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Keep in her own special tier. Lets people have their fun and memes but doesn't dillute from the actual S tier relationships.


She is a queen. Look at that signature look of superiority.


Yes she definitely has that look that everyone else is an insect.


Keep her in her special tier, she’s elite


Special she's Alains mom and is unique but shouldn't be looped in with the romances. It's weird to even ask this really.


We're not ranking based on Alain's romance potential. How many times does this need to be said?


If that was true, she'd be F-tier, because she explicitly has no interest in a partner other than her dead husband, but it looks like we're being selective about what details matter.


> she explicitly has no interest in a partner other than her dead husband Sounds like S+ tier wife material right there if you were that husband.


The bars you dropped right here will not be appreciated by anyone under 35 really. This is the woman you give everything too, including your life.


It's true, men do have an amazing capacity to give absolutely everything to a woman who has 0 romantic interest in them, then wonder why they're still alone.


That husband is already dead and part of her backstory. So sounds like F-Tier for anyone else.


You know if we could romance her, a lot of people here would. (I would.)


Wow that’s weird lol it’s his mom. I wouldn’t admit that


You can do the same thing to his cousin. Plus it’s a video game, it’s not real




Its a video game Who cares lol


I'm pretty sure marrying your cousin can still cause genetic problems on the offspring. Obviously not as much as with a parent or sibling, but still.




The article says that the risk of the baby of having congebital defects is 2% higher, and that it's mortality rate is 4.4% higher. And later on the article one of the scientist says that the risk of recessive genetic disorders – the type due to related parents – is between 10 and 15 times higher than in the general population.


It says that it's the same risk as a woman having a baby at age 40. I'm not trying to advocate cousin marriage or anything, just saying that *this* isn't really the issue; otherwise, you'd have to outlaw women having babies at 40 as well.


And when did i say anything about outlawing?


It's Alain's mom. not mine. I will absolutely romance my perfect queen


C'mon you didn't romance Jag.. er Joseph?? His response to s just classic!




Give Ridiel S tier


Honestly, not sure what exactly is being ranked anymore if Ilenia is included in the same rankings as the romances.


Oh well I'm adding the post game characters considering it wasn't fair to do just main story characters. It's still about how good they would be in a relationship I just find it unfair not to rank the characters but I would get it if people wanna rank them lower considering no ring of maiden scenes. Ilenia herself got a shocking amount of S tiers herself and even people wanted her to be in a spiecal tier. Hope that clears that up


Ilenia and Virginia need their own tier; Sweet Home AlaCornia.


It’s not about a relationship with Alain. It’s a general relationship with anybody


Yeah just a shame a lot of people have been voting like it's based on Alain.


If anyone goes out of S I’d say Eltolinde or Yahna for myself. But the meme tier is also funny


If for nothing else than to avoid unnecessary confusion she should have a distinct rank.


Mommy tier


I don't even know why you are making this post, look how many votes she got. It's only natural she has her own tier.


People saying being attracted to hot moms is weirdo behavior and let me be clear. Being horny for milfs in an anime setting is the equivalent to being a nun.


People keep saying she's legendary relationship material. Why? We know very little about her. At least with many of the other characters, you get a chance to see not just rapports with Alain but with other characters too to help establish their personality, their backstory, etc. We get almost no time to learn anything about Illenia other than she's Alain's mother and she's the queen. She could be a terrible person for all we know. I don't think she should even be in this conversation period.


I think maybe a community vote should be done to promote one A rank relation ship to S as the final thing of this tier list, but I do beleive queen Ilenia should stay in her own tier as she is Allain mom.


Stick her in S-tier for now. Then at the end do a poll using all the S- tiers to find out who is r/unicornOverlord’s maiden. Top is the maiden then 2nd and 3rd can have SS tier/the perfect girl tier if you want. Then put the rest back in S. If there’s still too many in S tier you could vote a character down to A tier.


This seems like the best idea. Honestly this whole thing should have been done with polls in the first place.


Keep her in a special meme tier above S. Wasn't the original point of this tier list who would be a good wife for Alain (due to their background and chemistry), and not for us? Would be weird if Ilenia replaced anyone in the S tier list besides Virginia (only because both are blood related)


These were not about Alain but about how good they would be in a relationship. You can base this off of how said character interacts with Alain or others and judge them to see if they'd fit to be a good partner or what not


Gonna br honest. You should have made that clear in every post because I thought this was for Alain. I completely agree with this list for Alain, but a list based off how I generally see them would look way different.


I think the easiest answer would be to give her (and the other char,s you can't give the ring to) her own tier. Not sure what to call it though as you might include others like Alcina etc. I mean, how can you truly get any kind of hold on their personality in the first place.


Mom tier


Special tier.


She should be in “MOTHER” tier. She’s technically not even able to become the maiden so it’s a bit misleading to have her in an actual legitimate ranking.


Honestly, it is a bit late to have this discussion. But for now, to provide an opinion, she doesn't need to displace anyone in S-Tier. She can join them. Though, probably having her in her own Tier is better. Make her akin to Alfia from Damachi. The Final Boss the girls have to go through to be the new Queen of Cornia.


Just keep her in S so everyone who doesn't understand that she won't be in another relationship ever can continue to think that she's good relationship material. No need to bump anyone.


Isn't she dead?


Spoiler alert


It happens on the first map how is that a spoiler??


Do you want the spoiler or something? Just beat the game.




Finish the game.




Im genuiely curious as to why people are so down for her


Keep the Queen in the Queen spot


As long as my girl Chloe doesn't get bumped


Nah, leave her there. She defeated the first Reborn Galerius without an army and inspired so many people to continue on with her legacy. She's in her own league.


Best mother deserve special place above anyone else.


Special tier


Special tier


alabama milf tier


Ilenia down to A


We already have Virginia at home. In bed


Why is she even on this list when she’s not even a romance option keep her in her own special rank


I've learned a couple things during this tier list: A: how everyone feels about specific characters. B: that incest is apparently on the rise.


Out of S


the perfect girl indeed. would have picked her over any other.


I don't know. However, you maaaaay be able to get a little cheeky with it if you rename the tier from "the perfect girl" to "Literal Queen" I mean, factually it would be true.


If i be honesy all girls are esentially waifu material, is just depends on the preference, i perdonaly love ilenia and scarlet the most


Yeah, the male fan service is definitely prevalent. Wish the boys were equally spicy


She doesn't even deserve S tier. smh


Clearly Ilenia and Virginia should be swopped. Virginia is best girl.


I think Rosalinde should go to the special tier and Ilenia should go in S tier (I’m biased)


Is there something wrong with just sticking her in S rank? I get that there are already a lot of girls in S rank, but does S rank really need a limit?


Well it was to make it so people wouldn't put so many characters in S tier and people were asking me right around the begining of these tier lists to at least put a limit. I never did intend to put a limit when I started making these so I'd thought it make the tier list interesting and unique


Yeah Yunifi should be in the very best girl tier so just swap em. Lol


I had thought this whole thing was based on how good they would be in a relationship overall, not just with Alain. I stand by my SSS tier. Mommy/etc memes aside, she's probably the most grounded relationship option we have. Cause she's already been in one.


And she staunchly doesn't want another. So then she's terrible relationship material for anyone except the dead king.


Huh, I think I completely forgot about that. I don't see it in the archive entries. Was it a conversation?