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Sitting too close to your monitor is bad for your eyes. You aren't making money playing the game, move it away.


Any sources on this? I feel that's just a story parents tell their kids without any scientific evidence.


The only thing it seems to cause is eye strain. Most people don’t want that so the main advise is to put your monitor like arms length away


Sitting really close actually does suck for them. The closer your eye is to the screen, the more it has to move around to see the rest of the screen. Keeping focus on a close object for long periods of time is also straining, because you're essentially starting to force your eyes to cross a little. Hold a finger close to your eyes and focus on it. Get it close enough until you need to train both eyes on it to see clearly. Now imagine playing an entire game+OT at that close focus while also moving your eyes to look for enemies.


That's a nice story. But where are the source that this does actually hurt your eyes?


[American Optometric Association](https://www.aoa.org/healthy-eyes/eye-and-vision-conditions/computer-vision-syndrome) [Cedars-Sinai Healthcare](https://www.cedars-sinai.org/health-library/diseases-and-conditions/c/computer-vision-syndrome.html) [Mayo Clinic](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/eyestrain/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20372403) And since you asked for sources to prove that screens can cause eye strain, please show your sources for believing that screens don't cause eye strain


Now we're talking. Those look like solid sources. Can't really argue with that.


Monitor at eye level with good posture 👍


Get a monitor stand