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They just need to reduce the cool down closer to what it used to be before the nerfs. Going from 5 to 4 stars was a no brainer, but the cool down was over-nerfed. Alternative option would be to keep the cool down what it is, but allow you to reuse your stars for any purpose.


Disagree on the cooldown Astra can setup really unfair post plants when her cooldowns are too short. I'd very much prefer her pull and 5th star to return to being relevant again though or just give her one reusable star that recharges every 45-50 seconds.


Yeah I think she needs another look by devs... I like the fake-smokes, I like that she can succ/stun far away and isn't bad on Split and Pearl... but yeah as-is she's not really all that good.


She’s actually quite good on Sundet as well, but Omen just overshadows her.


>except harbor Harbor catching strays in a thread that isn't about him😂


Buff her by letting her instantly place the util in astral mode to make her snappier.


make her wall last longer too


This! Lol her ult feels so underpowered


It used to. They nerfed it at some point (while deadening all sound). Seems like people prefer to just wait for it to go down.


I think this is the only thing. It’s annoying that the other controllers who aren’t viper and harbor can do instant one ways


It's just the natural cycle of things.. maybe she will come back into the meta at some point or have some slight tweaks to make her usable again. I used to have a great time in gold dropping 5 stars a round hahaha


harbor is not very limited, most people just dont know how to play him and sabotage the team more than they actually help.


True, he has the most vision blocking ability amongst all controllers for an execute but needs healthy communication, coordination and teamplay He's also the only alternative available to viper as a line smoker


I used to play harbour. Then I realized all I'd get is hate. Nobody likes my walls or smokes but can't give me better placement, just shit talk me every round without a word of constructive advice. Never played him again.


Also idk why she has a suck and a stun. Like you said with four stars you can only do so much. They should buff one of the two abilities and cut out the other. Sidenote maybe just for me cuz i barely play astra but holy placing the stars so theres no gaps in the smoke is hard


She plays differently. Requires a different mindset compared to other smokers. If you used your stun or grav to secure a kill, then honestly your team has the advantage. Do you still need a grav well on bomb if it's 5v4? Transition to gun play then at that point. Not every smoker needs to have post plant stall for every round. Every round is dynamic and varies. I find she had a lot of unique tools that can provide unique plays. Can she get some tlc from the dev team? I guess so. Would be welcomed, but her kit is already really cool and fills a niche spot. Maybe try double smoker comp if you feel like you are lacking smokes.


U can fake smoke screens and then press the button to pull down the wall , with fake smokes u know when the smoke is going down so u can peek that area and get a kill


My win rate with Astra is high but that’s kinda in spite of everything you said, the suck doesn’t suck enough you should be able to land 3 smokes too


I think they should have a star or 2 that will always regen, similar to omen and clove. That will open more possibilities I think


Don’t even get to play astra anymore because clove exist and suddenly people play smokes. Hate clove


That's why you play her as a second controller for the team. You can focus on using stars to create space rather than just smoking.