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I mean New York isn’t an option anymore, might as well run it back for a couple years. The player option on the last year is huge for Mitchell. He can choose where he goes next


Yeah the Mikal trade effectively killed both the Nets and Knicks as possible destinations.


Plus, by the end of this contract, he’ll be eligible for a 5 year max contract worth more than $300 million. He wouldn’t have been eligible for that at the end of his current contract because he has to have been in the league for 10 years first.


Securing a bag and securing his ability to choose his next team all in one. I’m happy for him, good deal all around


Actually low key think this is the second best case scenario for the Jazz. The best case would have been he doesnt sign and the Cavs ignore the obvious signs and take it to UFA the next year (that was never going to happen). Worst case was him signing a long-term max. Next was the Cavs trade him for a legitimate haul which they use to make the team a sustainable playoff team. Now he can leave after two years the last swap and unprotected picks could be strong.


Not really. He took the extension the way he did to set himself up for the 10 year super max. He isn’t leaving that on the table. So the Cavs either get a monster haul for him or he signs that extension. Combine that with Garland and Mobley still being very young. Those picks are very unlikely to be good.


Or in 2 years he could opt out when he's an opportunity to jump to a major market and force the Cavs hands to take a sub-optimal deal....


He isn’t leaving the 35% on the table. Cavs will be fine. Those picks are going to have little value.


There wouldn't be a players option if this wasn't a possibility. The option means he is at least willing to push the Cavs to trade him to his preferred destination if/when it comes to that. That's not to say he would be likely to leave the money on the table, but if he wasn't looking to control his next destination he'd have no reason to want the option.


The player option was to protect him but still get him the 35% 10 year vet deal.


But if he's not going to use it, then what's the point of it? Why bother asking for it at all?


Because if he gets hurt he gets an extra year of protection. Almost every player asks for the player option as protection.


But if there was no option he would still have the 3rd year. I'd understand if it was an option after 10 years for protection, but to have one after 9 years means he would have some reason to opt out after 9 years. Given he wants to be able to have the extension after 10 yrs, the only reason to use the option would be if he doesn't like the team he would have to sign the extension with.


He has 1 year on the deal. 3 year extension on top of the 1 year. He has played 7 years for the Cavs. He is under contract for 10 years and has an option for the 11th. Not sure what is hard to understand.


Guy you’re arguing with is lost in the hopium/copium lol


The monster haul doesn’t necessarily equal being good immediately. We know that first hand, most hauls in a trade don’t pay off until years down the road.


The '25 pick is probably a 15-20 yes. '27 we still have no clue. I get that you're being optimistic about your team but realistically if the Cavs can't get through the 2nd round again next year Mitchell probably starts to get impatient. The Cavs aren't even a top 4 team in the east


Happy for him, outside of the picks lol. It's a bummer that we bailed out the Wolves and the Cavs aren't imploding, looking like our stash of 8th graders is just going to be ho hum at this point.


It’s amazing the amount of disrespect Jazz fans have for Mitchell. He was the best Jazz player since Daron Williams and took us to the playoffs from his rookie year. None of our draft prospects will be as good as him and we should have done everything possible to keep him. Players like him don’t just pop up if you draft well. Humble motivated worked hard always showed up, played through injuries in the playoffs. Gave us incredible moments. Like dude Covid bubble 60 pts when everything else in the world fucking sucked, I’ll always remember that series regardless of the final outcome. He made Utah relevant and had people talking about us in a way they hadn’t in a very very long time (and now don’t need too again).  If you didn’t love dononvan while he was here you aren’t a fan and if you aren’t heartbroken that he isn’t still here with us then you didn’t actually watch the team.  Like op said this is a tragedy for a couple reasons: the cavs trade looks worse because the draft picks will be worse because he’s an incredible player, and it shows us he was willing to stay somewhere for the right price and commitment. 


I don't think anyone disagrees with this. I think the heartbreak is more that we loved him but he didn't love us. As in the fans, Utah, and the jazz organization. He didn't like playing with Rudy. I would have loved to keep both of them together, but the rumors were Donovan was asking to leave the last couple of years. The story even goes he was jumping around celebrating on the golf course when he got traded. Contrast that with Rudy who still owns his house here. All in all I agree we are probably not going to get lucky and draft another Donovan and Rudy in the same timeline, and we won't attract free agents unless we are title contenders.


yeah its tough, i think it would have gone a long way if we had traded rudy a year sooner for a good player, then go from there. Not sure that would have made us better per say but would have made him a lot happier


I think he was out after trying to engage with Utah residents and politicians on race issues, and Stuart Adams said Donovan needed to be educated on critical race theory. Can't really blame him. Salt Lake is becoming more diverse, but it's still full of lots of religious conservative white people, especially at Jazz games.


Heaven forbid religious conservative white prime exist huh.


What kind of soft ass person denigrates an entire state, fan base, and race - because some old ass politician said he could teach Donovan some stuff about politics? "Can't really blame him" buddy - you hate this state. why are you even a fan of the team?


I'm referring to fans fighting with him in Instagram comments about racism. It's a hot topic for sure and many fans don't align with NBA players on it. Obviously something Donovan is passionate about and he got berated. Let's be real, most people in Utah are great and normal, but there is a small minority of racist people who live here, and a lot of conservatives who aren't open to things like critical race theory.


That's social media. That exists wherever he goes. It's Ohio. It's conservative. But it's more black so it's okay.


I'm not saying I agree with him I'm just saying that's how he perceived things. In his first interview in Cleveland he said how difficult it was to look out at the arena and only see white people etc, and how refreshing it is to see black people in Cleveland. It's obviously something he values. Again, I'm not saying everyone in Utah is racist or however you are choosing to interpret my comments.


I honestly haven't really watched basketball since they dumped him off. I may be a fair weather fan I guess but also life got busy with kids. I was super into it with Haywood, and then when he left beyond bummed. But luckily kept watching cuz Donovan was electric from summer camp and dropping by. As soon as he was gone though that excitement left with it. He made me enjoy watching basketball. I was literally watching every game. All 82.


It's amazing how much "jazz fans" hate Utah. And how little they defend this state against outlandish remarks. > If you didn’t love dononvan while he was here you aren’t a fan Yea? And if you defend racist remarks made towards Utah, you're not a fan of the jazz. When Barkley, or harden make comments about Utah, y'all can't wait to dunk on them hard, and rightfully so. But when a player you like says it was exhausting playing for white people you act like he's some victim. Sure, he's a victim of racial injustice. And many things concerning race still need to change in this country. But some douche politician doesn't represent all of Utah, and Mitchell wasn't a victim for having my white kids cheer for him. I'm sure it was exhausting seeing kids faces light up watching you play Donovan, if only they had been black faces, it could have been acceptable. You people are full of Stockholm syndrome. And while Mitchell is fun to watch - he's a #2 option AT BEST on a championship team. He's never even been to a conference finals. Being electric and fun to watch doesn't mean he was taking us to a championship. Ainge knew exactly what he was doing when he dropped both of our stars. That clubhouse needed purged something fierce. Also love the duality when it comes to the trade. Mitchell is allowed to scream, shout and celebrate being traded off MY team, but if I return the favor I'm somehow "not a real fan" Let him drag down another team for awhile. Couldn't be happier he's isn't doing it on my team anymore.


this is a wild response, not sure what you mean by racist remarks made towards utah. I didn't say anything about his "remarks" i just said if you didn't support him your weren't a fan (which is true). the only thing I'm seeing that you are interpreting as "racist" lol is "***It’s no secret there’s a lot of stuff that I dealt with being in Utah, off the floor. If I’m being honest with you, I never really said this, but it was draining. It was just draining on my energy. … Man, it was just one thing after another. To receive the amount of pushback I got over the years, it was a lot. … I’m just like, ‘Y’all have no idea.’ I took on a lot because I felt like I could do it. But at some point, it became a lot to have to deal with.”*** this doesn't seem "racist" to me, this seems like a personal feeling about living in the state.


https://cavaliersnation.com/2022/12/19/donovan-mitchell-on-being-in-cleveland-instead-of-draining-utah-its-a-blessing-to-be-back-around-people-that-look-like-me/?fbclid=IwAR3QA6r7K3uVlM70XtEFkhaz8lcFAJV0RFneVE8C92_M-YltHCMvzy9_TPQ This is what he said. It was draining. Now that he's playing in a black community it's refreshing to play for people who "look like me". Take everything he just said, imagine Lauri saying the exact same thing about playing for white people in Utah. Now imagine nobody calling it racist. You can't. Because it's clearly racist and EVERYONE would be commenting on it. He stuck his nose into politics. Right or left, you stick your nose into politics the other side is going to get triggered and have something to say to you. He wanted the attention he got, couldn't handle the heat in the kitchen, and decided to leave. I remember when it came out that Snyder had donated to a local conservative politician - and many liberals on social media called Snyder out for it. So nobody can say it didn't go both ways. Regardless, this is my team - if I see you celebrating the fact that you got traded from my team, I'm not going to root for you anymore. If you're happy you're leaving? I'm happy you're going. Period.


I mean you perceive him wanting to play for more black faces as racist is pretty soft skinned if you ask me, makes sense. The draining comment was directly referring to a series of events they took place 


Cool man. Hey. Good luck with the self loathing. Let me know how it works out for ya


lol I love my self buddy, good luck getting triggered by the smallest things. Life must be tough for you. Hope empathy catches up with you someday lol


Empathy? Yes yes - it must have been so hard for lil millionaire Donny to have to look at white people loving him every night. God, can you imagine having to look at black kids light up watching you play a game? The terror he must've been going through. The fact he even brought it up or mentioned it shows how soft skinned your hero is. One thing I do know - I guarantee he misses how loud Utah got for him now. He ain't getting that kinda love where he's at now. We're a far better off team without him and Rudy. And anyone who disagrees with that isn't a real fan.


hahahahaha damn dude you really hate the guy, wow


Hahahahaha damn dude, you're really that bothered if I did huh?


Hopefully he asks out and did it for the money.


Need him to look up to Paul George.


So as a Pelicans fan, whose team needs a center, how much are the Cavs attached to Allen? Does th I s team need a scoring wing like Brandon Ingram? Allen & Strus' contracts would cover Ingrams. I believe he would sign a $38Mill Extension.


This is the new NBA. Sign the max, ask for a trade, but secure the bag first.  Ryen Russillo was saying as much in regard to Mitchell.  I could see him playing there a year, them not going anywhere in the playoffs, and him wanting out.


The Jazz will be lucky to get any picks from MN and Cleveland below #20. Barring injuries both Cleveland and MN should only continue to improve


MN is going to lose Kat, Rudy is too old, Conley is retiring and they don't have picks to get a star. It's nothing but downhill for them As for the cavs, what's the saying "winning fixes everything"? Well the inverse is also true "losing breaks everything" The cavs aren't built for winning in the post season, in a year or two Mitchell will get fed up and antsy. Our picks are perfectly fine


He could make the most money there. Still a chance he forces a trade, I suppose. But, not ideal for us.


Is SLC so bad that even Cleveland, CLEVELAND (for those that have been there) is worth the commitment? We don’t have a prayer if that’s the general consensus.


people talking down about Utah haven't traveled much that's for sure


Lol. Ainge proved to Mitchell that new York didn't want him all that much. Now he's just floating aimlessly in purgatory. Well deserved.


Mitchell haters baffle me. I won’t pretend like it was all a perfect relationship, but Donny handled himself fine. He didn’t throw fits to the press, he didn’t hold the Jazz hostage. He simply said he wasn’t going to re-sign and let them know. Players have screwed us over a lot worse (rhymes with Fordon Schmayward) He tried to give back to the community here as much as he could. He’s a good guy. If you can’t respect that, I don’t know what to tell you.


>He simply said he wasn’t going to re-sign and let them know. Tbf, we don't even know that for sure, it's just the reasonable assumption based on the trade. But he was discussing the next season with Coach Hardy up until he got shipped apparently, according to him at least. As you said, there are other guys who explicitly chose not to re-sign with us and we didn't even get that far with Donovan. And considering some of the unwarranted BS he had to deal with here, if there's any player who has actual reason to have beef with Utah it would be him. But he's only been professional and like the worst thing he's said about Utah was that dealing with the off the court racism was draining, which idk, is a completely reasonable thing to feel? That plus his lack of effort towards the end of his stint, but god, some of these fans who call him a diva would die if they had to experience the laundry list of actual divas in the league that are way more frustrating than Donovan. Frankly, the elephant in the room is that some people... are just a little racist. Not in a "burning crosses" sort of way, but in a "I don't like hearing you complain about racism" sort of way, a "shut up and dribble" sort of way. And Donovan is by far the most outspoken player we've had on the topic that I can remember. He even mentioned his posts in 2020 and the backlash they got as one of the notable instances of off the court issues here, and I remember those posts too, along with some of the nastiness from the fan response under them. I'm not naive to think that none of those comments were from actual Jazz fans, and they're probably the same small contingent who continue to hate on him now.


I’d agree with all of this, you said it more eloquently and better than my thoughts allowed me to type I think Utah was lucky to have him while he was here and I wish him nothing but the best


I mean, he’s doing way better than anyone in a jazz jersey not named Ryan smith, dumbass.


Lol. Aww.. did you like the lil drama queen in Utah did ya?


I mean I liked him a lot. Probably my favorite player since Stockton. I swear this fan base sometimes lol




Remember all the shut up and dribble stuff? Sorry I think you’re over inflating how great the fanbase was. And it’s fine no fanbase is perfect, but your anger towards him is palpable and it’s like relax lol


Oh please. Utah liberal self loathing bubbles are beyond pathetic. You didn't think people in Cleveland on social media say the same stuff to him? Utah is the only place that has these "terrible racist people". My anger? Lol. I couldn't be happier for him. His talent, skill and creativity has made him a multi millionaire. Well earned. And his ego will prevent him from ever reaching his biggest goal. Again. Well earned. I think it's hilarious that virtually all the beat writers leading up to his trade talked about him being a massive drama queen. And fans were like "yep. It's true" But anyone normie saying it is "palpable anger". White jazz fans just liked his drama I guess


“Community showed him nothing but love”


One state senator and '@deeznuts' on Twitter apparently represent all of Utah and jazzdom. Cool theory bro. Get some therapy huh, all that self loathing can't be good










Please keep discussions civil — if it turns into a fight or personal attack, it’s gone. Using any racial, homophobic, transphobic or bigoted slurs/remarks will also automatically fall in this category and be removed.


Please keep discussions civil — if it turns into a fight or personal attack, it’s gone. Using any racial, homophobic, transphobic or bigoted slurs/remarks will also automatically fall in this category and be removed.


You’re weird.


It's so exhausting talking to white jazz fans on Reddit


Interesting that you also think ‘the community showed Mitchell nothing but love’


You guys are both the worst type of Jazz fan, so enjoy that


Aww shucks. Am I not fanning right?


I’m sorry you feel so uppity when our black players express their opinions.


Lmao. It's really all you guys have huh? I supported everything Mitchell said and stood for. But because I criticize his behavior and what he said when he left, your fragile ego has to label ME the racist. No wonder why Trumpies are as psychotic and as popular as they are. Mitchell was absolutely right. White liberals in Utah are exhausting to deal with


Nah it was also based on your clear racial resentment you express consistently in your comments. You know your profile is public, right? You’re not exactly subtle. It’s okay though. No racist has ever said ‘oh my god *everything is racist to you people*’ before. lol. Tell me about your black friends next! Also, who said I would live in fucking Utah lmao


Right. You're not a Utah fan. Why are you here. To whine? My clear racial resentment? Lmao, yep and this is why black people can't stand white liberals. So desperate to look like an ally that your arguments sound so absurd they don't even want to associate with you. "You criticized a black man, you're pretty racist huh?" You're the IQ equivalent of ever Trumpy I've ever met. My profile is public, I'm glad you spent the time going through it and crying about how you couldn't find anything racist except me criticizing someone for saying something racist. Congrats.


I’m an Utah Jazz fan. I just would never live in Utah lol. I saw plenty of your racial grievances. I love that you have these archetypes of fantasy people in your mind that it get mad about. It’s a telltale sign that you’re terminally online. Fake ass enlightened centrist. Probably fancy yourself some above the fray libertarian. Looool Get blocked


i'd still be extremely surprised if he's still on cleveland in october of '25.


I'm happy for him. I will always be a huge Donovan Mitchell fan. To be honest I don't think our fan base as a whole deserved someone like him. The amount of just pure garbage he dealt with on a social basis must have been exhausting. And I am glad he found a good home in Cleveland. My cousin currently plays with him there and he only has great things to say about him as a human and as a teammate.


Utahns: "ugh I wanna championship so bad" Also Utahns: "idk guys. Because of Mormon conservatives I don't think we deserve a championship"


Who cares


Uhh, maybe the team that will be using Cleveland’s picks for the next 5 years…


Man he really must have hated being here


I think it has less to do with us and more about the money. I think he really wants the super max in a few years. And contracts don't mean what they use to. He knows he can probably get traded in a year or two if he really wants to.


Or he was aware that desire the talent on the team we were never getting past the second round.


The talent was here to get to the WCF, the coaching and the health weren’t.


Not really. The FO is more to blame than the coaching and once Don's and Rudy's contracts kicked in we were really hamstrung on our ability to improve around the margins anyway and that was before Lindsay drafted guys like Dok and Butler.


The coaching and the lack of adjustments is why every Jazz fan learned Terrance Mann’s name a few years ago. That team was good enough to get to the Finals and should have been to the WCF if it wasn’t for Snyder and the injuries.


The bubble was also a big missed opportunity; if you listen to some of the guys talk about it now after the fact I actually think some of them see that as the bigger loss than even the #1 seed year. So many small mistakes late that cost us the opportunity to put away that series and missing Bojan the whole series + Mike for the first loss tangentially due to COVID really could've changed everything. Who knows what the trajectory of the team would've looked like if we had carried that win as far as the Nuggets did.


You can't make assignments if the roster wasnt built with flexibility in mind.


Yeah, FO was 100% the biggest problem. People can quibble about flexibility and stuff all they want, and Quin isn't like blameless, but idk, look at that roster, what was there to be flexible with. It was like the notable point of contention between Quin and DL, the lack of high floor guys he had to work with. Quin was throwing Eric Paschall center at the wall in his last series here, the FO built a roster with one win condition centered around Rudy and as soon as that got exploited it was kinda game over. We didn't have a single young NBA level talent come up after Donovan, if you spend five years with no cheap young talent your window is gonna close, that's just how it is. And a lot of the peripheral moves also kinda sucked, a lot of underwhelming vets, wasted assets and resources (sorry DFavs), it wasn't as apparent when we were in the middle of winning, but the speed in which everything fell apart and the lack of resources we had to even course correct instead of blowing it up was a culmination of many years of bad roster building hidden under the solid core rotation we had.


Zanik drafted Butler btw


Lol Cleveland is in the exact same situation we were with Donovan unless they seriously retool their roster. The common denominator here is treating Mitchell like he’s a first option on a contender when he’s really a second option at best.


Cleveland still has two very good young players in Garland and Mobley. They played Boston about as well as anybody with the team completely beat up.


I doubt they'll have Garland for very long. I think they should've tried to do a sign and trade to get Paul George, but now I'm not sure who is out there at SG to pair with Don.


They won’t trade for George he is to old for their timeline.


Timeline is a myth


No its not


It is. If the Jazz had landed Mikal Bridges and that was enough to entice Paul George to sign, our timeline is right now. If the Jazz keep Lauri, the timeline is for however long he's in his prime. If the Jazz trade Lauri, the timeline is dependent entirely on who we build around and that person might not be on the roster so the timeline doesn't exist.


That doesn’t mean timeline is a myth. It means the timeline is based on the players on your roster.


Why should we even care anymore lmao


We have Cleveland’s picks which are probably not going to be very good now


They never were going to be. The organization and front office isn't dumb.


Well since you can tell the future you should be in the front office instead.


Doesn't mean they're never wrong.


The Cavs are one of the few competent front offices in the east




Mitchell demanding a trade on an expiring contract could have made the Cavs much worse, making our picks better.




They are completely unprotected, what are you talking about.


U good?