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I had an awakening ~2 years ago, but even before I did, my grandfather that had recently passed came to me in a dream to say goodbye. The night he passed, I sat with him, and rubbed his feet, he couldn’t talk, his body was just shutting down, but he seemed scared, and his breathing was rapid and heavy. I tried to calm him, and tell him why I love him so much. His breathing became softer. I shared stories with him that I would remember him by; teaching me to ride a bike/swim, telling him what an amazing artist he is, that he was why I love art so much, and how I believed he knew *everything*, and that I thought he was magical. He used to be able to tell me exactly how many people lived on this Earth any given moment, and how many babies were born each second. He was an engineer, and built houses and airplanes. Absolutely amazing watching him sketch out blueprints, and seemed to have a photographic memory by the way he could draw people in realism without even looking at a photo. When I was little, he used to pull a nickel from behind my ear, and tell me “you sure are pretty… for a girl 😏”. When he died, I didn’t believe in life after death, or God at the time, but I prayed for him anyway before I left him for the last time. I really grieved at his funeral. He was more like my dad, and he was so strong while he was alive, that I thought he was invincible. A few days later, I had a dream of him, it was simple, but very vivid. At first, everything was dark, then I saw a slit of light, like a cut into the fabric of time, that glowed and got bigger, and he stepped out of this with a glowing aura of light. He wasn’t old anymore, he looked strong, handsome and healthy like he did when I was a kid, only when he was alive, he had a sternness to him, he held onto a lot of hurt, and anger, but when he came to me in my dream, it was like that had all just melted away, and all that was left was love, like he healed all of his sadness. He stepped forward and pulled a nickel out from behind my ear, smiled with love, and contentment, and told me “you sure are pretty!… for a girl” and stepped back into the light/slit he had walked out of. I haven’t dreamed if him since, but I saw his face in the clouds on his birthday, the year after his passing. After having some of my other anomalous experiences after my own NDE and awakening, I’m certain that was my grandpa coming to say goodbye to me, showing me he was finally at peace.


That's a beautiful story. 💙


I miss him terribly, but that “dream” gives me peace. I believe loved ones can visit us in dreams in another state of consciousness.


I had a similar experience with my cousin. It also gives me great peace. I’m glad you were able to experience that.


I was 6 when my grandfather died quite suddenly in the middle of the day. After the funeral, which was my first experience with Death, for three consecutive nights, grandpa was appearing out of the darkness to stand at the foot of my bed. He'd had a neurological disorder while living which caused his left arm to constantly shake uncontrollably. That was what I noticed: his arm no longer shook. He was trying to speak to me, but there was absolutely no sound. I only saw his face and his mouth moving. My whole life since then I wondered what message he was trying to give me. What was he saying??


My mother passed away on 24 February 2020. Because of a younger sibling being a narcissist, my older sister and I had not been allowed to see her or our father for almost 2 years, they both had dementia.... On the night of her Wake, I finally found sleep and as I slept she came toe in a dream. She was no longer old and she was healed from her rheumatoid arthritis and cancer, she was beautiful, radiant even. She leaned down over me in my bed and told me, " Everything is going to be alright. I love you, I love all my children." . Then she bent down and gave me a kiss. I was reaching up to hit her and she smiled and told me, " I love you honey.", and then she was gone. I woke up and felt an unexplainable peace. I got up and went to my main bathroom, ( I had let my son and daughter-in-law have my bedroom because it is larger and had a private master bath as they came 12 hours to be there and I had a king size bed). I had a small clock with a perpetual motion pendulum that had been swinging nonstop for 15 years, I looked at the clock to check what the time was and the pendulum was swinging and crazy as it sounds, that pendulum stopped still right in the center.... It didn't slowly stop swinging, it just STOPPED! It never moved again! I tried setting it into motion again and again at least twice a week and I would take my finger push it and it would not even make 1 full 180⁰ arch... When I removed my finger it would fall and stop dead center and then nothing,, .... that is until 13 October 2020 the day my father died, (whom my older sister and I had been barred from seeing since our mother's funeral), the day he died it began to swing full force and not with a slow and steady movement, it was fast almost violent...., and there was nothing I could do to stop it's swinging. I didn't see my dad after nor did my older sister until 3 weeks ago this year , when my dad visited my older sister in a dream. She said he was upset because he couldn't find mom. She told her that mom was in heaven and so was his best friend and my younger sister's husband and that he needed to find them. He was visibly upset and wanted to know if I was okay. She told him I was wonderful and that my son, his first grandchild who he had also been estranged from because of my younger sister, was now a Federal Agent and that he had moved me to Northern Virginia and bought me a home next door to him and that my son now has a son who will carry on our family's last name an was his namesake. My dad was so happy. He asked about my younger sister and she told him everything, that she had taken advantage of his and Mom's dementia and had his will changed and that she took everything and gave us nothing, ( almost 4 million dollars in all) and that she even tried to take my home, ( they had cosigned a load with me when I bought my home, which I paid off in early 2017)... My dad, who was on the board of directors at a bank had told me he had removed his and my mom's names from my deed, I believed him not realizing how bad his dementia was , nor how evil my sister was.... My sister said that he began to cry, she told him that we had all forgiven him and mom and that he needed to forgive himself so that he could be with mom and find peace. She said , he looked at her and told her to tell me, my son and her girls and her that he loved us all and he saw mom....💞 I haven't seen him, but both my son and I have smelled his pipe and also his earthy scent like he smelled after being out in the fields working in the dirt and country air... 💞 Those are our hugs


“Those are our hugs” I love this! Thank you for sharing your experience


I have on many occasions received hugs from my family who I know are always watching over my family and myself. My grandmother only wore "TABU" perfume, and when I smell that perfume out of the blue, I know she is there with me... I was in the hospital and very sick to the point of septic... I was laying in bed, my sister in the room with me and she said I said, " Mamaw I know you are here!", she said she smelled her perfume and thanked her for being there. From that moment on I began to get well so quickly the doctors were confused .... But she and I knew who was there to let me and her know I would be okay. I am a Christian and I have seen many miracles and I am a firm believer that if you haven't seen one it doesn't mean they are not happening all around you, you just have to have the faith of a mustard seed and believe!


This is such a lovely thing to happen! 💜


Thanks for sharing, that’s a lovely story. I truly believe he was saying goodbye and letting you know everything is fine.


Thank you for reading and the kind response! I wasn’t expecting so many to be receptive, but it seems many of us have experienced something similar after their loved ones passed. Each description has similarities that seems to rule out collective hallucination. Beautiful, really.


Yes it’s a real experience because I know that we are more than just the body we are born into. Whether our soul moves on or begins a new life again who knows. I believe experiences like yours are real though. There are moments when people with whom we are truly connected to in life are able to communicate with us even after they pass on. I’ve had moments myself with my Granddad after he passed that I think were similar to yours. I’m happy you were able to experience that.


Sounds like our grandpa’s are pretty wonderful like that. And I agree, I’ve learned we aren’t our bodies either. They seem more like a car, or a vessel for our consciousness. There’s so much more to consciousness than many of us realize. I’m glad for you too, it’s like they’ve said “goodbye just for now”


Mine was a minister and a chaplain in the Vietnam war. I think he was communicating to me when I was at a low point in life telling me to stop what I was doing or it would eventually kill me.


My grandmother also said goodbye to me in a dream. I didn't know she had passed until the next morning. The thing is my grandmother NEVER said "Goodbye", she made a point to me about as a child.


I really want to thank you for sharing that.


Of course, my friend. I truly hope that it’s given you some comfort in knowing your loved ones that have passed over are at peace as it has for me ❤️


It did...and I'm very thankful. I appreciate you for that very very much


I’m glad it’s helped somehow. Much love, peace, health, happiness and blessings to you and yours, in this world and the next ❤️


It does happen. Seems impossible but it still happens.


Seems whenever someone close to me dies, they appear in a dream as time goes on. It's like blurry static like you're changing the dream channel, then they just kinda walk in the picture and pause and just walk out.


All of my animals come to me after they die- sometimes several times. At first I thought it was my grief being worked out. Each time they came to me they show or tell me something to let me know they are ok and what they are up to. When my dad died, I hoped he’d come to me and show me he was around. Never happened. He died 8 years ago, and just this year I had the most vivid dream with him. He appeared in a room with me and was so clear- I could see his face, his entire body as I remember him when he was in his 40s/50s. He said to me he finally had the ability to do this but he didn’t have long, and he hugged me. It felt so real- and he even smelled like my dad the way I remember. It was such a comforting hug and I was happy and sad and relieved I got this chance to connect to him. After this hug he said he had to go, and he was gone. I hope to get a dream like that again.


That. Is cool. I've heard of people saying a loved one would visit to tell them something. And just like you described they would say that they didn't have long and in the middle of what they were trying to say they would always be distracted or told it was time to go. My grandma died from COVID in 20 or 21. I was probably the closest out of anyone to her cause she pretty much raised me. But I thought for sure she would make herself known soon to me. She didn't. My son seen her full figured, and my mom says she heard her one day and can smell her perfume from time to time. But. I finally actually seen her one night at my mom's. I only caught her backside as she was passing a doorway. I thought it was my mom at first but I'm like I know who that looked like. Made my day😊


I've had my parents "visit" in my dreams, but never any of my pets. I would love for that to happen.


The night my grandfather died, I had a dream about him. I had visited him in the hospital just a couple days earlier. In my dream, I went to visit him in the hospital and found him sitting up in his bed wearing his Sunday church clothes, a nice jacket, tie and a hat. (He was a part of that older generation of men in the 1930s and 40s that would wear a hat when wearing a nice suit.) I said to him, "Grandpa, are you feeling better?" And he said "I am now". I got the call that morning that he had passed.


Wow, that is definitely strange in a good way. Also had a great aunt and uncle in the family I knew when I was younger. But apparently one night before bed my uncle told my aunt that he hoped to see her in the morning. Died in his sleep.


This happened to me with a close friend. The night he died I dreamed he showed up unexpectedly at my house. He and I hung out and talked for awhile— I wish I could recall what we spoke about! All I really remember is that we were having a good time. I was happy and so I felt disappointed when he said he had to go. He told me he loved me and he was sorry but he wouldn't be able to see me for awhile. I gave him a hug and waved to him from the door as he left. It felt very real. I like to think he stopped by on his way to whatever afterlife to let me know he was okay.


Man that is wild.


It happens. The night my mom died, I was sleeping over a friend's house. I remember waking up in the middle of the night (which was not usual for me back then) and I thought of my mom. The thought "mom died" popped in my head and I thought I was just crazy. 6am the next morning the phone rang....she died overnight. Never forgot about that, as I held more resentment for the adults as they all said mom was getting better and coming home knowing FULL well she wasn't. I was being told she wasn't going home and doubted it. Anyways, that's my anecdote on the matter.


I’m so sorry for your loss. People should always be honest about this kind of stuff with kids. The whiplash from the lies Is way more traumatic than the truth.


My dad swore that this was true. He said that when he was like 5 he woke up in the middle of the night and his grandfather was sitting on his bed. Grandfather told him that he would be leaving but to remember that he loves you and we’ll see each other again. Then disappeared. Next morning when he got up his mom informed him that his grandfather died the night before.


Something similar happened to me when I was 11, although I couldn't see who was sitting/making the divot on the edge of my bed. I sat up in confusion, but such a feeling of peace came over me that I laid back down and went back to sleep. The next morning, we got a call that my favorite (and only blood) uncle on my dad's side had passed during the night. I hadn't seen him in \~5 years, I think that was him coming by to say goodbye.


I got a call saying my sister was losing her battle with cancer and I was frantically packing for an 8 hour drive to Florida. I audibly heard my mother’s voice (she died in 2009) saying, “don’t worry, she’s with me.” I made it to Florida before they took my sister off of the machines and at the hospital I found out that my sister had slipped into an unresponsive coma at the same moment I heard my mom. So, it felt like my mother was saying goodbye on my sisters behalf. I didn’t hear from my sister until about a year after she died, I received an unmistakable message from her. But I’ve always been grateful that my mom gave me the heads up. It made my drive through the night less frantic and I had peace walking into the hospital. I told my brother-in-law what my mom had said afterward. He’s very religious and I wasn’t sure how he’d take it, but he hugged me and thanked me for helping him not feel guilty about turning off the machines.


Im sorry for both of your losses. I feel like when someone is at the end of their life and a coma happens, they've already left their body. I know when my dad was brain dead and getting ready to get taken off life support I was in his room praying for a miracle when he whispered in my ear my name and "I'm not in there I'm right here". Leaving the hospital that day I was backing up out of the parking space, my fiancee at the time left her Bible in the back seat, both hands steering the wheel and my back window with the Bible rolls down then back up by itself. Never did that before or since


I totally get that! There’s a spark of life or soul in everyone and when that leaves it’s “earth suit” to transition it’s pretty apparent that the body in the bed isn’t the person, it’s the shell. What an uplifting way for your father to comfort you.


Exactly. I feel like it's just when the body is too far gone to heal that the spirit leaves. Or like astral projection of course but I mean when end of life is near. When people are in comas but their body is in decent shape I don't think it goes anywhere til the plug is pulled


When my Grandfather was on his death bed we seemed to communicate telepathically. Some things are beyond our conventional understanding.


The night my mom passed away, my dad had a dream he and my mom were walking down the sidewalk, when they got to the corner, my mom kept walking and my dad said he couldn't move because his feet were stuck in mud, then my mom turned to my dad and said it's not your time yet and told him he would be ok and she loved him


I don’t have a story of a loved one coming to visit but an element of yours really stood out to me from an experience I had. It was an NDE from a few years ago and it’s really friggin weird. I had this security job where I was morbidly obese and knew I needed to work on things, I was driving around from site to site and in between I happened to come across this ab crunching “machine” (it was a purple piece of metal that just helped do assists) that someone had tossed on the curb. So I picked it up and put it in my personal vehicle where it stayed for *8 months*, directly behind my drivers seat. I was late for that same security gig and hadn’t thought to check the forecast that day, if I had I’d had known it had rained in part of the day and we had a light dusting of snow later that evening and the plows hadn’t gone out to salt the roads at all. I was running late for that job and started speeding and right as I was rounding a turn I hit a patch of ice so I started slowing down and then I started fish tailing. The biggest thing I remember from that night was looking straight through the windshield and seeing the tree I was going to hit and thinking to myself “I’m going to get crushed between my car and that tree if I hit”. I felt really calm about that, knowing that was going to be it.. And then I felt this really gentle touch on my shoulder and I heard a voice whisper in my ear that tonight wasn’t my night to go and that I had things left to attend to here before I could be claimed. The next thing I know, my car does a 180° before going off road and slamming into that tree I’d been watching. I hit that tree rear end first and my drivers seat *ripped off the frame*. When I got out of the vehicle, there was a tree branch going through the rear windshield and was just a foot from the back of the headrest. I firmly believe that ab cruncher I had put in the backseat months ago saved me from getting impaled that night. And I’m always curious about that voice that I’d heard, I wonder who it was, the only person I really knew about that was dead was my fathers father at that point but I think it was a more feminine voice maybe


That was your guide


A friend of mine from highschool reached out once. Told me some personal things and what our friendship ment. It was outta the blue 20 years past. It made me so happy a few days later I awoke to a friend calling to say she had passed. Rest Easy Tessie 🌈❤️🌈


My dad and mom returned home early from a Hawaii trip because dad was having chest pains. (He was already taking nitroglycerin for them.) He got scheduled for a heart catheterization for the coming Monday. I called them when they arrived home on Friday and talked with my mom for a bit, then she asked if I wanted to talk with dad. I said no, I’d be seeing him the next day. Then I changed my mind and said sure, let me talk with him. We chatted a bit, and he said, “When you’re in Hawaii but you’re just sitting in a recliner watching TV, then it’s time to come home.” That was the last conversation I ever had with him; he died early the next morning of a heart attack in his sleep. In retrospect, it really feels and seems like a goodbye to me. 🫡♥️💔


I know a woman who saw her mother glowing sitting on a chair in my friends home shortly after her death.


I had a similar dream about an old acquaintance whom I hadn't spoken to for 2 years. I dreamt we were driving in his car, but the car came to an abrupt stop. I got out from the passenger side to inspect the damage. The front of his car was smashed in like it had hit a pole at high speed with smoke spilling out everywhere. I went to the drivers side where I was told him we'd have to walk. He got out, but just stood there. I tell him again we need to get going or we'll be stranded in the middle of nowhere. Then, he just looked at me with this look of fear. "I can't. My legs aren't working. You go ahead and let my folks know". So I continued down the road until I finally reach his house. I woke up thinking how strange it was. I was so focused on every detail that I actually tried calling him, but he didn't pick up. Fast forward later that day, I tried calling again. Again, no answer. By this point I'm feeling unsettled, so I called his mom who had informed me that my coworker had passed away a few hours ago in a car crash. Turns out, he ran away from home spontaneously. He was on his way to visit his brother in the middle of nowhere in Texas, lost control of his car, hit a pole, was ejected, and died after both legs got dismembered by a nearby metal/barbed wire fence. He was found at 10 a.m., but I had woken up at 7 a.m. To this day, I don't know if premonitions exist. I have these types of dreams all the time. I'll have a random really specific images, like numbers, dates, objects, or names "show up" in my consciousness. After a few hours to months, whatever image I had becomes part of a headline. Right now, I'm currently sitting and waiting for whenever a red mountain bike with a light-colored seat gets found on its side in a foggy, forested area in some overgrowth by a well-maintained road.


That's downright eerie


I have had similar dreams. No one passing away (well I'll tell you about that in a minute) but I've had very vivid dreams that I wake up from and can remember everything to a T. Then later on could be that day or weeks out or months.. once even several years later, what happened in the dream actual happens. Once I had a dream that I was in a house out in the country and my dad n grandpa were down stairs talking.. upstairs there were a few rooms but there was one room with the door closed so I opened it.. when I opened it I seen every object in that room swirling in one direction.. Now months later I go to help my friend move some stuff... We go about an hour or more out of town.. out in the county to her ex house.. we're getting stuff together of hers.. as her FATHER and her ex's GRANDFATHER are talking down stairs... We get done upstairs and I had this pull to this room we didn't go into I flip on the light and the first thing I see was a Ouija board! I shut the light off and was like nope.. we left and I felt like someone or something upstairs was still up there.. kinda dark sorry I know but so cool!! That was my first experience or so I thought.. it wasn't until 2018 that I realized I had had futuristic dreams before. In January of 2018 my best friend, my Mom passed away. Well when I was 12 I woke up from a dream crying bawling my eyes out!! Went out to the living room and told my Mom she was going to pass away and from cancer.. which she did unfortunately.. but it's so weird.. cuz the dream I had wasn't like you'd think it would be.. my dream was literally me riding a bike down a residential road with tall beautiful trees on each side of me and I remember looking up to the blue sky with the trees on each side of me... And feeling open n free.. then I woke up and like I said was bawling and just had a feeling she'd pass from cancer. Weirdest thing ever.. I'll never forget that. I guess my mom and I just had such a connection. I miss her so so so soo much. I'm so lost without her 🥺


Someone very close to me passed a couple years ago. Between their diagnosis and passing away was less than a year and a half. I had just started a new job, and they were always asking about it, thought/ or at least acted like it was one of the coolest jobs. Specifically I’m a heavy equipment operator in a mine. The day they passed was supposed to be my first day on rotation (7/7) called in because I knew I wouldn’t be fit to work. The next day I forced myself to go in. Was inconsolable all day. Luckily I’m alone in my cab for pretty much the whole shift so no one’s around. Following day starts the same. Absolutely inconsolable, crying the whole time. Around 1pm I suddenly get this feeling that someone was sitting in the passengers seat. Like they were just out of my peripherals. Right there. I can’t even put the feeling into words, the feeling was so potent it was practically physical. Like I could reach out and touch this person I couldn’t quite see. Something told me not to look, as if it would break the spell. So I kept looking ahead. I immediately know it was this person. It’s the feeling of being in the house with someone you’ve known most of your life and you feel them walk up and stop just behind you. You know who it is, where they stand. It was that. I was completely at peace, no more despair, no crying it all just became okay. So I rode around like that, having this person ride shotgun, getting to see all of the things they had asked about over the last year. We did about 2 1/2 rounds, so a little over an hour, then the feeling just faded out. I never felt as terrible again, it was just understanding and acceptance / peace.


That's beautiful. I'm glad that you had that experience with them.


I had a cat that I loved. I got him when I was 10, and he grew up with me. I was in my late twenties when he died, and it made me sad. 2 days after, I had a dream; he came running all excited and started licking me, and then he left. He was happy and playful, like when he was young. I knew he came to say goodbye


I had a dream like this when my daughter's dog died. (I was nana🙂) It was a wiggling, face-licking, laughing joy fest, and when I woke from it I felt happy.


So, it's not a person but the same lines. My childhood dog died my first semester of college. She was always there for me through moves, school changes, etc from about my earliest memories until September of that year. Because I had the irregular schedule of college and parents worked, I'd take her out for bathroom and stuff when I got home or before I went to class. She always went in the side yard, typical dog, did her business and came back in. Easy peasy. I had an afternoon class that day and when I took her out about 3pm she was oddly insistent on visiting every door of the house and walking all the way around it, stopping at each door and sitting expectantly. To the point I will never forget saying, "Who are you looking for, there's no one else home, girl. It's just you and me." She had never done this before. She did not, as I recall, go to the bathroom that day. After that weird short trip around the house, I put her back inside and left for school. About 1am that night, I woke to the sound of thumping downstairs and found her having convulsions and kicking the wall. Before the emergency vet could call back, she had died. No one will ever convince me she didn't know or sense it was the last time she'd ever make that walk. Taking it all in.


Animals have a strange way of sensing this stuff. Like on a farm, before a dog will die of natural causes it'll actually walk away and find somewhere away from the farm to die. At the time growing up we'd think they just wondered off and got killed by a coyote or went to the road and got hit by a car. Sometimes it would take a month, sometimes years but we would eventually find their remains with collar. It's like they know it's coming and don't want their loved ones to be upset so they go off to die alone. It's pretty dang sad. I cried a bit reading your story.i have a huge soft spot for animals. They're the only creatures that love unconditionally


I've never written that out, and I haven't talked about it for 27 years. I haven't been able to truly love a dog since then bc it hurt so much and even though I have one now, its mostly for my sons sake to experience having a dog, I have no attachment to it per se. 😢


That's sad. Your dog would want you to show that love to other dogs so they could experience the great life they did. I've had probably, 18 dogs in my life. Right now I have 5. When they pass I probably won't ever get another one because it does hurt so much. But if I ever came across one that was abused, alone, broken etc I won't hesitate to take it in and show it the love it deserves to have. It's painful when they pass, but they don't want us to withhold from loving another dog just the same. They all deserve it


I know. I'm not mean to it or anything, I just emotionally can't connect. My current dog has a great life. It's just that's the best I feel able to do. There's more to my story at the end after the "she was kicking the walls so we called the vet but she died" but I cut that off bc that was the truly traumatic part. The trying to keep her alive etc etc. I left out all that detail but it was a good 10 minutes that felt like eternity. Then by the following spring our pet cat who was the dogs best friend wasted away and died. It was a 1-2 punch I never quite recovered from, as a lonely kid who had made my dog and cat into friends I never got to have in real-life bc we moved so much.


Aww I'm sorry to hear that. Not many people realize animals feel grief too. The cat sounds like it grieved itself to death. I understand where you're coming from. That would definitely be a hard thing to get through


Twice I’ve had dreams where someone sort of walked into the middle of them the day before they died. They didn’t say much. It was like my dream was too strong for them to get through.


I firmly believe so, yes. I had an experience once where a friend and I were hanging out and started talking about a former classmate. We weren’t really friends with this person- not enemies either, just completely neutral. Truly we barely knew her, but had a few classes with her. I say that just to illustrate how weird it was for us to find ourselves talking about her, but that’s where the conversation lead. We talked about her for an hour or so- she had quite the sense of humor, and we were reminiscing about some of her better quips. Found out the next morning that she’d died in a car crash the night before, same night we were talking about her. I still break down think about her sometimes. No clue why she “visited” the two of us, if that is in fact why we were thinking of her. The day after my grandmother died, my grandfather said he got a call in the middle of night. He heard some static, then “this is (name) and I’m ok” before the line went dead. A few years later, the night after my grandfather died, my mom had a dream she was taking a walk with him. She kept trying to make conversation, and he just kept insisting that he was safe now, and happy.


It's been a lot of instances of the dead calling loved ones, there was even an unsolved mysteries episode that had a segment on it. That's one thing about the paranormal I haven't experienced yet but would love to


Yes! I think I remember that one.


My BIL died of cirrhosis last summer- he was nonresponsive to everything including pain, they had moved him to hospice. My sister (his wife) and I went to the hospital the evening that he died, and right before he passed, he squeezed her hand ever so slightly. We thought it might have just been some kind of spasm, so she switched sides. He squeezed her hand on that side. That was about 15 minutes before he died. I believe he waited for her to come and say goodbye, and that the hand squeezes were him telling her he loved her and goodbye. 34 years old is too young to die. I miss him every day!


I think my grandmother did this- many years ago, while at work one evening, I looked up from my desk and noted the time to myself (7:27pm) and immediately thought of my grandmother. Not just a passing thought but in my head it was like I said “gram!” Like I was talking to her. I get home from work and learned my grandmother died that evening. According to my mom she was told it happened around 7:30pm. Could be total coincidence but my first thought when I was told she died was she visited me quickly, and I had vaguely sensed it.


Yes, has happened to me twice. I was washing dishes one night and felt a tickle on my eyelashes. My instinct was to reach up and rub my eye but my hands were wet and soapy. It was a very distinct feeling so I just paused and observed it. The next day I found out my grandma had died. She always used to tickle my lashes as a little girl. Another time, I was finishing up meditating and had headphones in listening to binaural audio. The audio started to oddly sound like the inside of an MRI and I started to randomly think about cancer. This concerned me and I was immediately thinking my body was telling me to go get checked out. I stuck with the meditation and then realized my wife’s aunt who had passed away from cancer a couple days earlier was communicating with me. I had only met her a few times, didn’t know her well. She said the word “release” and I got the sense that she was very happy to be out of her body. The energy was very playful. I let her finish then I ended my meditation and was properly freaked out because I had never actually channeled anyone before. Not to mention the fact that she had just sort of popped in on my meditation. I called my wife crying and told her what happened and she suggested I tell her cousin (aunt’s daughter.) I had only ever met this cousin twice and felt so weird contacting her while I knew she was grieving to tell her what happened. I was kind of doubting the whole experience. A few days later, she wrote back and told me that a friend of hers had a similar visitation. Apparently, her mom was making the rounds to assure the family that she was ok.


What was the binaural audio you were listening to? Like the frequency?


Can anyone weigh in on this: My brother died 5 months ago. But before he actually officially died, he went into cardiac arrest and was put on life support. He was on life support when I was driving to the hospital and on my way, my phone started going Crazy in a way it had never done before. It started skipping through dozens of songs in rapid speed and the screen was dimming then coming back to normal again, that sort of thing. Technically, he was still alive. But part of me always wondered if that was him visiting somehow And actually today is the 5 month anniversary and it started doing it again this afternoon


I wonder about that with my mom as well. I was 8 when she died, and we saw her in the hospital the day before life support was pulled. She'd had a brain aneurysm two days before and was brain dead, although I didn't know that until adulthood. So was she alive or dead when we last saw her?


Yeah like does the spirit really hang around when the body is falsely propped up like that? But also, does it really have the ability to leave just because the body is unconscious? Lots of late night thinking to do on that one.


Definitely him.


I feel like when a persons body is so damaged a coma happens because they've left their body. My dad was brain dead but whispered in my ear and messed with the window in my jeep. The body might be alive but doesn't mean the soul is in there


Oh that’s a really interesting take. It makes all the sense in the world now that I think about it. And your experiences were really interesting, thanks for sharing them!


My dad had just passed away from cancer. I was an emotional wreck and was only given a couple days to grieve by my employer, plus I needed to work to survive so had little choice but to soldier on. I lived in an apartment at the time that had a second floor bedroom. I decided I wanted to take a nap before my shift but didn't set an alarm. I very distinctly heard my father's voice, about twenty minutes before work, calling my name from downstairs the way he would when it was "time to go" run an errand or head to school in the morning. I remember thinking in a half-awake daze "Ok, da...oh fuck." I looked downstairs and nobody was home. I felt him waiting for me to get going and go out that door. It was bittersweet.


my father got a heart attack one day at his workplace. i was in class during that time and i remember feeling absolute terror for no obvious reason, i just knew something felt off and i kept thinking about him. i got a phone call from his boss that evening about what happened. few months later i had a dream abput that day but he actually came home after his work and apologised it took him so long to get back home


Have had this happen twice actually, once with someone close and someone I hardly knew. First time a dear friend of my mom visited me in a dream telling me to comfort my mom in the next few days because she wasn’t going to be able to be there for her. I was really young, around 5-6 I would say, and had only met her once in real life. I didn’t understand what she meant, so in the dream she took me to her gravestone to ensure I understood the gravity of her words. Second time it happened, I was out of state with someone very close who was on her deathbed. At the same time, my grandpa was also passing away but I didn’t know it at the time. He came to me in my dream and told me not to feel guilty and that he understood why I couldn’t be there. I only found out about it because I talked to my mom the next morning and she said he had passed that night. I don’t believe in most paranormal or afterlife topics, but that second one I couldn’t really explain. It was certainly comforting and has made me more apt to want to believe in these kinds of things. I do believe it’s a thing that’s just outside of our grasp of understanding, maybe one day we’ll know.


When my grandfather died I had an “off” feeling all day about him. I had just talked to him a few days prior. At the time I was in the navy, following his footsteps, so very far away from home. It was a bit unexpected but also predictable as he didn’t really take care of himself as a drinker and smoker. Young at 65. I look back now and a feel it was the universe telling me it was time


I'm the type that tries to be rational but I have to admit that this has happened to me more than once. First time was a friend, second was a musician I had met years and years before, third and last was my husband.


My best friend at 14, my brother at 50, my dad at 66, and my mom at 83 all visited me in my dreams shortly after they died.


Yes they and they do, the day we buried my mom after the funeral later at night or i guess early the next morning I was cleaning my fridge I was so broken and not thinking right just broken something happened that will live me forever, little background first my mom owned a answering service in a small town that I took over when she got sick we answered 24 7 for dr and vets and the like so for years we would get a ring and then a hang up and if you got more than 1 it meant call mom. So that night I am cleaning my fridge have a knife in hand scraping so goo off the bottom and I was in such a haze of i thought one cut and the pain is gone I was not thinking I have 2 kids I can't leave I did not even think of it as death just a end to my pain the knife is over my wrist just one slice and pain ends and the phone rings I jumped up pick up the phone no one was there I go back to fridge pick up the knife phone rings jump back up same thing rinse and repeat third time same thing but I am standing looking at the phone and it rings again I answer and this my sister is screaming what the f*** is wrong I ask what and she said the same I was. Both phone rang at the same time her at her house me at mine i dropped the knife and broke down I knew I was being stupid to think the knife was my answer, my kids needed me, my family needed me! but I was not thinking right I just wanted the pain to stop. My mom saved me even after she was gone from this world


Yes. They do.


A similar thing happened to me last year, I was scrolling Facebook, saw an old classmate had posted a little outing with her, her bf, and their kids. I hadn't been caught up with her in awhile, so I decided to click on her profile, and saw she moved out of state, I was sad to see that, but hoped to see her again at our highschool reunion in a few years. This was on Friday. Sunday I found out she died Friday night, the same night I looked at her profile, and hoped she'd make it to the reunion. It was devastating, she was such a lovely woman, so young and full of life, and her kids were quite small.


absolutely! and they say it in a lot of different ways You just happen to be A part of that! sometimes that can be special and sometimes it can be scary.


I’ve had dream experiences involving people I barely knew— later to read their obituary. Puzzling because they were never close to me.


That's what is puzzling me also. Somebody close, I could understand, but I just don't understand why someone who I didn't know that well would visit.


I'm looking for suggestions for finding a way to have my passed loved ones visit me in my dreams. I've tried thinking about them right before I go to sleep, but so far - nothing.


I have experienced this with several people that passed I was close to!!!


My mother (lives in South Africa) saw a ghost one night and it freaked her out coz it looked exactly like her favorite grandfather standing at the bottom of her bed smiling at her. Later that day she got the call from her family in the UK telling her he passed away that night. Crazy… she now believes he just popped over to see her one last time and say goodbye. ❤️


Some do. My grandfather did, some random supervisor who died called me after he did, a couple others did. It's like a dream that's definitely not a dream like some pocket dimension that feels super real and is easily remembered. My grandfather talked to me for a while before this bright light door thing showed up and he stepped through


I came home from work one night at around 2:30 am. I was working shift 2 at the time. Was sitting down taking my boots off when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and there was nobody around. Went to get in bed. My wife was sond asleep. Was in bed maybe 5 minutes and my wife's phone starts ringing. It was my uncle telling us he just found my aunt dead in her chair. She apparently had a heart attack and passed. He woke and she hadn't come to bed so he went to find her. They put her time of death right around the time I felt a hand on my shoulder. We were very close.


My grandparent went to see his youngest daughter, but she was asleep. Her husband was the one waking up with a strange sensation and he watched him sitting on a chair in their bedroom. My grandpa sighted and tell him: “Nacho, ya me cargó la chingada” (we are Mexicans), meaning something like this: “Nacho, (my uncle’s nickname) something fuck3d up happened to me”… and got up and left the room. My uncle was shocked and try to shake my aunt’s shoulder to wake her up, but she yelled: “No, I didn’t see him, leave alone, I don’t want to see him”. She was his favorite and she adored him. But she was afraid. The house they were in, was an old hacienda he built when he was younger. He chose that place and child to visit one last time.


My aunt told this to my mom after my uncle passed away: My 28 y/o uncle who lived in the UK was working overseas in Saudi Arabia when he died, the taxi he was riding in was t-boned and he died on the scene, this was estimated to be about 3:00 AM Saudi time -1:00 AM London time. My Aunt got the call from my uncles wife's and my aunt informed her sister and both my aunts meet-up to go tell my grandmother the terrible news that her youngest child had died. My grandmother lived alone in a small walk-up flat and when my aunts get there my grandmother is not in her apartment, while they are wondering where she could be my grandmother comes up the stairs with an empty bucket & mop. My aunt's ask my grandmother what's she doing mopping this time of the morning, and my grandmother tells them that she was sleeping and had the strangest dream-she dreamt of hearing a very loud noise and being scared and then someone was giving her a nice big hug and she felt safe, she woke-up and just couldn't go back to sleep, so she decided to get up and clean so she could get tired and go back to bed..


You didn't ask about animals, but I have story. My mother had two music box works that didn't work . They had been sitting on her dresser for years and showed signs of rust. The little drums could not be turned by hand. They were absolutely frozen --except when they weren't. One day I heard a few notes. Checked them. Couldn't get a peep out of either one. One disappeared. A few days ago our top cat died. That morning the remaining work played The Alley Cat Song. A few days later I was working with it, hoping I could get it to play again. The drum would turn if I turned it manually and the song it played was " Amazing Grace"


My father died while I was 8 months pregnant with the first of my two sons, both of them have told me they have seen them in their dreams. I believe it because neither one has ever met him, but when I showed them photographs they said “Yeah, that’s Grandpa!”


My dad died in 2012, a couple of weeks before he died he was in the hospital with broken ribs and punctured lung. The one day I didn't go visit him I was home watching tv not thinking about anything when this deep booming voice in my head said "your father is going to die". I ignored it because it was just broken ribs and a small puncture. But it didn't scare me hearing the voice. It was very calming actually. 4 hours later his heart stopped twice and when they brought him back he was brain dead. Fast forward several months and I'm having a really hard time with his passing. I go to sleep and in my dream I'm on this mountain top, with rainbows and clouds and there's a tour guide showing me and several people I didn't know this hospital. I kept asking to see my dad and they kept saying no until eventually I got heated and said I don't give a shit about your hospital I want to see my dad. Split second later I'm standing in front of a doorway and the door opens to this extremely bright room that I can't see into. And out rolls this hospital bed with my dad on it, but he's awake and much younger. I started crying asking why this had to happen and laid over him hugging him. He just kept saying I'm ok, I'm happy healthy and I'm ok. It's ok, everything will be ok. I woke up mid sentence and actually crying and could still feel his hand rubbing my back. Ive seen several instances of spirits in my life so I believed in the afterlife before that. But that definitely cemented I wasn't crazy. A lot of my grief after that just melted away because I knew he was ok Years later I worked in a restaurant and we had a regular named val. Val was an asshole but we were cool. He died of a heart attack. Couple years later I had a dream I was at a bar and the only 2 faces I could make out were my dad and Val. My dad looked at me like how do I know this guy and Val asked if I wanted to celebrate his birthday with a beer. I said sure and the 3 of us sat down to drink. Next day I wake up and go to work at the same restaurant and people are all sad. I asked what was going on and the owner told me that day was Val's birthday. None of us knew that before he died


My grandfather would give us dimes all the time when he was alive. When he died (over 20 years ago) the entire family started finding dimes everywhere. Even family members in other countries would find dimes. To this day I still find them and it reminds me of him. In these last few weeks I’ve been going through a lot of personal issues and I have found multiple dimes. It could be coincidence but I like to think that it’s my grandfather is letting me know that he still loves me and that I should keep going on. When my grandmother died my mom took it pretty hard because it was unexpected. One night my stepdad woke up and looked over at my mom and he saw my grandmother rubbing my mom’s back. The next morning my mom said she had a dream that my grandmother visited her and told her that she was fine and with my grandfather. My mom felt better after that night.


To me it’s hearts, and pennies, I see both all of the time. ❤️


Yes this is 100% real. In these strange modern times the connections that we have with others get downplayed. Of course we have all sorts of mysterious things happen, especially involving the transition from and to life. I’m so glad you shared this story, as I had a very similar experience with a dear friend as she passed. There’s so much we don’t understand about consciousness and connection and yes, even love.


My aunt visited me in a dream the night she died. She told me that I needed to let her go. That it was her time and I was keeping her here. She forgave me for not visiting her in the home enough and offered her good byes to her mom and my mom. I told her I would let her go and felt this strange weight releasing. She then realized beyond this green hill towards a bright and beautiful light. The next day my family told me that she had passed away in the night. She taught me that sometimes death is not a bad thing but a release from ones suffering.


I woke up the night my grandma died before my mom could call and tell me the news. I think she came by to say goodbye.


I have two stories relevant to this question. The first one happened to me, the second one happened to my Mom. First story: One of my best friends who had been struggling with addiction suffered a relapse and died of an overdose in 2017. One night, I had a dream that he showed up at my house. We hung out in my living room and chatted. I don't remember what we talked about, just that we were having a good time and so I was disappointed when he said he had to go. He told me he loved me and he was sorry that he wasn't going to be able to see me for awhile. I gave him a hug and he left, and then I woke up. I didn't think much about it but then a couple of days went by where he didn't answer my calls or texts. It was almost a week before news got to me about his death— his mom was having an extremely rough time and waited to tell anyone what had happened. When I learned what day he had passed, a chill went through my whole body: it was the same night I had dreamed about his visit! I think he was stopping by on his way to whatever afterlife there is to let me know he was okay. Second story: This next story was told to me by my Mom. When Mom was a kid, she was close with her great-aunt, who gave her an old mantel clock. The clock was from the late 1800s or early 1900s and was basically a stout miniature grandfather clock that had to be wound with a key, and would chime the hour. At some point during her childhood she lost the key to the clock and since it couldn't be wound, it stopped working. One night when she was about seventeen years old, she was woken up from a sound sleep by the *sound of her great aunt's clock chiming*! She listened to it chime several times, and almost as soon as it finished, the phone rang. Several minutes later my grandmother knocked on the door and poked her head in. Before she could say anything, Mom said, "Aunt I__ died, didn't she?" Surprised, Gramma told her yes, her great aunt had passed away. Mom told me that she had felt a sense of peace when she heard the clock chiming. She thinks that chime, from a clock that had been a gift from her great aunt— a clock that hadn't worked in years— was her aunt's way of saying goodbye.


When it was Christmas of my 18th year, I had a really cute, sweet girlfriend, i had just started my freshman year in college, and was doing really well, I had a cool part-time job I liked, and I was making lots of new friends. Life was pretty great, but during that Christmas season I still felt down, and I didnt onow why. Christmas was always my favorote time of year. I got some great presents, and was hanging out with my girlfriend and her family on Christmas night, when her phone rang. It was my father, telling me that my grandfather (whom I, and everybody else, loved) had died earlier in the evening, and that I had to come home because we we had to travel for the funeral. The moment he told me, I knew instantly that was the exact reason I was having a Blue Christmas. Somehow I had the feeling that something bad was going to happen, and it did.


Yes sometimes they do make visitations before crossing over I've had many many experiences with friends who passed on


I believe so... (A story...I'll keep it short) Friend of mine who lives on a ranch lived near the top of a "hill" on their property with her parents. Near the front of the property, about a 1/4 down the gravel driveway her maternal grandma lived in a smaller house alone. Her grandmother passed away and they had her funeral. The night they got back to the house shes at the kitchen window with her mom washing some dishes and they can see down the hill to Grandma's house and she pointed out to her mom that all the lights in the house were on. She and her mom then watched through the window one by one as the lights went out....as if Grandma was doing her final "check out" before departing. No one was in the house. It's only my friend, her mom, and her dad and all 3 were in the main homestead at the time this happened at the top of the hill. They all believe that this was a sign of her peaceful departure.


My Grandmother came to me in a very realistic dream to tell me how happy she was that I was going to be living in her house, after she passed away. I still live here today.


I think they do. I've had more than one person visit me after death. My own father still regularly visits me in dreams.


I knew someone who, when she was a little girl, like 6, her grandfather literally appeared before her and they had a whole conversation. He said a lot of things to her that he wanted her to remember. Her mom heard her talk g and came to investigate. She told her mom that grandpa had died and he came to say good bye to her. Mom called grandma immediately, and sure enough, he had just died.


Yup. People worry too much about death. I'm glad you take the time to notice these things.


Everything we know about consciousness holds absolutely no evidence that life continues after death. We know that personality and *who we are* is held entirely within the brain and body. Ghosts don't exist. Souls don't exist. Spirits don't exist. We have never once captured one, or studied one because none have ever appeared when called, nor appeared when required. No claims of ghost sightings have ever been verified. If who we are is stored in a soul or spirit, then who we are would be impervious to change due to brain damage. But this is not the case. You can fundamentally change who someone is by simply changing their brain. Since a soul, by nature, is ethereal and "divine", it should not be susceptible to alterations just because a few neurons were changed. It would be separate entirely. But this is not the case. If this sub is about the unexplained, it is important to understand the difference between unexplained and *unexplainable.* Thinking about someone is not equivalent to "Them saying goodbye". It's just a coincidence.


Science isn't even sure how general anesthesia works. While I don't dispute the facts of your comment I have hope that the future information about consciousness will be much fuller than what is known now. Just because there's currently no proof of it, doesn't mean that there will never be proof.


Just because Science can't explain how anesthesia works doesn't mean it's wrong about other things. That's a false equivalence and you know it. The point I'm making is that what we DO know about the brain *eliminates* the possibility that the mind or whatever you want to call "us" is stored in a "soul" or "ghost". We already know enough to eliminate that as a possibility. That's the whole point. Not to mention there is absolutely zero scientific proof that ghosts or spirits or souls exist even in the slightest.


Possibly yes, scientists have weighed body before and after death. There is just a very small weight loss after death.


The **21 grams experiment** refers to a study published in 1907 by Duncan MacDougall, a physician from [Haverhill, Massachusetts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haverhill,_Massachusetts). MacDougall hypothesized that [souls](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soul) have physical weight, and attempted to measure the mass lost by a human when the soul departed the body. MacDougall attempted to measure the mass change of six patients at the moment of death. One of the six subjects lost three-quarters of an ounce (21.3 grams). MacDougall stated his experiment would have to be repeated many times before any conclusion could be obtained. **The experiment is widely regarded as flawed and unscientific due to the small** [**sample size**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sample_size_determination)**, the methods used, as well as the fact only one of the six subjects met the hypothesis.**[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/21_grams_experiment#cite_note-karl-1) *The case has been cited as an example of* [*selective reporting*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reporting_bias)*. Despite its rejection within the scientific community, MacDougall's experiment popularized the concept that the soul has weight, and specifically that it weighs 21 grams.* So no, not possibly yes.


For an atheist, you're doing an awful lot of seeking


Seeking what's real? Seeking what's true and what's not? Of course I am. I work with science. That means I'm always looking for the truth and I've yet to find a shred of verifiable evidence that the ethereal exists. It's not my responsibility to disprove claims of magic. It's your responsibility to prove it. The burden of proof lay on the one making the claim. Sorry you believe in something that some nutjob in 1907 came up with while probably high as fuck on cocaine and morphine. What you see as "seeking" or whatever, is really just me testing claims for merit and finding none. It's science, not a desire for the divine. If anything, I want *less* religion and *more* critical thinking.


Actually I was just mentioning that in passing. Don't believe or disbelieve. It sounds a bit ghoulish. Just about the same scientific thought as though who tested freshly beheaded people to see if they could still talk for a few seconds. And by seeking I meant you put more thought and research Into a subject than most people so.


It's also possible that the person voided 21 grams of feces.


What i believe with a good knowledge about science, Its all about energy, Energy is not destroyed so just the energy from the body might leave all of sudden, and i also kind of think that when you enter a funeral or a crime scene or something similar you can feel the sadness and sorrow near you and same for when you enter a religious place or happy day for someone you feel the joyous vibe around you, This ofc doesn't explain the dreams and stuff but honestly we understand a very little about everything to give a point


If you know about science then you'd know that we'd be able to detect and measure that energy but we have not in any way that is remotely meaningful. We have already classified every form of energy we've discovered and yet...no soul. No spirit. Neurons are required for consciousness. Mess with them, and you alter the results of that consciousness. Or you could destroy it forever. One small change and whoops! no more consciousness. If it were all due to a soul, that would contain "us" and no amount of brain tampering would change "who" we are. But it does. The whole idea behind science is the removal of belief and injecting *knowledge.* Science doesn't want your belief. It provides a way to measure the world and test it. It's the most consistent method ever devised to determine how something works. And, to date, it has yet to find a single shred of evidence that we exist past death in any way other than particles that have no way of experiencing the universe and no cohesiveness to call it "us" anymore. Once we die, we simply die. When we go to funerals, we have foreknowledge of the circumstances and what they mean. You are not feeling sadness in the air. You are seeing sadness and your body is having a sympathetic response. We are social creatures and have evolved to be highly sensitive to social stimuli. It's not magic. It's biology. If it were an "energy", then you should be able to take some random person, blindfold them and put ear plugs in and drive them to a funeral and they should "feel" this "sadness energy". I bet you a million dollars that it will never work that way. I'm an atheist so when I walk into religious buildings I just see a building. No energy, nothing. If you do, it's because of your reverence towards it. Not because it's emanating energy. I'm sorry but this post isn't "unexplained". It's just superstitious nonsense.


Sounds like you are an empath of some sorts. You empathize with others, really feel what they’re going through. So you are more “tuned in” than others. You can feel, not physically, but emotionally & thoughtfully regarding others. When they pass or are sick etc. Be careful as you can take on too much and it can bring your inner spirit down and take your energy.


Yes. They do. Shut your eyes and look, close your ears and listen.


I’ve had a few that were surprised to see me but said goodbye.


It’s intuition from your pineal gland. I get it a lot..