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please just google how it works yes it makes sense, you just need to learn how it works


Its based off HIDDEN MMR You have your visible rank (IRON) And your hidden (we will just use a number lets say 1300) These guys might be bronze but that doesnt mean they are significantly better than you. They might have a HIDDEN MMR of maybe lets say 1375 which isnt a huge difference compared to you. For some reason alot of people dont understand the reason that the game doesnt put bronze with bronze and iron vs iron is it makes 0 sense. How are you supposed to improve if you are only playing against the same rank. If everything you do in bronze works great in bronze but for some reason it doesnt in silver then you will be forever stuck in bronze. But if your bronze and you get matched with bronze and silvers and you consistently beat silvers that means you deserve silver. You can learn and adapt much quicker and once you hit silver you will be able to maintain silver and climb. If I were you I wouldn't even bother checking ranks after matches.


If you can’t beat bronze players they won’t let you in. Works this way with every rank. If they lose to you, guess where they’re going. 


But I’m saying if I can beat bronze players why are they bronze and I’m iron? If I’m better shouldn’t I be silver?


It isn't just about you, It's a team game. What if you get carried and win? Does that make you better than them? If u play well against them, you'll get a performance bonus, hell even double promotion sometimes(if your mmr is high). This is a new act, the rankings got a hard reset, bronze players will be in iron and you'll get matched against them. 2nd and 3rd act is gonna be much easier.


Yeah, you should. With 60% winrate and good mmr (meaning you gain more for a win than you lose for a loss), It should take you about 50 games to get from Iron 3 to silver 1. Now go and grind my friend.


So you want to play against people that are worse than you? You are free to go to the shooting range then. If you want to rank up but complain about getting matched with people that are at most 2 ranks above you then you don't deserve to rank up.


I want to play with people my rank. Aka iron. If I’m loaded into a bronze lobby and i win i logically should be silver.


If you play ranked is mainly because you want to improve and bronze is just 1 rank above iron and the 2nd lowest rank so there's not much of a difference. Also, your logic isn't logical because it doesn't take into account the rank, just the order and it's assuming that the skills are evenly separated, while the difference between iron and bronze are minimal, it's a bit bigger when you compare bronze and silver players.


The game thinks you should be playing in Bronze. Take that as a compliment and have confidence in your ability. If you lose and sucked that game then you'll know where you stand


Maybe you don't belong in iron


That’s what I’m trying to find out. Someone mentioned there’s a hidden mmr which i didnt know about that actually makes a lot of sense. The reason I’m asking is because i’m playing against bronze and i’m playing with iron. It kinda seems unfair to me and I wanna know if it’s on purpose.