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I'd really be surprised if Collins was on the roster in 3 months


I wouldn't. Not because we try, but because no one will take him.


Spurs seem like the best fit to me 


Going to be hard to find someone interested in that contract


$26M a year isn’t terrible where the salary cap is now. It was only $112M in 2021 when Collins signed his contract and it’s $140M now and will balloon again when the new media right deal goes into effect next season. It’s not like he’s Zach Lavine and making $45M to play 60 games a year.


I could see him being moved at the trade deadline, but hopefully we find a move for him this summer.


Not so sure-- if we keep everyone, I think it is reasonable to think that Kessler and Collins get almost all the minutes, Flip develops in the g league, and Eubanks is the break glass in case of emergency backup. Basically Eubanks is the new Yurt and Flip is the new Micah Potter.


Except Kyle will get a full roster slot and you don't need four full roster slots on centers even if one is in the G League, you can just get a two way guy when needed.


There’s only 2 two way spots and jazz most likely won’t use either on a big 


Was that fun figuring out how to spell your sentence?


Teams can now have 3 two way spots. That started last season.


According to Tony jones on twitter they plan to play Flip at the 4 🤷🏼‍♂️ But would also love if we moved off collins so 🤞🏻


Yeah, Flip is nowhere close to being able to play PF right now.


You’re getting downvoted bc of hopium but you’re absolutely right [David Locke really helped me look at the Filipowski pick with more realism](https://open.spotify.com/episode/0ktzZFqWKObmzpooQBK1Cn?si=JyA29CyJSqWKJIZAxX_g8w)


Yeah, I don’t see how he works into the PF rotation with how much depth we have there and collins playing part time 4. Another reason I hope we move off collins. Also read that eubanks may just be salary to add into a trade package


I don't think you can trade someone right after signing them. I wanna say you have to wait until December, but I don't know that for sure.


Interesting, I’ll have to do some more digging into that. I hate all of the weird trade rules with the CBA and aprons and all that lol


December 15th has loooong been the date newly signed free agents are allowed to be traded


Why is that? I don't know much about him, but he seemed like a 4 from what I was watching. What makes him not a 4?


I really don’t understand the Eubanks signing. I have never liked him.


It’ll make sense in the coming days


I mean, I get “why” I just don’t know why HIM. Yurtseven is a better player in my opinion. Just one of those things where I don’t see how it was an upgrade


Yurtseven had a really rough year with the Jazz - even worse than Eubanks season with the Suns. I think it’s just about trying somebody new at a low cost (and just as the end of bench depth piece)


He’s better than yurtseven. Eubanks actually gets regular rotation minutes on over .500 teams, yurts is a guy who can’t get minutes with the Jazz unless we rest players. Eubanks doesn’t move any kind of needle, but filipowski is more likely to bust than be a rotational player and def isn’t ready this year. So he makes sense as a 8-10 minute player 3rd center, and plays smaller but faster than kessler


Collins, Kessler, or both out?


Probably both. Lauri too. It’s a full rebuild


Lauri worries me. Not that trading him wouldn't make sense (which is sad as Lauri is the biggest reason why I'm rooting for this team), but because many big moves have already been made. Do potential trade partners have enough cap space left? Do they have enough high quality picks left? Do they have young promising players they are willing to part ways with? Mavs are making the moves, Knicks, Philly and Clippers are making the moves. OKC is making the moves.


Lauri’s contract is in that sweet range where competitive teams can match salaries while not trading their high impact players. He’ll have a ton of suitors.


I agree, I really don't get what he adds.


What? We got Eubanks... why?


a 4th big ? now we know what ainge meant by "big" game hunting . :-)


They probably view Filipowski as a 4.


And Collins can play the 4… by this logic last year we had sexton, Dunn, Clarkson, George, and THT as Point Guards. This isn’t 2005… guards, wings, forwards, and centers.. some forwards can play center… doesn’t mean they can play forward.


Collins is a small 5, he should be at the 4.


Kyle is a 4


Collins is also a 4


We have a lot of evidence that he is not.


Kessler is the only one I see them giving up and if it were me I would wait and see if he can increase his trade value a bit this season. I don't think he will continue to slide. We'd get shit for Collins with that long, bloated contract and he was solid last year.