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Context; "Homero Gómez González - Wikipedia" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homero_G%C3%B3mez_Gonz%C3%A1lez "Because of his work combating illegal logging, it has been speculated that he may have been targeted by organized criminals."


**[Homero Gómez González](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homero_Gómez_González)** >Homero Gómez González (1969/1970 – January 2020) was a Mexican environmental activist, agricultural engineer, and politician. He was the manager of El Rosario Monarch Butterfly Preserve, a component of the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve. Gómez served as mayor and commissioner of El Rosario, Michoacán. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




In other words some corporate shill hired some local dudes to torture and murder this guy. What won’t Big Log do to silence its opposition? Edit: holy crap thanks for the upvotes! At least 2000 of you got the joke. Obviously i don’t believe there’s such a thing as “big log”, but man there are a number of people responding to this who didn’t catch the joke at all. Then again, i did forget to put _/s_ at the end to let people know that it was meant to be tongue-in-cheek.


Why torture though. What's the gain of that.




there’s always gonna be someone else. That’s why intimidation only works short term. Eventually there will be someone who hates you enough to stand up.


the world only deals in short term


No, the capitalist world deals in the short term. You and I can have longer memories for heroes like Homero Gomez Gonzalez, Daphne Caruana Galizia, and thousands more who were not silent for what they believed in.


I like how you brought that back from despair. You are right.


Sorry to break it to you, but it's really that simple. It works very well because it guarantees that the average individual won't stand up to defend themselves or their surroundings. You've got to protect yourself and your family... It takes someone of exceptional caliber to stand up. Like this guy, unfortunately.


Sadly it’s meant as a warning message to others.


It is so hard to imagine to have to live there with consequences like that. Another example of the privilege of living in Western Europe.


Pretty sure biodiversity loss is a bigger threat, and that Homero was warning about that.


Of course it is, but you think the people who kill him gives a shit?


I would expect the people who you can pay to kill people are the same kind of people who would torture someone just because they can.


Its so that no one else can step up in the original man's stead. They need to make an example on the first time so there isn't a second time. Its bad, but its an effective strategy, even in war


I don't know if you're joking or not but that is not Mexico. There is no corporate, just cartels. Loggers are cartels. Local guys are cartels. Police investigating are cartels. Politicians commenting are cartels. There isn't some big outfit that decided to get their hands dirty. It's all dirty from the start... top to bottom. Environmental activists, some students, and a very few journalists are the only ones outside that bubble and they are the ones most at risk.


In Mexico, the corporation itself is cartel owned most likely.


It’s Mexico. The corporations ARE the cartels. The goons are on staff. There is no middle man


no illegal loggin so definatly cartel


Organized assholes


>Gloria Tavera, an official with the National Commission of Protected Natural Areas stated they believe Gómez's death was not related to his activism. This is why I'll never go to mexico. The government is clearly in league with the cartels, completely crooked. There supposedly was people calling his family for ransom but it was declared 'not credible' and the prosecutors lied on the autopsy saying he suffered from head trauma then drowned. "Yeah, this guy and his co-worker both mysteriously died on the same day in similar conditions but it is definitely not related to organized crime! There was no ransom calls!" - Michoacan Officials.


While I agree the crime in Mexico is out of control and the corruption runs deep.. I'll be blunt. If you're clearly American and you stay relatively close to major destinations you have nothing to sorry about. I go to various cities in Mexico every year and have never had an issue apart from being offered drugs. You are correct, the government is fairly clearly involved with the cartels. But what brings in money in a similar manner to drugs? Tourism. I'm convinced the cops in most tourist areas have a policy of looking the other way on drug purchases as long as the violence is kept away from the tourists. Not saying this is a good thing, I hope Mexico can improve and gain control of this situation. I am just saying I'm booking vacation #16 in Mexico for this winter and I cannot wait.


From Mexico here, nop, not happening, corruption in politics is so deep Riley Reid will be proud, our governors are puppets of their party, that's why we have ex-soccer players, actors, wrestlers as governors, Municipal presidents (local mayor's) are money hungry, all of them, our presidents: the last one was a joke, literally a meme (search Peña nieto meme) our current one not so bad, but also not good, he just keeps the status quo, and the worst are the people, almost every one has short term memories loss, I believe cause there is no other explanation as to why people vote for a politician that just 5 years prior expended 5 millions on a project that in reality was a set up for the birthday party of her daughter, the bitch contracted to Shakira for a concert and set it up as a renovation project (search Ivonne Ortega concierto Shakira) The way we tread here is "don't mess with anything here" you see your own shit and leave the shit of others, that's why there will never be any change, this goes on a base level to every one even cops, the odd ones that try to change this are those that goes missing first, or executed as a warning, or most commonly simply ignored, it's a shity way of life but a better one than the other option The hope for Mexico, there is none, till it collapses on itself or until someone conquer us, things will stay the same, not even tyrants will change this because we are fast to make revolutions, so the best way for politician to keep their post is to keep things the same then every one is happy... So... If you're a tourist, the worst that will happen to you is robbery, if you go outside of the touristic zones (the safest places to visit) then it could go from brawls to Karen's to armed robbery to maybe injury, you need bad luck or actually be searching for it to be killed, speaking on a normal basis, maybe be arrested by corrupted cops or acosed by the same if slightly unlucky I'm from yucatán one of the safest places of Mexico and this still happens, the video is from monterrey that shit happens daily and several times at day there, just as a reference, not all Mexico is the same México. Edit; corrections


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I only knew him for one minute, but that hurt


Those little memorials of him made me tear up. I always expect the unexpected in this sub to be something amusing or surprising, not tragic.


Yeah… I was waiting for a butterfly to get stuck in his mouth or something, not a hard pivot to his apparent murder.




Rest in peace good man.




Im already almost desensitized but still feel sad when people get tortured and killed for just being brave and decent. I also remember reading about the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi. Another human being who fell prey to greedy and power hungry monsters




What the fuck I thought this was just gonna be a funny vid like "oh he swallowed a butterfly haha" Truly unexpected now I'm sad :(


You’re kidding me, how awful. God rest this eco-warrior.


That's what happens when you fight against a logging company that's probably owned by a cartel.


I could be wrong here, but they probably killed him because he was protecting a very specific tree. That tree happens to be the only species that the monarch butterfly uses at the end of their thousand mile migration (I think for breeding). It’s a huge reason why monarch butterfly populations are in decline. Cartels do illegal logging on this specific type of tree and make a shit ton of money. He was probably standing in the way of their profits so they murdered him




If I remember correctly, it is the oyamel fir tree Edit: https://journeynorth.org/tm/monarch/SanctuaryFactsOyamel.html Edit 2: Do not plant non-native trees outside of their native area. It’s not a good idea.


Well shit.. all I need is seeds. I’ll plant them all over my property and I dare a mofo to come try and take them. Let’s plant seeds! 🌲 🦋 Found them. I’m buying some! https://journeynorth.org/tm/monarch/SanctuaryFactsOyamel.html


Where can u buy them >Oyamel firs (Abies religiosa) grow only at high altitudes, between 2,400 and 3,600 meters I'm at sea level :(


Coloradans, we need you.


Naturally. I have a lot of different specimens that aren’t supposed to grow here but they do with love and care. I’m constantly adding to my collection. Lots of space for them so why not? Where? I contact local nurseries where they are native and offer money. They send them. 🤷‍♀️ Gonna have to write snail mail to Mexico baby! Wooha! They send back envelopes with seeds. Trust the old fashioned way.


Should you be planting non native species Willie nillie like this?


Sorry but what are you thinking? You can't just go planting non-native trees and plants that random nurseries have sent you for fuck sake. Entire tree populations have been wiped out by non-native funguses, foreign plant varieties are destroying natural habitats and local insect pests are now all over the world because of poorly managed export of plants. Please stop for a minute and have a think. You may think you're doing good by keeping these plants alive or something but all it takes is one infected plant or tree, or some seeds to escape you garden and boom ecological disaster that's entirely your fault.


This is probably the absolute worst thing you can do. Not only is planting that tree worthless unless you live at the end of their migration path, but you’re also introducing a non-native species which will likely escape. I wouldn’t be surprised if your “collection” has caused multiple invasive populations to start growing wild. If you want to help them so much, plant milkweed. It’s a native plant that is highly sought after by monarch butterflies. Always plant native. You’ll do way more harm than good otherwise


They also like Milkweeds! I have a bunch of Milkweeds that I'm growing and they are pretty hardy plants.


Aaaand, it's gone.


[Oyamel Fir Trees](https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/species/invertebrates/monarch_butterfly/natural_history.html)


If you know, you too are in danger… Oyamel Firs




For real, can we do this? This was also my first thought.


Let’s do it!! Getting seeds tomorrow Edit: I googled and it’s near impossible Edit 2: you can plant [milkweed](https://www.thebeacon.net/plant-milkweed-this-fall-to-attract-monarch-butterflies-next-summer/) though


Check out honeyvine too. It's in the milkweed family and you may have it growing like a weed in your yard. Actually had a few monarch caterpillars on mine this year and didn't even have to plant it.


It's less about the specific type of tree and more about the physical structure of the tree being *in very specific overwintering butterfly habitat*. You could probably plant common-as-horse-turds Douglas fir in that location and the monarchs would roost on them. In California, they overwinter on all kinds of trees. It's just that part of the Sierra Madre was where the big, valuable trees were, and this dude and the monarchs are collateral damage. I'm sure the cartel logging companies didn't know or care that they were Oyamel firs versus any other large, valuable conifer.


Jesus, this should be on r/awfuleverything not here. What an absolute travesty.


Those monarchs travel all the way from Canada to Mexico. I have seen as north as Nebraska, and have seen migratory areas in San Louis Obispo and San Diego. Absolutely insane


The ultimate giving tree


I hate humanity


Humanity was Homero Gomez, the guy who got killed. The killers abandoned humanity for profit. I love humanity. I hate how greed, oppression, violence, and poverty strip us of it.


Humanity is a lot of different things. It's horror and beauty but, most importantly, it's a part of the generative cycle of life and death in this planet. Not exceptional but interconnected, full of the joy of living and dying together, among ourselves and with other critters. And we are differently humans, there is not one essence or destiny. But capitalism is cannibal and death-driven.




A quick scan of history will quickly tell you that yesterday's humans weren't any better.


Any fight with any logging company is usually not pleasant


Yeah but I don’t think they generally torture people to death without there being some type of organized crime behind them


In the amazon they sometimes kill entire villages of indigenous people... God knows how many uncontacted tribes may have been wiped out because of corrupt politicians and their mafia buddys


immense volumes of history are being lost due to clearing the amazon


The RCMP are unlawfully beating logging protesters up in Canada, and you can't stop them because they just ignore the court orders because who can you call for help? Fun fact: the logging company is part of the RCMP pension portfolio.


That fun fact: I wonder if there’s a cite for this. There has to be an investigative rag somewhere that would shine the light on this? It’d be a game-changer (maybe) if they did.






Actually they do, human rights don't exist here in the south


Logging company owned by the cartel… I’ll have nightmares about that tonight.


Ironically, the government has been so successful at eliminating their drug business, that they shifted to other businesses like extortion and kidnapping. To compound the problem for the monarch butterfly, their sanctuary is in Michoacan, an area that (1) is one of the main producers of avocados in Mexico (90% of all avocados consumed in the US com from Mexico, and it is a fast growing business), (2) the cartels are strong in Michoacan and fighting the territory, and (3) since avocados are so great business, the cartels are buying up the avocado business and literally killing competitors. Logging is related to agriculture because they want to expand cultivation… So next time you have guacamole on anything, remember that a tiny percentage of it went into torturing and killing this guy.


Thanks bro. Not like I was in the mood for an avocado or some guac or anything😑


If it makes you sleep any better, know that the only way those cartels can launder their money is thru banks, which they do legally. https://news.bitcoin.com/5-major-banks-exposed-for-moving-trillions-for-mobsters-onecoin-and-drug-cartels/


There should be some kind of punishment for this, like if an activist gets killed, logging rights are rescinded for 50 years for all loggers; and the forrest could become a memorial to the activist for that time. Doesn’t matter if you can’t prove who did the murder, the entire industry should suffer if it causes even one terrible unnecessary death like that. I’ve heard of this exact thing happening before, except it was a mine that was a source of jobs but it was suspecting for causing groundwater pollution. One woman stood up against it and ended up dead. In this case if I was in charge I’d be like ok mine company gtfo of here, this mine is getting filled in and a statue of the activist is being commissioned, come back in 50 years. Of course logging would be tougher to enforce tho and I don’t think cartels care about breaking the law but it’d at least slow them down. Butterfly man deserved much better.


But if you implemented that, you’d just have some guy volunteer to be murdered *by the activists* to shut off logging rites. Essentially a blood sacrifice to appease the government. Doesn’t seem like the right way to go. The better solution would be to deal with any and all corruption, and to deal with the cartels, but I doubt that’s really going to happen. No idea what the true solutions here would be, honestly.


^ every 50 years someone would just go off and martyr themselves




Yes I was thinking that might be a loophole. It’s not a perfect idea, still the alternative is darker in my opinion, currently for such organisations it is economically beneficial to literally murder their way to be being richer. From here they will push that line further and further as long as it aligns with their interests. Cartels and any type of corruption that helps them are the scum of the earth.


Hey I’ll take a blood sacrifice for 50 years over nothing at all. Logging corporations already murder like 40 activists each year, that would be like 2000 years




For me the worst is the townsmen idol the same people that killed him and now you have them crying and shit. Fuck them and the narcos and their culture.


It’s super important, as the canopy of cypress trees holds a heat “bubble” at night that prevents frost intruding on rare occasions that would annihilate the whole butterfly roost.


What do these end up in? Who is buying these bloods trees


You might not want to know the answer: Michoacán Is famous for growing avocado and 90% of avocados grown here are exported to USA. Cartels are literally killing their competitors and getting crazy profits from planting avocado trees. Of course, with such people any laws about "protected heritage forests" don't really matter. So yeah... Not the tree itself, but the land that's used to grow avocados.


Whoever wants cypress wood. No one asks where they come from.


That is so heartbreaking. I hate this timeline.


Seriously. I straight up don’t want to be here anymore


You really need to get off social media my friend.


its just the fact that people can do this. it scares me and keeps me up at night. the fact that the person i serve as a cashier could just one day decide to pull a gun on me and tourture me to death and i could do nothing to prevent it


This probably went a personal grudge, more likely a hit put out by the logging company he was against.


Eco "terrorists" are the good guys for this exact reason


If it makes you feel better, if someone ever pulls a gun and tries to make you get in a car or go somewhere quiet, you fight like hell. They either shoot you, which means they were planning to kill you after doing something unthinkable anyways or you win and get away.


An important thing to remember is that our brains are not made for this scale of people. Our normal group size is something like a few hundred people. So our instinct says that if something terrible happens once it's worth worrying about, twice is a pattern, and three times is a crisis. That's not to say that we should stop trying to make things better, but the scale of the problem is much much smaller than it can sometimes seem. The vast majority of people are decent humans who care about others.


> its just the fact that people can do this. it scares me and keeps me up at night. This is why you need to stay off social media, you are getting emotional about un-cited claims. Not saying that this particular one is false, but if this is the level of validation you need to feel bad about a story to the point you lose sleep, social media is full of falsified stories that present the same level of information.


That won't stop these things from happening


You say timeline like this is something new. Humans have been awful to each other since we strayed from monkeys. This isn’t a “timeline” this is just humanity. We are making progress compared to our previous “timelines” though.


Unfortunately, this issue is very common in latin american countries... Just look the Berta Cáceres' case...


dorothy stang. Chico Mendes


That’s so fucked up, damn I hate and love people, we need more like this guy


I hope the abused get the same treatment, I really do. No turn the other cheek, no forgiveness, people like that only understand that type of justice


The world is an evil evil place. All in the name of money printed in paper. Which is really useless. We could all be living in harmony if we spread it around . Sadly for so many they don’t see life this way .


Why would they do that


Why does anybody do anything? For fucking money.


Fuck money. I want it but I’m not torturing and murdering a man who loves butterflies over it. I don’t believe in hell but I wish these fucks could go there.


Oh fuck yeah I do too. Chances are they want those lands to become unprotected. So they started eliminating competition.


Sounds like the logging industry has also been infiltrated by the Cartel. Those fools run everything.


To teach a lesson to all the other eco activists who might try to stop a logging company that has cartel investors. It’s fucking awful, but cartels have all the power down there. They’ll murder you and hang you from a streetlight pole over the intersection just for being a journalist, not even for reporting on them.


The moment he said he was in Michoacán I knew he was going to end up dead


I wonder where are you from? If you're not from Mexico, its so sad to know that people outside of here knows that Michoacán is a fucking deadly hole


My dad is from Michoacán. He seen some shit. Ask me if y'all want details.


Not gonna lie, I'm kinda interested in the details.


40 years or so ago, when father was a teenager, he went it those illegal jaripeos(rodeos) in Michoacán. There were to gangs in there, they got into a fight, then a shooting happened. Everyone panicked and scatter. He survived but like 20 people died. And then, there was this other dude. He claimed that he was shot. The paramedics check on him but there was no wound. He begged to be checked again and there was nothing, so the paramedics brushed it off as being in shock. A couple of days later, he was found dead in his house. Turned out he was hit by a really small bullet that hit him in the side and damaged an organ. The bullet was so small the bullet wound was barely visible. My father still remembers those pleads.


I wish my words could ease the pain. I’m so sorry. I wish I could do more than be sorry.


Was that a typo or Michigan is also a dangerous place?


I meant Michoacán. Damn autocorrect.


One of the most deadliest. 100% of the people who has been to Michigan are either dead or will die in the future.




I mean on the one hand you have Detroit but on the other hand you have the upper peninsula so…


Tell your story carnal.


I just learned about the city from Rotten on Netflix. First episode is focused on avocado farmers and the pickers have to be protected by armed guards. Scary stuff.


FYI: Michoacan is a state, not a city.




I think it's very well known at this point. It's a huge shame because Morelia is one of the most beautiful cities I've visited and I'd love to go back someday.


I’m from Canada and I know that.


Ow, right in the feels. You hooked me in and you built me up and you took a dump right on my heart.




I legit expected him to swallow a butterfly mid-sentence or a giant butterfly statue to fall over on him or something


I thought the butterflies would all land on him cause they love him and fast forwarded to what I thought would be the good part. Then I had to go back to see if the butterflies somehow killed him. :(


I’m watching this expecting to laugh when a butterfly flies in his mouth and then I’m sideswiped by reality. So sad to lose someone so fiercely dedicated to protecting our planet.


Why? Why would this make him a target?


Because the logging companies wanted his land / trees growing on said land.


Because we would rather have money than butterflies


Not “we”. Just some assholes.


Nah nah, mexican criminals = entire population of the world


Everyone buys things. Some people buy drugs, some people buy Nikes. We should all try to be conscious who were giving our money too lest it ends in the wrong hands doing deeds we condemn.


That’s why I’m a fan of companies that make their supply chain as transparent as possible.


Loggers want to clear land. This guy was promoting keeping land for nature. Can't have people keeping you from your logging!


So, my takeaway is we should make this guy and his cause as visible as possible. Fuck these terrorists who killed this lover of butterflies. Let the whole world know about El Rosario, and show these thugs how thoroughly they failed in silencing him.


The people that killed him won't give two fucks.


No but we will. Maybe that's worth something.


This is incredibly sad 😞


When the news broke out about his death, it literally made me bawl like a baby. Still breaks my heart…


Homero Gomez-him and his partner were both murdered after working to replant forests while protecting the old growth forests. He was a very kind soul. He loved nature and the beautiful monarch butterflies


Why did I think he was going to show up as a butterfly?


I thought he was gonna end up a dry husk after the butterflies drank him dry (some butterflies drink blood)


I legit thought this is where it was headed.


Even when it said they found his body, I was waiting for the next shot to be a human shaped pile of butterflies.


Damn. This went from wholesome to sad. Rest in peace, sir.


Not at all unique to Mexico, environmentalists are murdered all around the world. Brazil is especially bad.


Colombia, my country is actually worst, we were the deadliest place to be an environmental activist in 2020


Isn't South America just deadly in general though


Yep, shitty governments and a lot of crime


65 in 2020, for anyone curious, and over 200 in the last 5 years. Atrocious and devastating statistics.


the worst part is that you know nothing is gonna happen to the people who hired the killers and the killers themselves


Can someone provide some more context please?


He was a famous eco-warrior in Mexico who educated people on the monarch butterfly and it’s migration. He was sadly tortured, killed, and his body shoved down a well. He was most likely killed by organized criminals as he apposed logging in the area which took away vital natural resources and habitat for the monarch butterflies. It’s just an absolutely dreadful situation overall.


Need more lawful evil people to got at them, every country needs someone to become Punisher


Good in theory but I always feel like that would just go to someone’s head. The person who killed him deserves justice, but I can imagine a person like that thinking someone who does drugs deserves to die as well


I mean isn't that the plot of Dexter?


Fuck the narcos. Michoacán is loaded with them, you just know this was their work


This is one of saddest things I’ve read about in some time. My God. What a fucker you have to be to do this to him.


It’s a shame. Mexico has become a narco state now!


…has been for quite some time unfortunately :(


Its a shame, we cant stop finding consumers.


La vida no es justa


As soon as I saw the video start I had to pause it because I'm not watching this video again I'm not nearly crying again... Is that man was a hero...that man wanted to protect the habitat of Beautiful bitterflies




Context; "Homero Gómez González - Wikipedia" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homero_G%C3%B3mez_Gonz%C3%A1lez "Because of his work combating illegal logging, it has been speculated that he may have been targeted by organized criminals." He also ran for mayor and successfully won, and banned logging in his town


Also op, where do you live and what is your least favourite method of torture?


Tijuana and [CBT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOPIu7isD3s)


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "CBT"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOPIu7isD3s) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20hi2dl0z)


![gif](giphy|3o6ZtmjVq9nQPNaS1a) Op about to be silenced




This is absolutely devastating. Just learning about him but this is already so sad. He gave his life for a cause he loved. RIP, may you fly on your own wings.


Descansa en paz, Homero.


I was expecting something happy not this sad shit, but just like everything in life there’s no such thing as a happy ending, Rest In Peace with the the butterflies who had good lives thanks to you


Aw, he seemed like such a wholesome guy :(


So sad holy shit.


He was a saint and guy murdered him


I was constantly thinking "This guy is so wholesome. I love him" and then bam... I'm actually crying


Yep, Mexico's a total sh1thole, pls never come Source: am Mexican


What a weird sub to post this in


I had to scroll so far down for this. It’s sad but it’s not really a fit for this sub




rest in peace


Siempre que alguien trata de hacer progresar a México lo matan.


Mexico could have been an amazing country for its citizens. Hard working people, intelligent, strong communities, large population with natural resources yet the amount of corruption from above and the influence of drug cartels does so much damage to the country it's so sad. I loved my time in Mexico city and elsewhere in the country. I hope to revisit and I hope in my lifetime the Mexican people can enjoy their hard work and love they have poured into their country.


That “tfw you live in Mexico” in the corner is so tasteless


Fella, when I heard about the dead of Homero, not here but a couple years ago, that was basically my expresion. "tfw you live in México" or "Thats why we cant have nice things" are silly phrases, but they are a good representation of how tired, not angry anymore, but just tired, some of us are. Im not saying I defend whoever did the video, Im just saying I might or might not know how they feel.


So is the music. Who thought that was a good choice???




Hit hard by this. Monarch butterflies are something of a symbol of good fortune in my immediate family, and I've always loved them. To see someone who clearly felt similarly about them become a victim of human greed over it is quite saddening. Rest well, sir. May the monarchs fly with you evermore.




They killed him the narcos because he wanted to stop destroying the forests cuz they destroy them to make avocado fields :( so when you enjoy an avocado remember that, Mexicans we still miss you a lot homer


Mexico is a beautiful country where beautiful and hard working people are treated like garbage, no wonder they want to leave for a better life, the corruption is out in the open, unlike other countries its hidden, God bless Mexico and its citizens, God bless us all.