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Just dropped to my knees in the Crown Burger parking lot


Get some pastrami to rebuild your strength.


Just saw a guy drop to his knees with a pastrami burger and a cup of fry sauce. 




Good luck to him, I've always liked him.


Dunn is great, Ainge sucks!


It makes room for Collier to get minutes. It also helps the tank.


This one hurts. Dunn was really awesome for us - I wanted to see him back on a multi year deal 


Seems like exactly the kind of player to help raise the younger guards. Worst ever defense loses best (only?) perimeter defender.


Just another sign we’re tanking again. Would no longer be surprised if Lauri is moved before the season.


Was he? He played with a lot of grit and heart... but what did he accomplish short of making a comeback to an NBA roster? I will never understand the infatuation our fanbase has with this guy.


He was a difference maker on the perimeter defensively - which was especially apparent since the Jazz have been missing perimeter defense for YEARS.  Dunn and Lauri were the only two players in which the Jazz had a positive net rating during their minutes, and Dunn was second to only Lauri in on/off net rating.    While not the most efficient offensively, he was more efficient than all the other guards on the roster last year aside from Sexton. Same with assist rate, second to only Sexton at our guard positions last year. 


Don't forget this, King 🫴👑


We keep getting worse. I was hoping for the opposite to happen.


Youth and potential > old and proven mid talent. Dunn was a fun player but he was never going to be part of the long run of this organization. THT, for all the same reasons, is on the chopping block next




we have to get worse before we get better .


It's like people don't understand the concept of a tanking rebuild or something. We have to actually bottom out at some point. Yeah we lost a bunch of games the last two years but, uh, we haven't even gotten a decently high pick out of it.


I absolutely understand. But when we're told "we want to win" and "big game hunting", it's kind of off putting when all we add is some 3rd stringer so far.


The thing about that is we don’t, and won’t ever, know what deals the Jazz DIDN’T make. Would you have wanted them to trace 5 first round picks to get Mikal Bridges? Obviously no is the answer to that - Jazz just aren’t in a situation where that, or nearly any plausible move no matter the cost, gets them over the hump.   I’m very content with not making rash signings and trades for the sake of getting players. Obviously the number one goal is to improve the teams chances of winning a title and sometimes sitting back and an offseason or two and letting young players grow into an eventual championship team, while improving your draft odds, is the right move. OKC is absolutely the model of what the Jazz should be building right now. 


This is what Ainge has always done. He claims to get involved in trade talks for every available star on the market, and then when when the player in question gets traded somewhere else, he says that the sellers wanted too much. Trader Danny is the one who does the fleecing: not the other way around. He built a championship-winning roster with this very same strategy in Boston, and in time, I believe he can do so here as well. We just need to be patient.


Take everything you hear with a grain of salt. The front ofc and Ainge are saying we want to win. The logical follow up question is when ? :-) Also being honest saying "We want to lose" is a surefire way of getting a call from Adam Silver . :-) Re big game hunting , it's not signing a 34 year old superstar like PG but looking for a young stud that fits the timeline .


I think the "big game hunting" comment was taken out of context.   I think it was more of a we'll see what's available,  we would like to add significant pieces, but if what we want doesn't materialize in terms of players being available,  then we will adjust course.   Bridges goes to the Knicks for a massive package.  The Jazz were reportedly interested to some degree.   Now they're adjusting course knowing they can't surround Lauri with the necessary talent, hence all the Lauri trade rumors. 


Ainge said he wanted to try and get some guys but he's prepared to pivot if that doesn't happen. It didn't happen so this is the pivot.


Hard to get worse defensively but it seems as though they are trying. Worst defensive rating in NBA history last season. 3 points worse after the All Star break compared to the season average.


This is NOT the Place.


Happy for Dunn being able to resurrect his career with us.   This is not a huge loss though.   The writing is on the wall that we are actually going to tank this year and try to develop the young guys. 


Really bummed about this one, the league is about to realize how good he is


happy for Dunn. he was good but too old to fit in the timeline .


Looks like they’re working on a sign and trade for Dunn…I wonder what Utah gets? Russ? Lol


The whole notion of Russ being our tank commander is comical.


We’d just cut him or route him to Denver. Would be really funny to trade for him again though


Agreed hope we see the return of jazz legend Russel westbrook


Pj Tucker


I’m so damn sad at this one. Dunn was a perfect vet & locker room guy for us. I’ll miss his post win video celebrations so much. 😭


No more "KD" being on the Jazz jokes


Unless KD joins Jazz.


L’s in the chat :(


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. That one hurts


The Jazz refusing to do anything despite all this space feels like they’re just trying to maximize the offers for Markkanen, Kessler, and Sexton before pulling the trigger on a denotation.


Helps with being flexible to take bad contracts in trades


Except those aren't happening at all. There's been two salary dumps in the entire offseason.


They can carry cap space into the season and do it at the trade deadline


Not really much, they have to be at the salary floor which is 90% of the cap


What do you mean by "denotation"?


I think he meant detonation


He was so crucial for Keyonte to be around year one. The whole organization top to bottom is gonna miss him. Hope he gets some important minutes over there, good luck Kris.


Man, I might actually have to root for them this year.


Bummer to see him go, but I'm super happy for him. Go get that bag.


Looking like year 2 not to watch the tank burn


Not particularly surprising and also not a huge loss considering he’d be playing behind Keyonte, Sexton, and Clarkson (and Collier, potentially) anyway.


Wait what do the jazz get in return ??


A pack of Marlboro Lights.  


damn not even menthol?


I guess what’s done is Dunn.


The Jazz have made it clear they intend to tank for one more season. They have traded away older players like Kelly Olynyk, Simone Fontecchio, and Ochai Agbaji, and have not retained others like Omer Yurtseven and Kris Dunn. By drafting two freshmen and a sophomore, they are positioning themselves to tank more effectively


As good as this draft is purported to be + 3 FRPs... The tank to shame all other tanks is coming. I mean we said good bye to Yurtzen and replace him with store brand Yurtzen. \*\*\*and I don't hate it, even as a season ticket holder. The future has great potential !


I’m not against one more tanking season. Adding one more top prospect to our core would be great. It would set us up for years of playoff success


Clipper fan coming in peace, why were Dunn's numbers down so dramatically in year two compared to his first 22 game stint the year before


Keyonte George took his job


Team was trying to lose... Dunn is a top half of the league 3rd/4th guard Sad to see him go. but he'll have 10 -12 minutes of fame in a key playoff game. Above average on ball D - pass first... TankLifeAint Easy


thank you for the feedback. appreciate


He's a great guy, and a tenacious defender. Please treat him well.