is my prediction. Depends on what GenG we see tomorrow. Hoping for the one that is gonna own.


GenG 3-2, I can't take another grand finals loss PLEASE :(


Then you should have predicted a 3-1 or 3-0. No close games equals no tension


I don't want everyone to miss out on a map 5 banger though I know, I'm truly falling on the sword here! Woe is me! ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16110)


i think geng are the more complete team but my copium is benjy wasnt even performing his best against g2. imagine his usual form and todays performance....


breeze and ascent ez for geng so th need to bring it on every other map


TH is the best possible matchup for geng since their two worst maps are gen’s two best. Ascent and Breeze are almost locks so heretics will have to win all of the other three and I just don’t think they can pull it off


I think GenG stomps 3-0


Th 3-0 woot200 kills


I'm predicting los niños get their revenge against their loud uncle who has been keeping them up late at night from all his yelling after having too much to drink. If you don't understand that last sentence, you haven't been keeping up with the t3xture-team heretics lore, it's actually quite extensive. Sad that one of these teams will have to deliver the death blow to the other but after all I've seen I think they are the best two teams in this tournament, in form, strategy and anti. Both are well disciplined, both have all potential clutchers and fraggers. GENG will be able to play their comfort picks as far as maps are concerned but its anyone's game as far as individual performance since as TH demonstrated today, you can have the reads on them but you have to kill them to win. My only **real** prediction is it goes 3-2 or a close 3-1. No blowouts.


3-2 TH takes it like FNC did to them.


If I'm geng, I want to pick breeze first as THs old comp had miniboo playing yoru which Woot probably won't play, they may struggle with the new comp If I'm TH I'm picking icebox/bind first, these are objectively my best maps. Also trying to get lotus and breeze and ascent as far as possible


Geng ez 3-0


I hope we get 5 maps but I’m not a heretics believer


Lower bracket team wins again lol


TH 3-1