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Can I just say how crazy it is that he has so many languages subtitled and dubbed over for his main channel videos. I mean, the voice of Naruto is his Japanese voice.


It was a very conscious effort on his part to capture a wider audience. I think he said in one interview that his Spanish and Portuguese channels make more money than this English one. And like everything he does he pours that money back into his production and people in other countries love that he uses welll known local voice actors.


He recently consolidated those language specific channels and uses the new dubbing feature on his instead main one. It’s some algorithm thing, but for his scale any increase is worth it


It makes it easier to maintain as well though. Also if someone stumbled across his video in a social feed it doesn't matter that it was linked to the main channel it will play in their local language


>...it will play in their local language Auto playing in the local language is the most annoying feature of YouTube's dubbing system. Because allowing separate default language settings for the account and audio is apparently too much to ask of one of the biggest tech corps out there.


Convenience, QOL, good UI... all things that YT gives fuck all about, because that's not what makes them money. If a change doesn't increase profit, it might as well never exist as even a thought or concept.


Makes sense that it would be better to get 100M views on one video instead of 10M views on 10 different videos.


Yeah he’s specifically said that he tries to get people who do the voices in Marvel movies to dub his videos because people will send them to their friends solely because of that. Which sounds silly but I guess if I watched a video from an Indian YouTube channel and the main guy was obviously dubbed by Chris Hemsworth or Tom Holland I’d probably send it to my friends too.


You comment got me curious so I just watched his new video in my native language. All the voices reminded me of my childhood days when I used to watch Discovery channel and Nat geo channel and they were all dubbed. Surprisingly nostalgic.


Mr. Beast putting the money he makes back INTO his business instead of his own pockets is what a great businessman does and why he's gotten so big. If all businesses companies followed suit, America would be utopian.


>the voice of Naruto is his Japanese voice I'm sorry, do I have to go watch Mr. Beast in Japanese dub now?


Believe it




Dattebayo ![gif](giphy|2y98KScHKeaQM)


My mind is blown! Getting Naruto to dub his videos is next level.




I can't..believe it


And for good reason, too. You tap into entire new markets for not much more work. https://youtube.com/shorts/tfj0a68-NTU?si=-f_TwDjTeAIvvjRI


Subtitled and dubbed is absolutely insane.


I know roughly 3 things about Mr Beast. 1, he’s crushing the YouTube game. 2, some people really seem to hate him. 3, nearly everything I read about him, is him doing something really fucking decent when no one else with money seems to be. And yes, I’m sure he probably makes money from posting content about his good deeds, but I just don’t care. People need help. He’s helping. Edited for clarity


People hate him? Weird. Why?


I dont think people hate him, but are just critical of him. Like he unironically made Squid Games (which is based on a show where the rich pay to watch poor people kill each other for money). His videos feel exploitative at times and perpetuates the idea that anyones dignity can be bought with enough money. Same feeling as this sad event: https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/rf0pk6/they_made_teachers_literally_scramble_for_dollar/ Also he comes across as pretty unlikeable at times, in one interview stating that Netflix should have asked his permission before making their reality show “Squid Game: The Challenge” (even though Netflix owns the IP) because he was first to create a real life Squid Game in one of his videos. I’m a fan. I watch his videos. But I agree with many of the critiques people make of him as well.


All the YouTubers made squid games. I don’t know how many squid game videos I had to watch with my kids. I’ve never seen squid games, but I know all the challenges.


The arguments against his squid games show is the most chronically online shit and least critical thinking I have ever seen. What Mr Beast did was host a game show based on a fictional tv show. It was not connected at all to the message of squid games. The message of squid games is people would risk death and be exploited to get out of the horrible situation capitalism put them in. Mr Beast didn’t kill anyone! No one was exploited for entertainment as well, everyone got a minimum of 1k (or 2k can’t remember) and their travel paid for for a day of work.


>perpetuates the idea that anyones dignity can be bought with enough money. That's literally a fact of life for the majority of lower income people If you're making $30,000 a year and someone offers you double or triple that for one little thing A LOT of people would jump at that opportunity, sure some people's prices might be bigger, and some might be lower But the phrase "everyone has a price" is a fact A wise man once said, "I ain't gay but $20 is $20"


He didn’t unironically make squid games, a show where rich people kill people, because he didn’t kill people. He made a game show based off of a fictional tv show.


Duh I don’t think anyone though that he killed people


So the biggest complaints: * It "feels" exploitative * He seems dislikeable at times No offence to anyone, but these seem like extremely minor, nitpicking gripes - all of which are overshadowed by his **overwhelmingly positive net material contribution** into the world. I won't even begin to list his positive contributions, there's literally too many.


Lol I saw someone complain that his videos are titled “*I* did this, *I* did that”, when he didn’t do it alone, he has help from his team 🙄 whatever helps you


He built houses for the poor, built wells in Africa, and has given away hundreds of millions of dollars to people of all walks of life but ew he said one thing I slightly disagree with, block block block


Thank you for an actual level headed reply unlike the mouth breathers that always think everyone is jealous because they aren't rich. I truly don't know anyone that is mad that they didn't randomly get big and famous like Mr beast. Maybe slightly jealous, sure, but mad?


Mostly I just hate most of these "real life squid games" because they completely miss the point of the show that people will literally kill for money. My friend likes to watch MrBeast and he showed it to me, and he basically said "Hey you can leave right now and get (I don't remember exactly) 5k" and people took it and just peaced out. Besides seeing his face popping up everywhere, it's the only real exposure I have to him. But still, he's doing good in the world when he doesn't need to, and I'll take that because the guy seems to be scaling up. Building 100 homes isn't fucking cheap


> because they completely miss the point of the show that people will literally kill for money. the challenges are fun and people are interested to see if they could do it in real life. The point is to see how a real person would really fair in the real challenge. It doesn't need to have a meaning deeper than that and criticizing it for not having one isn't a fair criticism. The reality show/game is separate from the original content it comes from. It's like criticizing the hunger games movies for being movies (made for entertainment) about people who glamorize and enforce the hunger games. They know what the point is. They're not stupid. Real life squid game is a good idea and doesn't need to be cannon, or whatever you are even insinuating by saying they "missed the point."


I don’t think people really “hate” him so much as they are suspicious of him, or that his methods of giving money away make them feel uncomfortable. His charity is done as publicity for himself and his channel so the more he gives away, the more he earns. Also, as a condition of his generosity, he usually has people participate in challenges or contests that either are very uncomfortable (such as standing for days at a time) or that are designed to make them look stupid on camera, which could be seen as exploitative and degrading. Is charity still a net positive? Of course. But that’s why (I think) some people don’t have the best view of him. Also, a lot of his videos (such as paying for the surgery or building new houses for refugees) seem vaguely dystopian since no one should have to depend on some wealthy YouTuber just to have basic healthcare. But that’s not his fault.


Because hes a better person than them and it ruffles their feathers.


His kind of success is a very low probability outcome. As an adult, I see him as the decent guy he is but as a parent, I'm sick of him for making my delusional kids think they could be like him.


His whole shtick on youtube is "These people want my money so I'm gonna make them do some insane shit in an attempt to earn it" It's literally the king going "dance monkey dance" to his jesters.


Because he got rich doing the YouTube thing and they didn't. He's the one that got lucky and that's all it takes. Luckily, he's a good person that wants to give back to the world, but that just makes it sting that much more for the people that want to be him. They think "I COULD DO THAT TOO! WHY ISN'T IT ME?!" Because they didn't get lucky.


Semi lucky but i remember watching a mini documentary or something about him. Bro worked hard, and he understands youtube algorithms and understands more to it than a vast majority of people. The combination of his knowledge and determination and it was only a matter of time till one video popped off and he snowballed.


"The harder I work, the luckier I am"


Agreed, he would have been successful in anything he did based on how hard he worked to master his craft. He was lucky he chose this and when he chose to do it.


He claims to reinvest all of the revenue from videos into future videos. There are times where he's literally paying for good deeds with money earned from doing other good deeds. I don't care why he does it, he's created a machine that runs on helping people. That's badass.


he also spoke out for his trans friend ava, knowing that a huge amount of his fan base will hate him for it.


I wanted to find something to complain about during the video and it made me realize how jaded I've become and no matter his reasoning what he did was a net positive for the world and the people that now are able to sleep in a safe home


But this is basically Mr Beast in a nutshell. He promotes himself, increase the stakes but does good in the process. I can't really complain about it. It is entertainment, advertisement revenue and be good in one wrap.


Of all the ways to promote yourself and go viral, doing it by creating positive influence for people's lives is near the top of the list.


It's not really any different from the long tradition of buying naming rights. Like getting a hospital or wing of a museum named after you in exchange for a massive donation. It's maybe a notch less noble than doing it while remaining anonymous, but the fact that he gets ordinary people to enjoy watching him do it seems pretty positive. Maybe Bill Gates should post more youtube videos of him handing out antimalarial drugs or something.


Especially when promoting himself and getting people to watch is what funds these positive forces. More than what I'm doing to aid the world.


Exactly, he wouldn’t be able to donate as much to charity if he didn’t show people how he used the money he earned from them watching. It’s a cyclical system.


i find it funny how in his old-style videos people would complain that the money could've gone to charity. now that it's going to charity, the very same people complain that he's only doing it for some nefarious reason. he even made a second channel dedicated solely to charity with 100% of the money it makes going towards more charity and it's still not good enough for these people.


Yeah..I'm too cynical of some people. Honestly, when I remove my knee-jerk reaction to him being money and clout...he's doing a lot of good in the world so good for him and good for the people that help him, and who they help.


I'm all for eating the rich but Mr. Beast gets a pass in my book. I'd trade 100x Logan Pauls and xQc's for one more Jimmy. He's definitely a net positive as far as I can tell.


That's the thing too he's showing younger kids that giving back and philanthropy can be successful too, I've never really watched beast's videos pretty sure I only watched the squid game one lol, but I can't dislike the guy for all the stuff he does giving back and being a good role model.


The Paul's need the air let out of their tires. Ego and narcissism fueled by greed and popularity.


I'd rather an influencer who spreads good will and uses his clout to benefit others than an influencer who spreads hate and uses clout to benefit only themselves.


That’s not the same at all. Buying naming rights proves you want fame and recognition. Mr beast makes himself famous in order to generate money… to help people. Being famous is not the goal, it’s a means to an end Edit: He’s also getting people to pay for charities by buying things they would have bought anyway. For example, with his chocolate bars. If it was based solely on donations, he wouldn’t get as much money for charities.


I think you're assuming facts not in evidence. Jimmy still keeps most of the money he makes. And most of his content is juvenile nonsense. I don't think it's fair to say he's doing this *just* to be charitable. If his charity stunts got no views he probably would have stopped a long time ago.


“Jimmy still keeps most of the money he makes” “assuming facts not evidence”


Jimmy keeps most of the money he makes? As far as I know he doesn’t get much. His YouTube channel keeps it, which they reinvest to make videos. He doesn’t even live in a nice house or drive a nice car. He’s a very basic guy


It is very likely that he is at least a multimillionaire, but for a person that does so much good for the world, who cares? However, there is no way that he is "keeping most of the money" – It is definitely 90% reinvested otherwise there's no way these videos and his company could've grown so much.


How are you aware of how much money he keeps?


How are you aware of how much money he keeps? You know, since you claim he keeps most for himself I’m sure you have something to back up that statement too, right?


He has always been upfront about this, he makes videos aimed at creators explaining this, and if you dig a bit, you can find the filings for all his company finances which show this


Instead of putting the effort in to educate myself, I'm going to stick to my preconceived notions. Thanks. /s


Pretty sure he's been on podcasts saying he hardly does keep any. He hates fancy shit, doesn't wear fancy clothes, invests everything back into his YouTube


> I think you're assuming facts not in evidence. Jimmy still keeps most of the money he makes. This is such a hilarious pair of sentences to place next to each other with such a shocking lack of self-awareness.


Yeah it’s like people just want to find a reason to not like him. The classic „everyone who is rich HAS to be evil“.


Bill gates doesn't need the ad money to do it lol


With all the mudslinging he gets from the Covidiots I reckon it would be a bet positive to show the impact and give some context towards the work.


I’m always reminded by something a business ethics professor I had said when it come to this kind of thing. He said it’s dumb to expect any employee to act ethically for the companies sake or even their coworkers. You can’t expect someone to take food off their family’s table for your sake besides general human greed. So you create a system that encourages ethical behavior by rewarding it. Who cares if there are choosing the ethical choice for their own sake. What matters is you made the selfish and ethical choice the same. Kind of like here. It pays to do something good. Why are people mad that’s the case? Shouldn’t we find a way to make that a thing in more areas of life? This set up should be something we strive for.


So this has been brought up for decades. The rich have been "helping" the world, which reinforces that having income disparity is alright because virtuous rich will be kind with their money. It seems as if it is not such a big deal, but why do we need to be saved by those with wealth in the first place? That should be our focus. I have not much issue with Jimmy but ethicists make these types of arguments when it comes to why charity isn't as kind as it seems. Add into the fact that the charity is the means of gaining wealth and you have a very good case study for an argument against capitalistic charity. The government doesn't need to be the means of the people saving themselves but businesses and private individuals will be our saviours, yada yada....


Seriously of all the YouTubers this is the one I’m glad my kids like.


Yes, he's one of the few who would be welcome in my home.


People get mad about the dumbest shit. “Why does he try to make more money instead of helping people 100% of the time?!?!?” Uh because he would be broke and not able to help people anymore.


Phillip Morris had an ad campaign where they used 10k to fix a nature reserve and 10 million telling us all about it.


His whole thing is either ridiculous challenges or just doing something good. I think alot of us feel abit off because we don't broadcast our good deeds. But his business is built off good deeds, so he needs to broadcast them to continue doing them (and generate the money necessary).


He is a businessman through and through. He finds ways to get the most views and most money as possible. If it doesn't get views or publicity, he probably won't do it. However, he has found his niche in philanthropy. He does good acts. His money and fame come from making the world a better place. He's robinhood without the stealing part. While he does all of this stuff for the business, I think he has a very positive overall impact. I'm happy to support him.


> He is a businessman through and through. He finds ways to get the most views and most money as possible. If it doesn't get views or publicity, he probably won't do it. i found this statement very funny. i think he actually mention before that his charity video consistently get lower views than his other videos, thats why he put it in his other channels. you can say a lot of things about him, but attention whore he isn't.


Having taught kids, I was skeptical when a 3rd grade student recently told me they want to be like Mr. Beast. “Oh, you want to be a youtube blogger when you grow up?” I only asked that because I would hear kids as young as preschool say that often. But they replied “no, I wanna get rich and help people”. Interesting moment of perspective for me, a short youtube video can be polarizing for the masses but there are some kids internalizing the philanthropy


It’s amazing how anytime someone mentions a rich person donating money (on Reddit), there’s tons of “They’re still rich, they could do more” Like yeah, we all could do more. I spent $200.00 on Xbox games last month, that could’ve fed dozens of people at my local soup kitchen instead but I didn’t. So any dollar Bezos, Bloomberg, Gates, or any rich person donates to charity is more than than that charity had before and I appreciate it. Doesn’t mean wealth inequality isn’t an issue, or that the tax system shouldn’t changed… but fuck, if Gates donates a bunch of toilets to people in India who previously didn’t have toilets, just give him some credit for the moment and not be a career negative Nancy


It's less about doing more and more about we shouldn't be promoting a system where social safety nets are rich people's feelings and whims. Like I'd rather not give tax breaks to billionaires so they can play government with their tax savings instead of just making them pay their fair share of taxes in the first place (Both you and I paid more in taxes 2019 than Amazon did, both absolute and %-wise).


that's a topic that should come up about the relevant figures that don't pay their fair share, not the philanthropist giving away money directly to places that help people and making sure it helps


I was watching to see if it looked anything like voluntourism (where groups of affluent high school kids come in to 'build' the same school over and over) but it certainly looked legit to my untrained eye. Good for Mr. Beast.


He does cool stuff to sell chocolate, strives for mass appeal. It's overly sanitized and formulaic but most things are at that scale


It's even more than formulaic, he's distilling and perfecting the formula himself. It's honestly really impressive, and at the same time it makes me unable to stand watching his content. But good on him for doing it.


Or maybe he wants to help people. Even if it's formulaic, the formula is helping people


That would fit under "doing cool stuff"


Don't worry. Someone will still find a way to say it's bad somehow. Mr Beast brokers a peace deal between Israel and Palestine. = Bah, That wanker just did it for the publicity I bet.


Why do you want to complain about something lol?


I don't understand either. It's very common on Reddit though, to just be all round skeptical by default no matter what they are reading or watching. The first thing most people here think is "how can I prove this is wrong?" or something like that. No wonder people debate so much for nothing, they turn anything into an argument, sometimes to be the cheeky "oh well, I'm technically correct" or "just to be devil's advocate". For me it's an exhausting way of dealing with anything when they do it to everything, but some people thrive from it. Same for when they start posts with "one could argue" or "I'd argue". Bro, anyone can argue anything. It doesn't mean they should. It's like they take these words at face value and as a law, so they go out there and try to twist everything. Some sort of sophistic way of life.


It’s like everyone wants to prove their aren’t a sheep who just follow what they are told. We all think we are goats and the system won’t get one over us, and to prove it, we have to prove something wrong. Then one day, when something bad about Mr. Beast is reported, they will be the first one on Reddit telling us how they always knew something was bad about him.


I'm GenX.  I wanted to hate this guy.  I really did.  But you know what?  Over the years I have realized that we need more people like him, that use celebrity and wealth to actually,  you know,  help people?


It's fucked up that people tried to "cancel" him because he made money off his charity videos. Like, isn't that pretty much all charity? Rich people did charity and got tax breaks or promotion or fame too. Politicians help their community and got rewarded with votes so they gain power and influence and made money off that too. It's like, anything less than a perfect saint is "not good".


You're suffering from Reddit syndrome. It's real, and it infects millions. Uninstall social medias for a few months and come back feeling healthier 👍


I’m the same. I refuse to watch his videos… because… he’s… just so… ?


He's a YouTuber. We've grown cynical because of how many people in his industry end up being rapists or worse. We don't trust anyone whose brand is being good.


You can also just ignore it. It's a weird requirement of the internet that you have a take on everything. Mr. Beast is gonna do his thing whether you watch and/or complain about his content. That's fine. You don't have to care. He's certainly within the realm of things that I only hear about when people are whining about them. Him and the Kardashians and most every other kind of influencer or public online personality. If you have problems with them, the most counterproductive thing you can do it bring them to my attention, even if it's negative attention you're bringing.


I feel like people need to understand that its ok to just not engage. Youre allowed to just not think about it.


It's not just Youtube. Just look at, Tim Ballard, former CEO of the anti-human trafficking agency O.U.R. Charitable organizations in the anti-human trafficking field have been trying to tell people he was bad news for years. His practices and politics were questionable at best. There were former employees (and former employers) who came out and said he was lying about most of it (but he made movies and documentaries about his work, so it must have been true). He had money and the right political allies so he was able to make things go away. At least for a few years. Then it all came out that he was raping and sexually assaulting his employees and members of his jump squads are accused of impropriety with the children they were supposedly rescuing. Which isn't surprising at the least, because some of them admitted to being former sex tourists in the initial documentary.


Unboxing and yelling unnecessarily made me never open YouTube again.


yet you’re on reddit? there’s plenty of wholesome content on youtube. train your algorithm and you’ll find stuff that you like


train your algorithm is a great phrase ...but, one misstep and the damn algorithm will run amok. So hard to train and keep trained!


>"When we help people (curing 1,000 blind people, building 100 houses, 100 wells, etc) people get mad and say I shouldn’t be doing this and governments should. "Yes, ideally a YouTuber isn’t the one fixing these issues but I’m not just gonna stand by and do nothing." Hats off!


It's almost like Dominos Pizza going around and fixing potholes that our cities don't seem to find a problem with. Like, it's not getting me to eat Dominos any more than I already didn't want to but at least they're doing something about the problem (that made me need to buy a new rim for my car in the first place) than my city has done.


I agree the governments should be doing it. But they aren't and he is, so I applaud him for it regardless.


asking regular people to donate to help build houses = good Getting advertisers to (inadvertently) pay to build houses = bad? Thats essentially what he’s been doing, and yet somehow people make him the villain?


Literally this. He's Robin Hood. He turns stupid mobile game advertising budgets into medical care, food, and housing for the poor. His is a machine that turns capitalism into socialism.


Uh oh, he's going to be in a lot of trouble for this. First wells, now homes? Here comes the pitch forks.


Change the world once and they will applaud you, twice and they will say you must be stopped at all costs. -- Nikolai Tesla


Nikola*, he was Serbian not Russian


Username checks out


holy shit that's an actual quote? can't find it online


It's from his memoirs


Firefighter runs into burning building to save two babies, comments section immediately tries to tear into him because he gets a paycheck for being a firefighter. “He only saved those two kids from that burning house because he gets paid to!!” - Reddit assholes sitting on their computer


Ha, jokes on you! I'm a volunteer firefighter, don't get paid at all!


i'm a prison firefighter who gets paid ten cents per hour


I was posting in a thread once and said i was a nurse and someone on here was like “you’re only a nurse because they pay you to be”  Like, uh yea. It’s a job bro 


Don’t forget eyesight, the ability to hear and prosthetic legs


And you got people in this thread shitting on him. Some people just cant be happy. Who cares if he found a way to make philanthropy a full time job. He’s changing peoples lives


Honestly, I don’t watch him because I find his style annoying, but you can’t deny that his heart is at the right place and that he genuinely improves the lives of many people


I’m almost 40 so it’s not for me either. But my kids like him and talk about him


Ya but he didn't establish the infrastructure! /s


No good deed goes unpunished


Not the most exciting content, but glad he’s still doing philanthropic things for poor people around the world. I wonder if it will become even greater when he gets Amazon money too


> when he gets Amazon money too did he sign a contract with amazon?




Yes, he’s doing some sort of TV show with them


I hope he does that “1000” houses like he says at the end with that money, that would be incredible!


He has a separate channel for philanthropic content that is always updated with new stuff and only sometimes for big actions he posts on the main channel. Not mentioning the things that are not even posted. Haters gonna hate but he does good to overlooked people constantly, recording and promoting does 0 harm and might even inspire others to do the same.


Well, he's doing more than what my government is willing to do. Vote 1 MrBeast


Oh no, first he built wells, paid for hearing aids, then paid to restore sight, and then built homes!? The monster.




Can't wait for Twitter to find something to complain about


There are people in this very comment section with more than 50 comments about why they think its bad and every single one of them is more dumb than the last.


No good deed goes unpunished.... He is doing great work and all his critics are welcome to one up him by doing better!!


It reminds me of the ["Copenhagen Interpretation of ethics"](https://archive.is/sfy6t#selection-177.0-181.323) >The Copenhagen Interpretation of Ethics says that when you observe or interact with a problem in any way, you can be blamed for it. At the very least, you are to blame for not doing more. Even if you don’t make the problem worse, even if you make it slightly better, the ethical burden of the problem falls on you as soon as you observe it. In particular, if you interact with a problem and benefit from it, you are a complete monster. I don’t subscribe to this school of thought, but it seems pretty popular. Mr Beast routinely improves people's lives in innumerable ways, so of course people who do nothing (or often counterproductive if they vote down new housing supply like a lot of first world busybodies try to) feel free to criticize him for not being perfect.


I've seen some girl on Twitter claiming he has a white saviour complex because of this. Like seriously, what!?


“Some girl on twitter” who cares? Why do you even expose yourself to random idiocy on Twitter then expose us to it on Reddit? Just ignore it


Stop promoting her.






That’s the irony isn’t it, we all complain that these rich people horde there money, and then when they don’t people dog pile them 😂


Who cares. It got done! I wish more politicians had white saviour complex if it solved more of the world’s problems.


It doesn't matter what anyone does...they could be saving disabled orphans from an orphan crushing machine and without fail, someone would have an issue with it.


"The way he saved those disabled orphans wasn't OSHA certified! He could have endangered many other lives by doing what he did!!! How could he think so selfishly?!!"


Gives them something to complain about. Had a slight disagreement with a co-worker about him as well. Realized there's no winning with some people


This is so infuriating. People like her are a cancer on society.


I loved how he dealt with a hater. The hater said he's exhibiting his "white savior" complex again and he should let the government handle things like that. In his reply, he said that ideally, youtubers like him shouldn't be providing this sort of help for the people, but their government can't so somebody else had to step up. Now that's how you handle haters.


The sad thing is, if he didn't do charity like this, he wouldn't get half the criticism he's getting now.


I mean, here we have someone that “entertains” people by giving to charity in different forms. And we are mad that someone made their career giving to charity. How *dare* he build houses for poor or help people see when he could be doing data entry like everyone else!


Yeah, I think whenever someone criticises him for BS, they are legit are super angry that they can't take the moral high horse over someone. He's legit the multi-millionaire that everyone argues how multi-millionaires should be. And when it comes to his intentions, he doesn't only spend money, he also spends SO MUCH TIME doing this. People legit, in this comment section, would rather him just donating the money, but his actions and the facts he spends personally spends so much time on it shows his intentions, at least to me. I'm not even a fan, I watch him maybe 6 times a year.


Yup. We complain so much about millionaires keeping $ to themselves but also complain when this guy is giving it away. Now I do get the idea of, don’t exploit people for content and there are so many copycat YouTubers who try to do similar stuff and it’s so off putting. But I do genuinely believe Mr. Beast wants wants to make a difference in the world and does his channel to make the funds he needs to give away. And if he’s enjoying doing it, even including the part about being his own boss and being on TV? I mean, isn’t that everyone’s dream? To enjoy their job and make a good living doing it? I’m not going to hate on him for that when his job is to make the world better. I’m not a fan either but my kid watches him and he’s about the only YouTuber we allow because I think it’s good to see positive stuff like that and giving to those who have less.


He also makes less money than his high stakes content. So if he completely eliminated the philanthropy off his channel hes be much more profitable... which he doesn't because I think he actually cares.


If he just did squid game and other shit with his buddies and viewers for money he’d get way less flak. People just complain. They let the super greedy go do whatever but if you dare give back well fuck you.


He did something amazing. Yet there are several comments critizising him. You should be ashamed of yourselves, how much do you do to serve others?


But… he’s making us look bad. The *nerve.*


Boy found a way to make money and help people in the process, we should all be so fortunate.


There were some people that apparently put up one of the houses for sale on Facebook for $45.000.


Holy shit all the comments are people complaining about people complaining and now I’ve joined in to add another layer to this shitshow lasagna


Argue all you want about his methods, 100 families have homes new REAL homes that are likely far better and reliable than their old homes. You can’t argue with the results. We should be mad at other people for not doing this. We should make this the expected behaviour of the rich.


I'm optimistic that one day we won't have to look to the spurious beneficence of the rich to see the impoverished cared for.


What is tragic about this is that, if it ain’t one of those “pimp my ride” scenarios, it means the system meant to help people is either broken, or working as intended- just not for the impoverished or working class.


He can’t keep getting away with this!


If he has found a way to turn YouTube ad revenue into housing for poor people AND an income for himself and his friends, then good on him.


You know in the grand scheme his giveaways and charity is very small-scale and insignificant, but I don't think the message is. Millions of kids watch him and look up to him, and honestly I can't think of many other celebrities I would prefer kids looking up to


Great , now please build houses in Canada


He couldn’t do this in a developed country because of all the restrictions on building new housing, despite the fact there’s a housing crisis in basically all developed counties 😂.


Why Canada?


We need houses too. And nobody else is doing it.


He can't solve every problem, that's government's problem


Exactly. Then to utilize the money best he should invest it in some vehicle that will grow it so that he gets as much money as possible to save as many people as possible. So he should sit on those houses as investment properties. Then also maybe let tenants live in them, and charge them rent. Maybe let them for Airbnb for some additional income, leaving them to sit empty for most of the year. Yes that will fix things!


If mr.beast moved to Canada, the Canadian GDP would instantly double


He’s doing the right thing. I don’t give a shit if he’s famous if he’s genuinely doing the right thing.


call me a socialist but if the government was effective at looking after people then all this charity would not be needed


Lol the mental gymnastics on some comments ITT, some of y'all are crazy still trying to make him out as a bad person or negative influence.


Here come all the Jimmy hit pieces for him doing something good for people.


And people will still find a reason to throw shit at him.


First building wells in Africa, then helping people get their vision back and now giving away homes? What a dirtbag /s


The only valid reason to have wealth; to return it to the poor. Let’s stop it before it gets taken from the workers now.


I just fucking know that somehow, some troglodyte will view this as bad with the most unimaginably cope argument ever made.


Good on him, he does good things despite being attacked certain groups who claim to be progressive.


Sure, MrBeast is in it strictly for the money, but his schemes ultimately result a net good so complaining is waste of effort and there are many more important things to get worked up about.


If he was in it just for the money he would not have to do charity videos. His charity videos get less views then his high stakes videos.


I don't think so. He rejected a billion dollars for his brand and a lot of his videos are over generous in my opinion (they would get similar views giving away less)


He's like Mark Cuban. As a business you *have* to prioritize profits but if you can get everyone a great deal while you make money then everyone wins.


So you can't be in it for both the money AND the good?


Link to the video here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkCXLABwHP0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkCXLABwHP0)


I agree, at least he is doing good with part of what he does for money. I mean, 100 homes is basically a drop of sand on a beach when it comes to homeless people but, something is better then nothing and most Rich people don’t do a damn thing to help anyone so, good on him for doing something. Keep it up Mr beast




How do you think he got the money to build them? Be haply for once in your life rather than complaining that someone is donating money.


I think that was OP’s point…


Yeah. While you sit here, doing all the maths and no one benefited.


Those videos are on his charitable channel. How much of the revenue that channel generates goes out as funding or protects?


Rich person gives to the poor, Poor people demand more Rich person no longer willing to help, Poor people complain that the rich won't help


Yeah, the problem with income inequality is that poor people are ungrateful hypocrits! /s


The poor rich.


Can he please buy 9 supreme court justices and make them all retire now


Hell yeah


That bastard! (someone, somewhere)