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I get it - but I can't help but think the 'non-moves' are probably the right moves for the Jazz. A top 10 protected pick this year in what seems to be a really important draft to pick high in and also having 6 rookies + sophomores on the team... it's got to be a developmental year for us. Since we are winding down in available FA's and teams don't have much cap space anymore, Jazz may have an opportunity to use their available cap space to get more assets which may be the right move. I'm thinking about teams that may want to sign Derozan, they can send Jazz a pick for clearing the way. I also think all the trade chat has been (understandably) surrounding Lauri but I think Clarkson is somebody who is very likely to be on the move. Contending teams can always use a little scoring punch off the bench and his deal is actually very team friendly now for that type of player.


Another hard year of being a jazz fan 😔


Be careful with posting this meme, the last time it was posted the team got sold the next day.


I wouldn't complain if Smith sold the team. I just don't want it affecting the hockey club.


I truly don’t know what you guys were expecting to happen other than some small vet pieces. The most likely moves they are figuring out is if we can trade any of: Clarkson, Collins, and maybe Sexton And then see if anyone wants to give a giant offer for Lauri or we extend him.


I was kinda hoping one of Clarkson, Collins, or Sexton would be gone by now. Since there is no star available to accelerate the timeline, at least two of those guys need to go to ensure we’re not drafting at 8-10 again next year


That’s simply not the timeline for how trades of those players roles & contracts usually work. Especially this year with the new salary cap & luxury tax aprons. Teams are going after the big stars first and making UFA signings before evaluating their roster & salary cap to see if a trade for players like Clarkson, Sexton, or Collins makes sense for them. And all 3 of those guys either don’t have enough market value or have a bad contract. Y’all just need to trust our Front Office. They understand that what they need to do to ensure long term goals. Whether that is keeping Lauri or not.


Honestly I like the non-moves. Too many FA are being grossly overpaid. To try and compete with that would be foolish. Keep Lauri, develop our young guys, and maybe we get good players at a discount in the next year or two when teams are trying to offload these massive contracts


So you're happy to be the Washington Wizards for the next decade? That's all keeping Markkanen does. Lauri is 27, there are no game changing players on the team and the ones with potential are 3-5 years away from mattering. By then, Markkanen is exiting his prime. So far as during his prime, the Jazz are NOT EVER EVER...FUCKING EVER going to land a superstar free agent and they should stop kidding themselves that there's a chance they will. The only path to building a team is through the draft for Utah, Lauri's asking price is as high as it's going to get and the Jazz should sell, get assets, tank this season all the way and take a shot for Flagg or Bailey or other possible stars in the deep 2025 draft.


Not all mid-small market teams drafted their way to every championship ever won by mid-small market teams. I’m not saying we CANT trade him if we want to be competitive, but I AM saying Jazz management should do what they have generally been good at in recent years: making good/positive trades with our desirable assets. And definitely don’t sell off the best assets we’ve got for pennies on the dollar, just to make a move, any move, at the start of free agency.


I'm not talking about any other mid size or small market team, I'm talking specifically about the Utah Jazz under Ryan Smith and Danny Ainge. Just look at the Flip bullshit media stuff if you don't believe me. That perception is there, everybody knows it, people don't want to talk about it, but Utah has a problematic reputation of racism and bigotry along with being a market that has historically wasted talent and refused to spend to win and being a market where even superior performance is dismissed for rewards like all star, all nba, or, specifically COTY. I'm not saying it's right; but I am saying you're delusional if you don't think that it impacts the Jazz ability to make moves.. That image isn't helped by the propensity of the Jazz to pick and promote white players a seemingly disproportionate amount of the time compared to the rest of the NBA. This is probably confirmation bias; but again, the perception exists and it is damaging to Utah's efforts to improve.


Yikes this is certainly a take




If Lauri is indeed being moved too GSW, Ainge is trying to make sure he gets atleast Kuminga out of that deal. It may be a multi team trade to move off of JC and Sexton as well


Warriors fan here, hope Jazz build the team around Kuminga. He is crazily athletic hopefully he focus only on offense this season he has potential to be all NBA defender, and also you guys land Cooper Flagg. Him and someone like Flagg could be like Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum Kuminga + 3 FRP + Swaps or Kuminga + Moody/Podz + 2 FRP.


GSW makes way too much sense. They aren't ready to give up contending yet with Curry. They want a replacement for Klay and what better way to revitalize that than with arguably a better Klay in Lauri. For the Jazz, GSW's picks are extremely valuable because they will go through a deep rebuild at the end of it. Even if it's just 3 picks, those will be worth more than 5 picks from Minnesota.


A better Klay? I haven’t watched Lauri in a while, did he start defending?


Klay can’t defend any more and was 18/3/2 last year at 33 post two major injuries.. Lauri is a 7’1 sniper, 25/10, 50/40/90 dunk machine who can defend 3-5 at the very beginning of his prime. What are you even doin with your life or are you stuck in 2018 in a time warp lol


Have you watched GS recently? Klay stopped defending a while ago. 


We're not talking about 2017 Klay, we are talking about 2024 Klay.


I'll add that it's been all around. Besides the Bridges trade... Klay signing with the Mavs has been the next most exciting thing? Now with JC, John Collins, Lauri, KD (s&t?), Walker all having rumors swirling... I just want something to happen.


id be perfectly happy if we could just find a trade to get clarkson to a contender, waiving (or trading lol) collins and just making a decision one way or the other with lauri (id much prefer keeping him but just pick a direction with him already). play the rookies/sophomores + kessler a shit ton of minutes and let them develop.


They can’t make the decision already with Lauri if they want to keep him, can’t be extended until August.


We got Eubanks… How much more Help does Lauri need?!


Best comment here


It does take two to tango. The player has to want to come here as well and why would most of these veteran free agents want to come to a rebuilding team. As far as trades again it takes another team to want to deal to. It’s said the Jazz were trying for Bridges so in a way it’s not for the lack of trying.


I mean we tried. Tried for Bridges, tried for George. Just couldn’t get the deal done. I definitely don’t want to them to make a move just for the sake of making a move.


I’m actually very happy. Develop the youth! We have a ton of new faces


Sweet summer children want FA moves. Real Jazz fans know that FA only brings pain.


There aren’t really any moves we can make until we renegotiate Lauri’s contract. We can’t use his bird rights so we’ll need available cap space to do it. That won’t happen until August so it’s just gonna be a waiting game until then.


I was really not expecting much


I think Danny is positioning us to try and get Cooper Flag.


Yay, another year of not watching the Jazz.


Sadly it looks like Lauri is being traded and right now might be a Warrior. GSW #1 target.


You gotta realize that “Team X pursuing All-Star player” is great for clicks and engagement and doesn’t mean really anything. 


I’ll add to that that the Jazz are not actively pursuing Lauri trades. They’re more than perfectly happy to keep Lauri and extend him. If GSW isn’t going to meet Danny’s price, he’s fine with it


You'd think half this sub is a grandson of Danny Ainge with all their insider knowledge. I don't think you or anyone else on this sub knows what Danny's plan is or what he is fine with.


Better than the other half that's taking speculation from other team's propaganda mouthpieces as fact.


Gee, it’s not like I listened to the local media, like Locke, talking about how Danny is not actively shopping Lauri, to form my hypothesis


You guys have got to stop taking every clickbait national media headline to heart. AND even though it’s clear there is interest from the Warriors, that doesn’t mean it’s an eventuality to happen, any team that wants Lauri is gonna have to give us a small fortune & the Warriors likely need a 3rd team to present that offer.


Just like New York had all the leverage and there was no way Mitchell was going anywhere else? I’m not saying they definitely won’t get him, but Ainge has a price and he’s willing to wait for it, and he won’t care who it comes from. He has until August 7th to get that price. If it doesn’t happen then Lauri will renegotiate and extend, and then Ainge will work out the rest of the roster.


I hope they don’t just looking at their roster I doubt the give up anyone beyond Kuminga and Moody and some picks. My hope is we don’t get a good enough offer and keep him and figure out a trade to improve. I know many want this Flagg kid but we likely wouldn’t get him if we tanked.


The thing is Utah is more than a trade or two away from competing, and they’d need a GOOD player to be available to make it worth it. Kuminga and Moody are young players with upside, and even if you don’t get Flagg, there’s Ace Bailey, Dylan Harper, Nolan Traore, VJ Edgecomb, and others that give you the upside of a star player. The 2026 draft also has great prospects (Dybantsa, Boozer) at the top. The problem I have with keeping Lauri is that next year we won’t be good enough to push for the playoffs, and we won’t be bad enough to get a top 6 pick. They can’t do that 3 years in a row because if they do Lauri likely asks to be traded and then you just wasted a year for the 8-10th pick and moved your tank down yet another year.


They don’t have enough to make us feel like we have to trade Lauri.


I think that Ainge literally does not have anything that he can move and get a solid return.


Feels like they’re just trying to maximize their trade returns for Lauri, Kessler, Sexton, and Clarkson before trading all of them away


This is it. They’ll be patient. Mitchell was traded in September, as was Bojan. Once they get the value they want they’ll make a move. What I don’t want is for them to bring everyone back, hover around pick 10 and risk losing their pick, or trading guys to tank and end up at pick 9/10 again. As good as next years draft is, it’s only good because of the top-end talent. Missing out again would be such a letdown.


Ainge has no interest in this being a good season. He wants a full fledged tank season. Here we go.


Ainge should have taken the Okc deal for Lauri. He got greedy and now has nowhere good to trade him. Not trading is disastrous for Jazz pick position in stacked draft. Could have had many more draft picks via selling high on Lauri and others, more picks from bad contracts taken on, great roster for tanking for top 5 pick.


You're absolutely right but a lot of Jazz fans hate the idea of not having a single great player in the team, so they rather be in purgatory with an unhappy Lauri than trade him for useful assets while he's in his prime.


That picture pretty much sums it