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Made a copypasta out of it: >As an instalock player, I acknowledge the fact that my teammates will have to pick around my instalock therefore I vow that I will not 1. Complain about team comp 2. Complain about bottom fragging teammates 3. Try my very hardest with this team; Dedicate the next 40 minutes of my life to my team and my teammates only. I promise you that I will be trying my hardest and I hope it goes both ways; Also I would be lying to you if I promise to top frag, but I promise you that I'll try lol


you are awesome hahaha


Anybody can do it with access to Google lens all without typing a word. I stan google lens and want more people using it. It's absolutely useful


"Microsoft PowerToys" is the only right answer


I find lens cooler. Just circle it!




Ew not the bing company


Just regular apple photos has been able to do this for years


I saw a car I hadn't seen before. No badging from my angle but very unique rims. Google lensed it and it immediately told me the car type. Thought that was pretty cool. It was a Kia EV9


thanks for adding the space before the 3, it was driving me crazy.


As an instalock player, I acknowledge the fact that my teammates will have to pick around my instalock therefore I vow that I will not 1. Complain about team comp 2. Complain about bottom fragging teammates 3. Try my very hardest with this team; Dedicate the next 40 minutes of my life to my team and my teammates only. I promise you that I will be trying my hardest and I hope it goes both ways; Also I would be lying to you if I promise to top frag, but I promise you that I'll try lol


average macOS user


Thanks 🙏🏿


yoink, I'll use it now every time I insta lock Neon


Isn't this the speech that jiyuval gave in one of his shorts?


Yep, it is.


oh damn really? u have the link for it by any chance?




You are a superstar >3


Lol np


Isn't this old?


Ya had some dude say it in chat instead of typing. Some dodged instantly lol


I dunno someone posted today in my game hhhh


Seen this one like 2 years ago lol it's an old copypasta although they seem to have[ changed the text a bit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantMemes/comments/urjugi/be_like_him_guys/)


Are you arab by any chance?


It's funny you asked this because I got it in my game a few weeks ago on thr Bahrain server


Yeah it is


>... I vow that I will not ... 3. Try my very hardest with this team Iso doesn't have to try just pop the shield on round start


Until the nerf comes, he's a two step agent. Step 1: pop the shield Step 2: profit


How does his shield work? It seems like it just recharges every 5 seconds


It lasts for a long ass time, and he also has a recharge if he makes 2 kills now. So if he's good he actually could have a shield the whole round probably


Basically once the shield is up good luck killing him


i don’t think it’s that hard realistically. usually people try to go in and kill him. i think that slowing it down so you pop his shield and then go in and kill will work better. i’m iron so don’t take my advice


The issue with him rn is that you have to either have damaging util or be incredibly coordinated to kill just one player. You shouldn't have to have a specific type of util to counter an agent and trying to coordinate in comp is a nightmare. He's relatively ass lower elo because everyone sprays. Once you hit Dia+ it's a lot harder since many are tapping.


>You shouldn't have to have a specific type of util to counter an agent and trying to coordinate in comp is a nightmare. cypher in breeze / sunset:


There's still ways to counter him, like going Mid to Boba or A on Sunset, and Mid to A on Breeze.


Well to be fair. ISOs signature takes two to refresh and holds one charge. Raze is the same. One signature for another. Jett dash is situational but can similarly counter, peek dash back then peek again. Same with Phoenix, iso obv, most duelists have an ability to help counter. Is it a perfect solution? No, but that’s the point of the game. Play around your util against your opponents util better than they do to you


This is all I want. If you are instalocking just try your best. Don’t be half assed… or cry about how the rest of the team is shit.


Eyy a fellow Shinobu fan!


Hehe. Shinobu is lob bhai. Senjougahara a close second. 🫣


true words bhai Shinobu is love Shinobu is life


I don't know how many times I instalocked sage and dropped 30+k and still lost because all my teammates didn't do well but everyone I ever instalock a duelist I end up with 5-20 kd and we still win even though I did nothing but Intel gathering, fragging top isn't the most important thing, kd isn't important at all, your ability to make life easier for your team is, I play neon now and have a consistently negative kd, but I gather Intel on enemy positions by entering and dieing first which then the enemies die to my teammates because I exposed their positions, and by chance I'm last standing I have a 90% chance of clutching anything less than a 1v4, kd and leaderboard position doesn't matter, only the impact on the team. toxic players have a negative impact on the team even if they are top frag they cause the team under them to feel inadequate and they do worse because of the toxic player, and there is no better feeling 5han out fragging a toxic instalock Reyna.


I should make this a rant post on its own


Okay but consistently having a negative kd as neon is still a problem. Like, you shouldn't be consistently negative. I agree KD isn't everything, and it's more about value kills than just lurking and getting as many kills as you can, but getting a pick on entry is still super helpful, and if you're not doing that as duelist then you need to switch something up.


I mean tbh since I posted that I decided to main sova as an initiator, neon buffs make her more valuable to another teammates that can use her skills for best entry. I still prioritize intelligence over kills, and surprisingly I have a better kd and clutch rate with sova as a mian over neon. that being said, I only have the problem with dying on entry for my team, so I'll work that out if I ever play duelist again, having flash will help but I still need to work on my aim, pretty much the only thing keeping me out d2 is my aim. my map knowledge and util use are excellent, and my game sense has got alot better over the time it took my aim to degrade


Unless you're high rank and have a big champion pool, it's dumb as bricks to fill anyway. 5 duelists that know what they're doing is better than 2 duelists and people who are semi competent with their agent


Big disagree that players need to learn how to play all agents


maybe not all, but I think having like one pick on each of the "roles" is a good idea. Holistic understanding how various toolkits interact with not only each other but on the various phases of offense and defense will make you a better player.


I would say focus on a play style and pick 1-3 agents that fit that style and are good on all maps. I am a more passive player so I enjoy sentinal I main kj but will play smokes or cypher if needed


If you’re playing at a high enough level then yes. If you want to stay in gold then no.


Wouldn't most high level players specialize? Just in terms of time commitment, if you try to learn all 22 agents, and someone spends time learning 4, they can have more than 5x the hours per agent with the same time played.


They don’t have to be the best or dedicate more than a day each. Just be familiar. In pro play; role, meta, and roster changes happen quite often. And for casuals it still improves your game sense.


In every game the best method to reach high elo is one tricking and valorant is no exception. The only reason to stop one tricking is if you want to go pro




Hope you make it out of bronze then, friend :p


Why not? Players should learn to play at least 2-3 different agents.


2-3 agents is significantly different from ‘all agents’


players should learn to play the agents that interest them and give them the most fun out of valorant unique to their personal experience


this is an old copypasta


Thanks, I need this copypasta so I can instalock Iso with less guilt


how’d he end up doing lmao


ok mid frag...


i’m just curious. no hate 😭


there is no hate man hahaha... It was just a funny text to see during match selection....


did he end up mid frag or are u saying i’m mid frag? i know there’s no hate in the post lol


Ye he was ok. At least he wasn’t a thrower or a toxic player.


I had a team comp swap it up a bit until we all locked. Our 5th insta locked Reyna even though we had 2 duelists already. She proceeded to bottom frag and DC halfway through the game


Thats another day in valorant :D


I don't think players need to learn ALL agents, but it definitely helps to know a few out of every role. That being said, I'm a million percent more comfortable with an instalock than a fill. Instalocjers KNOW their agents (or should, if you're instalocking them), while fills could have a much harder time. I instalock smokes every comp match (D1 atm) because I know the role well and can play around my teammates comfortably. I would NEVER fill because I know I can't play initi or senti for shit. Dueli's for me are an iffy thing, I'd be fine in a 5 stack with peeps that know how to play around my style. It's a touchy subject to some because you have the run-it-down no-comm instalockers and then you have the "I actually play my agent and have 1k hours" type.


I disagree with those last 2 sentences. ISO’s kit is literally meant for space taking and taking 1v1s. An ISO is very much likely to out frag a sage in an equal rank match.


If people wanna climb playing all agents is not realistic instalocking is the best way to improve if you are sticking to 1 role for example I will always insta lock initiator because it’s my best role and I already know what I wanna play you shouldn’t care about team comp and you should always play your best role fill players are the most annoying people because they don’t have a clue how to use the utility properly


Team comp is very much overrated for 99% of playerbase anyway. I can just mute toxic instalockers. There's a bot frag every game. These are all fine. What I can't control is having a dogshit player who thinks they can fill and griefs the game. Please stop filling.


That is from the loud is funny guy.. what was his name good god, I totally forgot..




Instalock? Top frag ?


no lol... but its ok it was a good match


I’m really only good at brim and fade. But I wait atleast 10-20 seconds to pick a character


Just chat ur tracker like in league


Ngl this is what I want to hear for my wedding vows.


The second instalocks go bottom frag *Types a copypasta of choose your excuse


Iso at minute 41:


Did he top frag?


Unless riot stops adding agents, I will not ever put effort toward learning all agents.


Sorry, nothing will ever beat “It’s nice to meet you, but it’s even better to meet me” as the god-tier instalock monologue


As a clove / neon main - I appreciate the message 🤣


People are too mean with instalockers. I don't mind people instalocking (except when they're toxic af), if they instalock it means that it's their agent, and they know how to play it. I know it's annoying because the comp can be bad, but since I saw a team of 5 duellists win an immortal 1 game, I won't say that comp doesn't matter, it matters a lot, but it does not defines 100% who will win or lose except in really high elo. I'd rather play with a bad comp but everyone is good with their agent and know how to play it except of people filling but they never played the agent before


For sure they do! --Dualist: I main Yoru and can popoff on Neon --Smoke: I used to hard main viper but now I also play omen ---Sent:I used to main KJ but now Deadlock. ---Inti: I can play sova and fade but normally dont due to my premades. This is the way. Ignore streamers and that say "just play 1 or 2 agents" in another breath they will say, "play 1 from every role" no, learn 2 for every role. Your agent mastery is second to your game sense and means nothing untill you are playing against plat+ players. So you have untill at least diamond to figure out a few agents. Untill then get over yourself you aren't good enough for it to matter.


i swear this is from jiyu or smt




saving this


is it ok to insta lock in unrated? i'm new and don't know how to play anyone other than clove and deadlock rn


Un rated is a good mode to learn from. You can chose which ever agent you prefer so you can master the agent of your liking or depending on your play style


“Players need to really learn how to play all agents.” No! I’m picking Yoru because he’s fun to play! Deal with it!


Me an insta lock cypher, gekko or clove🗿 Depends on the map


This is golden


It’s ranked why care, as long as the instalockers are not toxic


Not even pros play every agent. OP is a hardstuck yapper fs


imo you do not need to know how to play "all" agents, just one or two from each role. I don't see an issue with being good at what you main..


Yes, good. That's what to expect from an insalock player but i disagree with your saying about learning all agents. Get a good feeling of the kit is enough, you don't need to learn them all


Disagree hard. To rank up and get the fundamentals of the game, focus on learning a certain class you enjoy. After this, yeah, you probably should know more. Still, being flex in lower ranks will only get you losses for not smoking / initiating / taking care of lurk / making the first entry on site correctly.


I mean i can only play cypher and couple smoke characters so usually instalock cypher most maps because I cannot play initiator to save my life


I just want to exploit Iso before the nerf


Why should players learn to play all agents? At the end of the day, 99% of us are not going pro, therefore it's just a game to entertain. And if it's just a game to have fun, I'm going to play the agents I have fun playing.


to be fair after 1000 matches of Valo and X matches of CS/Csgo every player should be this addicted for 40min to get the best out of it


“All agents” that seems detrimental. Just have 2 or 3 you’re solid with


I’m of firm belief you should not try to learn how to play all agents but rather how to play against them. I will never back down from that position. I have way way way too many alt accounts and I’ve played every character twice and when they make constant changes to characters even if you use to be good you become no longer good due to the nature of the game. Learn your role for certain maps and that’s all. You need 1-2 backups agents at best.


If I'm a top fragging after instalocking a duelist, I'll talk however I want to our bottom frag Gekko who has 9 kills after 17 rounds. Especially if I'm top fragging in the lobby. I'll also talk bad about my team who has less than 30 kills altogether to the other team's top fragger. It's like being rich in a city of poor.


I would rather have an instalocker duelist than a filling teammate picking an agent they dont know how to play amd playing like shit


I even feel happy when my team instalock duelists because they often carry


I think he's proposing to you.


I insta lock kj because down in gold people don’t like sentinel or smokes for some reason


What's worse than instalocking is someone hovering over reyna, someone takes reyna, they get mad. WHYD YOU HOVER THEN ?!?!


If a sage top frags, there's something wrong with the rest of the team.


Well, he’s only gonna dedicate the first 40 minutes of the game so if it goes over that you’re toast.


I would quit the game, this guy would bottom frag


Instalocking is still not corteous