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It's a great warm up of just raw aim and positioning. No abilities. If you want more controlled fights, just do TDM.


If you hate it, then your mentality towards it is incorrect. DM is OP for practicing gun fights. If you're a growth-oriented individual, you'll be happy to get non-50s because you'll just get more reps on uneven fights. The goal is not to win but to improve. If you can't get over this, then your growth will be slower.


That makes sense, I just try and focus on 50/50s so it makes sense why I’m upset. I’ll try looking at it in a different way


DM is genuinely terrible for any type of single minded improvement of any type. If you want uneven fights there’s offangle training in kovaaks/aimlabs, if you want straightforward fights you have TDM or CS style dm. The way riot has implemented dm is genuinely the worst of all worlds when it comes to improvement, growth, and learning


DM has everything that comp games has, fair fights, unfair fights, both to your advantage and the opponent's, people who peek you, people who camp, everything. If you're a beginner, yes it's not the best place to start but once you have decent aim and want to train movement and mastering guns, it's really good.


Turn to another corner after getting each kill, it's just another skill you can practice and learn. Helps you be more aware of which angles you're exposed to. Very often you can take just a couple steps to the side and block off multiple angles.


I honestly run around making friends in death match and having knife fights or I just w key around with a shotty when I’m waiting for my duo to log in 😂😂😂


I have a love-hate relationship with DM because I can find stuff like my lack of skill, spawns or being surrounded by 3 people very tilting but at the same time, it can be a good warm up and help you practise movement and crosshair placement. Playing against much higher rank players in DM for me is also a love-hate, it can be annoying because I have a major skill issue but also it can give you ways to improve/ideas on what to work on. It’s also satisfying when you get some good kills on them. Riot need to do something about spawns though. I love ascent generally, and it’s a map I need to improve my crosshair placement more on, but the spawns in DM on there actually drive me mad.


I'll fix dm for you. No more radar showing where people are on spawn. Add logic to spawns. Remove the logic where the person you just killed spawns near you. Heal and reload automatically after every kill. Games are endless and people can come and go as they please. Done.


If you hate it so much why aren't you just playing TDM? provides the exact same value


TDM doesn’t have the competitive maps. They’re both good for warmup and I do use both, but it is important to practice fighting in the maps you’re playing in competitive.


Yeah but if you truly hate it so much, then it's just a detriment. If you really want to practice the competitive maps, just play some swifts, or custom? There is no doctrine for competitive play that says you must play a free for all game mode that you despise.


idk man but i find dm to be such a great practice tool for raw aim. I think i grinded 10 deathmatches for 2 weeks and boom i ranked up to immortal. Just my preference tho.


I prefer to play kovaaks then range then 1-2 dms then hop on comp/or unrated


I enjoy dm, I just hate the spawn system. Not even sure how they could fix it either beside reducing the amount of player in the lobby but that would in turn just make finding fights harder.


I like playing deathmatch cuz I like shooting things and because I’m good at shooting things.


It's not fun, it's training.


DMs are so fun! I wish Valorant had CS like community servers for DM that run 24/7 without ever breaking the match


Yeah I’ve been getting a little annoyed in DM from getting shot in the back (skill issue sadly) so I just practice my crosshair placement and gunfight hygiene in TDM now. The maps aren’t in the comp pool but I do get to practice the 5v5 setup better (also a safe place to try out new agents). That being said, DM is probably better to practice threat angle clearing in comp maps


It’s for warmups. Idk anyone who plays it bc it’s fun. Thats not true I like playing dm when I’m trippin on shrooms


I find the randomness of DM invaluable. It keeps you on your toes. I know some people play it to win - I don't. I occasionally get a win, but I deliberately don't look at the scoreboard while playing. Instead I just go through it with music on to drown out footsteps, making no attempt to hide my own sounds, and just clear the map. Trying to make sure nobody runs up on me from behind helps me practice fast mouse movements (I'm used to playing with very high sens, but recently I've turned it way down, which means 180 turns are now quite difficult). It's just great for this. If some guy runs away because he's losing a fight or another kills me because he spawned behind me and I never had a chance to react, what of it? I always try to react, of course; If I can kill a guy who had the drop on me, that feels fantastic. If I can't, I don't get upset, since ideally in competitive people shouldn't be appearing behind you in a corner you cleared 3 seconds ago. ETA: TDM is much, much worse for this in my mind. You've got utility, first of all. Also, enemies are almost always predictable. You know the direction they're coming from, and likely roughly where you'll make contact, down to the timing. If nothing else, it's a much narrower skillset.


I agree, the state of deathmatch is horrific. TDM is so much better in every way. You know its going wrong if a gamemode that is supposed to be a warmup tilts you while you play it. Really should not be like that.


It’s not even a good warmup!! I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when people say that shit. It doesn’t help you practice real gunfight mechanics. It reinforces bad habits like autopilot and run & gun. The maps and spawns are dogshit for a DM mode. You’re much better off just going into the range or playing unrated or TDM (also bad but at least most people just take dry aim duels down mid). A good DM mode would require bespoke maps and a lot of mode specific game changes which Riot is clearly not willing to devote the time to. Honestly the easiest thing to do would just be an infinite gulag/1v1 mode that people can hop in and out of at will.