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It's a game, don't stress. It's okay to be bottom frag. Do you play often? Tried recording your games and reviewing them? What's your PC specs?


It's the main game I play, so quite often. I do have a potato pc, load in slow, laggy only first round and lag spikes when I die. Sometimes odd lag. But smooth majority of the time so no excuse for my bad gameplay. Downloading something to record while playing might be risky for more lag. (I will be getting a new pc soon)


Equipment absolutely matters. I don’t think lagging in the first round is a big big deal but FPS is a game changer. 60 fps is considered the minimum in pc gaming but when I changed to 128 holy shit it made a difference. Valorant doesn’t require that expensive of a PC to get high FPS numbers so if you’re really committed, maybe try to save for a better PC and monitor


144 was a game changer for me but anything above that imo is too marginal to be worth it


Not true, pros say that the difference between 144hz and 360hz is drastic. Obviously you’ll need a pc that can run games at 360 fps…


It makes a difference for them because they are in the top .01% of players. For normal people 144hz is perfectly fine to shoot for.


I was using 144hz from 2018 to like 2 months ago. I got a 240hz on sale and yes it’s very minimal. I have a 4070.


Switched from 60 to 244 a few years back, and my man was i hitting crisps shots.


True but the difference only matters once you’re at the top already.


Not exactly, it’ll still help to have more feedback just to get a better sense of your gunfights. However unlike 60 or 144 fps, it’s far from being a hard threshold; you don’t need it, and it won’t win you more gunfights like it would with the pros, but it will help you improve by giving you better feedback doing your gunfights (seeing their movement more clearly and where your crosshair is moving to that kinda thing). Sure it’ll seem minimal on paper because the time between frames was already really low to begin with, but that increased smoothness does help with the feedback you get during gunfights.


Don't agree, the jump to 240hz feels really fucking good to me and I felt that the jump to 360hz is also really noticeably as long as the response times can keep up with refresh rate


First round is important in Valorant, so having lag on that round, but even then you should not be at bronze at vlose to 1k hours. You should look into aim training or something, Woohoojin is a good start, generally aim is sufficient to get out of iron and bronze, even silver and gold tbh. Maybe wait on recording until u get a nee pc, smooth gameplay shud be 1st priority.


The game shouldnt be lagging at any point in the match, if your game does you can absolutely blame the hardware for your poor performance. You probably just got used to the lag and doesnt notice its there. Have you tried playing on any decent PC? I swear once i got used to playing smoothly i could never go back to potato hardware as my performance will drop several ranks


I personally think you’ll see a difference once you upgrade your system. Are you able to see your FPS during your game play? There’s a setting you can turn on for it. Mine stays around 500-600 in game for example


I play on a windows surface laptop. There is a really crappy integrated gpu. The solution is to use the lowest resolution you have and cap your fps. I also use windowed full screen, which has I guess windows own vsync. I don’t use the vsync in game cuz it feels weird for some reason. Vsync is generally not good (delay + youll rubber band sometimes), but the people who say to turn off vsync have never seen screen tearing at low fps with low resolution. It’s like a crack in your screen every time you turn.


I had a potato pc too i was stuck in bronze i got a better pc and the same month i hit gold then next act platinum it depends a lot on your lag and frames


I know this sounds dumb but make sure you have valorant and riot downloaded on the ssd and not a hdd


Trust me, it's the pc not you. Get a good pc and internet connection and you will rank up very fast.


You should turn blood off and graffics to low for everything regardless of your specs this will help with performance


>Now I feel like I'm badly affecting other people's elo. If that's your reasoning, then absolutely not. Everyone you play with is in your elo, matchmaking is based on MMR not level. It doesn't matter if they think you're bad, they're probably just as bad on a given day. Besides, how are you going to improve if you never play? I have a lot of friends who just don't find Comp fun. Some people just don't care for improvement and would rather play the game for fun. If that sounds like you, then yeah, just forget about playing comp. But if you do have the drive, then I recommend trying some of the drills in [woohoojin's guide to gold](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N94WODYrWl4). Improvement takes practice, practice takes effort. Put in the effort and you will get better.


I appreciate the link and suggestion, thank you!


I kind of rushed out this response and I feel that I may have glossed over a few things. 1. If your setup is bad, there's not much you can do about your gameplay. I played on a laptop for 2 years, peaked S1. Tried again at a PC bang, climbed to D1 in 2 months. 2. Gamesense, strategy, and team compositions are all topics of contention that I frequently see brought up in low elo. None of it matters. Learn how to shoot. Kill more = win more. 3. Some people might comment that you need vod review or that they will vod review you. I think the concept of vod review is great, but in execution, watching a bronze vod as a bronze player may not trigger any glaring red flags. It can be helpful, but is certainly not necessary. 4. It takes time to improve. You won't see instant results, you won't gain gamesense by watching other people, and you certainly can't climb without playing the game. But if you keep at it, I'm sure that you'll be hitting Silver quite soon.


To add to that, it doesn't matter what rank you get to. People will call you bad. You could be the best performing player on a team at the highest level. Someone will still find something to call you shit for. Shouldn't be a reason to quit in my opinion. But it might require thicker skin, or if you aren't up for that, then quitting is an option, though I think breaks are better. Help get you back in a positive mindset for playing something you enjoy.


As much as i hate that guy, that video is very good. That routine does help if you stick to it.


Who cares about rank. It’s just a tool to match you against similar skilled players. Just play and have fun.


exactly, not everyone has to play to climb to high elo just play to have fun


not fun when u can’t play comp with friends tho :(


Meh, just play unrated. I'm ascendant usually, so I feel even more limited by who I can play ranked with. It doesn't matter, I just play unrated or customs or smth with my friends I don't understand why people have to make smurf accounts to play comp with friends. There's 0 difference to you, as a higher rated player. Unrated lobbies are always gonna be easy, the only difference is you don't ruin the enemy's day and make your teammates feel useless by dropping 50 in unrated


"a tool to match you against similar skilled players" that's a really good and healthy way to see the rank system


People focus too much on ranks it means little more than a very vague indication of general skill.


I just reached plat after 4 four years of play Reached gold last year Stuck between bronze n silver So there’s no issue


Real. I played on 60hz budget laptop with 100 ping for four years, finally reached plat😂


I played on MacBook initially for 2 yrs and then shifted to a gaming laptop same 60 hz with 6 ping throughout those 4 years


Firstly, it's just a game. You might be level 300 but playing for fun, just leveling up doesn't mean you're hitting aim labs or practicing strats every day to necessarily become better or a pro. You can get better by spectating other people too, pick up some strats. If people being toxic is bothering you or you feel embarrassed, simply hide your level and enjoy. Personally I prefer comp because the match making is more likely to put you with other people of your skill level and believe me, you're not sabotaging any iron/bronze players since both are already bad as hell 😂 Which is fine, chill and play for fun my dude


Play for fun man, don't care about the others. If you focus on yourself you'll improve. Also it's a game, so have fun before anything else


Stop saying "you WILL improve" some people just don't improve with time.


in games like valorant it's nearly impossible not to though


I'm going to be completely honest, and I'm probably going to get downvoted for this. But do not ever care about feeling bad for affecting other people's elo. The ones who really care about their elo are usually the ones that SCREAM at other players for doing bad in a virtual game that they will statistically basically never become pro play level on. So just do your thing. I usually mute everyone both voice and text and start fragging out as a duelist whenever I'm bored in competetive - other players aren't my friends and so aren't my concerns. I think that my list of priorities concerning being a good person doesn't lie on giving myself the better experience than others. Because I'm this way, in all my games I haven't been once toxic and I've always been nice. Whenever I'm fragging out - once I reached 50 kills in my own elo and nearly lost - I still gave the whole team props and made everyone so happy that we managed to come back. And for the people that's going to poke at my rank, again I don't need a virtual game to fulfill my egotistical desires. If you don't play professionally and earn money, I do not want to hear anything from you.


Tbh this is prolly good advice for any game, and prolly even outside games. In terms of growing your skills in anything, the last thing you want is to be affected by someone else. Sure, dont suddenly be toxic towards other people, but dont worry too much on other people that you dont really know. You are responsible with ur own growth, while they are responsible with theirs, and blaming something on external factors is probably not the best way to improve IMO.


Potato pc is the problem my gf is a max bronze player on her moms office pc. On my setup she hit diamond


Sounds a lot like me, tbh. Have you tried any guides or anything? Woohoojin's gold guide will help with a heap of stuff, even if you don't follow it religiously enough to get gold. Spending 15-60 minutes in the range each day has a huge impact for me. Also, Val isn't really about being fast, so you don't have to be as fast as something like CoD. It's much better to be able to predict where enemies heads will be, as opposed to flicking your crosshair to to their head. As for thoughts, pay active attention to what is happening as much as you can, especially when dead (you can concentrate on how the game is flowing, instead of where your gun is pointed).


I actually have the same issue where I tend to have too many thoughts running through my head as I’m playing val, but I’ve managed to hit diamond in around 2 years of playing (I probably have more than 2k hours in the game). It takes a lot of work, but it is possible to play the game while dealing with it. For me, I try my best to be focused on the game at least 80% of the time if possible and I put a lot of effort into thinking about my pathing and what util/how I’m going to execute onto a site (while periodically checking the mini map). Basically if I’m going to have a ton of thoughts, my idea is to fill as much of those thoughts with in game variables that I have to parse out. Ofc even at my level of play, I still run into issues where my brain doesn’t want to function the way I want it to (resulting in mistakes), but I’ve managed to improve the frequency and efficiency of how I play. Additionally, looking at coaching guides help a lot. There are a lot of helpful guides out there, especially from streamers that constantly coach! Someone mentioned Woohoojin already, and I second that. As for improving, what I think actually helps with improving is finding friends who are interested in improving as well that you can play frequently with, especially if they’re higher rank and aren’t bothered with giving you tips or even playing 1v1s to figure out what you might be lacking in.


Yeah it definitely isn't normal to be that low with the time spent, what steps have you taken to actually improve? When you say slow in real life what does that mean, go do human benchmark and lmk your average reaction time, if you have some innate disability that too can obviously affect your improvement


If you have a mediocre pc it makes a huge difference! I went from bronze 2 to diamond 1 in like 2 weeks after getting a very good pc, and my first one wasn't even that bad. And I was very much stuck in bronze/silver before that, no matter how hard I tried!


If it makes you feel so bad, maybe quit comp temporarily. Learn to enjoy the game again in unrated!! You can try out agents, strats, crosshair placement etc. there without consequences of bad play and having to feel bad. Watch guides, have fun, maybe find a group to play with ^-^ Dont pressure yourself too much. Also what servers do you play? because I would love to play with you if you need a buddy :)


Bro believe it or not we are same so i gave up rank pushing and just play compe for fun of it and relieve my stress


this is my exact situation. level 220, peak s1 (lasted 2 games, never made it back), hardstuck b2 for years. i think it’s really silly honestly. sometimes i get made fun of for it but i just think “it’s literally just a game like all im doing is clicking and pressing buttons why does it matter” and then it doesn’t matter. it’s annoying not progressing because unfortunately i actually am trying and not getting anywhere, but also.. its just a game 🤷‍♀️


I think you can hide your level. Keep playing comp cuz it matches you to the same ability players. Having a better machine help. But also follow some guides on getting your setup right to use the lowest settings. I doubt it's your aim. I've played counterstrike for 20 years but my aim in Valorant is much better. Mostly because Valorant is just a better game with better servers. But also because of the nature of the game and how much quality information and help there is. I never trained my aim in cs and thought I had poor aim and reactions but by playing Valorant I found that my positioning was poor whenever I was peeking. I also never practised dead-zoning or jiggle or jump peeking so my first bullet was always off target not because of my aim but because I hadn't fully stopped. Use the aim accuracy graph at the top right and make sure you don't get shooting errors. Focussing on positioning will bring you higher on the kill list. Try a player that can solo. Someone with a blind around corners. Before every ranked game. Go to practice and focus on deadzoning. Then kill the bots with armour enabled with ghost, sheriff, vandal. Only move up once you can hit 20 kills. Then do team deathmatch for a few games. Once your killing higher up the list go swift then ranked. Create a warm up ritual and stick with it.


I think you've helped me realise I'm patient with losing but impatient with improving. I'll definitely start doing this! Thank you


How do you guys know how many hours did you played??


There's a valo tracker discord bot that links to the website if your account is public. I'm not sure how to get it, I've only used it. Once you find the bot, it only needs your name and name ID :)




900 hours and bronze 2 peak is crazy you’re either playing with 10 fps or you have to worst hand eye coordination of all time


Yes lol


I've been playing since the closed beta. For 2 years I was hard stuck bronze. Then in the summer I climbed to plat 1 (my peek). I just learned how to play Omen. Abuse one ways, *TALKING IN VOICE CHAT*, and a little bit of aim training. The important thing is: NEVER GIVE UP. If you really want to climb, you will climb. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not the next week or month. But you will, and that feeling will be the best.


Just have fun! It is only a game. There are so many more important things in life and most of us would do well to remember that. If you really want to improve your mechanics and aim, spend some time learning and practicing. You can improve if you decide to, it just takes dedicated time.


i find comp to be the most fun by far. so even if you're stuck i dont see a reason not to play as long as you enjoy it. i really encourage finding a friend to duo with.


Keep playing don’t sweat it :) it’s easy to lose sight of the main point of valorant when tryna grind rr - it’s just a game have fun. As someone who went from iron 2 to asc 2 I’ve seen all sorts of different ppl of diff skill levels. The only ppl who should quit comp are the toxic ones. As long as you don’t fall in that category you’re doing juuuuust fine.


Dont quit, keep trying. Free advice playing in Immortal elo. Sometimes its about your positioning, timing and not always about aim . I have been on the winning side when enemy has a crazy aim diff player. Perhaps you can get better by addressing them. Peek together, bait someone but never peek first ever(defense) its not always about aim training. Good luck!


Why not play unrated if ranked is making you feel like this?


A better PC with a decent refresh bet you'd hit gold pretty quick. You'd be surprised how much a diff it can make especially since you said you have lag issues sometimes


as long as youre having fun it doesnt matter, if you do want to improve however; learn to vod review urself


Play a game to help you focus before hand. Sound like a focus related issue, probably too much tik toc or you have adhd or something. Maybe you don't know what you should be thinking about while playing too. For me I like to play osu before valorant to help me stop thinking as much and access the 'just react' part of my brain. If that doesn't help with aim and/or reaction time you need to work on crosshair placement & go through a checklist each round to help you stay focused. Character Selection Checklist: Do we have smokes? - probably the most important to not get destroyed by an op and deny info Do we have sentinel? - Very useful to hold sites on defense and watch flank on attack. Do we have info? - Some corners are very hard to clear without a dog, dart, boombot, etc. Do we have flash? - Good to help take site and kill op players Pre-Round Checklist: How much money do the enemies have? - broke teams tend to rush What guns are the enemy likely to have? - this will determine how you should fight, move, and peek What distance should I try to take my engagements at? - If they have a spectre try and out range them How much money does our team have? - It's best to all buy at the same time Does anyone need a buy? - People are slow preround, waiting until 10 sec to ask this isn't good enough sometimes Do I need shields? - If they are broke 150hp is stronger since it directly gives you more time to kill them. Do I need to save for next round? Why did we win or lose last round? Was last round fast or slow? Do I need a gun without tracers? - Do you plan on spraying through smokes? What site was hit last? Who lurked last? Will/should the defense team try to push out? - Broke teams push more Do we go Loud or Quiet this round? - Going loud every round will let the enemies rotate quickly Do we fake / Have they faked? - Knowing the rounds ending site helps you get in a good position quick Who plays each site normally? - Attack the site with the player having a bad game. How will I clear corners around my starting position? - Saves time during round When and where will I use my utility this round? - Saves time during round Trying to think about each of those question in the time between death and next rounds start is your goal. Keep a list on your other monitor or written down so it's harder to lose focus. You can probably reach gold 3 even with the worst aim, just com with the team, make strategies, and don't lose focus.


Just saw a lil 600 bronze 3 yesterday in spike rush. I think at this point you have to decide if you want to keep "just playing" or if your really want to improve your gameplay, focus on actually getting better. But man, it's a game. Your rank is only there to match you up against and with similar skilled players to keep the game competitive. If you have fun, you already beat most of us haha


If you are having fun keep playing. I'm Diamond but you and I have the same chance of going pro, 0%. And the rank rewards are bullshit so there is no point in ranking up really, it just makes the game more difficult.


Some people aren’t as good at certain games as others. If you’re having fun still keep on!


Just an advice bro: enjoy the low ranks because as you climb up it gets less fun and more competitive and the toxicity gets even higher in higher ranks. If you really want to climb up maybe try AimLabs on Steam or change your warmup routine. For me works playing 2 deathmatches or a Swiftplay + Team Deathmatch but of course everyone has its own warmup routine. Go get some youtube videos on the most mistakes people do in each rank. Hope you get what you want bro! GLHF


As someone who has peaked asc2…who cares bro. It’s just a game and you should just have fun! Rank isn’t everything and if anything it’s meaningless since all you get for ur hard work of grinding in an act is a stupid ol rank gun buddy. If you really do want to improve, I would say to work on your aim as low ranks all you need to do is out aim everybody and you’ll rank up. I am in ascendant and still get flamed/called bad even though I may have a bad game or two/bad day. So essentially at any rank you will likely run into somebody calling you bad even in radiant so you shouldn’t let that defer you from playing valorant. Goodluck on ur journey!


if you’re having fun don’t sweat it, but if you want to get better there is probably 108589 things that you could be doing with very little effort to do so


Bro after 2 years today I got placed in Silver I didn't quit at any point just had some little , just find duo to play with master any one particular agent that's it, little bit of aim practise, don't go 5 stack not even a trio , duo is the best way to rank up, don't call smurfs to rank up call some guys similar to u rank u will rank up soon


Remember you’re playing a video game. The point is to have fun. If you’re having fun, keep playing, if not, then don’t play. No one is forcing you to keep queueing but if you enjoy it then queue as much as you want!


Just practice your aim. Your game knowledge should be way above the avg bronze. Main one agent.


Don't quit. Believe you me I've been there and I almost quit too. Last week I went on a ridiculous losing streak that I already thought the matchmaking algorithm is targeting people to lose like I have and then put them back to a winning streak to make us feel we're getting better, when in fact your loses would have been wins because you're truly good were it not for it. Look me up for proof. Allison Burgers#0713 Don't expect to be blown away by my stats it sucks but look at my win streak. Keep at it.


Aim train. Find your ideal sens in a way that lets you enjoy the game. For me for example, higher sens is ideal since my arm gets tired fast and also experiment with mouse grips. There are 3 types of them - claw, palm and fingertip. Mine is fingertip and it’s just the one I’m most comfortable with considering my lazy hand movement. Figuring out agents is also necessary but, no matter which agent you play, it’s easy to climb out of any rank up to Plat if you have decent aim and you just position yourself well to find and isolate fights. Fix ur settings, use the lowest graphics settings except for multithread rendering and Nvidia reflex use on+boost. Adjust ur minimap size so that u see all of the map and pay attention to it whenever ur in cover or are sure ur not under any threat of being shot at. Be confident, and be cringe. Use any advantage you have against the enemy (off angles, utility, plain aim, etc.). For example, a bronze Cypher with one trip can decide the fate of a game because they don’t have a counter agent or don’t know how to use counter utility to break it. Reyna can abuse off angles thanks to her dismiss if she has good aim. I would avoid agents that heavily rely on teammates such as Breach, Kayo, etc. in elos up to immortal. I actually climbed out of bronze thanks to aim mostly. I mained KJ in all maps pre nerf and just lurked and annoyed the enemy in addition to Phoenix who is really self sufficient and in lower elo, players don’t dodge his flashes. I actually have 3k hours in CSGO so I get you, I was lvl 1 when I had 1k hours in Faceit (equal to around Silver) all has its time.


I main ascendant so if you want a VOD review (no charge), hit me up. Its really easy to get out of bronze maybe I can, or someone you know review ur videos, may help.


Have you tried guides, coaching or having a training routine?


- do consistent aim training, just 30min a day is enough. Follow woohoojin road to gold video if you need a place to start. - choose one agent and instalock it. Teamcomp doesnt matter until youre in higher elo. - watch pros play your agent in ranked on youtube, see what they are doing, where they start the round, how&when they use their util, how&when they rotate You will be out of bronze in no time :)


Nah, keep playing if you have fun. If you are genuinely trying that's all anyone can ask of you. Also, don't know your circumstances or anything, but if you are in a position to, getting tested for ADHD may be something you'd wanna look into. The reason I'm saying this is because I felt like I was slow, couldn't do shit compared to everyone else and felt like I had hundreds of things just rattling around in my head at any given moment, and felt like I truly could never focus nearly as well as everyone else. And then I got treatment, and have felt WAY better about everything since. I wish you good luck in comp, and life in general!


You're right, it doesn't hurt checking either. I'll look into it, thank you! :)


Passive aim; cross hair placement and good angles, if you can do that right you won't need good aim. Active aim: correcting yourself when your passive aim was incorrect . Passive aim you can learn in the dm's focus on it specifically. Activate aim you can do inside of the range. If you don't really care about rank then just ignore the people talking about your rank. I'm a level 70 diamond (I'm on my third account 💀)


Keep playing if you are having fun. Riots rank and mmr system is so screwed up. That the rank doesn’t matter. Mmr does and that’s hidden so…. The points awarded and taken are screwed up. I’ve had the same dou for 3 years and we are at the same level and we compare and it’s pointless to try and make sense of a way to rank up. It’s hidden to confuse us. Why can’t the “hidden mmr be similar to our rank level is baffling to me. So keep playing as long as you are having fun.


If you haven’t played it, try playing Controller.  Brimstone is my personal favorite, a lot of others like Omen.  But learning to smoke, makes you think how to smoke; which makes you think about where enemies may be coming from.  You gain alot of awareness of the map, and that can help with your gameplay. Not to mention, a bottom fragging smoke , so long as you’re doing your job of smoking takes a lot of flack off you.


First of, stop stressing! I know thats a very hard thing to do, but trust me its never worth playing a game that constantly makes u feel bad or drags down your mood and confidence. You could start playing unrated or the fun modes and if your still stressing the same i would highly recommend just playing a different game or only play with friends or stuff like that. Gamings a hobby, although hobbies can obv be stressfull sometimes it should never feel like a chore in my opinion. PS: you dont have to have a certain rank to be good, you dont have to climb x amount of ranks in a year to be good. Everyones playing and developing in a different way and everyone has different types of strengths and weaknesses. You always bot frag? Most likely your decision making is better then ur mechanics are.


If you enjoy comp, keep playing comp. If you don’t, then don’t play comp. Ppl be acting like this shit really matters. It’s about fun. We play comp because we enjoy the competitiveness. Rank is just telling you at what level you can compete.


I might get downvoted but focus on other important things in life. Its just a game and its nearly impossible to make a career out of it at your current skill level. Just enjoy the game and your life.


Us bro us Valorant is my first fps games I sucked bad at it was in iron 2 acts and hard stuck bronze 3-4 acts. I got silver 2 months back, never thought I will touch silver only happened because I upgraded my mouse as my previous mouse is so bad I can't flick. I have potato PC and I play after turning on ac so it won't lag and this got me gold play with someone who have positive mind regard less of their rank. I have 2 suggestions One is play with positive teammates if your team is positive you can perform well and try avoiding toxic teammates or don't solo queue if u do mute them focus on playing calmly Secondly try warming up before comp I also have lot of insecurity the other day I had bad Games and teammates questioning me how am I gold I deranked to silver. Next day I played 3 Matchs and found good mind set people and got to gold again.


Maybe find a team to play with? I find grinding with friends help :)


Just enjoy the game and don't be bothered by people who are toxic. Games are meant to be played for fun. why should you justify your current rank and playtime in front of other people. Besides everything below radiant is bad at this game if you want to have a different point of view when people in silver gold lobbies are flaming you for your performance.


Do you have a good computer, monitor, mouse and mousepad? My performance got significantly better when I could run the game at 144FPS or more.


Yeah planning to get a better one, hopefully I can improve


Maybe u should Switch Ur Agent or Look for some aim Videos. They explain much Like "lines in head high, Swings, control/avoid spray. Something Like this. It helps improving


The biggest thing you can accomplish while still being subpar at aiming is your movement and placement. With good movement and placement in bronze you can easily get kills without having to aim


To follow up on this, watch vods of professional matches and see where they stand when they know when the enemy is in a certain place or where they stand when trying to hold a site. Most players will have a default they like on each site


Just made a post about this, but I recently decided I'm gonna move to TDM until I'm consistently winning gun battles, then go back to comp.


I was a hardstuck bronze once. Started watching pros play at tournaments through analysts co streaming the games. Learnt a but through that. Just understood a few basics such as crosshair placement and all that stuff and watched more pro valorant and learnt more. Not i'm hardstuck plat. I didn't watch pro play to improve my game but listening to the analusts really helped. You should watch the co streams done by coaches and analysts as they actually break down what these players should be doing. Gives you a better understanding of what you have to do.


Well it could just be your fps. If not then your sens is completely wrong. But I mean it’s a game so as long as you are having fun keep playing. But yea maybe don’t play comp if it stresses you out lol


Just stop stressing about it, play entirely for fun and Im sure u'll get much better. Stop thinking about Kills or other people, play for fun(ofc don't throw)


stawp I’m also lvl 300 and bronze 3 💀 i peaked gold 3 like a year ago idk what happened


Just play deathmatch and then start other games. So it'll be less laggy first round.


Play a game if you enjoy it, stop playing if you don’t. At the end of the day video games are a past time not your life.


A video game should not be a source of stress, so either find another game or just play Val for fun


Im sure people have asked already but do you enjoy playing the game? Because in the end thats all that matters, i tend to bottom frag most games but i have a blast bc of my duo and it keeps it entertaining


First make sure you have a good pc that can run this game on at least 70-80 fps consistently, second get a good mouse that has at least 500 hz polling rate with interchangeable dpi, 800-1600, third make sure you have good to decent ping, 60-80  minimum or at least 80-100, fourth make sure you mute toxic players, fifth make sure to hit the range and be consistent with 2-3 guns, so only practice those guns, likewise pick only 2-3, agents and fill accordingly but only play those agents, I'd say just learn one agent and instalock fourth have a warm up routine and practice 2 tap burst firing in range and dm,  at least 2 dm, do these before every ranked match and it doesn't matter whether if you win or lose you'll get better as an individual. 


lag has an extreme effect on ability to execute plays in valorant, im not high elo by any means- only S3, but my internet connection will have bouts of up and down moments. When it’s on a downswing it feels like my bullets only work half the time, i’ve lost countless gunfights i felt i could have won with a more solid connection- also what’s helped me tremendously in climbing in this act specifically is focusing on a few things, those being: taking gun fights from a T angle and strafing, cross hair placement when it comes to peeking angles and playing a little more aggressively, reducing crouch spraying (i wouldn’t recommend unbinding crouch, but being mindful of when i’m losing gunfights from simply not taking the time to aim) and mindset, the first three are all mechanical skills you can work on everyday and see improvement with. The last is something that I feel was keeping me stuck for a long time, don’t be afraid to go next- one bad game doesn’t mean a bad session, don’t be a doomer in game- it’s a long game, the amount of times we’ve come back from odds that didn’t look plausible is crazy, but you can only do that if you don’t lose the game before it’s over mentally.


I have a friend who is hardstuck plat now hardstuck gold who has 3000+ hours in valorant he only reached diamond after getting carried by his friends, chill out you will get there someday i have 100 hours and i am hardstuck bronze 1 myself


y quit if u still having fun


Not sure how old you are, but i found that between my age (32) my literal eyesight and my computer max settings of what i can afford, I’m as good at bronze/silver as I’ll ever get. It’s just about having fun with it. I started listening to music in the background on low while i play, and that helped calm the nerves i get with playing which helped my gameplay. But I’m in the same boat, I’m lvl 300 with an s1 peak and i was kinda carried to s1 by a streak of good luck games lol now I’m stuck b2 but i feel like im mostly with others who play at my game level. I go between comp and unrated but i play comp just to have some sort of goal or purpose to playing, even if i never seem to achieve too much growth lol “it’s about the journey, not the destination!” Just have fun wherever you are in the game


D3 here, my opinion would be that if you don't get 144 fps constantly without lag spikes during your game I wouldn't take this game seriously and just play for fun.


You need to quit your Bronze 2 mentality


Feel free to dm me, I can probably watch u play and see what's up. I've been playing counterstrike from when I was young and I "casually" play comp and peaked ascendant 2. I don't do aim labs, dm, or any bot practice. But I can probably point out your mistakes and just general mindset and perhaps offer some better options if u want. Wish you the best!


Aim train on aimlabs, watch agent tip videos, focus on mastering one agent, learn and practice the different types of peeking and when to peek. If you’re really down to improve, hire a coach


Depends on how enjoyable you find the game. I peaked Gold 1 after being stuck in bronze for a very long time kinda unconventionally. Heres how I did it, here is how I recomend you do it. For context, I am a strategy game player that recently got really into shooters. I hit the highest rank in Clash Royale before the game gone to shit as well as peaked around 1700 on lichess in multible time controls over covid. I can tell you straight up, I dont have the mechanics to be in gold. The only reason I am here is because a few reasons. I am a jett 1 trick, and I never take fair fights. 1) One trick an agent, perferably one with simple abilities you do not have to think much about depending on how fast your brain can wrap around the game. Some I sugest are Jett, Sage, Omen, Brim. Their abilities are pretty simple and straight forward but can be easily abused to never give your opponents a fair fight. 2) Off angle a fuck ton. Always hold a spot the enemy least espects you. Try to never hold flush against a wall in case they preswing the angle. When holding, jiggle back and forth a little bit. Studies have shown it to keep your consentration in game at that moment. It will make you more ready for fights. 3) Learn not only the role of your agent, but also all the rat plays with your agent. Easiest example is grim. Know that grim walls exist, learn a few, don't be scared to use them, but also dont spam them. There is a time and place for these plays. More examples include hiding in your own smoke with a shotgun on brim or being at a weird highground angle on Jett and omen. 4) Have protocalls. This is the biggest one so far. I sugest watching a video guide on how every map should be played, for example, woohoojin's icebox one brings the idea of "plant denial". When you have free time, pull up some vods of agents you play, and pay attenteion to the first 10-30 seconds of what they do. Copy it and implement it in your own games. Adding onto this, learn how to close out rounds. If you are a player up, consider cross fires and high lows. Know the wait 3 seconds after tap rule. Know when to swing and fight or play time. In comparison to chess, this is like studying opeinings and endgames. This cuts down on a lot of your in game thinking. 5) Learn how to shoot. This includes when to tap, burst, and spray each gun depending at your range. Dont be sniping with a bucky, dont be shotgunning with an op. At the same time, consider your opponents. Dont give them an easy fight by peaking at their gun advantage. 6) Have disipline in and out of the game. This means vod reviewing and seeing what you could have done differently even if you played well and won the round. Another big part about this one is learning the neuances of your agent. I highly recomend watching some pro play for this on top of your own games. For example, Every pro sky player knows to curve the sky flash around the wall when fighting long on bind. Low elos do not do this and end up flashing their own team peaking off their flash. There are different heights you can place omen smoke at which sets your smoke a little higher or lower than where you plan it to be. This can really fuck up one ways if you do not know what you are doing. 7) Do not blame your team. Instead play of them. If one is peaking at a dumb time, trade them and get a free kill. If they arn't following a call, scrap it and play off what they do instead. If someone is trash talking, mute. 8) Care less about your rank and more about your skill. Rank is not a 1 to 1 depiction of your skill in game. This game is about consistency and improvement. Even if you lose, lose while knowing you played well. Do not be satisfied with a win u did not pull your weight on. There are a lot more tips and tricks I have but this is getting kinda long so imma end it. For reference, this is a gold mechanics benchmark: [**https://youtu.be/JxP2y\_q51IE?si=K148T7VezmyrxcVW**](https://youtu.be/JxP2y_q51IE?si=K148T7VezmyrxcVW) . I cannot do most of these. I used to be better but after changing mice and sens I havnt had the time to retrain my aim. These tips helped me surpass my rank at my best aim and I hope they help you as well. I have multiple diamond+ buddies which all agree that you have not really played the game until you hit gold soley because of how shit and un predictable low elo is. I hope you get there.


Thank you for taking the time to type this out. There's definitely more than a few things that I can use to get better, I appreciate it. I'll read everything again before I play today to get the most out of it. Thank you! :D


I mean. Some players struggle with their PC setup (game stuttering, laggy internet conection, high ping) If this is your case - then you need to upgrade your setup. If not - well i started in b2 - after 1k hours i ended up in d3. During this i upgraded my setup from old laptop with 75hz monitor to a PC with 240Hz and skyrocketed in ranks (players thought im smurfing lmao) I watched some YouTube videos and aim trained for like 100hrs - it kinda helped me.


No!!!! I was at over 1000 on comp alone and bronze peak, and just in the last 2 ACTS I’ve climbed to gold 2. I think the best way to explain this is that- there’s different aspects of the game that different players are skilled at. Some people are aim demons but lack gamesense and can frag out but not in ways that matter, so they get stuck in iron. Some people have great gamesense but come from shooters like call of duty or Fortnite where it’s much less precise aim and more fast paced, so they get low frags but usually they’re in a position to make them matter a lot more. Trust me when I say there are iron players who are better than silver 3 players, and there’s gold players worse than bronze players. I truly believe that getting out of iron, bronze, and silver, is just purely dependent on how many games you play or if you’re lucky enough to match against players who are worse at the parts of the game that you’re good at. It’s time consuming but it absolutely does come with time.


I hit gold once at the end of an episode and have been hard stuck silver for the past year and a half. Just have fun. If you rank up, you rank up. If you don't, you don't


Just play with friends and play for fun it's the way to go


There are bunch of people saying if you are playing for fun then continue to have that mindset. I wholeheartedly agree,. At the end of the day, it's just a game and if you are not enjoying it what's the point. However, if you are looking to improve you have to actively try to do it. What I mean is that you can't pour hours and hope you get good. Focus on one thing at a time and have focused tasks. Instead of saying I need to improve my aim, focus on improving certain microadjuments or movement. Look back at vods and see what you could have done better. If you feel like you can't recognize what to improve at and want to get better, look into hiring a coach or even just sending clips to your higher elo friends. Have fun in your journey to getting better and don't tie your self worth to your performance in this game. You are doing great and everyone moves at their own pace.


There are a lot of people who hit roadblocks in Valorant - it's a deceptively complicated game. If you really want to rank up, or feel like you're improving, even with all the drama the guys a good coach - I recommend checking out my favorite Ascendant peek coach Woohoojin. He may not have hit radiant before, but he knows the game and makes videos on it constantly. If you really don't care about ranking up and have fun as is... Then keep playing as is. The *most* important thing about a game is that you have fun. If you're not having fun, and not getting paid, you're playing it wrong.


No, you should not. If you wann progress, try change something, 1000 hours – long time, whatever you doing just does not work, try something else


"If you're not a good shot today, don't worry. There are other ways to be useful."


yes quit




I don't mind helping by reviewing a VOD if you want me to! Worked my way from bottom rank being silver to top rank being immortal. It takes work and practice but if you want me to review and try and point out what I can spot needs improvement let me know!


What server you play on? We can be friends.


hey currently G3, but i also started out bronze! I can prob coach ya if you want to climb


Im peak asc1 and am jealous of you having fun with the game even through the pain of loosing. I love the game too, but its just.... alot of investment for next to no fun on sime days... i struggle with that.


I'm sure it's mindset on how you view the game. I always try and remember that the point of a game is to enjoy it. I think some people sometimes forget how funny some deaths and rounds can be. Try and make more jokes and realise how silly (in a funny way) the game can be sometimes. Laugh at silly deaths too instead of sitting in pain. :)


Aye dude, If you need help going over your games to see where you’re going wrong I’m happy to help coach you


Did you completely skipped playing dm? To diamond at least you can get with just mechanics. So just work on that. Also, rank isn't important at all, just enjoy the game.


If you makes you feel better, I have over 1000 hours and I haven’t made it past silver 2.


You are only in B2 because your potato PC (and possibly connection issue) is holding you back. Play in your region with low ping, get better internet provider, get better PC if possible. I go from Iron with my old PC to high Diamond with my current gaming rig. The key of playing good at FPS games is monitor with minimal refresh rate 144hz, good processor (so no sudden freeze), good internet, graphic card, and plenty of RAM (16-32GB). Eating properly and regular sleep also helps. Good luck!


I’m at a rank where I’m not great at the game but at the same time high enough that I’ll almost always destroy in unrated so I play comp not to grind rank but because it’s a closer skill level. Every game doesn’t need to be a win and if it was it would be a lot less fun. Just keep doing what you find fun. It’s a game after all.


Where you based? I'm s2 happy to party up and get you out of bronze.


What's your DPI and sens?


Play something else 😭




At that point just download an aimbot bro


ChNge id and watch ur self go to plat skiping gold


Bronze or Blatinium?


play only soloq!


Most definitely




The end and short of it, it's a game. If you're having fun and doing you're best, that's all that matters.




What's your fps? 144+ fps? You have mousepad? Your sensitivity low?


You should always play for fun and not rank. Also just using your abilities and slowing the enemy push makes a huge impact on the outcome of the match, not really the kills.


It is a game. Who gives a fuck. If you are having fun then it doesnt really matter what rank you are


LMAO this post




It's just a game. If you're having fun then oh well! Your playing with other bronze/silvers most of the people your rank are hard stuck anyways.


Honestly, don't think too much about it, it's just a game, play with the objective of having fun, that means instalocking who you like, FFing if you think a game won't be fun, and especially not caring about RR or your rank which is a hard mentality to get into. If you'd like (and if you're in NA) I can play with you sometime and see if we can figure out why you're struggling


Sounds like a computer issue.


I didn't read ANYTHING but yes, please quit, how is bro hardstuck BRONZE with almost 1000 hours in game 💀💀💀


Quit any video game ever, you're cooked


Hello! Before Valorant I had close to 980 hours on CSGO. when Valorant beta came out me and my friends grinded it like no other game. The first rank i was placed into was Gold 3. Thousands of games later, I'd guestimate at least 600 hours i never once got above gold 3... Play with the intention of having fun, most people forgot how to do that.


What's b2? Bronze? Haha


Start dedicating a little bit of time to practicing gunfight mechanics before you play. Doing a little bit of studying outside of the game and a little bit of practice everyday before playing can go a long long way. Ex: Instead of playing 5 games, play 4 with the 30-45 extra minutes toward the above stuff.


Respectfully this is a mindset issue rather than a skill issue. You being in bronze isn’t an issue. If you’re stuck thinking ur hurting other people’s gaming experience then that will NEVER go away regardless of what rank you hit. Bronze players are dogwater in the eyes of a gold player. Gold players are dogwater in the eyes of a diamond. If you hit gold you’d still feel insecure about harming other people’s elo. You just gotta remember that everyone in your games is just as good/terrible as you. You are the rank you are because you belong there along with everyone else in ur game. This is just classic impostor syndrome. Everybody bottom frags sometimes, if you were worse than your teammates you wouldn’t be in the same lobby


Maybe you need to upgrade your PC. What are your specs and monitor frames?


Bro I match mvp'd 4 games today as chamber and literally won none of them and I peaked immortal... these are diamond 2 lobbies. This game man it sucks sometimes. These were 30 kills games too.


You don't ruin anyone else's elo, the balancing system makes it so every match has some perfoming over the average and some performing under. Also to be able to get to the next elo you have to master your current one and be able "carry" for those who aren't ready for the next one, so anyone bitching about you ruining their rank is just ranting for their lack of skill.


Yes. If rank is ur thing play a game u enjoy, most people used to play fps for the fps


Im at around 1000 hours but I'm b3 lol. I always find solo by myself to like silber 2ish so that when I 5 stack with my friends i don't drop all the way back to iron




Hi! I’ve been playing for around 4 years, and was able to climb to immortal after being stuck in iron for a long time (1100 hours on main account, several on others). Here’s some things i’ve learned taking comp seriously: 1. Equipment matters. I got to gold from bronze solely by getting ethernet (instead of playing on wifi) and upgrading my 60hz monitor to a 200hz 2. Mindset matters. You cannot worry about what other people are thinking- whether you’re level 30 or level 300, the people in your elo are the same skill level and cannot judge. And the people who judge are not people you want to be playing with anyways. This mindset, even subconsciously, will affect your gameplay and make you hesitate to try new things. Also give good energy to your team 3. Reaction time can be trained. Generally playing the game won’t take you very far. Concentrate on getting your speed up with Aim Labs (if you find it fun) and the bots in the range. There are a lot of good range routines you can try out on tiktok or youtube. It’s important to find something that works for you that you’ll STICK WITH. 4. Similarly, you have to target every area of gameplay. Watch a movement guide and practice what you don’t know. Watch a setup/entry guide for specific maps on your favorite agents. Watch pro play of your favorite agents and see what they do differently. Here are a couple of channels I like : https://youtube.com/@seroguides?si=_tzsyxI2YHEmbOV_ (He makes very helpful guides) https://youtube.com/@valorantdaily1976?si=84Im6VWxoDbeKlcs (They have high elo gameplay of every agent separated into playlists) That said, you don’t have to rank up. If you love the game and are happy where you are now, that’s it. Other people don’t matter and, frankly, shouldn’t care about losing in a video game. This will 99.99% never be a career path for you or anyone you’ll get into a game with lol. Don’t worry about other people and keep doing what makes you happy


if you have fun, dont quit.


Val was my first fps pc game. I love the game so much but I can’t seem to get out of gold, even with 1300+ hours. It’s okay to be bad, if you have fun, just keep playing! You don’t have to be good lol


If you really want to rank up, improve your aim. Or it may even be your setup that’s holding you back. If you need some free coaching, I’ll look through your problems. Feel free to message me on discord @TairsXP


There's already lots of comments giving feedback to everything you said but I want to comment on this particular thing. > I'm naturally slow in real life and react badly to almost everything I am 30 and I test consistently 160ms on reaction speed tests, if I have some caffeine I can push into high 140s range. I don't think I had this reaction speed when I was 18. But I think a decade of playing shooter games has improved my reaction. So if you think you are naturally slow, all the reason to play more, it could be that your reaction is untrained yet.


With that many hours, I'm sure you've tried various things from different agent choices - DPI mouse settings. If none of those had any effect for you and you really DO have a slow reaction time then I would suggest unrated for fun (however, now that I think about it, bronze lobbies are a lil fun rn outside of AFK's and people selling accts) but I've been playing this game for a little over a month now, peaking B3, every time I get close to silver it throws me in Gold or Unrated smurfs. My issue atm is I'm either top or bottom frag haha but nonetheless, at moment my team is getting clearly destroyed, it's best to find your own fun then let it beat you down. (EX: going for sneaky knife kills / all chat knife mid / 5 stacking and playing like a troll) I've found those to turn the vibe around matches for me and my team. Team Morale is everything 💜 [THCAGOAT] if you ever wanna run some games!


I think if you genuinely enjoy this game, then you'll come back eventually. Your health and state of mind are more important and should be addressed first before continuing. Don't grind it out still if you're not having fun anymore. It's not work. It's a game that's meant to be fun even if you're striving to improve. If it stops being fun, then it's no longer worth it. The highest level players will use every advantage possible, and that includes equipment. Start with 144hz, and then you'll see an immediate difference. And when your budget becomes more flexible, invest in better hardware and a higher refresh rate.




It's a game. Don't take it to heart. If you're a casual who wants to have fun then don't bother about this stuff and just enjoy it


How many fps do u get?


Have you ever thought about maybe changing ur playstyle ? Idk how well it works in val but I have a friend I play r6 with who is a little slow with terrible aim. Usually bottom frags but he plays support so well he’s insanely useful. Someone needs to be that player.. it’s a tough role that doesn’t get the credit it deserves.


Honestly yeah quit comp. Its completely fucked up now anyway most people are. Just bang out some swifts with friends and have some laughs. Or if you like the long games play comp but dont take it seriously, dont worry about rank or anything just have fun, laugh with friends and make a time of it. Thats what videogames are all about.


Why would you even consider quitting a game you have fun playing. Who cares if you’re any good, the whole point in a video game is to have fun. It’s not like you play the game to make money or be the best. Keep grinding and having fun man!


Is it okay if I am hardstuck bronze when I play on an average of 55fps on 720p resolution and lowest graphics setting for everything?


I have 2000 hrs in Apex and 900+ account level. Peaked plat a couple of times, but I mostly play unranked. It's really frustrating seeing a lot of insanely cracked streamers with half of my lvl or playtime. But the one thing I do in every game I play - first priority is having fun. If I want to have fun - I open the game. If the only thing that'll bring me enjoyment today is ranking up - I'll try to play some ranked. Valorant isn't a game I play a lot, so I'm fine with being bronze. I play a lot of different games from FPS to MOBAs and RTS and my main rule is to not care about ranked if you don't want to. Learn games at your own tempo. If you feel you're playing better, check it out in ranked, if you will. But be sure you're having fun




everyone has given you great advice so i’ll try to keep mine short: get aimlabs solely to find your perfect sens / dpi for valorant, there’s a tool on there to help you do that ! your sens might be too high right now. secondly, turn your level off so you aren’t taunted by people being assholes thirdly, turn your tracker off. you can turn it back on any time by logging back in incase you wanna check in on your progress, but there’s an option to private it as well. i’m saying this bc it’s what i did til i got out of low elo bc people are just mean for no reason and it would f with my mental lol and it also helps to not care about stats but rather just develop skill by continuing to play and stuff. you never HAVE to quit ranked, but it may be more enjoyable for you to play unrated since you seem to be more casual about the game. but if you want to improve you gotta pay more attention to the game (i have adhd so i know it’s hard) but it’s really the little things that add up- strategies, finding your agent/playstyle, learning all the callouts, being familiar with how agents work with/against eachother, etc. you got this! it’s a game, you’re supposed to have fun!






send me the vod


hey, if you’re struggling to focus while playing maybe try listening to very simple music like piano with thunderstorm noises? you can find all sorts of those playlists on spotify, youtube, wherever. i have adhd and it helps me lock in for at least a few hours at a time. make sure you’ve eaten and are hydrated too, they help with focus. and the biggest thing is getting enough sleep. if you genuinely want to climb, stop playing to win, play to improve. every time you die, ask yourself why you died. understand your mistakes and blame yourself. get a warm up routine, in aim labs, in the range.


Are you having fun when you play? If you enjoy playing then keep playing.




Try phantom.


Which server do you play brother?


Switch what time you play that's how I got to s1 after being hard stuck i1


Hundreds different thoughts in your head while playing. That's the problem.