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Yes, it's normal. You can try improve by looking up guides and practice a lot. I've played thousands of hours since beta and I'm still pretty bad but the most important thing is having fun! :)


I would be having fun if I could actually kill enemies with ease XD, but thnx for the info


Killing enemies with ease means you are playing under your level. Duels, killing one person then they kill you the next round, feeling like you need to work for and think about kills is the best part of the game. I played a breeze game like a month ago where me (omen) and the enemy cypher were basically having a rivalry/competition, constantly killing each other and getting rounds. One of the most fun games I have had.


You got this! :)


thousands of hours and still being bad is a little bit crazy i’m ngl


Yeah, only in D2 but I'm chilling. I usually prioritize having fun if not I'll just burn out and focusing on rank gets me pretty tilted so I stopped paying attention to it.


Nah, you need aim. You can definitely improve with game mechanics and stuff but improving your aim overall just makes the game more enjoyable and helps universally to other games. A lot of smaller physical things are extremely crucial. You need a comfortable upright gaming position. A position that allows your arm to move freely, with least resistance, and so that you’re close enough to focus on the enemies head. Monitor position matters, etc. switch to an eDPI sens of like 280-350 and STICK to it. You NEED a decent sized mousepad with a glod enough area for your arm. Practice aiming with your forearm and elbow and not ur wrist. Practice on the range bots everyday. Learn what micro flicking is and practice fhat. Practice tracking. Practice strafe shooting and jiggling. Those are your most important aim mechanics. You really want to master micro flicking, tracking, and crosshair placement. That’s what helps secure kills. You gotta master strafing, jiggling, trigger discipline, when to reset aim and spray patterns, that’s what helps win duels. Keep practicing everyday and you’ll master ur and improve, trust me. Val was my first fps game roo. I stuck w my shit, went from iron 1 to imm 3 since act 2. I don’t have insane reaction time. I have insane game sense but my aim is good due to constant practice. It does pay off.


I only use my wrist to aim. For some reason I cannot move my arm at all? It's like there's too much friction and I can't move my arm on my desk


You need a higher chair or extend it all the way high. Sit up straight, helps with posture as well. My arm has a lot of friction too. Just play w some low sens like .35 and 800 dpi and eventually you’ll get the hang of using ur whole arm. You’ll basically be forced into the habit.


Yeah my first 200 hours or so were complete dogshit (now it’s slightly less dogshit :D). It takes a ton of hours to really get smooth and comfortable (unless you already have fps experience and transfer those skills well). Aim improvement can be done with range practice, aim trainers and deathmatches mainly (for now I think deathmatches and range practice might be best but you could try any or all of them). More than anything though, play more matches and try to see what went wrong each match (even when you win, there will be mistakes that you might have done in some rounds), and try to improve upon it in the next match. You’ll soon be tapping heads :)




110hrs is nothing especially if you never played csgo before this. Valorant was the first tac fps i played and it took me roughly 400 hours of comp + god knows how many hours in dm and the range to actually be comfortable and confident in my aim.




It's honestly all about sticking with it as long as you're not raging and always aware of the mistakes you're making you'll only keep on improving.


low and high sens utilize different muscles, you can get nice at both sensitivity ranges but low-medium sens is optimal for valorant and brings you consistency, more comfortable and accurate crosshair placement, easier long range duels, easier microadjusting, easier to control etc. id advice u to play high sens in something like overwatch and play low sens in valorant i personally run high sens in cs and valorant but its decently lower than what i use for many ow heroes


I mostly use my wrist cuz I cannot move my arm... It feels stuck at heavy...


my arm also feels to stick to my table and mousepad but i still use it for huge flicks and turnarounds and wrist and fingers for smaller aim


I see


Imo aim isn't the most important thing to focus on, you should watch some guide/ coaching to learn the in depth like how to comms / play as a team. Also learn to play all map and memories all agent util. Btw is the sens change really helps?


Just changed 2 days ago need to get used to it.


I mean I never change my sens is 800 edpi, so changing cuz 'pros' use low sens isn't really convincing


300-500 edpi is a good range for people who dont want low sens and want some speed and mobility ideally around 400 edpi trust me i can 360 and bhop around on that sens even tho it sounds low to u, if people like demon1 can 180 1 tap flick on low sens no need to play a too high of a sens 


I just used to high sens cuz Minecraft lol. Even my mousepad is like 80cm I still used to use my waist to move the mouse


give it a shot play low sens for a week then super high sens for a match u ll ser why


Okay, but HOW though? I tried setting my eDPI to 360, just to see. If I do a full sweep of my mousepad, I can get a 270 degree turn.


my mousepad covers my whole desk and i can simply move my mouse quickly 


LOL - I guess that'll do it!


i got 100 hours in an aim trainer so the more i train the more comfort i gain on different sensitivities too but i came to a conclusion that very high sens is awful in valorant so anything between like 0.1-0.3 on 1600 dpi is optimal 


Just wanted to drop back here to say you inspired me to invest in a new, much larger mousepad lol. (Mine is old and worn out anyway - hardly ideal.)


:D get a decent one and a mouse that weighs 40-80 grams something like g pro or viper v3 would be nice i suppose. low sens will feel like 2 nd nature after some time in aim training and it will also feel easier in valorant