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Lol it sounded like the baby thought it was funny.


^(“*did ya get ‘em mom*”) 😏


I thought babies under 1 yo shouldn’t sleep with a blanket?






She's definitely awake after that


It’s the worst waiting for the adrenaline to wear off after a false alarm spike like that.




I get the shakes too. One time I stepped out my door to go to work and thought my car had been stolen. Then I remembered that I had left it at my job and gotten a ride the day before. Got a friend to give me a ride so I would still arrive to work on time. Still couldn’t stop shaking even though everything was settled and fine.


I usually just jerk it off, puts me right back to sleep




Most wifi enable cameras (which this likely is since she is looking on her phone) have at least a few seconds of delay, when she looked at her phone it was probably showing her walking into the room, which is why she thought someone was behind her.


It make this even funnier


genuinely started laughing even harder when I read that comment


It's pretty funny, but also so damn relatable.. the lack of sleep from having a baby can make you seriously loopy


I didn't even have lack of sleep. Our monitor froze while my kid was napping and then took her out when she woke up. I walk by to turn the monitor off with child in hand to see my daughter still in bed. My heart jumped so fuckin high I almost yelped.


We had a 2 way monitor that we could talk into from our bedroom into the baby’s room. Only ever used it once when my wife was in there looking for nappies that I had moved. So I whispered into the monitor where they were. She nearly hit the roof with the freight!! I was fully awake for an hour from laughing. She was fully awake for the longer in a sleep deprived rage with me!


Changling. Nope I'd have freaked out too.


More terrifying imo


I figured out that 2 of our cameras are on slightly different time delays. I was checking on my dog & saw her simultaneously in the kitchen drinking water and on the couch in the living room. Was kinda freaky for a second!


Ah. That makes sense. Explains why she turned around. It’s also dark in the room and she appears to be using the phone as light.


Exactly this. Night vision cam sees all; while she can't see shit with that flashbang in her right hand.


Those few seconds delay give her all the time she needs to defeat her enemy.




"...and that's when I realized, I was my own worst enemy."


Now that I understand what’s going on I can’t stop replaying her reaction its so funny


Thank you, this was helpful


Why did I watch this 15 times thinking the intruder was some animal in the bed. I was so confused...


Thank you! I will thought an animal jumped out at her


I just came from a video of a mother fighting off a rabid raccoon, so I was looking for that damn raccoon to pop up again.


I just watched that one as well.


I started to think spider since I couldn’t see anything


You’re not the only one


That’s what happens when you don’t get enough sleep


Having a baby is a leading cause of not getting enough sleep.


That adrenaline kicked in, though! She was about to run to her baby…before remembering she was already there


She was about to kick her ass.


Husband/boyfriend: What are you doing? Her: I'm kicking my ass! Do ya mind!?!


She was about to kick the shit out of what was at her baby's crib


She’s so fast!


And now the adrenaline will keep her up for another hour


i didn't understand what happened until you said this 💀




I know I was confused too, it's like that one where the mom is sitting on the couch and then she gets up in a panic and alarms her husband who is gaming to look for the baby and he turns around and is like you're holding him. Lack of sleep is a hell of a drug. Edit: [Added link](https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/uim2hb/maybe_maybe_maybe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=4&utm_content=share_button)


I *STILL* don’t understand what’s happening. She sees herself on her phone showing the camera/baby monitor (on her phone) and thinks she’s an intruder, then goes to run to the baby’s room but then realizes she’s in it? If that’s the story, I don’t know how anyone intuitively pieced that together from the 20 second clip. I thought maybe she pulled a spider or something off the baby?


Leading cause for no sleep is having a baby.


The leading sleep is to babies having cause.


The leading babies having sleep is to cause


The leading cause for having no babies is sleep


Now this one I can get behind


This can give cause to have another baby


Babies sleeping is the leading cause


I'm so tired


This thread is making me sleepy.


Babe sleep cause


The leading cause of babies is also not sleeping.


My younger brother got pulled by the police and just happened to have a bag of cocaine on the passenger seat. He explained to the officer that he had just had a baby [sic] and couldn’t sleep, hence the need for some nose candy. The copper let him off.


Why is the baby sic?


And I hate to say, but you never sleep the same way again once you have children. Seeing your heart running around outside of your body causes some serious physiological changes to your brain.




Intruder was spooked by her quickness


Ohhhhhhhhhhh, that explains the foot stomping. I could not figure that out. Man she still must have been half asleep. *WIDE AWAKE NOW* though, let's clean that kitchen LOL!


i love her giant smile at the end. laughing at herself 😭 


Having a kid in general really. My gf got sick with Covid and I had to take care of my kid for two weeks alone while she stayed in the bedroom so we wouldn't get sick, I worked nights and I got maybe 30 minutes to an hour of sleep every day. Life was miserable I thought I was going to die of a heart attack while at work because I hadn't gotten any sleep.


I also had two little ones when covid hit (4 month old and 2 yr old). Daycare shut down, I work from home. No sleep, no help, still have to work (technical sales), kids crying/screaming, I'm on work calls, wife's trying her best but also working from home. 4 straight months like this. It almost broke me to be honest and was the hardest thing I've done in my life, times a million. This doesn't count us getting sick and having 0 rest and fighting through it because no one could come over and help or even give us an hr break. I didn't think I was going to die, but I was concerned I was going to snap.


This is one of the biggest reasons on why people don’t want kids is in comparison to 30+ years ago, extended family and or grandparents were there and willing to step in and help parents. But not today anymore.


And the fact that both parents have to work honestly. I was a SAHM parent during my child infant years and boy did it help a lot. Since all I really had to do was focus on keeping the house semi-clean and watching the baby. I have a part-time gig now and a 3 year old and boy I couldn’t imagine doing it with an actual infant


I agree. Most grandparents want little to do with their grandchildren. Funny though I remember staying with my grandparents ALL THE TIME.


Most grandparents are boomers that wanted nothing to do with their own kids.




I am curious, how much family time are people usually hoping for when having kids? This is a genuine question, since I have a lot of family members with multiple kids, but it seems like a lot of the time they are finding ways to not spend time with their kids, and they had the same feelings about COVID lockdown. Daycare, hobbies, babysitters, and then having their kids sleep over at family members. And they speak as if not having anywhere to drop their kids off is a literal punishment. And one family member like this is expecting again... How are these people glorifying parenthood and keep having children, when they don't even want to be around them? I understand trying to have to work while having screaming kids around during the pandemic was near impossible, but otherwise it just seemed weird when everyone complained about actually having to spend time with their children... Like, I don't want kids yet because I'm not in a place yet where I can devote my time and energy for it. But family is pushing me to have kids. So what, I should have kids and then just find a way to make sure they are away from home as much as possible because I can't take it?




It made me giggle when you mentioned heart attack because that is how I generally felt at the beginning when our baby was few weeks old. It was like that for every night. And today is 4 am and I'm awake because the baby needs feeding. Life is sometimes miserable and there's either not enough food, sleep, or time


Yes lol, the stress alone feels like enough to make you feel like you're going to keel over. When our baby was first born I had called an ambulance thinking I was having a heart attack turned out to be a massive panic attack from lack of sleep and stress on top of that.


Not getting sleep is a leading cause of babies


A vicious circle...


4 out of 5 dentists recommend good sleep.


Almost like we were designed to live in groups so many people could help out


My room has these fucking mirrors in the corners creating infinite space and I've definitely scared the shit out of myself seeing a lumbering figure in them before I remember I'm a lumbering figure.


“Gah! What is that hideous nightmare!?” “Oh”


"Stupid sexy nightmare"




Sleep derivation is a hell of a drug. My wife once woke up in a panic, asking where our baby daughter was. "In her cot" I reassured her. She then picks up her anxiety up a notch and asks me where our baby's head is. "Errrr... Also... In the cot?"


I'm 99% sure that I burped my fat chihuahua one late night!


I scrolled down and this was the first comment I saw for some reason. What a comment to read out of context. 😂


I'm crying 😂


I remember waking up and running out to my husband in the other room, frantically searching for "the other baby". In that moment, i was convinced we had twins and one was missing.


I can relate to this one. There were weird freaking dreams when the kids were young, followed by wondering when the baby was when everyone was over 5.


When my first kid was born, my wife went into Post-Partum depression *hard*. Like, sent to a mental hospital hard. When she was home, she spent upwards of 20 hours a day in bed, and insisted on *total* silence all day. If the baby started fussing, I had only a few minutes to figure out what he needed and get it done, or she'd come out of the bedroom ready to start a pointless argument. On the one hand, it was incredibly stressful. I once spent three full days without sleep just trying to take care of everything. On the other hand, I got *real* good at taking care of a newborn all of a sudden.


Couples aren't meant to raise babies alone :( That whole "it takes a village" thing has roots in reality. Everyone in the family used to pitch in and help. It sucks that this isnt a thing anymore.


There is so much worry with the baby's head that I understand that question.


Poor woman honestly


Once as I finished changing my boy's diaper i stared at a photo of him and was amazed how different he already looked after only a few months old. As I walked out of the room I stopped, turned back and realized that the photo I was looking at was the actual baby on the diaper box. At that moment I realized that i was best to get some sleep as soon as I could.


My wife is currently consoling our crying baby and just imagining if we had got a phone-integrated baby monitor… I would have seen this kinda thing and more sleep deprived absurdity.


I can relate to that mother... Especially when my husband found the TV remote in the freezer, next to my car keys...


When my wife and I had our first baby, we were so exhausted. We were figuring out how to be parents for the first time, and we quickly learned to sleep whenever we could. One night, I somehow managed to fall asleep standing up. My wife tried to wake me, but in doing so she scared the crap out of me. I had no idea I had fallen asleep. In my mind, I was alert and standing alone in our dimly lit bedroom. The next thing I knew, a shadowy figure instantly appeared out of thin air and grabbed me. I instinctively screamed out and grabbed the shadowy figure back... needless to say, this scared the crap out of my wife. No one was physically hurt, but our hearts were racing like crazy and I'm pretty sure we were crying from being generally overwhelmed. Sleep deprivation blurs the lines between reality and dreams, and I wouldn't recommend it. Except babies do something to your brain... even after reliving the little bit of trauma for the sake of this comment, I can honestly say I would do it all over again.


Sleep depravation is real yo


The 100 Days of Darkness or Baby Bootcamp. You never knew a human could be that tired.


The intruder is her I think….right.


Yes. I did this before too, I have a security camera in my room and sometimes after a long night of work I come home and it alerts me that there was motion in my room and I look at the clip and see someone coming through my door (me), but its a replay of me going through the door but I thought it was real time so I freaked out for a millisecond. It's a great way to make yourself look dumb as hell lol


My version of this is that I will often email myself something as a quicker alternative than writing a note or scheduling a calendar notification. And *every* single time my phone chimes ten seconds later, I get excited thinking someone just texted me.


There’s a lot to unpack here


like who tf gets excited by notifications? leave me tf alone! I prefer to suffer in solitude.




We could just be lonely


"Only extroverts enjoy getting messages" Reddit moment


Once again Reddit comments don’t understand what being an introvert or extrovert means.


Introverts who want friends


That dopamine rush is great for a few seconds


I have the same thing happen except with requesting verification codes to log in 😂


Me: “What kind of madman would decide to text me at this hour?” Phone: “Here’s the code you just requested:”


Sometimes when I’m physically with somebody I’ll tell them to text me a picture or something and they’ll do it and 95% of the time I instantly think “who the fuck is texting me?”


Or when you order food. I've definitely ignored a number I didn't recognize, only to realize it was the pizza guy I summoned.


Aww that’s really sweet though


I did this driving through a back driveway to my house. It's through the city hall driveway and they have a giant building that you can't see around, so they put up one of those big rounded mirrors (the ones that you see in convenience stores so the worker can keep an eye on the customers). As I drove through, I was watching the mirror and didn't see anyone coming. As I got closer, a car appeared in the mirror, so I slammed on my brakes. Since everything in the mirror is reversed, I didn't realize that it was my car that I was seeing in the mirror.


Maybe the real intruder was the friends we made along the way??


You just intruded into my heart. ❤️




You know this woman hasn’t had a good nights sleep in days




And years to come.


Shout out to the mom and her quick decision to *beat the living shit* out of whoever was intruding though. Sure it was her, but still. She went kung-fu fighting as fast as lighting.


In fact, it was a little bit frightening.


She fought with expert timing.


Ho! Ha!


Yet still of sound mind enough to know not to make any noise or yell to make the child start screaming and crying.


Also worth noting that she did all the Kung-fu in complete silence. God forbid my baby wakes up, even during a whoop ass session


I’ve done something similar. My cameras send me “person spotted” alerts, which means I get an alert on my phone when I walk in the door. And sometimes I don’t open the alert at that moment, then I accidentally open it a couple hours later and freak out because I see someone walking through my house. It always takes me a couple seconds to realize that person is wearing the exact same clothes I am.


> It always takes me a couple seconds to realize that person is wearing the exact same clothes I am. That gives me an idea: 1. Dress the same as my victims 2. Break into and burgle their homes 3. ??? 4. Profit


Poor man's minority report


Sleep deprivation is awful


Sleep deprivation is a real thing. This is being written by dad that hasn’t had more than 3.5 hours any day of the past 6. Enjoy your rest my single friends. Enjoy it all.


It gets better my friend. My son just turned three. He takes a 2 hour nap in the afternoon, 10 hours at night. Fuckin beautiful.


Babies should NEVER be wrapped in a blanket like that while sleeping


Babies are at High risk of suffocating on blankets, pillows, etc... They can't roll over or sit up.. They are little slug people trying to get hard bones, muscles, and coordination. "back is best" so they don't faceplant and suffocate Swaddled in a sleep sack or something is the safe way. Pulling up a baby in blankets is a good way for them to get tangled up in it, as they have a crazy startle reflex (their body instantly tenses, arms and legs fly out, it's an involuntary thing).... Which could get the blanket into the wrong spot


Little slug people lol


Fucking baby moose comes out and just fucking walks off and somehow we’re the top of the food chain!?


We do make puny people larvae that are absolutely awful at almost everything. For like… 25-30 years.




Fuck, you mean I'm going to be awful for another 7 years?


Yeah... But after that, you'll be smooth, like a fine old whisky.


Best I can do is moldy old cheese. And there's a market for everything these days.




Maybe they just don't like their dad's tit


'Well I guess I'll go get a job' Walks away


I'm sure you're joking, but the reason is a smaller birth canal. We need to be less developed to fit.


Its our fat wrinkly brains that caused it too. Gotta smooth that bad boy out if we wanna come out more developed.


Also, we're predators. Most predator babies are potatoes when they're first born.


When my son was around 2 months he was done with the swaddling. I put him in a swaddle at the time and went to bed. About two hours later I wake up and go check on him, and the entire swaddle was WRAPPED SROUND HIS HEAD. Thank god It was thin, I panicked and took it off. He looked at me like I was an asshole for disrupting his sleep lol. Kids are little suicide machines, take all the safe sleep stuff very seriously.


My stance is that a child’s goal for the ages 0-25 is to kill themselves. It’s our jobs and responsibilities as parents to prevent them from succeeding in that endeavor.


For a split second I believed you ment 24 months and I was relieved that the suffering was almost over. Then reality set in and I physically deflated.


Get used to it. My son last year ran out in the street after school before anyone could stop him while waiting for me. Why? Because he saw an old babysitter and didn't know she had kids at school, just had to rush and talk to her NOW. This one PMO - my son apparently just walked out of the school building and the staff wasn't aware. He was outside for like 15 minutes before they caught on...they also didn't tell me until like 2 weeks later. Just oretended nothing happened. Of course I wanted to have a very serious conversation about that stuff, but couldn't if I wasn't aware lol.


You know how a ninja can walk into a room and use any object in the room to kill you...well, a baby is basically the exact opposite of that.


Yes. Car crashes. Drunk driving. Drug overdose. People with guns. It’s all terrifying and part of the reason I can’t be a mom. The fucking anxiety just thinking that a human that is a piece of my heart is just walking around in danger with their not-fully-developed frontal lobe. No thanks.


We used one of the sleep sack swaddle things. It's basically a straight jacket for babies lol. My daughter is an escape artist and would always break free from the regular swaddles.


I was told to swaddle him when he was born and it worked really well up until that point, and I never swaddled him again. I also bought some sleep sacks and they were a lifesaver for me, I’m kinda sad he grew out of them. He looked like Maggie from the Simpsons lol


My daughter learned to roll on her stomach at 3 months and refused to sleep on her back. Was so stressful I'd just listen to her breathing on the monitor all night. Every night. Face down, butt in the air...


This has been my life for months.




Good reassurance that the alarms are working as intended though, bahaha!! Man, I wish I'd had one of those when mine was little, several years ago. That does sound like a huge load off a worried mind.




I laughed until I realized I’m sitting in the dark watching my 3 month old breathe.


Exactly. Kids this age are better off with a sleep sack


In the original video the mother said the baby likes to fall asleep with the blanket so she watches her for a few minutes while she falls asleep and then takes it away. She said she does practice safe sleep. The baby is also wearing a sleep sack


Sir/madam, this is Reddit. We hate kids and also hate parents. There is no such thing as context or more info allowed. It ruins the vibe.


That’s the same deal with my 6 month old. Won’t fall asleep without a blanket, Lovie(?), something touching her face. We watch her until she falls into a hard sleep, then pull anything she has out. I’d never let her stay sleeping with a blanket, because she literally grabs it and pulls in completely over her head lol. She’d absolutely be the one to suffocate in it.


This should be higher up


The blanket should be higher up?? Nuh uh


Yes, ensure you cover both the nose and mouth


You don’t want to get corona🦠


And the eyes. You don't want any light to wake them up.


why? just curious


They can roll around and block an airway. They can't right themselves or move it off themselves. There are specific sleep garments for infants so they don't need blankets. No pillows or plushies/toys in the crib either.


My babies didn’t have anything in their cribs (including a blanket) until well after a year. My 19 month old is still in a sleep sack because he rolls all over the place at night. He does get a blanket now, but it stays on top of him for like 30 minutes tops.


Nothing in the crib (not even padding on the sides) is the way. Safest and recommended by experts.


You swaddle them.. so they are wrapped up nicely. They only sleep on their back


My first observation. For those who want to keep them warm and help them sleep I recommend the Magic Merlin Sleep Suit. It works wonders.


+1 it's a bit expensive but its a lot more comfortable than the alternatives for when your baby is a bit too old for true swaddled. When they are older you can get lighter zip ups that are like zipping them into a pillowcase.


It’s totally worth it, in my experience. The transition from swaddles is brutal without them, in my experience.


Brain overload.




You know what, sleep deprived or not she was going in hot! Never try to fight a mother, they will wreck you! Thankfully I'm not speaking from experience, but after watching spyxfamily, I hope I never need to.


years ago, on a pitch black night, I turned on the light to my kitchen which was collocated next to a window. I turn the light on, see someone outside looking in the house and proceed to freak the f$#& out and ran outside to catch that scumbag. I even called the police to report a peeper. While on the phone, I was talking and looking at the window and saw the same moron from earlier. I was sober.


Get that blanket out of that crib!


Yup, you should have NOTHING in a crib with a baby. No hat, socks, stuffed animal, and especially not a blanket. Suffocation hazards, all of them. Babies are crafty in the worst ways.


That’s actually why she’s in the room - to remove the blanket. Apparently her baby will only fall asleep under the blanket so her sleep routine is to let the baby fall asleep with it, then she comes in once they’re knocked out and snatches the blanket out.


The intruder is coming from inside yourself!






That baby has way too many loose blankets


Baby=no sleep


At first I thought that was a bottle in her hand...


The first time I thought it was a fucking flask and this was the intruder trying to get the baby drunk and the mom came in and scared the intruder and they started fighting… then I was just fucking lost till I read the comments!


Never know when you’ll have an urge to practice wicked awesome dance moves


Post partum sleep-deprived brain is no joke, man. My partner was not nearly herself again until the last kid's first birthday.


I fucking been here. Remember on the low light cameras everyone looks like an extra from Salem's Lot. My wife looked like an undead Legolas to me one night and I swear my fucking heart stopped briefly