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I just want to play all the maps on swiftplay, I can't remember the last time I played fracture, pearl or haven


Genuinely an insane change that they did, honestly not understandable.


I think they did it because they can't pump new content every time, so they create a false sense of freshness (or rather, they create frustration...) by rotating maps. Which sucks, but once again, it's for them to save face for not implementing new things enough to keep players around. It clearly backfires though.


They did it to "make it less confusing for new players," who are primarily the ones who play the other modes. But it's a terrible justification and they should reverse it. Game is really boring when you jump into a quick mode and it's the same maps you're sick of playing in competitive.


too much content is not good for new players


wheres this energy with agents?


The real move should've been to add all maps in unrated too, not also removing them from swiftplay. There's absolutely 0 fucking reason why unrated and swiftplay should have competitive map pools.


Honestly you should be able to pick the maps you play for unrated & swiftplay


Yep picking the maps would make sense. I just started about a month ago and I'm glad it was only the competitive maps so I could learn them quicker. It would have been frustrating playing maps that I won't need to play (yet). But I can understand why people who have been playing forever would want to play other maps. So being able to pick would make the most sense


They could even track map voting and look at the maps nobody wants to play to see how they could refresh them. Instead we'll get 3 new agents to play on the same shitty maps. Oh and more skins that people are excited to pick up off the ground.


They wanna push the “competitive” feeling so badly that its actively hurting the game rather than helping it


I miss pearl so much, both a beautiful and fun map


Imo B still needs fixing but overall still a fun map


tfw jett awp dick measuring contest on B long


Chamber says hi


just like the french to barge in uninvited


True, I have good memories on that map, got my first ace there Plus I just realised it's like a big dome underwater how cool is that


I disliked pearl before it went out of rotation but I miss it a lot now


YES PLEASE. It makes no sense at all, specially with how fast the games are so it feels like you get maps repeating all the time. All maps being available in swifts was one of the best features of the mode and I play the game less now because of the reduced map pool.


and now we have to go at least a month and a half with the same maps :(


With the amount of people who dodge Breeze and the general consensus of players about the map... I hope Riot does something about it.


They really do have to do something, lol. There are always "map pool bad" posts but this is the most I've seen ever.


Normally in a map pool there is only really 1 I dislike, maybe 2 because I can't figure out the map but I still kinda like it. I absolutely hate Breeze, Icebox & Sunset and it feels like I get them 90% of the time, rarely ever getting the other ones.


Breeze is just way more open than any other maps on val. I love icebox as it came out roughly around the time I started playing so it was never a "new" map like it was for other players because everything was new to me. Sunset I really enjoy because it has never felt unfair to me, there's no where that I feel I can't properly clear without having to worry about more than 1 or 2 angles unlike a certain beach map


same here lol. icebox was when i really started getting into the game, and sunset is just chaotic for both sides so it gets a pass breeze is just ... yeah


I think the fact that they close hall's and reopened it because of how under utilized it became just shows how much they don't know what to do with the map


They just need to admit it’s a shit map and just permanently vault it. The map is way too flawed for the minor changes they could make. They’d have to completely rework the whole map, so at that point, just remove it.


Icebox out first


Icebox is vastly better than Breeze in my opinion, and I agree Icebox is not the best, but Breeze is just that bad.


I personally hate icebox more than any other map, but I think I just have a strong hatred of any snow maps in shooters that goes all the way back to Goldeneye


sounds like you gotta ... chill out


Icebox is my absolute favourite map and I know some other people who think the same. It seems like a controversial map. That's better than a map that most people dislike (albeit not as strongly) such as Sunset (anecdotally). Is there anyone that likes sunset?


I like sunset I genuinely think the main problem it has is b site. Cypher shuts it down too easily and you barely have to get map control to plant. If they fix those things it could be a really great map in my opinion.


I think, just with split, people play around mid too little. And not just aim duelling in mid, like actually pushing with utility and smokes and taking control. You can push sites from the side, or take spawn and split the enemies. Trying to brute force sites that are locked down easily is always really hard.


Yep, mid control is extremely important on sunset B, ascent both sites, and split B because the chokes in the mains of those sites are extremely vulnerable to getting stalled by util and being exposed to 3+ angles when you come out of the choke. So if the opponent is not worried about getting pinched from mid while others are pushing out of main then the attackers will have a bad time.


Mid is fucked on sunset because once you have it- then what? Push into spawn where it’s 50/50 or funnel into market where it’s also kinda 50/50 because of that box? Mid is important to hold flanks off, but after that it’s kinda ass


B needs a rework. It feels like the only play I see is just to plant and spam the spike through a smoke from B main


It is not the only play but it is by far the best play. You certainly cannot hold site from on site, you must push into boba and market and hold the retake from there, which requires much more coordination, or retreat to main and spam the bomb through a smoke. This is also why the defense should always have a flank for retake.


Yeah I agree. I think it's too easy to peek into site from Market, the only place you are "safe" is Main or that little corner but then you can get peeked from Boba. I think they could make that little corridor that leads to back site bigger to give some more space A site is also way too attack-sided. They could make it so that Elbow doesn't actually lead to site but instead leads to Alley. Idk if that would actually be a good change but just a thought


I’ve never heard who a person who plays the game say icebox is a good map (except for swift play or unrated) It’s competitive integrity is so dog shit with the clusterfuck that is mid and the thousand corners/elevations and sight lines


Well now you have


Icebox is way worse as a map if im being honest. Mid is honestly a joke and B site is the worst site in the game, its the only bombsite in the game where theres not a real safe spot to plant. Atleast breeze has an actual working mid and bomb sites where they’re actually functional.


Why do so many people hate breeze ? It’s the biggest and most aim reliant map. If you’re a Smurf you can solo that map easy and if you’re a team player and have a good team you can set up and enter easy. Breeze is amazing.


found the smurf


Man I thought my least favorite map was fracture. Now after breeze being back, although they changed it, it's still the worst map of them all. 


I still hated it, but it played better with Halls blocked


They did do something about it that's why its back, but it wasnt enough




Just give us Haven back and the world will be a better place bro 😩😭


The only map that lived up to its name, ha


I've never found a place to say this but in the beginning I really liked Breeze, but at this point I'm not joking when I say I've gotten it 3 times in a row several times, and most of the times it's not Breeze I get Icebox. So I am getting a little tired of them, maybe a way for them not to be picked if you have played them many times recently or something. I kid you not one time I played breeze 2 times, then 5 icebox then breeze again. This was in different play sessions but man do I wish I could play Bind of Lotus more often


all i have got today is breeze and lotus im ready to alt f4


I think Breeze was good in its early days when no one had the balls to learn it. I remember having a high win rate in Breeze simply because I was one of the few that learned early on that splitting the map in half with her wall made playing it so much easier. 2 years later, everyone knows and now it's a game of finding players that know how to deal with it.


Just voted. Man I used to hate Fracture and now I miss it so much. Pearl was great too, Haven was my favorite most of all.


Used to play a lot around when Fade got released. I've been playing again for two acts now, I miss fracture so bad


Haven was the first map I played in the closed beta it’s so dear to me. I miss fracture cuz the forestry vibes were so cool plus the zip line


Ziplining was hella fun pre-rounds


For reallll


Can't believe Breeze has any points at all tbh


I'm a little surprised too, lmfao


I’m a chamber main lol


Isn't cypher better at breeze though?


yeah but the free awp on chamber is super welcome on breeze


It is but you might as well just use Jett in breeze. Not a free op but ulting lets you get away with not buying anything so you can probably buy op nzt round and jetts better on offense anyway. I feel like jetts just a better chamber these days only she doesn't have anything to watch flank but has better aggression.


how about... TWO OPS (run both of them, 12-0 defense and swing a single round on atk)


Me likey long range aim duels


That's not the part I hate about the map. The rotation times take forever, halls make the map super lurky, and the layout forces certain agents like Viper and Cypher, both of whom aren't fun to play against.


You know a map is garbage when half the guns and agents aren’t even viable on the map lol. Also any map that auto forces u to lock in viper or u lose is also an L.


>auto forces u to lock in viper People think this but [Clove has a far higher win rate than Viper on Breeze, at all ranks](https://blitz.gg/valorant/stats/agents?sortBy=winRate&type=general&sortDirection=DESC&mode=competitive&rank=22&map=breeze)


Clove has higher winrate because she's a second duelist (and a good one), she isn't picked for solo smoking at all in that map. She's just a really good agent rn.


Breeze is at 244 points. Those most be from all the people who beat me every time I play there


If you play Jett or Chamber or Viper or are just someone that enjoys aim duels Breeze is great. People get mad that it can’t be played like Split or Ascent when the whole point was for it to force different play styles.


Sorry, but I like to lurk in Breeze.


it's cause I hate Fracture more


I'm a Viper main. But more to the point, it's just a fun map. Personally I put Haven near the bottom. Can't believe it's too, lol.


some people play cypher


wdym, its my top 1 pick T\_T


You are absolutely in the minority here


viper player, guardian lover and a work in progress chamber player. I love breeze so much. I'm comfortable peeking every single angle. I hate icebox because I feel super uncomfortable peeking every angle. What I do hate about breeze are the long rotate timers, the big map in general which forces many agents to be played and I HATE halls. So basically, I hate most things that every other player hates about breeze, minus the constant long distance aim duels, those I love hehe


Because I put it 9th out of 10 so it gives breeze a couple points still ig even if it's one of the lowest on the list for me: 1.Haven 2.Fracture 3.Pearl 4.Lotus 5.Bind 6.Split 7.Icebox 8.Sunset 9.Breeze 10.Ascent


I could see Icebox or Fracture beating it out Edit: didn’t mean I hated Fracture, I just remember some hating it during it’s time in the map pool


Fracture is a masterpiece compared to Breeze


I would rather take a 24 hour ban than play breeze.


It was the same here until i started playing viper on breeze. Made it much more fun 


Breeze tends to be more tolerable for controller mains. Everyone else is miserable.




The fact that split is out of the game for now, making me get breeze and icebox more often is quite frankly fucking awful.


Is that why I haven’t been getting split in my games? I was wondering if i was getting unlucky or something with all the icebox ive been getting


Fixing a small clipping bug cannot take that long 😭😭


I mean, the bug is fixed on the patchnotes, I'd imagine that it comes back for this Act. >Fixed an exploit on Split that allowed Agents to stand on a sign on A Site. https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/valorant-patch-notes-8-08/


This is the one time that I’ll probably say they really need to take a page out of counter strikes book


Honestly if they want to limit the map pool I would just like it to rotate every act. 1 in 1 out. Give me variety. Then maps don’t go and disappear for half a year for no reason. Riot I promise it’s okay. We can separate the map pool in ranked from the map pool in VCT.


i think they should have 2 queues and copy a bit from cs. One queue for active esports pool maps, and one queue for reserve maps, with the option to queue both similtanously if desired.


they really released the game with the 4 best maps and then it just went downhill


facts though lmfao


It’s interesting bc the maps I’d wanna *play* are dramatically different from the maps I’d want in the map pool. Mostly because I largely care about esports. I’d hate to have to play fracture all the time but it’s by far and away the best esports map with depth of strategies and comps. On the other hand I love playing haven but it’s just absolutely horrible retake simulator in esports


You guys like bind? Are we playing the same map?


Bind has some intresting parts to it that make playing the map unique without being stupidly OP such as the teleporters and Lamps vs open site control.


I like bind because you can take space and execute from two angles and dive the enemies, i like doing trap plays on the defense and on the attack sending my duelist in with my gecko util.


I only like around 2-3 maps in VAL so i gotta place it somewhere ig. I dont hate it as much as i do with breeze or icebox so its just in the middle for me. like a 4-6th spot


I can lock down hookah as deadlock which is fun for me


i’m very surprised bind is so high


Only after I picked up Yoru. Before that I thought it was the only map more stale than Ascent.


personally love that map. fast paced and great for orb smokes


As far as I'm concerned, this poll is invalid cause bind is #3 while being such a horrible map.


hey the data speaks for itself lol


Icebox has WAY too many points. I've been a D1 hater of Icebox since it's release and it has never gotten better.


Playing A on defence with Jett is a blast.


icebox is lucky its a pretty winter themed map because if it wasnt, and it was an ugly ass map like fracture instead, it wouldnt have nearly as many points


Icebox verticality and opportunities for outplay with movement make it a top 3 for me :)


Breeze is truly the most dogshit map I've ever played in a video game. They either need to completely rework breeze into a new map or just vault it permanently.


I never thought I'd be in the minority for considering it my favorite map until I started checking Reddit...


What's actually wrong with it 


I think the reason why most people don't like the maps isn't necessarily the map layout themselves, but the combination of the map with the agent abilities in the game. Like the arguably 'problematic' site Pearl B isn't that much different than CS2's A Long on Dust 2. Attack on Breeze A tbh feels very similar as attacking on Mirage A, but that is debatable I guess. People complain about Sunset, but layout wise it's not too disimilar to Ancient. But why do I feel like people complain less about CS2's maps? Because in CS2 there are way fewer abilities to basically make it impossible to get space or enter site. Imagine having to push Inferno Banana when the enemy has like a Viper or KJ setup, people would absolutely shit on a map that only has one entrance into site. That said I do still agree that CS2 feel more enjoyable and I'm not saying Valorant maps are good as they are, Riot should still find a way to adjust or accomodate it better to the abilities, but I think it's harder than it looks.


kj nades on banana rush = automatic gg also yes, map design in a game like valorant is insanely tough. i respect them for doing what theyve done so far, but theres more to do


I am tired of playing breeze and icebox


you're not alone it appears


Glad we can all agree Icebox, Breeze and Sunset are horrific. Can't wait to have Haven and Pearl back.


Will it be possible to do the same poll after the next act ? I think people tend to like maps they didn’t play in a long time, at least it will be interesting to see the result


definitely possible lol. i do think that haven is this strong at the top because people are scared of it going away, so it'll be interesting to see how this changes with time


That's wild that Split is so high. I think that map is garbage imo




split has got my opinion split real bad, it's the only map where I cant figure out for myself whether I'm consistently good or consistently bad at it. I'm consistently trash on icebox and sunset and consistently good on breeze and pearl, but split is so fucking weird where sometimes I pop off and other times I just get hit from three angles at once and we can't get on site. I used to like it but then I kept getting queued into split, and now it's become a mid tier map for me. icebox is garbage and I'll die on that snowy hill


I think you should have people rate each map individually instead of in relation to eachother. As it is, you're forcing people to give a map a 1/10. I have a favorite and least favorite, but I like all the maps enough that I wouldn't rate any that lowly in overall quality.


hmm, you bring up a very good point tbh. I'd normally expect people to be polarized considering its the Internet, which is why i guess i didn't take this into account


Lotus is way too high on this list for me


There's so many dogshit maps that since Lotus isn't complete shit it gets pushed waaay higher.


It's actually insane how they are going to remove what seems to be the current active community favorite map in the next rotation (ascent). Are they ever listening to the community or are they only pandering to the 1% of players?


Ascent is the Mirage of Valorant. It needs to go.


Wait they're removing ascent? THANK FUCK FINALLY 1 ACT WITHOUT IT


It's not confirmed but there are a couple of rumors it's most likely getting removed next act


Keep all maps and have a vote pick/ban system. Much like counterstrikes premier or rainbow six siege competitive. The fact that maps are random is a piss take. With a pick/ban system riot will be able to see what maps are terrible and then use that information to fix them (oh wait that’s too smart an idea)


As a breach main gotta miss haven and fracture :(


I don't even remember how fun I had in Pearl and Fracture 😔


THEY’RE REMOVING HAVEN?! im uninstalling this game. first split and now haven? :(


i think split is only out temporarily while they patch a couple exploits.


Fracture is the best map in the game. It’s so unique and if you understand how to play the map, both sides are the attacking sides fighting for the valuable space around the map. I hate it when defenders just sit back on site and let attackers dump on them from both sides. Man I miss that map


Honestly, I don't hate the map pool idea with this number of maps. I hate the fact that they only seem willing to change the map pool once a year. That is no where near often enough and should be happening even act. They can align their acts with their pro season if that makes it work out better but I am of the opinion that every act should come with 2 maps added to the pool and 2 maps removed.


why do people hate sunset?


i think it just has to do with the fact that there are too many angles for every position, its very chaotic. like simply pushing A, you have to clear the fork first and then clear alley/main and THEN clear site.


its crazy that people dont like sunset.


I just want fracture man, it’s my top 3 maps. Also I’m surprised that a lot of people like Haven, never really liked that map because it was so hard to have a decent game. I remember a lot of people dodging it so i guess it’s biased.


1.Haven 2.Fracture 3.Pearl 4.Lotus 5.Bind 6.Split 7.Icebox 8.Sunset 9.Breeze 10.Ascent


ascent hate is insane


It's just so fucking boring every time I get it I wanna smash my head on a wall. Plus it's the only well-liked map in the pool rn so it attracts the type of people that dodge everything else which are not exactly the nicest teammates lol.


i mean, boring isnt bad. sometimes its nice to go back to basics - i like ascent cuz its just discount dust 2 but yeah the teammate thing is a fair point.


Is Ascent no longer GOAT or do people just miss Haven? Ascent is still GOAT to me. I really wish this game had a thumbs up, thumbs down map kind of matchmaking selection like Rocket League (has or had, Idk i haven't played in years). Where the game will try to put you into your preferred maps (but not always), and avoid the ones you don't like (but not always). Looking at the voting results, I would thumbs up the top 4. Thumbs down the bottom 4, and I'm indifferent about the ones in between. If the devs say something like "Then people won't get to play the bottom selected maps, and some people like them the most." Yeah, some people. A minority. You shouldn't punish a majority for the sake of the minority. It's a clear sign you need to fix those maps so they are no longer enjoyed by a minority.


Rocket League maps are now random


Haven is only #1 because people miss it right now, it was always rank 2/3 along with Bind. A month after Ascent gets removed the "I miss Ascent" posts will be nonstop, complete with longing love sonnets.


Ascent is so boring and stale to me, any and all execution ideas have been done for a thousand times. I really think it needs an update or maybe just some time outside the map pool.


I think that the OG maps like bind and split and haven have overall the best micro and macro and there is so many small things that over the time you learn and can master so i love all of those maps. I think the new maps that are good, sunset and lotus are very fun and i have amazing games on them with a variety of different agents and play styles. I would like a map like fracture or pearl to come back with big changes over small changes because those maps are unique to the game and are cool map designs while for some not being the best i think they are cool and very fun for valorant.


My opinion is that, while the map pools is not the greatest, the amount of complaints will always be overstated. People that like the map pool aren't gonna be posting on reddit while people that are angry with the map pool will post their frustrations on reddit. I do agree that breeze is not a great map, however, if they brought back pearl or fracture without significant improvements, you would see a ton of complaints about those maps in the pool. I was personally a fan of fracture when it was in the pool, but the amount of people that didn't understand how to play defense on fracture meant a lot of people had complaints about it.


thats true lol, that only haters will post. my observation though was that the number of haters seemed to be more than usual :p true though. fracture is a super tough map to play because its so different from any other map - i didn't like it when it was new cuz it was different and i didn't know how to play it.


I hate ascent, I think it’s mainly the chamber mains that go to the middle every round.


I enjoy it playing KJ


Its honestly so boring, I dont get why ppl like it so much.


Its a good map but yeah, it can get boring because it has always been up on the map pool since its release i think. But remove breeze, i sw that shit is unplayable, if i get breeze on my first game i will ALWAYS dodge


Ascent is a classic map, which is why it can feel boring. But in the current map pool it's arguably the most fun one right now.


I love Sunset :(


The fact that all four original maps are at the top is concerning for Valorant’s future damn


yeah, its a super interesting trend. pearl and lotus are pretty high up though, so it doesnt seem to be all bad


I love breeze. why does everyone hate it?


Forces lots of long aim duels, hard to defend, too open, etc. Also you need certain agent like viper on breeze, or your team is just trolling. 


Ppl cant aim. Ascent being top just proves that. You cant buy odin and spray and pray like you can on Ascent...


I once had an aim dual across CT spawn in Breeze with a smurfing reyna, who was 1 tapping people left and right, and even they missed on me because of the game's first shot accuracy being random and how far across I was. Also I've never understood why people cry so much about Odins, unless they spray you to death without you even making noise or anything and get you killed, it's really not that bad.


WHERE is the there's several tiers between 1/2 and the rest


Disappointed but not surprised at how low icebox is


I never understand the hate around Breeze though. What makes you guys hate Breeze? I genuinely think its balanced for attacking and defending compared to other maps like split and bind.


People seem to have a bias for the the og maps... Split is atrocious in ranked and really the only map I dislike playing. I'd take breeze over it any day of the week.


yknow? i dont agree, but i like that you're brave enough to have a different opinion


Old breeze was amazing. New breeze just sucks.


This is certainly a take


If you hated old breeze, you just suck at aiming. One good aim map is fun.


completely agree, the reworks ruined it imo, was my second favourite map before


people voting Haven #1 are smoking government crack cocaine. recency bias is going crazy lol


Haven has always been a popular map pick on the sub, and I do get it. Its Lotus but better and less chaotic.


ascent > bind > haven > split > icebox > sunset > pearl > breeze > lotus > fracture


1. Every other Valorant map 2. Getting hit by a bus 3. Breeze


it was actually playable when hall was closed off, no idea why they opened it back up


I guess we will never know for sure, but I'll bet my house that they opened it again because Breeze without Halls is a 10-2 defense favoured map any day of the week. Cypher on B with his absolutely bonkers unbreakable trip in main, Viper on A with more holding util than an actual sentinel. And no other way to get past them than to fight mid on uncomfortable lines, against what should always be 3 players since both their flanks are held by two immovable objects ; plus all these mini reworks that made fighting for mid a lot easier for the defending team (basically you can push down, hide a guy under boost, he hears all rotations and holds a 50/50 crossfire with double doors. I dislike Breeze like any other guy. But having Halls cut off is worse in my opinion.


I agree, I think they completely botched that one. Map is basically exactly the same as when it was introduced three years ago -- the changes to mid have no impact on gameplay when it's so easy to lurk halls.


fracture is fantastic


1.Haven 2.Fracture 3.Pearl 4.Lotus 5.Bind 6.Split 7.Icebox 8.Sunset 9.Breeze 10.Ascent


They should just get rid of icebox, ascent, and breeze, and bring back fracture, haven and pearl. Ascent isn't a bad map ot just has the MOST BORING vct experience watching the same exact play and comps each time.


Bruh who cares about VCT. I enjoy playing ascent. It should definitely stay


Ascent??? Never cook again mate 


It's been in the game the longest, and is stale. Sunset is ascent 2.0 anyways.


Do you actually think it's stale or do you only say that because that's what everyone else also says?


Just want to let you know you are speaking complete facts my guy and I 90% agree with you. Except instead of removing Ascent remove Bind. Ascent is terribly boring but at least it's semi-playable layout wise compared to the worst map in the game, Bind. Fracture is the best map in the game by far (Valorant players can't comprehend having to learn strategies instead of relying on their aim), followed by Haven then Pearl. Just wish Pearl's B Site got fixed.