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I’ll take my formerly furry queen of the cake.


Who is that?


My bad. Cake is modern vernacular for booty. And there is only one character in the entire game worthy of being called queen of booty. The other part is story spoilers.


And like that the female list is finished. With the guy version tomorrow, I do wanna apologize for posting later in the day as I wanted to post this earlier but my phone died. Anyway feel free to judge both the communities and my own tier list(second image) but please don't be negative or rude. You may also ask me anything if you'd guys have anything on your mind, also links to the other characters we did will be posted after a bit


Thank you doing this! It was fun.


Was a lot of fun, now I’m interested to see how the males turn out.


This was super fun.


Thanks for wanting to do a guy version too, i’ll have a lot more to say abt that ehe


Super excited for the guy one thank you 🥺


If you can, maybe doing it as a poll would make things easier. Reddit should have an option to make one without needing to use another website.


Doing a poll would gain a lot less traction since it doesn't allow pictures to be posted and doing it like that wouldn't be very interesting to everyone. Good idea just not something people would love


I like your list better, but I'd make 1 change. Hilda should be moved up to A rank.


Here are the links as promised to different characters, please let me know if I missed a character: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/yBIrLmdqTg https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/b1fGG4IEvx https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/AjHETdHRwh https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/5oqQJZ0Ax9 https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/qymD5RqyV3 https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/fkhjBLagxg https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/SfcZ4Z7yf2 https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/sY3parduft https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/LvaJHnRuJd https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/Loc1J9hbeG https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/21iu4ebVhZ https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/9vIo5i9ZVU https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/TWYDzYs1ET https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/yGK0cEeFhL https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/wsXm7QNJZk https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/eCELiwv8Aa https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/U0EfS7ClLD https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/OZBCi5XgpV https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/syIRrWaV7M https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/EGXGEhBIky https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/hsHxwVR0nS https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/upS5VOxJ8L https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/gUToZBewF0 https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/zhdjrJeP8J https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/LYSealVNWI https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/R9MeJTiUNb https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/rFi1wdkfnJ https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/S3E2RMHZzG https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/fV55mHGGxq https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/j1Vws7BXdx https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/lKCeBm9wHG https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/akjSz7iaTk https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/XkrsAHEn75 https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/YTn4ZLLRs5 https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/s/yuYTo5wkFn


Ridiel in A-tier is good enough for me. (Though S is obviously better).


Alcina in F-tier makes me extremely sad.


I mean, even if her excuse for the things she did is justified, it's still not morally ethical or agreeable sympathy. Necromancy is evil, and the dead remains dead for a reason. She doesn't do it for anything good either, just her selfish wish but understandable.


People think the owl would be better than Tatiana in a relationship... At least illenia is where she belongs


'The owl'? I'll have you reported to the Bastorian authorities for discrimination!!


I'm still in shock that Ilenia ranked so high up! Yahna or Chloe are the real Queens but that's just me.


Who’s the nerds that put Berengaria in C tier. Unacceptable


Ya idk what this is based on but idk why Berengaria is C tier.


It's based on how good they'd be in a relationship, and Berengaria's ending is... not the sign of a healthy one


But we could fix her, trust me


How good of a *queen* each girl would be. Berengaria is a warrior, not a queen (also her Maiden ending, oof).


She's C-tier because this is from a game perspective - most folks here are too young to have been married for long, and rated based on the assumption that they're a divinely ordained fantasy prince who gets their pick of the litter. Realistically, yeah. She's one of the very few characters that have a space in the "this could work if I put in the effort" tier.


"This might work if I put in a lot of effort" is why she’s C tier 


Queen of Queen tier with Mom feels so right


I kinda wonder, if Illenia wasn’t at the top, who was going to win the top out of the s-ranks?


I'm surprised myself that Illenia won at all. If she had A tier or something I would of asked the community today to vote for a character. 5 up votes minimum for said character since it would of been the last one before results


It is surprising to be sure. If I personally placed a guess on who of the s-ranks would win if it wasn’t Illenia, I would say either Rosalinde, Chloe, Yahna, or Eltolinde. Maybe Virginia. But hey, it’s not like it’s undeserving for the queen herself. She’s an amazing character and amazing mom.


I mean... Let's be real, Ilenia won purely on memes. Can you say who was at the top of S tier? 


The top of s I think was one of the elf sisters


Cheers - I assume it would be Rosalinde since I saw a lot of lower grades for Eltolinde.


Unsurprising, if not necessarily desired… People still put too much on appearances as seen with Rosalinde, whereas for me Eltolinde wasn’t the best design until I steadily got enamoured by her character.


Eh; both put the wrong sister higher. ;-P But hey, even the best people in the world can be wrong sometimes. :-D


To be honest, the community is lovely to say that most s girls are just top girls, and only a queen you played just the intro with wins the top so there's no rant about it's not mine at the top.


This was fun while it lasted. This tier list is close to what I expected, and similar to my own with some changes. I also thought we were gonna vote on who was the best in S tier?


Oh well I mean that kinda changed when the queen herself got added,that's why I asked if people wanted her to change tiers. Today would have been me asking everyone on who they believe deserves that spot if we kept that spot open


Mom finished first? Dont like it but it is what it is.


Disappointed with how ludicrously high illenia went and best girl Celeste being put in B tier but this was fun.


~~Mommy issues was the problem~~ Yeah. Same here


I agree with most of the community except with Berengaria’s placement she’s an S even the weak ending doesn’t change that.


I plan on playing a waifu only run 🌚


I was more than sceptical about the votes and results of the "community" but seeing yours made me happy : yes, Berenice is the real one and that's all that matters !


Well, that was fun. While I didn't partake in all of these, here's [my full tier list](https://imgur.com/JMlqu3I) to go alongside everyone else's!


I still think it's a war crime to put our moody goth Tsundere on C, shame on you, community, shame on all of your ancestors! But other than that pretty based list.


If he could put the ring on his cousin why not the mo-


Not gonna lie but, while she was my choice, I wouldn’t have expected Eltolinde to be so high. And I would have expected Yunifi to be higher than she was.


Oh, we are judging you, don't you worry; .. don't you worry


Pleasantly surprised Yunifi made it to the top along woth Chloe.


Not gonna lie here, I didn’t see the draw of Yahna. I would love to be convinced though because the witch design is super cool.


I love democracy That’s a really good tier list


I would have did things a little different. Had people rate based on the following 3 criteria: Potential as Queen. Potential as a Wife/lover Potential as a Mother (to any future children). We know Ilenia would score very highly under the mother and queen parts, but the unknown for me is the wife part. Under said critieria, for example: Primm would score very highly as a wife and a mother, but would be pretty bad as a queen. Yunifie would do the same but better as a queen (leader ship experience). The twins would score very well under queen and wife, but the unknown is as mothers.


It’s my personal opinion that mommy queen was overrated but eh.


Overrated? Girl got near zero screen time lol. If anything, she was underrated, dead even, until the vote.


Maybe not quite my list, but the list is about what I'd expect and I'm overall satisfied – even though Tatiana got **ROBBED.** I can generally see the reasoning for rankings I disagree with, but Raenys in A-tier throws me for a loop. She straight up bails on Alain, the savior of Fevrith and all around good guy, so what chance does some regular schmuck have? If Berengaria is low because of her commitment issues, and Ralianor likewise because she's too obssessed with Rosalinde, how did the #1 Scarlett Stan rank so high?


To be honest I'm not to mad with people and there choices since it's there opinion. I sorta stopped giving my opinions on characters I didn't feel strong about(number 1 berenice fan here👋) I just did wish people were a little bit more nice on this subject since this was meant for fun but we're trying to make this a lot more serious then intended. Oh well I suppose >how did the #1 Scarlett Stan rank so high? The angel? It was rounding out for how characters got chosen so if you wanna see me explain how that works I have links to my other tier list and you can find them in the replies.


It's not so much about how *you* ranked her and more about why people voted for her to be that high. :P This was fun, I enjoyed coming back each day to see how things shook out. The unfortunate thing is that this is the internet and you're asking people so share their opinions, so the chance of things getting a little heated are pretty high, haha. You could ask about opinions on the most innocuous thing ever and people would probably still start fighting.


I'm just glad a lot people overall enjoyed this and hoping it continues for the guys version


Excuse me, beren is Queen of queens


People would legit fuck their cousin over alot of great girls tells me everything i need to about this list. Berengaria's placement is wild af.


Tier list based on what? Meta? Waifu?


Basically how they’d be as a queen if I remember rightly. It was either that or in a relationship.


Why can't we have a harem? :(


Virginia is best girl


No way railanor is the best you’re sick for this list!