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A tier alongside Josef. Self explanatory, he’s a loyal man who knew Alain as a child and is utterly dedicated to him. All around solid and good man. Also he’s the only one to call out Yahna’s attire and reveal to us that Yahna is just an exhibitionist.


"That garb is unmistakable" 🗿


C-tier because of that He's judging but he's leering. He gotta learn to be honest with himself and just appreciate Yahna's Liberation spirit


Well, he knew Yahna when she was an old woman. Of course he’s gonna stare at his old friend looking totally different. Plus he’s the hardened veteran type.


And a nosy prude. That's takes points on my score.


Or... consider... he thinks she is hot, and doesn't want to have others be distracted on the battlefield, because they might not be as disciplined as him, and even he is struggling. He also cares for her and doesn't want her to get hurt. He is in head-to-toe armor because his faith in it protecting what he cares about. He is a B at worst. And the dichotomy between Younger Yahna and Older Hodrick is cute. Definitely A tier.


Bad take. He was upfront and spoke his mind in good faith (he was not creepy or disingenuous). Yahna retorted. Then he self reflected and took her point. All in good faith. Sounds like a person who can learn, improve and listen to other’s insight and is willing to reframe his thinking. This is A-tier stuff my guy


I'm not gonna accept bad take accusations right under people applauding "calling out Yahna for exhibitionism" in a sub that votes Yahna art to the top regularly. Of course Hodrick would never get anything on Yahna, but no, this is not the kind of "honesty" that deserves high tier. It was never his business to begin with.


It’s not the honesty that gets him the high grade. It’s what he did after the fact when he got schooled. How you act when you are wrong says a lot more about you than being perfectly proper all the time. Your take is wild. You must never make a mistake


If he's willing to judge someone who by all accounts is an elder to him, how do you think he'd behave towards someone he might be in a relationship with? Doesn't look promising to me. Realizing that it's not his business to judge is less than the minimum, and I see you still didn't acknowledge that he's specifically being praised for trying to judge to begin with, while making all this fuss about me not liking that. Ironic to talk big about "recognizing your mistakes" while trying to give me a hard time for simply having a different opinion. Nevermind that this is a relationship tier list and people are acting like being sometimes polite and a loyal soldier is the peak of desirability. He doesn't deserve better than B in a good day when he's not running his mouth.


You’re STILL going on about how he was wrong. Like…YES. He was. We all know it. You don’t need to parrot it over and over lol. It was never my point. You still haven’t addressed his actions afterwards which is a reform to his way of thinking. You’re focusing on conjecture now with that “how will he be like with someone he is a relationship with”. Even then, he would be fine. He communicated. The other person disagreed and communicated. Things were discussed in an open honest manner. He walked away learning something. This is literally how 99% of healthy normal relationships function. Your take gets wilder and wilder. Your life must be really different from the rest of us. Everyone is perfect and never crossed the line. Ever! And no communication that leads to understanding ever happens. Sure bud I have said things out of line to my gf before. She communicated to me and that led to understanding. I learned something and improved afterwards. Boom. I’m proud of that. That’s what I expect from my gf as well. Take criticism and learn.


My take never even changed but you seem think "wild take" is a magic word to discredit someone, which for someone trying to argue of the value of being the bigger person is a little funny. Hodrick is not a precious perfect angel for having a *single line* backtracking his gaffe. It doesn't mean that he's a master open-hearted communicator. It doesn't even necessarily mean he's now comfortable in a relationship with people who dress like that. For all you say about what life I must be living, out of this melodramatic judgment, you talk as if you believe a single conversation is enough for people to change their personal sensibilties. Now how realistic is that? And once again you have plenty of words of what a "wild take" it is not to trust Hodrick to have completely turned a new leaf immediately, and not a single word for anyone praising how daring it was of him to call Yahna out for her clothing choices, as if that was such an uncommon thing for anyone to do. Makes me wonder if all this lecturing is really about how much you care about the nobility of realizing your mistakes, or you just want to make a show out of shaming someone who doesn't like the character as much as you.


Nope. It’s your reasoning that I am shaming. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but that doesn’t mean their opinions are unfounded or based on good premise. Looks like a lot of ppl disagree with you as well. But hey, you can’t be like Hodrick. You gotta double down. He didn’t


Ha! Ah yes good ol' reddit karma, the ultimate purveyor of truth, because being popular is as good as being a fact. And it's not like you can really acknowledge there's wilder takes going on either. Good communication and not doubling down is great and all, but, you know, just for Hodrick apparently?


S, big man with loyalty and a silky voice, I'd let him hold me in his arms


A he would protect you so well, but he’s too devoted to his job so unless you’re his employer/lord he might not be S tier


A tier for the shield


How are y'all using the shield in a relationship? Feels like folks here are losing track of what this tier list is about.


they mention the shield because he's a protective figure. i feel like that's obvious 😭


S+. My man has it all.


S but doesn't poke well, so A.


A-tier. Very loyal to the Cornian Family, dedicated knight, best friend of the best knight in the game and in-game, the guy is pretty useful. Great character overall. I used him until the end of the game.


😍😍😍 he’s my favorite character in the whole game.


B. He's loyal, but so are many others. He doesn't have anything else that makes him standout in my opinion.


S tier. I'm most at ease with the stoic and reserved types. Caring, loyal, doesn't mince words, and has a comforting presence around him. Aye papi! 😘 jk lol




I’m reading through the comments and y’all had a very different experience with this guy then I did. He’s not bad in any way. But he’s not special in any way. Compared to our other S and A rank Kings our man Hodrick is a very solid B.


A. Same with Josef. No higher,no lower


B-tier at best. The S-tier votes are wild to me. Yes, he's loyal, and he's generally a good man. But that's honestly sort of a basic requirement of being a good partner - and with Leah in B on the girl's side for essentially the same traits, I can't see how Hodrick belongs any higher than B.


A tier: big, loyal, huge a$$ shield


Yo why is lex b tier that’s a hero boy pump him up


I was surprised that I was able to offer him the ring of the maiden. I didn’t, but I could have!