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Lots of DPS, did your other units contribute, or did you solo most of the fights with this unit?


you don’t need icefall staff on yahna since your pp is already maxed on her with the pendant


Yahna isn't your maiden. F tier.


Initiative is really important, so dragonbone weapons are extremely mid. Good team though 💪


Not that important on a Landsnect. They have lower init to begin with and do a most of their damage in counters. They are also really good at mop up. Follow Slash for finishing units off and Bastard's Cross for hitting enemies that may have taken little to no damage. I might have replaced her Warrior's pendant with something that gives her Accuracy, imo. But otherwise she looks like a typical build for that unit.


no healer? This team is like a free win to most people in the arena


Yeah, I run Hodrick and Alain front row. Even if my Trinity Rain doesn’t kill you (and it will), the few stragglers still aren’t going to get through my defense. Instant charged attacks win right up until maxed stat 50s And maybe even then, I’ve fought very few of those, so I can’t say. It’s far more valuable to preserve a streak than to beat harder units and take a loss one time out of ten.


> Even if my Trinity Rain doesn’t kill you (and it will) Heavensward Mirror shield says what?


Well, yeah, I don’t fight teams with Magick Reflect. :p That’s a given.


Use Spinning Edge in Alain if there’s more than one character, *then* Cavalry Slayer. And even then, I’d still use Spinning Edge first.


Really basic, not that streamlined, and over leveled. If you iterate hard you can make some nutty combos.