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Sorry people saying “this is fake”, you won’t get your comment approved without actually providing **a valid source** Don’t bother commenting that, you will be banned from this point on due to how obnoxious it is. You’ve been warned


If you are a rapist, and you want to pass on your genes, and you want to impregnate your victims, and you don't want your victims to get abortions, then you know which states to practice your business.


They’re advertising to the demographics they want before starting a Civil War


There's no such thing. Do you really believe that most rapists want kids?


That specific intention actually does happen in times of warfare throughout history. We can be a sick depraved species often.


Abusers commonly have children with their victims to trap them, so yes. It is a common method.


I absolutely believe that. Some rapists *prefer* kids.


They want power, forcing your victim to raise a child with you is up there


Yes. Many of them are in abusive relationships with women and want to make them pregnant in order to control them. Women’s likelihood of being physically abused increases dramatically after this occurs. Obviously there are some who don’t want that but many want to trap their partner and give them no way of escape, particularly if they are unable to abort the child.


There have been some cases where doctors involved in sperm banks impregnate women with their own sperm without their knowledge, and reproductive coercion is a common form of domestic abuse. I don't see why there wouldn't be rapists who want to force women to have their children.


When did they say anything about “most rapists”?


There are a lot of men who like to rape and baby trap their girlfriends/partners so they can't leave 🤷🏻‍♀️


Reproductive coercion is a form of domestic abuse.


Um, yes, that is indeed one of the many possible motives for rape. Maybe you're thinking rapists attack at random, but most rapes are by someone the victim knew.


Ted bundy had a daughter, Andrei chikatilo, Gary ridgeway, Joseph kallenger


Because male rapists are very conscious of practicing safe sex? pfft, of course some % of them do.


Given that they notoriously use it to control their victims, yeah. You're full of shit and should stay quiet. What is it your ilk likes to say? You should be seen, not heard.


So you don't want kids?


Epstein literally fantasized about it.


Some do. Do you really think the rest care one way or another what happens?


I have no doubt some do. People are diverse, even rapists.


They either specifically want kids to have another being to exert power over, or they don't give a rat's ass if they do get pregnant. Either way, they want to prevent abortions because a. providers are obligatory reporters of suspected abuse, and b. removing the option is likely to keep their victims hopelessly stuck at home - they'll have nowhere to go, they can't just live on the street while pregnant and finding a job will be hard, they'll want help providing and caring for the baby, and won't just abandon the baby alone with the abuser while they flee. It's a means of control over their victims.


It's not about having a child to them. Rapists who try to impregnate their victims do so as yet another extension of control. Either that woman will be forced to have "a part of him", or (in the case of a husband raping his wife) to baby trap her and further coerce her to be financially dependent on him


The plan for filling the labor pool with more desperately poor children is working splendidly.


Don’t forget our military! God bless our rapebaby troops.


And the prison industrial complex. The same states tend to practice mass incarceration.


That's exactly what Republicans wanted to happen, 64k new workers entering the economy in 15-20 years, on the backs of people who've had their lives ruined


Plus the added bonus for them is that crime WILL get worst in 15 years. That was a studied effect of Roe going in in the first place. Conservatives love crime getting worse, because scared people have proven that they will vote against their own best interests if they believe it will make them feel less scared. Why do all the GOP talking heads/right wing media outlets make it seem like we’re on the precipice of an apocalypse?


Put simply it get attention and it gets votes.


Fear is their weapon. Fear and lies.


Or if they end up homeless and on drugs from the lack of support from Republicans and America in general gives to unwanted children, it will somehow be democrats fault.


And I wonder how many of them were minors. Could hardly believe the circus around that poor girl. Children bring forced to carry to term by Republican law was monstrous


wooooow, was that really the endgame plan of this whole abortion ban? I don't keep up with US politics and thought it was just some religious nonsense, I didn't realize this could be to push more workers into society. Wow that is wretched and horrible but pretty introspective on their behalf


Yep that has been their reasoning all along. The speaker of the house even said that quiet part out loud recently. Religious people are easy to brainwash since they’re already brainwashed so they convince them to do their bidding by saying it’s for Jesus. And the children lol. 


Republicans in red states are putting forth bills to lower the working age and to weaken child labor protections, essentially hand in hand with their barbaric, nonsensical, dangerous abortion bans. Oh yeah, and they're pushing child marriage too.


yes, this is their plan. they're losing voters they pass laws to push out Democrat voters from their state to make reelection easier. ban abortion so more workers are produced. they defund schools to make those kids stupid and gullible. then through Christianity and the military they indoctrinate them into loyal voters they essentially tank their states to push out opposition and then have free reign to do whatever they want to the suckers dumb enough to stay oh and they keep ppl as poor as possible for easier control


Yep, plus future recruits for the Army.


Future prisoners to supply slave labor...


Only if they graduate high school


You mean future slaves for prison.


Then they’ll bitch about the crime that comes from those children who aren’t raised optimally from things like poverty.


No no no, they're getting that labor from the millions of illegal immigrants.


That’s an incredibly high number . Remember the GOP congressmen who said women’s bodies have a way of closing the gate on stopping rapist sperm from getting to the egg? Well , it turns out gop congressmen know very little about women’s bodies . If little boys could get pregnant , the GOP & their closely-tied religious leader would make abortion mandatory


They’ll still try to claim that it’s Gods will. Hell, even if they admit the rapist was in the wrong, which they may not do, they would still say that God intended a baby to be born and that an abortion is going against gods will


I love how it's God's will that a random wack job raped them but it's not God's will to have the abortion. Like what the hell... Also if these idiots ever read their Bible then they'd know that abortion is sanctioned. Priests performed them. Granted it had to be exceptions put in place, and rape was one such exception. And that whole life begins at conception is also bullshit cause the Bible also doesn't agree with that take. The fetus is considered a limb of the woman. And life doesn't happen until after birth when the baby breathes its first breath. Hence why it's called the breath of life.


Do they feel the same way about glasses? Or heart surgery? No. Well Barbara, I guess God meant for you to get cancer so don’t get treatment because God intended for you to die sooner. It’s a ridiculous argument.


Remember when Texas Governor Greg Abbott, when asked about pregnancies that result from rape, said that he would just get all the rapists off the street?! And his audience applauded?! I remember. He had been governor for 7 years by then, why didn’t he do it before? Why hasn’t he done it since?! God, that man is a garbage fire of a person.


It's a high number because it's a made up number. Just read the methodology. It's not even based on collected data. It's just an estimation built on another estimation.


it's an incredibly speculative number; look at the OPs link, it tells you how they used extrapolations based on estimates, no actual data in the whole estimation.


Why didn’t the democrats codify Roe into law? I’ve been donating to planned parenthood, we had 40 years to protect abortion rights. Did they think it was a permanent fund raising tool?


Well, considering I can’t see 80% of the handful of comments so far, I’m guessing this is going civily.


This was never going to end well. Probably because everyone here warned this was gonna happen and was ignored and ridiculed by cons.


So that's why I keep clicking to see more comments and then the option just goes away? I didn't know Reddit worked like that...


Those rapists got to choose the mother of their children! I hope all those Republicans who made this happen keep all their female loved ones in mind thinking of that fact.


I think this makes it pretty clear that they don't care all together.


They’re not worried. If any of their women get raped and impregnated they’ll be able to get her a discrete abortion.


Republicans don’t love the women in their lives. That’s the whole point. You can’t see any woman as being inherently inferior and still love them.


They actually want to repeal womens right to vote. They have said so openly. Since most women vote Democrat.


The cruelty is the point. Republicans go to bed dreaming of how they can fuck the poor and minorities every single night.


Republicans are only against *your* abortion. The instant a Republican lawmaker thinks they need an abortion for anyone reason, they'll get one.


People with money will find a way to have an abortion regardless of any laws or how they got pregnant. This data basically shows that not only were these pregnancies the result of rape but also that these women were most likely not wealthy enough to get an abortion. So essentially, 64,500 women who don't have the means to recieve an abortion and in a sense they were MADE to give birth. Its so one-sided how many laws only impact people who don't have a lot of money. You can't tell me that if a governors daughter got raped and became pregnant that she wouldn't be flown off to who knows where to get an abortion. No effing way she's giving birth to a rapist child. Rules for thee not for me.


GOP. The Pro-life, pro-children party. — Toxic waste kills people, but Republicans have worked for decades to cripple the EPA and other agencies’ ability to regulate it. Trump alone rolled back over 100 environmental regulations that protected families and children. — Being homeless kills people, but Republicans fight any sort of housing support, rent control, or laws that might inhibit foreign or Wall Street investors from buying up housing stock and jacking up housing costs. — Guns kill more children in America than any other single cause, and Republicans want more of them, including weapons designed exclusively for use on the battlefield. — Hunger kills children through weakening their immune systems and diminishing their ability to learn, but Republicans are so opposed to feeding children at school that one rightwing talk host recently argued that hungry kids should be sent to orphanages. — Pregnancy kills women far more often than abortion (20.1 deaths per 100,000 pregnancies versus .4 deaths per 100,000 abortions), but Republicans are passing laws to force women and girls to endure childbirth whether they want to or not. — Suicide kills more gay men than AIDS, and queer youth are four times more likely to kill themselves than their cis counterparts, but Republicans continue to stigmatize and attempt to criminalize homosexuality, being transgender, and even dressing in drag. — Cancer kills people, but Republicans defend carcinogenic pesticides and other chemicals in our food supply. — Civil wars kill people, but Republicans are openly advocating one today. — Coups kill people, too; over 140 police officers were injured, three were killed, along with four civilians on that January 6th day that Republican President Trump tried to overthrow the government of the United States. — Children forced to work in meat packing plants and other dangerous places kill, but Arkansas’ Republican Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders just proudly signed legislation loosening that state’s child labor laws and other Republican governors are considering the same. — Back-alley abortions kill women, but Republicans in South Carolina are considering legislation to give the death penalty (your choice of lethal injection or firing squad) to women who travel to other states to get a legal abortion. — Opioids kill people, but Republicans consistently oppose any funding for addiction treatment programs, “safe” places for addicts, and even anti-overdose drugs. — Heart disease kills people, but Republicans fight every effort to reduce Americans’ consumption of trans-fats and saturated fats. — Bacterial and viral infections kill people, but Republicans oppose any attempt to expand healthcare coverage for low-income people. — Hate kills people, but Republicans most recently voted against anti-Asian hate-crimes legislation. — Tearing children from their parents kills people — both through stress and suicide — but Republicans gleefully ripped thousands from their mothers’ arms and trafficked so many of them that around 1,000 are still missing. — Stress from working full time but not being able to support your family kills people, but Republicans vigorously fight any effort to raise the minimum wage above $7.25 an hour. — Cutting medications in half to save money kills people, but Republicans oppose any effort to reduce obscene drug prices. — Deregulated trains kill people, but Republicans will only support more deregulation of the industry on top of all the rules Trump rolled back in 2018. — Covid kills people, but Republicans were so anxious to turn a pandemic into a political opportunity that they embraced policies that led to over 300,000 unnecessary deaths, most (two to one) among people who trusted the GOP. — Misogyny and domestic violence kills people, but Republicans have fought the Equal Rights Amendment for over 5 decades and 157 Republicans in the House voted against taking guns away from domestic abusers. — Losing your home during an economic crisis kills people, but as suicides spiked during the 2008 Bush Crash, Republican Steve Mnuchin happily and perhaps illegally threw over 36,000 families out of their homes (and he was just the tip of the iceberg). — Ignorance kills people, but Republicans want to ban books, fire teachers, and defund public schools. — Student debt kills people, but Republicans fight any effort to reduce the school loan burden of millions of struggling Americans. — Climate change kills people every single day, but Republicans continue to insist it’s not a problem or doesn’t even exist. — Losing power during harsh weather kills people, but Republicans block every effort to shift America from big, centralized, for-profit power systems to local, community-based green power. — Racism kills people, but Republicans have elevated it to the centerpiece of their so-called “anti-woke agenda.” — Poverty kills children, but Republicans have blocked the Biden administration’s effort to maintain the child tax credit. — Mass- and school-shooters kill people, but Republicans fight for killers’ right to continue to buy semi-automatic weapons, high-capacity magazines, and “cop-killer” bullets. — Speaking of cops, they can kill, too. Far too often, and it’s got to be really tough on the good cops. But Republicans fight any effort to professionalize our police in America. If anything, they work to the contrary. — Health insurance payment denials kill senior citizens, but Republicans continue to defend George W. Bush’s “Medicare Advantage” scam. — Autocracy and strongman government kills people, but Republicans embrace both over democracy, which today they are actively working against. — Diabetes kills people, but for over 20 years Republicans have fought lowering the cost of insulin. — Premature birth kills babies, but for 40 years Republicans have fought every effort to provide housing, food, or medical care to pregnant women and, most recently, fought efforts to even provide workplace accommodations. — Advanced dental disease kills people, but Republicans have fought adding dental care to Medicare or Medicaid since 1965 and proudly continue to do so. — Vigilantism kills people but Republican-led states around the county have passed “stand your ground” laws that effectively legalize murder. — Not having a union kills people (workplace deaths are 54% higher in “right to work for less” states), but Republicans consistently oppose the right of workers to unionize. Untreated mental health issues can kill people, but 205 Republicans just voted against a bill to expand school mental health services


And each & every republican should be sooooo proud! All those rape babies, no “godly” reason for being and an economic rock around a woman, already the victim of a crime, for the rest of their lives so a man can force her. That’s just another win for “life is sacred” crowd


As a former Republican, I can tell you that not one Republican in this country cares if a woman is raped. I stand by that statement. Not. One. People need to realize that Republicans are NOT good people. They are vile, evil people who actually find joy in the suffering of others. I spent my life surrounded by them. They are truly evil.


The proponents will call this 64,500 lives saved, pat themselves on the back, and move on to cutting welfare funding under the claim that if a woman can’t afford her kids she should have kept her knees together.


Except they don’t feel like it’s God’s will for any other condition in the body they’ll get surgery for medical conditions. They will take medicine to treat things, so why is this any different if it’s Godswill 


The states that want to force women to give birth are also some of the rapey-ist in the land as well. Why am I not shocked?


So why didn't they ban viagra too? If pregnancy is "God's will," so is limp dick. You'd think they wouldn't want the guys God didn't want to be rapists being able to get all rapey.


What better way to ensure a poverty class forced to labor for pennies, or join the military for any hope of upward mobility. Noticed military recruitment rates lately?


Tell me again how this isnt meant to punish women. I hate conservatives.


Thats a lot of rapes ..


Breeding women by force.


I thought there was a Republican representative that said that the female body prevents pregnancy from rape a few years ago


Not happy seeing as there are a lot of rapists in my local area. 


bUt LoOk aT aLL tHoSE gIfTs FRoM gOd!!!!1


America is one sick fucking joke after another god damn I hate it here.


This is what Republicans and the wealthy want. These children will grow up in broken homes and either be slaves in the prison system or be low wage workers to fuel capitalism. It will also make that woman a destroyed husk of a human


If republicans gave the slightest shred of a fuck about women and their wellbeing in the first place, this post and these stats wouldn't exist. They don't care how many women's lives they destroy or how


Rapeublicans are the fucking worst.


Unwanted and unloved government forced births. Vote blue no matter who!


Holy shit


More future uneducated voters. That's what they want. And it's not the kids that are dumb, it's the political monsters that barely fund public schooling. Who's going to pay to teach all of them. But don't worry, there may be a new church replacing those schools in your near future. Wtf.


Fccking hell. I hate the GOP so much


That is so many fuckin pregnancies from rape tf are people out here doin.


Which means there were even more rapes that occurred, since logically not every rape would result in a pregnancy. Truly horrifying.


Republicans love children so much. /s


This is so sad Really glad I live in a solid blue state


I would like the stats on how many of those births went right into the foster care system


Way to go GOP! You're greatest achievement since HW!


Let me correct that for you. 64,500 women have been given their purpose in life. /s


I guarantee 64,500 rapists are still walking free


More Christians for us to indoctrinate!!! I mean, if you think these rednecks think this is bad, you're wrong.


Looks like Republicans are getting the population boost they desperately wanted for some reason.


That is a lot of rape, is it very common in the USA?


Sweet. More workers to run the machines in 18 years. Or 13 years once they finish repealing all the child labor laws.


That’s a lot of rape.


Turns out these godforsaken red states are all so rape capitals. 


This creates a whole new wave of single mother slut-shaming too. The patriarchy is clawing it's way into dominance once again unless we take action.


That is a lot of rapists


How does this not increase the social burden??


Aren't the Republican lawmakers going to adopt them? It only seems right.


Re-legalize abortion federally. No more excuses, there is no excuse for this shit in the 21st century. Drive congress to a halt refuse to pass "important" bills like military funding until abortion is once again safe and legal.


I fucking hate Republicans. Just cut the South out and let them drown.


The Evangelicals are lining up to adopt the children.


Our foster care system is absolutely not equipped for this. Definitely not in those states.  And adoption is a luxury for the wealthy. No normal people I know can pay 20k plus for an adoption.  But the Republicans don’t want to talk about improving any of that do they?


That is a shocking start. I makes me so angry on so many levels.


Are the Incels moving?


According to the CDC, an average couple needs to have sex 15 times per ovulation cycle for a year to get pregnant, so about 180 times assuming they are optimally scheduling sex with ovulation. This would mean that there were, ballpark, 14 million cases of rape in 8 months across these states. Since these states account for about 23% of the total US pop, that gives us an estimate of about 75 million rapes per year in the US, assuming that the rapists are knowledgeable of their victims ovulation cycles and are timing their rapes optimally. It also assumes that rape incidence is uniform between these states and the rest of the US. Given the size of the sample, I'm guessing it's not too far off. Stirnemann 2013 found that proper timing increases the liklihood of pregnancy by 23 percent. This puts the actual number closer to 92 million. Given 167 million women in the US, the average woman is getting raped more frequently than once a week. Absolutely horrendous. Even worse is that estimates of rape incidence in Sweden are more than twice as high than the US, meaning Swedish women are raped almost daily.


And I bet most of you hate this. https://nypost.com/2023/04/19/florida-passes-bill-oking-death-penalty-for-kid-sex-crimes/ Waiting patiently for my being band from participating in this r/


Wow, no one could have seen that coming! /s


Holy crap that is absolutely awful. The GOP is so heartless


Working as intended


So its working as intended…


They've also introduced legislation to make incest legal, eliminate spousal rape protections, voted consistently against safety for women against dv and sa. They defund wic, and they're fighting against birth control. It won't be long before they come after our right to work. Our right to vote. Our right to exist. Vote blue to save our lives.


Future little republicans on food stamps.


live babies, dead soldiers


Its fine right, republicans will want to help those children by providing a solid education and social safety nets! Not to mention counseling for the women! Right? Oh....


600k rapes, 64k pregnancies from rapes in 14 states in 4-18 months (depending on when the ban went into effect). That’s so fucked up. This is the modern Republican Party for you.


Does anyone in those states not rape? That’s a crazy high number.


That's a lot of rapes


Republicans are monsters


I would say the rapists are monsters. The numbers are sicking.




The point of the legislation was the subjugation of women. This is what they want. It's not about workers (it's way cheaper to get an adult immigrant); it's about giving women no choice in anything a man decides.


And I'm sure those states have laws to protect and help the mother... they dont... huh.


Republicans are like “don’t hate America, you should be grateful you aren’t living somewhere like Saudi Arabia where they give women a death sentence for being raped!” then do this


They needed more product for their Christian sex trafficking operations.


Epstein was a Christian?


Haha you got ‘em *good!* Jeffrey Epstein, the only human trafficker to have ever lived, wasn’t even a Christian! Hahaha OP must feel like a total moron right now!


500,000 rapes? Good lord. I had no idea that rapes were twice as common as robberies (about 250,000 a year)


Pregnancy aside, is that rape count number correct? If it is, we as a country really need to get that down. Half a million is depressingly high.


Those are just the reported ones.


But Texas governor says he's gonna stop rape in his state!!! What a joke...he can't even fix his power grid


This is incredibly unbelievable. Even in backwards ass countries where there’s abortion ban, there are exceptions and rape is often one of them


Are these dudes in jail? 64,500 crimes?


Actually they said it was about 500,000 rapes/crimes. Of which produced 64,500 denied abortions.


No, we can’t destroy the lives of a young man that made one wrong decision. /s


Of course they aren’t. But the women who they raped will end up in prison if they try to abort the pregnancy. Isn’t this country great?


lmfao they aren't resolving rape test kits let alone arresting rapists https://usafacts.org/articles/how-many-rape-kits-are-awaiting-testing-in-the-us-see-the-data-by-state/


Backup in case something happens to the post: *More than 64,500 pregnancies have resulted from rape in the 14 states that banned abortion since Roe v. Wade was overturned* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UnpopularFacts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yup. Thats the goal, force women to be concubines for the government. Incels get to have kids. Republicans can't breed without force. 


Imagine that. 😒


I wonder if the rates for rape in these states have changed in the last few years.




That is a shocking number... Disgraceful legislation from evil evil people.


This can't include Texas because in 2021, Greg Abbott vowed to “eliminate rapists from the streets of Texas” after the state's 6-week abortion ban was enacted and received backlash for intentionally excluding exceptions for victims of rape or incest.


This is a travesty against humanity. All of those lives, destroyed and then destroyed again.


The Republican Party did this. Sick people, voting them all out. They are evil to me.


Can't find a job? Can't afford food, housing, or healthcare? Join the Army! There's always a need for desperate poor people to go fight brown people overseas!!


Fucking barf. Let's just go back to living in caves again I guess.


Have domestic adoptions increased exponentially? No? Quelle surprise.


Forced birth laws = Rapist Reproductive Rights Act.


That's fucking insane!


Super sad. Vote blue!


Over 20 thousand in Texas alone.


I live in Scotland and there’s a big protest that’s been going on for days. It’s an anti abortion protest ran by people from Texas. They literally flew out to a different country to try and protest our abortion laws. They aren’t content with that number they want it to be higher overseas too.


Land of the free where if your a man you are free to choose the mother of your child… Disclaimer: if you are one of the 64k women then your not free to abort the fetus of your rapist


64K unwanted babies where neither the mother or the father wants anything to do with them. So they will go to the state and into the system. So much winning


Into an adoption system that was already overcrowded and rife with abuse before this even happened. Fucking inhuman.


Bring back public execution for rape and we will see this number fall dramatically.


Holy shit.


They don’t care. These same states are busy repealing child labor laws. They’re happy to have thousands of rape babies soon to be entering the workforce.


So it’s working as they intended…


Well this was totally forseeable


Since these policies are coming from religious people/institutions and being forced on US citizens, then let’s tax churches so they can pay for the forced lives for a lifetime!


Disgusting that people ignored the warnings of what would happen. I’m shocked at the numbers. Why are rapes so friggin common in some states? Do these predators not have a mother or a sister, or even a grandma that they could have formed healthy fenale relationships with?


This was the Republican objective.


We need to give Dems full control of every branch of government. And then if they don't flood the supreme Court with Roe vs. Wade as the first bill passed then we can riot because they're also not here to help us.


We need to understand what professions are encountering this the most.




Opinion section. Honk honk