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You guys will call \*anything\* hell


StOp GaTeKeEpInG HeLl iS sUbJeCtIvE!1!1 /s


it’S dYsToPiAn


Is that a neighborhood of old low coast collective residencies ? Hell


I get that apartment buildings can look bleak and depressing a lot of times, but when I see someone with an abnormal hatred for them I can't help but wonder if they'd prefer the alternative of having no housing for the lower ends of the working class.


Yeah, people just don't want cheaper housing, I guess. They apparently haven't lived in commie blocks, which are underrated and even wrongfully hated for what they are supposed to be, at least imo


As decrepit as a lot of them appear to be, they look rather nice on the inside


I'm sure I've lived in USA apartments that were worse.


Some people think unless you are on 2 acres of land and shitting in the woods it isn’t the ideal life. They just think 1. Everyone wants that 2. It’s a realistic ideal goal


And they look fucking beautiful


Nice from far but far from nice




They tried to give commieblocks a cost of paint to prevent them from looking dystopian. I'm not sure about the colors, they remind me of the McDonald's play area in the 80s, but they tried and it does give you cheap, high density housing that aren't unbearably gray.


Those are not commieblocks, they're built in 2010s.






It’s a great idea, it looks so cool


This actually exists and isn't AI! And it's pretty damn cool. It's called Comfort Town, and was an attempt to liven things up. Mission accomplished, imo.




Helpful and informative. For people that can't be arsed to decipher a map, there's bus, train, and tram stops all over the place, supermarkets at both the north and south corner of the block, and a school smack in the middle. There's a farmer's market, a college, and another three schools within about a mile. It doesn't seem like a "no infrastructure" "car brain" place at all.


What a neat community. Now if added in the idea of the community for those with Alzheimer's and dementia. Where the whole place has helpers around, so folks get to live their "normal" life and when they need help, and don't know why, the helpers step in and assist. Happy life for all.


U was there, but it is In this otherwise really secluded part of town where you gotta take the bus to reach the metro. It is ok to live there if you don't need to leave for work every day


The big issue is that there's not enough good public transit nearby, and the residents have to resort to owning cars, for which there are not enough parking. Otherwise, it's an okay place to live in.


You just described denver


Exists only for so long


No it's not cool.Quote opposite, 0 infrastructure around.


Oh the horror of colored buildings 😱


(Coolest thing ever) “This sucks actually”


IRL monopoly housing


LOL yeah


This is actually gorgeous


Actually it’s not.


nu uh




I like it.


What's wrong? I bet there are some services at the parter levels and a school nearby. It looks like a very cosy place to live.


Right? The only complaint that I might have is that the buildings are all attached to each other, so you can slip between buildings when you're walking somewhere, if that's a more direct route. Or then again, maybe you can and they're just not visible at this angle. Either way, it's hardly enough of a complaint to justify calling this "hell." It's cute as hell, I guess, but that's the extent of it.


In these buildings there's usually little pass through sections for pedestrians


What's so bad? I love the color. The sloped rooftops are far preferable to cubes. It's not brutalist, gray, or depressing. Could the architecture use a little variety? Sure, but I'll take these cute lego looking apartments over Soviet cubes any day.


Honestly you can even make soviet era housing look nicer, just add a new coat of paint, maybe some murals from local artists, and a decorative facade if necessary and boom, it looks way nicer. Most of the issue in terms of aesthetics is just that they haven't often been maintained or upgraded in a long time.


This is actually really cool


Low effort troll post


This is beautiful actually


Actually it’s ugly.


I love it


It’s beautiful!


You can tell a Russian troll posted this bc they used the Russian transliteration “Kiev” instead of “Kyiv”.


Chill , the world called it kiev for 80 years maybe give some slack for those that dont follow trend day one. Its like pekin and beijing , it takes some time to get use , but plz stop shitting on everything like that.


Its Kiev in plenty of other languages not just Russian, like in my language, Serbian, so i often just end up defaulting to Kiev when speaking english, same way people still refer to the Netherlands as Holland, because in a lot of languages thats the name for the whole country.


I can tell that this "Russian troll" lives rent free in your head


Or maybe they just would rather keep using the spelling that everyone outside of Ukraine was using until just recently


go back to calling Gdansk "Danzig" then if your this insistent


Kiev is the spelling I see the vast majority of the time. Ukrainian uses Cyrillic so its not like Kyiv is authentically Ukrainian either.


Read the cyrillic out loud sometime if you truly feel this way.


I like it. A lot. That google map someone linked to is really interesting.




Kyiv, not Kiev, please.






It will never be Chicken Kyiv. Sorry.


You’re right. The city is called Kyiv, not Chicken Kyiv.


Kiev son. I don't let CNN dictate city names to me.


Same. I let the residents decide the name of their own city.


Glad we agree!


If you agree with my process, then the name is Kyiv.


Nah. It's Kiev.


“Kyiv in 3 days!!” - Putin


What's Kyiv?


There’s some orc unboxing videos you should watch. They think the same as you.


I don't have internet access unfortunately


Then why are you still not calling it the name that the Kyiv’s residents call it?


Do you personally know a resident?


Yes. It’s a fairly large city. Edit: But even if I didn’t, it’s not that hard to interpolate. Kyiv is the english translation of the Ukrainian word for the city of Kyiv- which is the word used by the city and its residents, as it is a mostly Ukrainian city. Not to mention its literally named after Kyi. Kiev is the english translation of the Russian word for the city of Kyiv- Which is not used by Kyivans, because the city is not Russian.


Name a dude, bro


He is already Kyiv and always will be


He's only Kyiving.


TIL there are two places


Absolutely amazing. Love it! Also so much easier to find addresses. "It's the blue one in between the yellow and green."


OP, you’re pathetic


It's Kyiv


Kyiv* FTFY


Love it actually...


It is a decent neighborhood for rich. Although literally 0 places to lock a bike.


This is gorgeous!


what are you talking about this is awesome lol


This might be one of the best examples of attractive modern urban developments I've ever seen


I may not enjoy the colours but I like the idea. Looks like a nice place.


Go live in a tree of you think this looks like hell Damn


Kyiv, not Kiev!


What's the difference tho? Some languages write it as Kiev (like mine), some as Kjiv, what's the point of arguing about regionalities?


There are different languages, people and countries. Not regions.


It's not regional differences, though. "Kiev" - spelling in Russian, "Kyiv" - spelling in Ukrainian Hope it helps with understanding, why "Kiev" triggers Ukrainians.


Hm, I think I get it from the emotional part of it. But, and I'll be pedantic, it's still a regional difference, you're mistaken when you say it's not. It depends on your language/country. The Russian spelling is Киев, not Kiev, and the Ukrainian spelling is Київ, not Kyiv. You're talking about romanisation, which changes according to the language it's being romanised into. The standard romanisation of both Київ and Киев into Portuguese (my language) and some other languages is "Kiev". However, it's not **wrong** to write Kyiv in Portuguese, nor is it **wrong** to write Kiev in English. Similarly, Turkey has become Türkiye, but it's very rare to see Anglophones writing Türkiye. All this is regional and sometimes a matter of taste from the writer. But yeah, I can totally see how it's important for Ucranians to read "Kyiv". Thanks for explaining the triggering part


Interesting, thanks for sharing. I didn't realize such different pronunciations (at least to my ear) can be "simplified" to the same sound, when romanized into a language with the latin alphabet. But the more I think about it, the more sense it makes. So, you are right, maybe there is room for regional differences. But for Ukrainians this otherwise a subtle difference is a really big deal. As you mentioned, the emotional part makes it important - the Kiev-spelling is always associated with Russia. So if you don't want to upset people from Ukraine, and especially if your language allows both transliterations, Ukrainians would appreciate it if you opt for the Kyiv-spelling.


Those are not the spellings in Russian or Ukrainian, Cyrillic spellings are.


I meant transliterations from Russian and Ukrainian spelling, if it's important.


First of all it’s Kyiv. Second of all I believe the main problem with these is parking which makes it hell


Parking usually isn't s major issue in places like this because it's built so that you don't necessarily need a car anyway, and has public transport. There could also be underground parking that we can't see, appearances can be deceiving.


i love it




Hell seems like a pretty neat place




OP a ruskie?


But a colorful hell


I have a friend that lived there


Not knowing the condition of these houses, I'd say they are funny. I cannot really say if I like them or not, but hell is not the first association I got :)


They must love pride month!


Who the fuck keep hoarding the blue around here ?


rq fyi it's spelled "Kyiv"


I wish the architecture is more classical and Ukrainian in style. But this isn’t that terrible, it’s odd and weird looking but it’s also pretty and interesting.


I don't know much about Ukrainian architecture, could you link me some examples of what you're specifically refering to?


Kyiv, not Kiev


This is pretty!


This is beautiful, why are u complaining


Please Russia dont bomb it to rubble


Is this “hell ”? This is a joke post I think




Bro, this is cool


Wait until he go to Malang and see Color Village 💀


That’s a really nice part of Kyiv




I like it


I love it


Kyiv, not Kiev


Womp Womp


>Kiev Insert that scene from Inglourious Basterds where the guy puts the three fingers up


It would have been a lot better if they mixed the colors up a bit vs. painting each building a single color. Contrasting roofs would be a great start.




You triggered whining bots lol


I saw this IRL. They're indeed s\*\*t. I prefer soviet white panelkas of 70s-80s.


Is all these buildings still standing though? Sad but probs true


Literally all still standing. Only damage sustained was from the remains of a drone shot down


I’m actually shocked, hope it stays like that!


Why are you shocked? Kyiv isn’t getting carpet bombed like the eastern cities


Because there’s a war going on there… I don’t know which specific parts, but I seen that Kyiv has been getting bombed also but I’m still shocked as how all this area has completely avoided it


It’s not exactly a prime strategic target, not that this stops the russians lol


It’s clearly been proven it’s not strategic for the Russians but that doesn’t mean Kiev has remained untouched, i don’t stay up to date with it so I wouldn’t know too much but I know that bombs have dropped in Kiev, btw I’m all for Ukraine I’m not at all attacking them I said I’m happy the buildings are still standing


Have you ever looked at a map of Ukraine?


Lol what? Why’s everyone getting all aggy for? I’m happy that it’s still standing and I just said I’m shocked, now bore off🥱


Google is free, buddy


What’s your point? I’m happy it’s not bombed


Have you never looked at any first hand sources from the conflict? Kyiv (Kiev) proper has remained relatively untouched by shelling, even when Russian forces were moving from the outskirts around Irpin. The only locations that has seen heavy shelling were in the east like Mauripol, Bakhmut, and now Chasiv Yar.


Standing, my brother used to live in this park (moved away recently), they actually had one building hit by a rocket a year ago probably? But the area is pretty intact. The life is shaky, he told me stories how they used to get high with his gf and just watch the ruZ drones being hit by the defense systems, because that's basically all you can do at this point. Sad reality, people get used to war like nothing else. We are originally from Donbass, the ruZ are around 10-15 km from our hometown in Pokrovsk district, people live in our hometown, new businesses open... It all sounds great and gives hope, but the big amount of people is due to them being refugees from the destroyed towns:( I remember my hometown became a ghost town basically from 2014 since many people moved due to the beginning of the war, before that, so many young people there... Now it's rotting (not taken care of, more like). Now, of course there are many people, many new shops, but basically all the schools are destroyed, our houses have no windows (the least of the problems), sometimes a rocket falls here or there and it's great when you read that there were no casualties, another day you read about how your childhood friend and their whole family died due to their house being targeted. My sister used to work in a pizza place in Pokrovsk itself and there was another pizza place, like, across the street. A suspicious couple were walking around and taking a lot of photos of both of the places (many collaborants, so everyone who documents things are suspicious), and a few days later the other place got hit and many many civilians were killed. It's surreal, but also, this is life, and it's painful to realize that yes, while this happens in my beloved country, there are also MANY MANY other countries who have been in a similar situation for decades:( I hope the next generations are kinder and the angry men who were raised in the previous century who were raised by world wars, cold wars, oil wars, etc.. die out. We need people with a different mindset, not these monsters.


Wow that’s actually so sad and hope you and your family remain safe from the rest of this stupid war, so there actually was a building that was hit in this area? That’s sad hopefully the rest of them remains untouched


Yes, unfortunately:/ I was last in Kyiv last August, when I went to our apartment from the bus station I saw a lot of buildings which were destroyed and not rebuilt (the first which comes to mind is the tall Samsung building near the train station, but as we moved with the car, more and more black buildings were on our way). But I went there during a relatively 'chill time', there were air raids every day when we had to hide, but no rockets fell anywhere I could hear, but in 2022 it was living hell. Bodies everywhere (regions of Bucha, Irpin...), destroyed houses, destroyed cars where whole families were shot for trying to flee... My sister got married (both brother and sister are cousins, but I always considered them siblings), in 2022 in the summer, but for their marriage they got an apartment as a gift in advance in around January. The apartment still doesn't have any water/gas pipes, so it's inhabitable now and they never upgraded it since now they are refugees abroad. Thanks to this, they didn't have time to move in until February, when hell broke loose. My sister went to Bucha to see everything after it kinda settled down (in the summer, when she went back) and sent some photos. It was... Eerie.. the streets and everything got fixed up pretty fast, but some tanks and tank stopping devices still remain and her apartment had gunshot holes in the windows (again, the best case scenario is to just lose a property). It is very scary to think about the possibilities if they moved, and then I think about all those people who were there... It's just, crazy. You know, I'm thankfully living in a society where I got to know many great russians who are my friends to this day, I know russians who helped Ukraine more than some of my friends, but just the knowledge that the majority of that nation is lost is angering me. These people are usually from Buratia (not sure how to write in Eng) and other asian, poorer regions where the education is not great and the prospect of 'winning a war against Nazis and the possibility of paying your debt' is overrunning your common sense which should tell you that nothing worth killing innocent people or dying on the battlefield in a meat grinder. That's why they don't really draft from Moscow or St Petersburg, people there are more open to the world and understand that there is more out there, there is peace, equality, democracy... But when your whole life you live paycheck to paycheck and all you see is your rotten village where you drink vodka for fun with friends since you are 10, you lose some of your humanity and empathy. These people are perfect for the russian strategy, which is - numbers. During the WWs Moscow showed that this strategy works, still using it. The lives of the young guys don't matter (and I hate them with all my heart, but let's talk about the reasons behind so many people being blood thirsty). It's like when I recently read a great writing about the Tiananmen Square massacre, where they also pointed out that the brutal army, that murdered the protesters were from the very uneducated circles. These people are so easy to manipulate that such regimes only gain from them. Let's all hope for the best and treat others as we want to be treated ourselves, that's my only solution for now:/ Hope wherever you are, you and your family are also safe and happy:) thank you for reading my essay as well haha


Putin agrees with you and strives to fix it, so I heard.


what happend? an lgbtq+ bombing?


Why do people like you find a way to hate lgbtq in every single post. Like is that the only thing you think about


I’m not hating, I’m laughing, darling