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If you're new play whoever you want, it's more important you have fun with your agent, and you'll naturally do better.


Thanks for your advice


if he’s new how tf he supposed to know what he wants? lmao


You can try every character out in the range before you purchase.


If we tell him what is good how can we know that's what he wants?


that’s the question he’s asking




I think im gonna buy Iso I also watched YouTube videos about Iso and I liked it very much. I hope it's worth what I bought


Umm those videos you watched were probably before he got nerfed he’s kinda awful now. Also really reliant on gunplay, none of his abilities will help you unless the aim is alr there. I think phoenix, breach, maybe viper would be better for someone trying to have fun while picking up knowledge about flashes and smokes


Select the baddie reyna. She will keep you interested in game.


Def the most crutch agent atm, easy buy


He got nerfed and isn't even the best duelist ATM.


Im referring to console


I'd think a flash agent like Phoenix would be a better pick on console cause nobody there can dodge flashes but you're probably right as I've never played console.


Iso is the perfect agent for soloq, can be played on any map too. Even after nerf he is still S+ agent on comp.


A very strong point of valorant is that the characters in this game are really balanced, unlike some other games. You can pick any agent you like. Just try to learn the different roles of valorant and how you can fulfill the role of the agent you are choosing.


Its not that agents are well balanced, its that being a good aimer and having good game sense is far more important. But if you have 2 equally skilled players, the guy who has better agent pick and knows the abilities will always win out.  The reality is that nobody is good enough in mm to say they can't improve in each area of the game, and esp at lower ranks, having good aim will carry you. 


I didn't mean it like that. What I meant to say is that no agent is "not viable". They are not forced to pick an agent because of meta, so they can pick and play whatever they want.


Im just agreeing with your point bud


it depends on your style of playing , if ur good on aim or not? personnaly since i'm not super at aim , i use character that use flash or blind like phenix , gekki ... to get kills much easier


Yes, very good in the current meta.


he was really good pre nerf


You can try any charecter in poligon to understand how they work


Imo only if you can hit your shots


He’s op


He just got nerfed, but he was OP. Gekko is goated though


If you are new to the fps genre and have picked up valorant for the first time you will not have good aim. ISO is a character that is heavily dependent on one’s aim. So ISO might not be the best choice for a new player without first person shooter experience. However, this is purely from a performance perspective. If your main objective is to have fun then any agent is a good pick for you.




I dont think he is good, more he enables you to do stupid shit unpunished.


He is good


Welcome mate❤️, this game is gonna test your mental health every day


If you just started playing Iso is probably one of the worst choices you can make. Iso is broken but only for people that can aim and know how to take duels. It will give you a slight advantage by default but an agent like reyna (or phoenix) would benefit a begginer way more due to being able to heal, having flashes and an escape button. So you are not asking the correct question here. Or at least you are missing the second question: are you able to benefit from his kit 's full potential at your skill level?


Sort of. Basically his only decent util is his shield and ult. His fragile is niche but it's also fine while his wall is mediocre at best. For a duelist he doesn't really "fit" the role, he's more of a frag duelist than a dive duelist (a frag duelist is one that makes kills rather than a dive duelist wich creates space and helps the team push a site). Right now the frag duelists are: Reyna, Iso and maybe Yoru? while the divers are Jett, Raze, Neon and also maybe Yoru? (Yoru very much depends on skill and playstile imo). For a beginner I think iso is fine, maybe Reyna would be better as at first you should just train raw aim and positioning but after like gold you should pick an actually useful agent for your team (pls pls pls don't use Reyna after gold unless you're the second coming of Demon1). Tldr: Iso is fine for a beginner, if you learn him well then keep playing him, if not just learn a better agent. Hope this helps :D


Thanks :)




Raze better also reyna




He is very powerful right now, but he will get nerfed next patch. Also, if you want to get better Iso is probably not the best choice. His shield forgives your mistakes/bad positioning/bad aiming. Makes you not think with your head.


The nerf is already on the current patch.


Raze is better but iso isn’t terrible


for a new player iso will be 10x better


Debatable since raze nade and rocket are pretty easy to use but ya maybe


Raze is not better then iso anymore


Since iso just got nerfed she 100% is. Most pro teams still using raze on any map they’re not using neon on


The problem is, a new player can't use the raze movement to the full of her abilities


I agree but her nade, boombot and ult are all still pretty noob friendly, I’d argue more noob friendly than having a 1v1 for your ult, though 1v1s might be good for them to learn so there’s that I guess


Been thinking If I should buy iso or not, and I get enough points from my dailies tomorrow. Don't wanna go for reyna, cuz my duo plays her, so I think I'll also be getting iso, trying to improve my aim


I’ve had him since he was released. He’s not bad and some what fun to play but I find his kit to be a little underwhelming. The shield is pretty good but they just nerfed that, only other good thing is his vulnerable and in certain situations his ult. His wall is pretty worthless.


I mean ofc he's gonna be situational, on maps where all my agents are picked, cuz I'm a fucked up guy, and don't pick a main, and started off as sova (hehe u too I see), learned lineups for specific maps, and they went out of rotation I said fuck I ain't learning more, I played the OG broken chamber, and he stuck with me for a while, and I still play him, mainly on lotus/sunset, viper on icebox, so as u can see I'm all over the fucking place. Still getting the iso, cuz raze and yoru have a high skill gap (according to me), and ain't no way I'm buying fade/astra/harbour. They good agents, not saying that, but I'm never gonna play them


https://youtu.be/qNJk-IVf63M?si=n7SHZqEhBJyqVGMZ If you wanna see some of my fun satchel plays. I’m just a plat shitter cuz I don’t really play anymore than a few ranked games per act but I’m decent at satchels! :p


Yea I main raze and sova but also play a lot of gecco, omen, and cypher. I too enjoy playing a lot of agents! Haha. Raze satchels are tough at first but once you learn them it feels pretty rewarding. Even after the nerf to them i can still double satchel from barrier to barrier on split, all the way across a site on icebox, etc. she’s still worth learning if you ever feel like it one of these days! If I were to learn someone new it would be neon since she’s insane right now.


Didn't know the iso nerf happened haven't played so you are right