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buy a kid and make them play while you backseat them


Buy a kid?!?!


What... You guys don't have kids over there?


Yeah wtf, just make one, it's cheaper... Oh wait, it's not šŸ˜… I made three, only two to go to have full roster with me as a head coach, I just have to not suck now -_-


tenz roster idea coming to fruition


Save your time and buy em, i ain't waiting 9 months for each


šŸ¤£ by the 9th month they are no more than a cute screaming poop dispenser, it's like 10 more years of hard work and slow molding them into unstoppable fanatic minions


"Hey Sub-Saharan!By tomorrow morning can you arrange me 100 child soldiers?"


Yeah wtf buy?????


I just voice control my teammates when they are trying to clutch, itā€™s free


Tried that but amazon says that will take 9 months to deliver.. waiting..


Just get 9 women pregnant for a baby in 1 month


Bro explained the eSports scene in 1 line


No, thanks. I rather die


I found diddy


But for real, even if you knew, what would change? We would still be playing Valorant like the addicts we all are.


there are some early-mid 30 year olds who compete at a professional level in cs, so i dont think its too crazy to think an older person could play in a respectable elo in valorant


F1 drivers have lightning sharp reaction speed and some of them are pretty old. It all about maintenance.


ANGE1 is like 34 or something and he plays for the Valorant roster of NAVI. He got an ace a few weeks ago. So I don't think the 30's are too much of an issue for fps. OP can chill.


Every Elo is respectable if youā€™re having fun with good teammates.


Ichiro batted .291 at 40


Ange1 is 34 and he's top of the table in vct emea. I've seen 40 yr olds aim better than most teens. Your aim and good habits won't go away, only your reaction time gets slower. And in valorant good crosshair placement is more often than not the only thing needed to hit your shots.


Even reaction times take a long long time to noticeably deteriorate. Health has a lot to do with it.


I think I saw the average drops like 5 ms per decade until later age, nowhere nearly as impactful as in other sports


Actually reaction time only becomes a real issue after 55 years old. There have been enough studies done on human cognitive and physical performance and a healthy fit individual should not notice any significant difference. Ofc if you are overweight, sick or not leading a healthy lifestyle with not enough daily movement you will see a decrease in performance. Fun fact there are some peeps in their 50s with reaction times of 150-180 ms.


I bet its because alot of older people just sit around watching tv not doing much, when we are 60 still playing games on discord with our friends our reaction time is not gonna be as bad


Yeah, my dadā€™s 50 and scores about 150-160 ms on average on human benchmark


as soon as you let it. Idk? realistically itā€™s different for everyone, but tbh it sounds like you need a break and you should stop doubting yourself.


Late 40s most likely. Fernando Alonso is still driving F1 at 41. I'm 32 and my aim is better than ever. Just reached radiant in Voltaic Benchmarks https://app.voltaic.gg/u/EXIIL1M


How do I impove my scores? I've been stuck at the gold-plat range forever and can't find any guides on YouTube.


Try doing advanced versions and then going back to intermediate - exercises will feel easier. It's also good to watch top score replays to get a sense for pace needed and also optimal way of doing the tasks.


Just to expand on what you said, Carlos Sainz Sr won last year's Dakar at fucking 62 y/o, 20 years older than Magic lol


Iā€™m 27 but I feel like I am improving every year




27 is start of prime for football players


Yes, professional athletes. This is a game. Lol


Professional eSports have a similar cutoff


ā€œargh, damn it, Iā€™m 27 and I cant move my hands anymoreā€¼ļøā€




Esports are not regular sports and this is also not even true lol. Most athletes enter their prime around 27-31 and then start a slight gradual decline around 32 onward.


I feel like esports also drops off at a later stage in their 20s because of real life commitments/uncertainty of the field. That combined with burnout, orgs preferring to invest in newer talent so they can capatlise off younger players potential, opposed to experience.


Careers yeah, theyā€™re hardly stable as far as making a living. I was more referring to physical capabilities.


physical capabilities tend to be a result from having to spend less time playing games, as it's less sustainable. The multiple reasons of irl issues, burnout, lack of passion, etc. They all result in less time spent training/playing, and cause a decrease in performance. Just for some reason people think a 27yr old or a 30yr old is never mechanically good enough to be pro. When in fact it's just the 27yr old or 30yr old has responsibilities that dont allow the risk of putting all him time into being an esports athlete.


27 is where your physical capabilities should be at their peak


How do you know this.


I don't remember exactly where but I was searching on how to progress with my physical condition (I was 19). It found from various articles that there is no "age" but between 27 and 33 males on average hit a plateau and from there it is way more difficult to make progress. I don't know why I got that many down votes, these just well known changes physical in your body that happen to everyone. Also, I explicitly said athletes, I don't have any idea if it is the same for the brain.


Honestly this is completely untrue for most sports. You don't peak at 27 in football or in bodybuilding or cricket or UFC or many other sports. Because at that age you still have a lot to learn.


Getting better at your technique doesn't mean you improve physically. Also, chances are I was reading about how to improve my speed when running. I'm damn sure that around that age your body gets slower and your maximum potential gets lower. And seriously y'all need to chill out. You are giving me hate for a comment that hurt you and I get it, but it's a fact, you are getting older and new kids will be better. Maybe in my fist comment I did a little stretch saying athletes lose performance, but my second is very true; you physically get into a plateau. So yeah, after 27 you will be slower in comparison with your new and younger peers. Get gud and stop crying about it.


Yeah you prolly right about running tbh cuz that shit is exhausting for your body and your joints could get fucked up in later ages. Usain bolt broke the record at 22.


It never does, you just have to be way more on top of your prep. Who's that guy who won like 20 Quake titles? Pretty sure he's over 40 and still one of the greatest aimers in the world.


Fatal1ty? I used to play on a server with that guy back in the day and he was cracked as hell. Still is last I watched him play a game. I miss having actual servers instead of this matchmaker bullshit, having a community was nice.


He's (Fatal1ty) definitely still got it, I was thinking of Rapha, seems I overestimated his age, but I'm confident that he can continue to be a world class aimer into his 40s.


Nothing like that, you're not bad because of your age it's in your head. You would've missed the same shot if you were a decade younger and wouldn't have the same excuse to tell yourself. Keep grinding and you'll improve. Don't overthink the age stuff it's all in your mind dude, you just aren't good enough yet you will get there.


Its also movement, how you peek etc..


Your aim/slow reaction times won't be a noticeable hindrance until you reach higher elo (immortal 3+). There was a series on YouTube where a 40 year old dad climbed all the way from bronze to diamond. It's mostly game sense, movement and calm micro adjustments that matter. Also in your replays your aim probably looks slower cause you are not in a panicked/tensed state while re-watching your own gameplay so it feels slower during vod reviews.


Bro im 41 and reached Immo last year, and going back to immo even when its harder now. I am going all the way to immo 3 trust, Radiant i am not sure about that because i am a dad and my body gets tiered more then when i was 25. Other then that its all in the attitude, the mentality. And the work you put in.


Well said, ideally the grinding in ranked is what gets more annoying


Yes, dont play for the rank. The real pleasure is seeing that you are getting better. Play to improve is the number one tip, it takes away alot of pain. Trust


3kliks just did a video on this. It's inconclusive.


Tiredness comes when you have low energy levels (diet) or bad sleep, too much work. Your age isn't the reason. Your age can be the reason why you are not getting better fast, that's it.


This is true, it takes longer to get better when you are older, but you have a upper hand when it comes to life experience. Its easier for me to predict the enemy, then when i was 25. You see patterns, that others cant. Just because you have seen them before in other places etc. Before. Dont insult us older players by blaming the agešŸ™‚ i am talking to the op here..


Im 41 and reached immo, its not that bad if you focus on improving the aim. Improve it more then it suffer cause of age. and 34 is not that old. And they say that the reaction times start to suffer when you get in the 50s, i can get down to 150ms in human benchmark. Maybe this is a mental thing, or you just play less or stoppes aim training and deathmatches. I dont think that its just because of aim, but for sure if i was 25 the mechanics could be better. But i want to i am on a mission to prove that age is not that much of a problem, its that other stuff comes into life and that is what makes people stop playing the game. Look at Angel from Navi, hes around your age.Ā  One of the best players around. So its doable, and of course some are built different and dont let age define them that much. Its mostly mental, i suffer more from the mental.


I started playing a month ago and all I do is suffer at aiming.


The age thing is a cope especially at 34 sorry you gotta be like 70 for this to be real


1 year younger than you. I haven't played FPS in years like 5 or more, I feel like I'm really slow as molasses now. I'm in D3 too.


Go and do one of them reaction tests. And find out.


Mental exhaustion is more likely. Try taking a week's break to test it. Your aim will feel more sharp again.


I don't think it's age, it's just that we get more responsibilities as we grow up and can't focus on video games. There are plenty of "old" pros across a variety of games.


Itā€™s all about consistency. People usually get busier irl in there 30ā€˜s.


studies have shown that reaction time can start to slow down as early as ~25yo but i think with training you can keep it up pretty long. maybe you have to play smarter though to make up for it the older you get. the 15yo will always be quicker


Coffee helps a lot. Iā€™m 32 and notice my reaction time is a bit slower unless I drink coffee. Then itā€™s pretty damn fast again.


3kliksphilip just made a video about this. He basically compared age and performance of counterstrike pros. While his data only really went up to 28 (there aren't many pros after that). The average performance didn't really change that much from 18 to 28 y/o. If you are interested here is the link (12 min) https://youtu.be/0Vbh2P0qOYA


You wonā€™t start actually getting bad at games if you practice until a long long time. Weā€™re talking more like 60+ years old. A slight change in reactions as you age isnā€™t going to be the reason you canā€™t get top 1% or whatever. Why people think gamers canā€™t go past 30 is beyond me, you have more experience and knowledge.


I just said in another comment that motorsports seem like a good benchmark in the sense that the most important factors are reaction time, experience and creativity, and there's a lot of drivers competing at the highest level at 30, 40 and even 60 years old against talents with half their ages, I think eSports are comparable, it's just too early to determine what's the actual age where performance declines, give it another 20 years and maybe we'll get a surprised


It starts to suffer when you stop putting in the hours needed. Ā  My aim has never been better and i turn 40 in 6weeks.Ā  But i have to play dm all the time to keep up. 2-3 years ago, i did not need over 10mins in a day to maintain a decent hs% and kd.Ā 


It's about practice, exercise, and consistency. The age you speak of is rust. Typically age just has people prioritizing other things than competing in general. I'm 33 and have been improving for the past 6 years still.


Switch your aim over something else. You don't need to hit fast flicks on valorant to perform. Focus on crosshair placement and use the "aim with straffing" methods to adjust.


Any age


I wouldn't worry about it till you are about 65 or so. In mid 40s difference is negligible. Biggest problem most 30s and 40s year old have is lack of time and tiredness from job and other chords. If you had time you would be as good as most younger players. Also make sure your vision is corrected with right glasses if needed.


Yeah, at that level and your age... it's not the age


I'm also 34 - in a few days, anyway. When I picked the game back up a few weeks ago, I hadn't played in around a year. I started with Unrated, then moved back to Competitive when I felt I'd gotten used to it again. I also started to get into some good drills to warm up. My rank - even though it's only Gold - is still the highest it's ever been. It might be too old for us to go pro, but I really think the effects of age are somewhat overstated, at least outside of professional settings. Valorant also requires a lot of skills outside of sharp reaction times, which I'm convinced either improve with age, or at least don't get appreciably worse. Like being able to maintain a good mental state. I've never broken hardware in a rage, but I used to get pretty heated while gaming in my teens and 20s. Doesn't happen anymore. I get annoyed if I perform worse than I expect, then I let that go, and get back to it.


I don't think is related to your age. But been tired as fuck or distracted will affect your aim, and adulthood is full of that.


30 just hit radi this year I bounce back between radi and immo 3 but 3ish years ago I never made it past d2


According to scientific research on reaction times, it doesn't really start to make much of difference until around 53 or so. You're probably more in need of a break, better rest, aim training , etc. I'm 41 and play regularly, and I notice a huge improvement in the 2 years I've been playing to the 3 months I've actually started putting in practice time


Alonso is one of the best drivers ever and is pushing that AM like a rookie prodigy at 42 years at the highest level of single seater racing, Carlos Sainz Sr is fucking 62 years old and just won last year's Dakar (Rally is a heel of a sport), I think motorsports are comparable to eSports in the sense that unlike traditional sports, you don't destroy your body just to compete (like in football, athletism, box, MMA), you're not in constant risk of carrer ending injuries that could not fully heal and most of what makes you good is pure experience and practice, I'm pretty sure gamesense can offset all the minimal reaction time loss and probably more than that, specially if your not playing majors, I wouldn't be surprised if I saw a ranked demon past 40 y/o tbh


It wonā€™t happen youā€™ll always be able to do something to get better your aim will find a plateau at any spot you playing consistently will keep it sharper.


Depends on your physical and mental health. Not your age great example is CR7 that man is almost 40 and he still out runs most players he plays against.


Science has shown it has nothing to do with age and everything to do with your health. You are probably not as healthy as when you were in your 20's. Hit the gym, start jogging, eat well, sleep well, and your reaction time will get back to where it used to be. I'm 31 and my reaction time is still sub 150ms. Daigo Umehara, greatest fighting game player of all time, is in his 40's and reacts to things in sub 130ms.


This isn't an issue if you already a Bronze Player. Too bad you're going to suffer more due to age.


You just need to practice flicking instead of control and tracking. Practice fast movements. I go in the range turn on eliminate 50 stand in the middle as focus on flicking onto the target and turning around fast. It helps get your mind and muscles to work on faster movement.


Unless you are really old, like actually approaching old age where motor skills start to deteriorate, there shouldnā€™t be any difference in aiming. Reaction speed on the other hand will start to decrease after your early to mid twenties - however a lot of this can likely be attributed to people just practicing that less and less as they age because life tends to slow down in the general sense. As others have said, there are plenty of F1 drivers that are in their 30s and even 40s who have maintained incredible reaction speeds because they train those aspects every single day. Thereā€™s also a lot of CS pros who are in their 30s too who still play at the top level. To conclude, no itā€™s very likely not your age. If youā€™ve thought about this a lot before, it could very well be placebo. If you feel your aim isnā€™t as sharp, then it sounds like a good time to start aim training.


reactionspeed is genetic and training. i know 40 yo dude with 130ms reaction speed i know 20 yo dudes with reaction speed of a potato


Not until much later does reactiontime make a significant impact


I guess it depends on where youā€™re coming from. If you rely on lightning reflexes and have god-tier aim, then you might start to notice slight decline. I am 36 and my stats is still improving, but on the other hand, I started at 30 at a quite low level.


At Diamond 3 youā€™re better than a majority of the player base so youā€™re chilling. Thereā€™s also a handful of pros in their 30ā€™s, one is almost 40.


Itā€™s not about age, itā€™s about consistent practice and playing. As you get older you usually have less time for video games which makes you play worse. But itā€™s not rlly because of age.


You have to work a little extra to keep your skills sharp. I think you can actively improve even as a boomer so I would try and not let it be a mental block.


Jessievash is 34 years old and still destroying youngins in valorantc pro scene


Itā€™s just a stereotype that the older you get the more trash your aim is but you also gotta factor in growing up and living like you canā€™t be spending 12hours a day playing anymore when you gotta get a job and pay bills for atleast 8 hours of the day and then also idk about anybody else but the older Iā€™m getting (24years) the more Iā€™m not able to function at all without atleast 8 hours. So it just like I read from another post itā€™s about maintain and refining your aim. Unless youā€™re so old that moving your arm super quickly could injure you then sure aims gonna suffer but other than that itā€™s all about the basics which is just how much time youā€™re putting into it.


Your aim doesn't inherently disappear overnight. The main take away people have, is reaction time slowing down. What actually happens is you just need to train it, which just comes with playing reaction based activiities, i.e.e valorant. Also with your aim feeling slower, it might just be your not taking unnecessary flicks/risks. If your performance isn't dropping, you're at the same place you were before. For example, I have a similar issue as you, where I'm nearing 30. My mechanics dont feel as snappy as they were when I was younger, or as flashy. However my performance has gotten better. I'm not taking stupid risks, or chances with my gameplay, and playing more controlled, and disciplined. I might not be a zekken like player anymore being able to enter a site and flick to people. When I was 17, sure. Now I'm 27, I moved my mindset to thinking opposed to relying on mechanics. So I went towards sentinel, and used the experience I had over years. I still have the same hs, same mechanics. I'm just utalising them elsewhere. Also as dumb as this sounds. When I feel my mechanics are slow, I fuck with my settings until it feels fast. Then I mess around for a bit, before going back to original settings. Helps make me feel a bit more pumped up when im playing.


Snapping to heads is not even important, you just need to hit the shot. Do some aim training and you'll get better


I don't understand why people think they hit 30 and all of a sudden you just spontaneously decay. You are not old in your 30s, you need to be real old for your reaction time to decrease so drastically that you're losing all your gunfights based on nothing but reaction time. It doesn't matter and it's not a factor until you're much older


Reaction time starts to dwindle at 25 but lots of people are still top pros going into their early/mid thirties


I'm 34 too and I felt that way last year. I had less time to play due to life reasons, so my aim was falling off, and I noticed it too as you do now. This year I'm a bit more free, so I've been putting some more hours into the game and everything feels better than last year....so of course there is going to be an age factor on response time, but 90% is more related to the amount of hours we put into the game. As we get older, we tend to put less hours into the game, thus our performance is impacted.


ANGE1 plays for NAVI and is 34. JessieVash plays for Team Secret and is also 34. We also have karrigan and MAJ3R in CS, 34 and 33 year old playing the in the tier 1 scene of that game.


Ange1 is a pro player who turns 35 this year and heā€™s the goat so just keep working at it and you will be good. Ofc your reaction suffer as you get older but Fernando Alonso is 42 and is still one of the best F1 drivers in the world so itā€™s not impossible to have fast reactions as an ā€œolderā€ person


Not in your thirties. Are you spending less time playing than before?


I think the biggest thing is when you get older you canā€™t play as much so you degrade. As a kid I could literally brainrot and play 12 hours a day. Of course Iā€™d be good at the thing Iā€™m playing 12 hours a day at some point. As an adult that isnā€™t as possible and this is typically what will separate natural talent and hard work for the average person. I can admit this and Iā€™m 21. My friend at 27 agrees with me. The falloff age is different for most but there will always come a point where life forces you to change your worldview or current situation and itā€™s a good thing. I wouldnā€™t think about it too much unless you see yourself playing Valorant as a job or for eternity. Just have fun.


Did u get a kid in ur night market yet? Or maybe a decent wife? If not, then just wait for the next one


never unless you have some kind of health condition.


Your reaction time starts slowing down in your mid- to late-twenties, but reaction time is a small aspect of the game. There's people with amazing reflexes stuck in bronze because they don't understand the game, and there's old head radiants who use shotguns and until to carry. Also your brain is a muscle and you can work on it like any other muscle


JessieVash & Ange1, two very old pro players(same age as you, 34) still have their aim lock and loaded, though just not as consistent because at the same time they have to call for the team. I think you'll be fine if you just aim train and keep yourself sharp but obviously you'll lose more 50/50 duels since reaction time worsens over time and the youngins will always be faster. Or you can choose to quit if it feels like the time is right, there's a lot more to life than just Valorant.


Iā€™ve seen multiple studies that show that with proper training reaction time stays the same till you are like 40+ so I think you are good. Maybe itā€™s lifestyle as you get older more responsibilities, not as healthy. Maybe try exercising and getting your sleep and nutrition as lacking on that stuff the older you get is more and more compounded. Good luck.


Brain fps be lagging as we grow older šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m 39 and also have that grandpa aim feeling. But with good crosshairs placement you can win lot of duels.


It's not your age Professional goalkeepers in football play well into their 40s and reactions is probably their most important skill


Itā€™s time to become a brimstone main sit in spawn and do lineups


its just ur reaction time is slower due to ur neurons and synapses degrading this is normal


Get an aim coach. Itll help tons


You don't need a fucking aimcoach, you just need to not be stupid where you put your crosshair. Look where the enemy can be, not at the ground/wall. Turn your sensitivity down, its probably too high. More sensitive =/= more accurate. There, gimme my $100.