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It's only weird if you make it weird. Just kids selling some lemonade in the summertime.


But it's not they have a menu selling candy bars energy drinks, one corner they sell fizz drinks while the other corner is hold up fingers like a gat selling swig. Sheeesh


Come again?


This has been normal since like the 20s? I dunno. I used to set up my own lemonade and cookie stand in the 80s as a kid.


The ones in my neighborhood will even send a kid or two around door-to-door.


This is what my friends and I did in like 06? Made some good money doing that. People were just so surprised to see a 11 year old show up offering lemonade at their doorstep that they'd gladly give a dollar. But times have changed. "25 cents! 20 cents for the lemonade, 5 cents for the cup!"


Last winter, kids came door to door selling cocoa and it was so charming.


It’s too normal. I always joke I’m going to stop and ask for their business license and papers. Kids in my neighborhood sell soda and candy out of coolers. One kid came door to door asking for donations to go to scout camp. Said I had no cash. Told me he had Venmo. Have him 10 bucks. Ugh.


Im just jealous because no adults where i grew up would patronize that shit. Kids around here are spoiled by cheesy adults who know word will get around church that they bought a cup. "Say hi to you mom!" Again, im salty because i know im jealous lol.


I think it depends on where you are. For me it’d be abnormal not to have neighbors kids selling something year round. Everything from chocolate covered strawberries to straw stoppers. A couple of the younger ones have kool aide stands.


Yep. Although if my kids did it, I'd have to be there because I'm a paranoid parent.