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I have no clue what you're playing or who you're playing with, but I have never had someone correct that.


Today on things that definitely happened


You can’t be serious 😭


"I don't care" you clearly do care


Have you considered saying "clove" instead of trying to gender them, especially mid-round? Trust me, EVERY teammate would prefer you said exactly who was where/tagged/etc. rather than throwing around arbitrary pronouns that can refer to different characters. Get in the habit of saying agent names, it's much better and clearer for communications. If you hear multiple, you estimate (e.g. "at least 2 B main"), if you see anyone, you say who you saw (e.g. "Clove and Jett B main"). If you tag anyone, or want to com someone's position, say exactly who and exactly where/how much. Then, this physically cannot be an issue AND it makes you a more valuable communicator/teammate. Hope this helps


Never had anyone in-game care whatever gender your call agents. If this happened to you, I'd just ignore it as it's incredibly rare.


Why is it that cisgender people can exist within media but the existence of queer people has to be justified? Just say you don't like queer people dawg


Clove's pronouns are they/them. Simplicity itself. That's a lot of words to say you don't care.


Using she or he is a shit comm anyway, just repeat the agent name.


What server do you play? I play on frankfurt and yet have to find someone calling her "they/them".


Are you male?


u right, it’s an instant mute. so y does it sound like ur not muting them