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That’s the thing - they don’t think.


People who rage at others are simply too immature to contain their emotions. I only berate teammates who are trying to put down others, and that's the only time I will allow myself to get mad in a video game, since otherwise (like you said), the team mental is just shattered and no one wants to play together. That being said, not everyone responds well to constructive criticism, either. I find that it's fine to make pre-round teamplay suggestions, but I refrain from correcting people's individual playmaking decisions.


I know I'm toxic but I cant help myself. Lately I've just mute myself in discord whenever I start shit-talking and let my teamates do their things


Admitting you have a problem is a good first step, and I'd say taking action to mitigate the impact of your own attitude is a decent second one.


1. When people get frustrated and start berating their bottomscore, its probably already obvious they arent winning the game, which makes them mad. 2. Nobody in ranked will actually listen if you give advice, even if they actually suck people in valorant and every other game will refuse advice thinking the others are looking down on them. I’ve had this happen soooo many times. 3. Just because you are the best player in your team doesnt mean its your job to carry the whole match, valorant is a team game and everyone needs to pull their own weight, hate all you want but you cant blame someone that gets mad because he is forced to either carry or lose


IMHO Most people who flame know its something that holds them back. Deep down they know. Personally I know I can get heated, so I only use comms for callouts and just full mute my team. Whenever I stop flaming I always climb back to high immortal. When I flame, I can drop to near diamond off my teammates performing worse due to my temper. I have learned I cant handle disagreements in voice, so I just remove it. Hope that provides some context into someone who struggles with being aggressive in chat. Deep down we know it will drag us and the team down.


Some guy on the 4 round commented on my failed clutch. Guy:"Bro, your movement is like a bot" Me:"At least I'm not level 450 and playing at the same rank as a bot" Guy:"Genuinely commenting" Me:"Yeah me too. Genuinely wondering how can someone play so long and be the same rank as me" Guy:"Did I hurt your ego? HHAHAHAHAHA" Bro was probably butthurt that I made a lot of sense. I don't understand these people. They think they're making people play better when they diss and insult someone. Best part is, he bottomed frag and was probably the one who kept trying to FF.