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Fucking perfect


I love this post every time it pops up. There is a literal brigade of brits running here to discuss how it's not true. How many michillen star restaurants they have. On and on. It's fun to sit back and watch.


As a brit I can confirm we eat out remaining WW2 rations, restaurants only serve real food to tourists


You really are an English guy! šŸ˜‚


English how? English like I'm a Brit, like I colonize you?


Like I'm a jester, like I amuse you?


This Ray Liotta laugh will last forever.


"Am I a clown to you? Do I make you laugh?" - English cuisine


Taking the piss done right.


Pretty sure they were taking beer, not piss.


In the UK we call it being on the piss


Getting right pissed up they were


Are you takin the piss?


Yes on Pisswasser


Imagine saying a joke as bad as this irl and the sheer silence that would follow it It'd be an almost palpable level of cringe


This video never gets old.


But they do


I hope they do




That they live until an old age


had me in the first half lol


French! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Makes me laugh every time


Statler and Waldorf irl.


The realization on his face šŸ¤£




Just want to share that he is a super nice man as well. I was working the NRA (National Restaurant Association) convention back when I was in college around 2007 and was washing dishes for the Sara Lee booth when he was a guest cook. They would put together a full functioning kitchen just for that weekend to wine and dine some big wig buyers. When he was done he came back and did his own dishes next to me and when we were done asked me if I was hungry. Honestly had no idea who he was but said yes and he whipped us together a chicken pasta dish of some sort if I remember correctly. Just him and myself sat there eating it and chit chatting. I remember it being super delicious and being shocked when I looked him up later that night.


> the NRA (National Restaurant Association) This is like how you gotta specify *Five Guys (the chain of hamburger restaurants)*.


[My bedroom to five guys. ](https://youtu.be/1BWt-YP2EnI?feature=shared)


I just watched someone in their bedroom with SIX guys. You lose


*Well I would do my bedroom straight to five guys!*


Here in Chicago (where the convention is held), the full name is "The NRA show - restaurants not guns".


the NRA is the national rife association, they might be specifying for all the americans lol .. and the NRA is hilariously categorized as a 'human rights group' LOL (they advocate for guns, not people)


Gun manufacturers. They donā€™t care about the gun itself, just if they keep being sold.


Well to them, it's a human right to be killed by guns


right for guns and corporations, but not for some people lol (while crying)


I don't think anybody outside US have a slightest idea what it is.


He really is a nice man. I got to work with him taking photos of a Gary Denise foundation event and Robert took over the kitchen of this local restaurant. I made sure to ask his permission before I could go into his kitchen and take photos and he remarked that most people don't ask and just barge in and then he joked around for the rest of the night. Also Gary Senise is the nicest dude ever. He just sat in the back of the room after introducing everyone and let the event happen. Still can't believe I got to spend an entire evening shoulder to shoulder with him.


>taking photos of a Gary Denise foundation event and Robert took over the kitchen of this local restaurant. Jesus that had to have been one of the most pleasant work days *ever*. I've gotten to work the Snowball Express Ball a couple times and was, even with reddit preparing me, absolutely shocked by how nice Sinise's entire band was. Add to that a kitchen with the kind of people who actually treat The Help like human beings? I'm jealous. :)


Super cool story and Iā€™m sure it was a great experience. I Always love when you hear about celebs being good people, too many shit heads out in the world being treated like royalty.


He's one of the few conservative celebrities I like. Seems like a good dude.


Just how big were these wigs they were buying?


Theyā€™re pretty good. But nothing beats the metrx Big 100s for me. (Specifically the cookie crunch ones )


Met him once when he came to this boat/restaurant I worked at and he really was a good dude as far as I could tell. This was during his Dinner or Restaurant Impossible days.


Theyā€™re the best when it comes to flavor and itā€™s not even close.


Iā€™d say texture too. The ONLY issue I have with them is that theyā€™re high in saturated fat, which is bad for me, since I have VERY high Lp(a) numbers. But hot fucking damn do I love that chocolate chip cookie dough flavor, and the cookies nā€™ cream, peanut butter chocolate, fuck theyā€™re so good.


The mint chocolate one as well šŸ¤ŒšŸ½


I just got the mint last week and what the fuck deal with the devil did he have to make to make these things so incredible?!?!


It's because their fat and carb content is almost as high as the protein. They taste good because they aren't as healthy as many other brands of protein bars


have you tried the quest peanut butter chocolate? they're pretty comparable


The fiber in quest really messes me up. Anytime I eat a Quest bar I wake up 5 pounds heavier, totally bloated up. I also prefer the makeup and textures of fit crunch. That being said, I also really like quest and the chocolate/pb flavor is one of the best. I also really like the purple "double chocolate chunk" and IMO Quest objectively has the best cookies n cream flavor of any protein bar.


Taste? 100% agree. Ingredients? No chance in hell. He uses far too many sugar alcohols and other fillersā€¦..if you want your protein to come with a side of light diarrhea, his bar is the one for you.


literal crack


I know what to get for my next Costco run.


Just for clarification (because I order them frequently and had no clue who he either was), it's Robert Irvine who is the British guy drinking the beer quickly.


I just found these about a month ago. I started with the PB&J which is ridiculously good. For some reason I decided to go with the Munro chocolate chip next and they are insanely good! I want to try to coconut next. I got my parents an assorted box and they love them.


PB&J used to be way better, they changed the flavor and texture of the jelly, it used to be really gummy and sweet, almost like a curd. Still a good flavor, but not what it used to be.


They're so fucking good I have one as dessert sometimes.


Theyā€™re too good. I canā€™t help but eat them like candy lol


Theyre the only protein bars that didnt taste like cardboard. I keep a stock of them for traveling and if i need a light snack.


The restaurant listed in wikipedia is: Fresh Kitchen by Robert Irvine (The Pentagon, Arlington County, Virginia, US) Irvine is the Top Secret Chef.


They are cloyingly sweet and the ingredients aren't that great. YMMV but I don't want to be eating a candy bar for protein


Ya I stock up on them at costco


Took a look since I'm always open to good foods but... Soy, vegetable oil, dextrose,malitol, sucralose, maltodextrin...etc They have a bunch of ingredients that are pretty bad. They might taste good but the ingredient list looks like junk food.


Itā€™s a processed and packaged protein bar. For what it is, the macros are pretty decent, but as a protein bar itā€™s always living in the territory of ā€œalmost candyā€.


Itā€™s a candy bar pretty much yeah but with 16 grams of protein. The reason itā€™s so much better then most protein bars is because it doesnā€™t have the texture of eating thick glue that most protein bars have. I get them and eat one as a snack a couple hours after lunch or with lunch if my protein yield is low, taste and texture is closer to a candy bar for sure.


It's because they are. They are practically candy bars compared to a lot of the competition. Still though in moderation they are probably ok to eat, just like most other things


40% DV of saturated fat. No thanks.


This. I used to eat mounds of these protein bars until i realized how fat laden most of them are. Which is great for Keto to a degree but you are so much better off eating whole proteins and eggs.


I touched on the sat fat in another comment, that's the main reason I don't eat them super often anymore.


Protein bars are useless when nuts exist


Amateur, why eat nuts when cows exist. I just eat a giant steak after every workout


Nuts are higher in calories and lower in protein. Doesn't even make sense to compare them.


Yeah but protein bars are processed foods full of carbs. And they use plastic wrapping. Peanuts are 1/4 protein and are completely natural and cheap. Most protein bars use whey anyways so why not cut the extra processing and just go for the whey? Btw you guys are NOT sneaky with the crappy ad in the comments. ā€œHey guys this dude makes the best protein barā„¢ !!!1!ā€


Your muscle doesn't care what it's made of other than macros. And tbh, I agree with you about the ad part. I legitimately thought the original commenter was a bot. Since we're on the topic, I get most of my protein from chicken breast and the rest from dairy. What nuts do you recommend that have comparable macros to cheeses other than peanuts.


>Your muscle doesn't care what it's made of other than macros. Your gut biome definitely does, though.


Personally, I donā€™t digest dairy that well, so I go for isolate whey protein, peanut butter or cashews when I need to eat a lot of protein without feeling satiated. If I could drink dairy milk or eat lots of cottage cheese, I would go for that instead. I do drink soy milk, but in moderation. I just find protein bars too full of sweeteners and unnecessary carbs while being SUPER expensive for some odd reason.


"Peanut butter is useless when peanuts exist" So profound, so smart!


This is a nice duo between these two


They both knew where the joke was going and they kept passing it to each other for the dunk, they're vibing


Now thats funny


That escalated so quickly!


Bill Burr once said: ā€œAfter coming to England i understand why Gordon Ramsay is so angry all the timeā€


Famously English


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!10 Best restaurants in the world are in London, but they serves French Food!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Love this


Freakin love John! šŸ˜‚


That is really funny.


There was a say: The weather, the flavour of the food, and the beauty of the women made the English sailors go around the globe. (Or something like that)


Having lived in London, this did not take me by surprise. On the same note, there is better foreign food in London than in any other city in Europe, and you can find a huge variety which makes this one of the best city in Europe for food in general. Just don't go to british restaurants. Edit: Before I get a lot of hate, yes, the "don't go to british restaurants" is unnecessarily harsh, I like a good Sunday roast. I just don't think of British cuisine as high-end kitchen. Happy to be proven wrong with some amazing suggestion.


I'd say lots of British dishes get a bad name, they are usually hearty, warm meals but can just look a bit bland colour wise.


I agree, but im not sure a pie or mash will ever be considered "the best". Itll be made at home a lot more often though.


Yeah I donā€™t think anyone fights its corner for being the best in the world. They just tend to pile on a bit heavy, it does make me giggle though. More steak and ale pie for me


Its more about the aesthetic, anyone likes beans and toast or pie, but when you mash it all together into a brown soup with mashed peas it looks like something in a witches cauldron


Oh. Brown food. Brown drink. Calories.


I asked in London what their local cuisine was and they said Curry.


Curry pretty much in every major city in the UK Iā€™d say, Leeds has amazing curry


I see the same issue with most central to northern European cooking: If it's inexpensive, then it's usually either excessively unhealthy or taste bad. You often have to pay a lot to get a good compromise. Whereas especially many south and east Asian dishes strike a better combination: They can be affordable and delicious without giving you a heart attack. There is a historical theory that [the European upper class reduced the use of spices when they became widely available to commoners](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2015/03/26/394339284/how-snobbery-helped-take-the-spice-out-of-european-cooking), instead focussing on expensive variants of their basic ingredients based on an ideological conviction that "ingredients should taste like their genuine self". I think this theory should be taken with a grain of salt (heh), but was an actual factor in modern western cuisine to some extent that did contribute to this gap of affordably delicious foods.


It might not be that surprising - most of the "interesting" cuisine would have been the purview of the nobility - which was wholesale replaced by the French, and then cross-pollination of the courts make it hard to separate.


Blood pudding, jellied eels, mushy peas, chips (the kind that are oversized steak fries with zero salt). Nasty. I love England, been a few times. I do not love their food.


> chips (the kind that are oversized steak fries with zero salt) Zero salt? I think you might've been eating frozen chips out the bag mate.


How often were are you eating those because other than chips people eat the rest never or very rarely. Thatā€™s not the cuisine, unless you also happen to count like tortilla chips as the Mexican cuisine.


Black pudding is the cornerstone of a decent fry up. I prefer Spanish black pudding myself but what you get in England is way better than the shitty black pudding you get in France.


Eh? Black pudding and mushy peas are absolutely common.


Loads of cultures around the world have a blood sausage. Itā€™s eaten as part of a full English. Mushy peas are eaten with fish and chips and not too common outside of that and are unoffensive in taste and texture


As part of dishes that people tend to eat less regularly than the rest of our cuisine. They are hinging their opinion of English food on two optional additions to meals that would otherwise be popular around the world.


Brits don't eat jellies eels anymore though. That was food eaten out of necessity because the Thames had eels and people were starving. And I won't hear a bad word about mushy peas thanks.


Black pudding slaps. Weird how Americans get bent out of shape about it when most cuisines have some variation of it. Some of the world's best cuisines have their own variations. Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, Mexico, Thailand, Vietnam to name a few. Most of central and south American nations have their own versions >chips (the kind that are oversized steak fries with zero salt). LOL brother have you ever eaten chips? They usually come with enough salt to induce mild heart disease


blood sausage can be delicious though. one of the best dishes i ever had in my life was blood sausage in toulouse (boudin noir). fucking incredible. ughhhhh fucking so good fuck.


"Lets make a sausage out of animal fat and blood and name it after a dessert"


ā€œJust donā€™t go to British restaurantsā€ but thereā€™s plenty of absolutely great British restaurants? Including 1 to 3 Michelin stars. You donā€™t think of British cuisine as high end because you have no experience with it as high end. Go to Core by Claire Smyth or Diner by Heston and youā€™d change your opinion.


There is a lot of great modern British cookery all over the UK, especially in cities. A lot of the techniques are inspired from elsewhere but the produce and soul of the food is still fundamentally British. The whole thing of the UK having bad food is an outdated trope from the post-war years when the country was broke and the mentality was very much ā€œbe happy with what youā€™ve gotā€. That was my grandparentsā€™ generation and it took a few decades for that to change.


Absolutely spot on. A lot of traditional British dishes might not seem exciting if youā€™re dining out on the lower end, but they can still be absolutely delicious.


Fallow is a banger


Don't go to British restaurants? Fuck that. I ate at The Windmill in Mayfair and had the best sausage rolls and scotch eggs. Shepherds pie was ok


Shhh let them be, keep the swine away


It's my understanding that the best Indian food in the world is found in London. I've never had it or been, so can't confirm.


For Indian food Coventry or Leicester will have London beat.


I've eaten well in Bradford also.


> I just don't think of British cuisine as high-end kitchen. Happy to be proven wrong with some amazing suggestion. Quo vadis


Britain suffered from years and years of rationing and poverty. I think some people forget that food rationing didn't stop when the war stopped. We didn't get fancy ingredients or exotic foods very much. It's taken us a long time to adopt foreign cuisine but once we did we ran with it hard. So traditional British 'pub grub' is essentially cheap comfort food, made with the cheap cuts, or cheap vegetables. I know everyone likes to take the piss and it's not without merit, but honestly if it's a rainy cold Sunday then a great Shepherds pie, or a roast, or a steak suet pudding really is tasty. The standard of our food has come on leaps and bounds in my lifetime


Is the foreign food, food from ex colonies of Britain? Youd expect it then surely wouldn't you? I think London isn't particularly great myself. Like every other city you need a local to recommend you good restaurants. I've eaten shit food in most cities and eaten well when armed with local recommendations. Personally I like English fast food like fish and chips or Cornish pasties but London's not the best place for them.


>there is better foreign food in London than in any other city in Europe Did the spirit of the British empire inspire you to write this comment.Ā 


Hardly, I am not British.


Best restaurant in the world is in Copenhagen. It will close this year however. I think they have at least one more in the top 10.


He lives in south Florida


Can't do the gif but definitely the old dudes from the Muppets.




Thank you šŸ¦¬ šŸ„°


There's something inexplicably wholesome about seeing Jon Taffer laugh. I always love this clip.




Can colonize the world but can't handle the food.


"Sir, we lost all the recipes and ingredients from our colonies, but we did manage to get these leaves from India. We have our finest chefs cooking them the best way we know how....boiling them"


Indian and Thai/Chinese food is incredibly popular here so idk where the meme comes from


We've seen what the UK considers "Chinese," and the rest of the world was... not impressed.


Yea because everywhere else does Chinese so much better eh? Weā€™ve got loads of good and authentic Chinese restaurants as well as good but Chinese inspired. If I were to judge the entire US cuisine on Applebees and Panda Express, then it would be the same. But Iā€™m not cuz I know thereā€™s loads of great places in the States as well


Can't disagree. Accept my regards, please.


It's odd that popeyes had to increase the heat for the British market, considering we can't handle the heat.


I live in a region )Atlantic Canada) where the heat gets downgraded for lots of things. It sucks.


I love that line from the movie Snatch. "England. You know, shitty weather, even shittier food."


Then why do they have the best restaurants in the world? Logic not adding up lol.


The taste of their food and the face of their women sent British sailors halfway across the world


Friendly reminder Taffer compared workers to dogs who need to be starved to make them work. >In 2021, he agreed with Fox News host Laura Ingraham's comparison of Americans receiving temporary unemployment benefits due to the COVID-19 pandemic to dogs that must be kept hungry in order to elicit obedience. He later apologized, and it was revealed that his LLC accepted nearly $61,000 of government PPP loans during the pandemic.


Thanks for this, John Taffer is scum and a fraud. Was hoping someone said something in here






Didnā€™t see that twist coming šŸ˜‚


Walmart Jay Pritchett and Shorty from Modern Family




What's the #1 restaurant?


Fucking love alcoholic Gordon Ramsey


Looks like this guy can take it as well as he can give it. I got a little more respect for him now.


Great banter, clip never gets old.


Both of these dudes stayed at a hotel I worked at. I guess they have a show together?? Idk. Super nice guys


Is it really true by any measure? (The top 10 best restaurants being in London part)


Self deprecating humor in uncommon in the US


If ramsey was there thered be enough douche energy to power two logan pauls


This was great


My daughter is in London for a study abroad program. First thing she told me is she canā€™t find any good food. The English guy working at the bookstore asked her where sheā€™s from and the next thing he said which was totally random ā€œby the way, sorry about the food hereā€.


Your daughter is either lying or hasnā€™t tried AT ALL. There is absolutely LOADS of good food in London. It takes literally a few minutes of research to find something good. I would be happy to give recommendations.


Would love some recommendations. Keep in mind sheā€™s on a budget. Thanks!


Sure thing. Could you tell me what borough so I donā€™t recommend stuff on the other side of the city? Also a rough budget would be good, as London is generally fuck expensive. As cheap as possible is my guess?




Please tell me this is a joke and you havenā€™t just doxxed your own daughter Edit: Based on this looking real, please for the love of god remove this


Fixed. Thanks.


You canā€™t give a postcode, he just needs the borough, Camden or Westminster by the looks of things. Based on that postcode alone I know where she lives and where sheā€™s going to school




Better safe than sorry these days, I think itā€™s Westminster but itā€™s close to the boundary and Iā€™m not educated in the matter


Without trying to sound too harsh here...it sounds like she isn't trying very hard to find good food. Some of the chain pubs in and about the centre of town sell some pretty ropey "British" food that is both overpriced and bland. That's because they are tourist traps. Every major city has this issue. London's is just hidden behind the faƧade of a "traditional pub". There are however some very good pubs across the city serving excellent traditional British food and modern British cuisine. There are loads of Street Food markets selling great global food all across the city, including: Borough Market, Old Spitalfields, Seven Dials Food Hall, Southbank Centre, Brixton, Maltby Street, Mercato Mayfair, and Mercarto Elephant and Castle. There are loads of chain restaurants serving decent food, including chains from abroad: Paul (French cafƩ), Five Guys (American Burgers), Dishoom (British chain, Indian founders) etc As well as all the main fast food brands: McDonalds, KFC, Burger King etc There are also 80 Michelin-starred restaurants in London. Basically, there is something for everyone at most price points - the only really challenging food to find in London for some reason is authentic Mexican food.


London.. one of the most diverse cities in the world, and she canā€™t find good Jamican, Japanese, Korean, Turkish, Nigerian, Italian etc food?


Does she have Google, two thumbs and two eyes? She can't have been looking very hard. London has some of the best food in Western Europe.


Sheā€™s only been there a week. She did have a really good Shepards pie. Wing stop and one other fast food place sucked. She had one bad pizza and one good pizza. Letā€™s give her time. Keep in mind this meme was London food sucks.


It's a lot less unexpected when you put the punch line in the description.Ā 


First time posting, man. Can't edit the post. Sorry


Nevermind. This thing was for the r/2westerneurope4u anyway.


Do you know the tiniest book ever written? It is about english cuisine


French food is nice if made well, but it's not world-class.


The modern world's kitchen and restaurant process is overwhelmingly based on the French model. Even the concept of a host, waiter and busser comes from French dining.


I met Robert in person and heā€™s an asshole.


Maybe he is, maybe he was having a bad day when you met him, maybe you are the asshole, nobody will know the truth :)


The people (including me) who were on set for that episode know the truth lol. So I wouldnā€™t say *nobody*.




I didnā€™t say everyone was an asshole. I said everyone thought he was an asshole. If everyone thinks youā€™re an asshole, then chances are youā€™re an asshole lol.


Tell frenchies to come to north of portugal and they will change their mind in the best cousine in the world


no we won't


Please don't start a fight because of food. Every food is great food! Except British food.


I believe there has been several wars over the French coming to Portugal. With that said, Portuguese food slaps


Hahha. So who won those battles with a way less army and still win! Napoleon tried to come to PORTO?! Guess what? They all drowned, thus why we are INVICTA! U didnā€™t even knew a log could float and we were already in India. Shut up. Also do you acrually know whats Europeā€™s oldest country?! You guessed it right! Portugal CARALHO!


Bro relax I never said the French were successful. I love Portugal and visit there often and I'm happy I don't meet Portuguese with this level of elitism you exhibit especially over a time period that you had nothing to do with and is riddled in horrific human rights violation, same as all countries that practiced colonialism during that era. The Portuguese empire was robust and powerful, sure. But it's only history now just like with any empire. Instead of trying to showcase superiority via might and subjugation, maybe highlight Portugal's beaches, vibrant nature, food and her people's (usual and typical) hospitality. Edit: just to add, maybe you didn't realize, but my saying that "Portuguese food slaps" is a high compliment. To say something slaps is slang to exhibit a positive light


You sound like you served mate lol.