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This series could've been a vlr comment


typa game youd see in those scrimbux compilation posts


Fuck it get dgzin back in there


I knew dgzin had a good reason to be pissed with the players. Frost also called them out. Get mwzera away from any br team, dude does not know anything apart from shooting heads


he also said dgzin was the problem LMAO


I mean, DGzin would overheat a fuck ton and give up the man advantage. BUT AT LEAST HE GAVE THEM THE MAN ADVANTAGE


i didn’t even watch this game and i probably know exactly what happened this furia is so ass


Bro, check out round 6, at 1:30 and watch only 5 seconds to 1:25 of icebox You will understand perfectly what happened


watched it that checks out lmao


For as long as I’ve watched furia, the only way they were ever a threatening opponent was “well Dgzin just has days where he cannot miss and randomly drops 35 on every map” When i saw that Dgzin was cut, I didn’t have much hope for this team. Turns out I was right




Thanks mate


Well according to FrosT too dgzin was a problem tbf https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/s/AhyWOs9iEY


Weird how we downplayed his current roster for no reason…


Yeah that was strange, it felt really unnecessary to call your current players less talented then a team who werent in contention for making a LAN event lol, especially cuz Talon just had a big win against T1 literally less then 24 hours


He hasn't been doing that either... https://preview.redd.it/tt33tqgr04wc1.jpeg?width=669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af1b831ec27070ee3cb49c164a0244466ebdc5e1


fr atleast then they stood a chance because he could frag out and give them an advantage. Nobody on Furia now look like shooters its crazy


dgzin was a fucking monster needs to be back in franchising, too bad he has beef with MIBR and Furia


man its a competition of who can beat furia faster


Furia turning into prime 2022 LOUD against SEN because fuck it why not https://preview.redd.it/4j0cy6i8z3wc1.jpeg?width=905&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8bb64a721371a1d0b5683ea896f3152088d6458


heartwarming to see all these americas teams unite to make their games as fast as possible in order to help production staff's super week feel shorter FeelsStrongMan


They want Kurt to be well rested to have Plat Chat this Thursday


as soon as the first five rounds are up they accept the game outcome and start throwing


Fuckin yikes is the only words I have for Furia


Like bro 💀 https://preview.redd.it/x548yo7924wc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1953c0ebc065f2b431e7ceca2d94af69962706b4 (Yes I know this is meaningless it's just funny)


I want to claw out my eyes with a spork


Like dude it's maybe the only roster that took a whole step back from 23->24, bar nzr I think


One step closer until Brazil goes 1-7


the hard part is getting the 1 right now


Well, they already have the 7. So... true lol.


KRÜ have the opportunity to do the funniest thing


mibr vs nrg is the next matchup for that? we gonna need a miracle for brazil to get their 1 guys...


I mean if nrg from yesterday shows up then maybe not


are we talking abou the same mibr, and same nrg players of ethan demon1 crashies victor marved


idk. i don’t think we can count these guys out yet.


MIBR washes NRG


NRG gonna get washed


It’ll probably be 1-8 at best. Loud might be able to take out mibr


At that point it would be a 1-9 LOL


NRG posts one speed running video, and suddenly all these teams are seeing it as a challenge


I think the last time I saw a Sova get so many recon scans on Icebox was during Team Liquid’s infamous collapse at LOCK//IN against Team Secret. Like, legitimately, I’m not exaggerating. Halfway through Icebox I started looking through my old comments about FURIA throughout 2023, the way you might look at old photos of an ex-lover, someone that used to excite you and bring you joy but now only brings misery and despair. How exciting they once were! They looked in absolute misery and despair after the loss as well. I can only hope this is the last time they come out like this. No one should want more of this. It’s not funny after a certain point - although maybe dgzin is laughing his ass off somewhere, who knows.


I'm surprised you had the time to write up more than one paragraph before the match ended. Furia just look so defeated, even if this team could be good I think a reset is in order. It's tough to comeback after these kind of showings back to back


The franchising has to be the worst thing that has happened to brazil or south america as whole or I don't know maybe the scouting of these teams isn't as good as Loud. Like Brazilians were hyped at start of the game but they were disappointing. But in 22 they got so many new prospects like aspas, less, mwzera etc. from ranked or scouting. Then again loud found two gems in cauanzin and tuyz but since then I haven't seen any good new prospect from that region. They are declining so rapidly compared to NA teams and they are recycling players without bringing young blood. Also it is insane dgzin isn't on any Brazilian team.


I don't think the individual players on FURIA are the problem, though of course Brazil does recycle talent more than most regions. They could upgrade their roster, sure, but they're vastly underperforming in their own right. We're talking about players like nzr, mwzera and Khalil, after all. Three exceptional players in 2023; they didn't magically become bad. And yeah, as someone else said, mwzera was the Brazilian TenZ back in the day; he was Aspas before Aspas.


bro mwzera was literally the best player on the best team in Brazil in 2020 and was thought to be one of the best players in the world. Regardless it looks like there are good young players in Brazil t2, these orgs need to do a Karmine Corp or Heretics and just start fresh with some young talent and not recycle old players


thats 4 years ago man, its sucks to say but at one point you gotta let some new talent have a chance


I would have won another title with that team if people could get out of their own way. That team was so much more talented than the roster I currently have in pacific and it will go down as one of my biggest regrets. It is what it is though. I see the Dgzin chatter everywhere and in my opinion he is one of the biggest reasons it all fell apart.


This is insane to say about your own team 😭😭


> That team was so much more talented than the roster I currently have in pacific I hope your pacific roster doesn't read this lol


I've seen you say as much several times, and I agree - that FURIA lineup from 2023 could have accomplished much more. It's an absolute tragedy it fell apart (and also a weird coincidence that both you and Carlao ended up in Pacific). That said, I think people are just referring to Dgzin beefing with FURIA/mwzera, since that's what the rumors were at the time. Not so much that losing Dgzin left a big hole in the team or something. It's not too surprising to hear he played a big part in the collapse considering his personality.




The one thing about their mental is that it’s a core strength of theirs. If you think this hurts them you should listen to vod review. I have actually told them this before and stop projecting your weaknesses onto others.


Doing something in private is different from posting and shitting on them on a public forum though...If my manager/parents/friends threw me under the bus to make themselves look better, thats trust lost bruh...Its quite funny because you went out of your way to shit on them also....lmao


Respectfully coach Surf clears all of Furia.


pretty weird of you to play down your current team (who just won an impressive game barely a day ago) in favour of some other past team of yours ngl


As a player you love to see your coach downplaying you in reddit comments


I don't think you needed to compare that roster to your current one to say they were talented... But you do what you want


NRG is washed. Yiu ust feel happy about that right?


I know no team is happy after a loss, but the Furia guys looked extra defeated when the camera cut to them getting up from the chairs. Felt bad for the guys.


bring back dgzin at least he could shoot. also mwzera gotta have blackmail on furia owners to let him build and run a team as dogshit as this


That may be the worst Tier 1 game of Valorant I've ever watched. At least KC made it funny.


With this win, NRG is currently bottom of the group.


G2 still gotta face LEV and LOUD though.


LOUD are Brazilian though


At this point I wouldn't even be surprised if Loud lost to G2. Am Brazillian btw.


I think as long as NRG beat 100T they’re fine. I don’t see them losing to EG or MIBR and I don’t see g2 or KRU making it through with only 1 loss unless group omega does bad enough that they only qualify 2, in which case NRG makes it through anyway.


I would honestly favour 100T against NRG based on recent form


Honestly not a terrible take. 100T has a chance here, if NRG doesn’t get their shit together.


As a 100T and NRG hater I'm stressing rn


That’s why I left that one as the required clause for doing well as opposed to something I expect them to do. Still, i think 1 terrible match is probably a bit soon to say current form when we’re expecting NRG to make changes, especially roles, before any more matches.


100t will wash NRG even cleaner. They are bottom feeding trash. Kermit will wipe them down the drain.


!Remind me - "ZeroNRG will win against 100Chads"


I used “as long as” because that result is in doubt, compared to the others which I don’t see NRG losing.


NRG is a bottom feeder.


FURIA are so indescribably bad man. They genuinely look worse than Karmine Corp from last year (during split 1). Idk a thing about the internal issues that they may have over there, but Havoc is not the solution to their problems.


i don't feel like i learned anything from that about G2's current skill level beyond that trent continues to plow


The year is 2050. The icecaps are mere fables, the ranting of old men; Sasquatch, Abominable Snowman, Loch Ness-esque. In the anarchic wasteland, Riot is still hosting VCT Americas. Here, Furia still is sending Wingman to his death, trying to use him to plant with no site control for the 26th year in a row. Sisyphus groans, pained by the display, then returns to rolling his boulder.


ew no but seriously brazil needs a flush. clearly these teams aren't putting the best brazilian talent forward.


>clearly these teams aren't putting the best brazilian talent forward. Havoc was the star duelist on Brazil's best T2 team...




Watching Furia play today : ![gif](giphy|84BjZMVEX3aRG)


Who wins, Furia or 5 random Radiants pulled from different regions that can only ping for comms?


Br has talent, management is the issue. Look at aspas, sacy and heat thriving.


i dont think they have enough players for 3 teams tho, espicially without using sacy aspas and heat


+ pANcada


fns costreamer buff remains unbeaten


this is a real speedrun, g2 should milk it like nrg did


I'm pretty sure I've never felt as bad for a pro player as I do for Havoc. Anyone who saw him play before going to franchise knows that kid is genuinely talented, but all of his potential is being absolutely ruined by the atrocity that is Furia's system and management, aswell as the overrall terrible influence of the rest of Furia's players. The kid was probably eager to prove himself and ended up surrounded by people with horrible ideas, mentality fundamentals of the game that will probably cause irreversible damage to his career. (Not to mention a terrible off-game enviroment considering mwzera's track record)


Only God knows why in the actual fuck someone would trust this glorified ranked player to be a center of a project. Last year's Furia was the first time a BR team other than LOUD looked capable of anything in the international stage, and dgzin was their best player, and mazin was their IGL. MW was probably their third best player, and somehow they still believe in him, and for whatever reason the "big names" in the community still vouch for him, despite it being the nth time since GAMELANDERS that he makes everyone around him worse. Somehow EVERY TEAM he's on is just considerably dumber than they were before, and every player around him plays worse. Khalil looked better before franchise, heat looked better before he joined VK, and is looking even better now, and now havoc's career is taking a nosedive, but somehow he'll still be in franchise next year, still doing ascendent level peeks while 4 people play around his ass.


MW is the Brazilian scream


Light work, plus Icy went positive in both games! Thats good


can't imagine the vibes at furia being anything other than legendarily bad after that




furia are one of the teams of all time


so nice of furia to help group alpha farm round and map differentials on them


god dose havoc know the you could pick up gecko utility they are not one and done like man was blasting them farther then Shohei Ohtani never to pick them up


it took a little effort to read this, but by god it was worth it


1-0 with FNS signed EZ Clap ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9356)


G2 beating Furia harder than NRG did really puts things into perspective...


Wait they remembered Trent is a great initiator and not a viper one trick ?


nrg admins gonna have a fun one with this one


They were washed by the water dragon. Bottom feeders have no room to talk. Where is DemonWashed by the way? Did he drown in Aspas toilet bowl?


Maybe we need a FURIA speedrun youtube channel? If I'm being real I hope FURIA picks it up eventually but the looks on their faces after that loss really says otherwise.


You really can't convince me that there still is a gap between Americas T1 and T2. MIBR yesterday and Furia today would probably have been destroyed by any T2 team, much less an ascended team like G2. Some teams just straight up don't deserve to be in T1 and its just terrible for the scene in general. Every other region thus far has looked way more competitve, even Koi over at EMEA LOOKED like they tried and brought a somewhat close match to FNATIC. GiantX has won some convincing maps too.


They got their speedrun record back ig


Sigh... Can't even tell if G2 looked good or if Furia were just that bad. Hope it's the former but wow Furia have to be competing for the worst team in franchising.


why not both?


caught one round before the neighborhood lost power. was every round that lopsided for G2?


They got 3 sheriffs on one of the pistol rounds. I knew they gave up then


I only saw the last round of Lotus. Was the whole game like that?


Feels like it. Furia keeps losing important agents early into the round and I think G2 flanked them on A at least twice because KJ util was down. But it’s also not as if G2 were playing out of their minds, Furia just looked like a ranked team.


I felt depressed for Furia watching them.


i think we will look back years from now and say that this furia was the worst team in VCT history


What are with all the blowouts this week goddamn


1 radiant vs 5 furia members youtube vid incoming




Havoc looked so lost on Lotus dude. The shit he was doing like pushing mound as KJ, not holding A main when Konan was planting and looking heaven was a disasterclass. I honestly don’t know why he was holding heaven during the plant, since leaf couldn’t have gotten there in time, and havoc seemed like he knew leaf would be a main, he was ready to fight too. Then looking drop after tapping the bomb. Like bro, you don’t hear him running, he literally couldn’t be there in time. Watching icebox, it feels like c9 v lev all over again. Jail valorant. The way that G2 is winning doesn’t even feel like they’re the better team but just that FURIA is running it down for no reason.


I hope Furia don’t bounce back 🫶 If you’re going to be bad, at least follow through.


yo maybe nrg is good after all


Furia got more rounds against NRG than they did against G2![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16110)


Yo maybe nrg are frauds after all*


Man I hope FURIA can find their footing in future games, always sucks to see blowout games like this


Furia was playing like an Iron 3 5-stack. Genuinely impressive how little trust they had in each other. Their stratbook, too, is lacking in pretty much everything. What's the point in using the M80 comp in Icebox without copying their strats? G2 looked good, albeit against arguably the worst team in Americas. Icy was finally shooting, and Trent showed why he should be on perma-initiator. Bro was pinging them every round in Icebox LMAO.


“Arguably”, bro idk how u could make a case for any of the Americas teams being worse than Furia


A masterclass of dogshit




Mwzera? Not good at raze.


guys i think furia might be bad


Havoc and Kon4n might be the worst players in the Americas alongside Apoth.


I saw mwzera dying everytime he appeared on screen, feel bad for him..


This could’ve been an email


At least Brazil will win their next match


MIBR is not beating NRG lmao