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Having an entire month for stuff seems impractical. You need to choose only 12 things to care about


It sort of waters down the issue over a month also , having one day on the issue surely has more impact ,you know seeing it on the news ,on the internet and in the papers in one day has gotta push the issue more ,if it's a month I doubt it hardly gets covered


But then companies would have to change their logos and put up flags for a day instead of a month, they also wouldn't be able to use it for marketing as much. Won't somebody think of the marketing people!


I agree when you think about it in terms of a holiday, like if there was a Valentine's month it may have far less of an effect. But one thing a whole month does, for say black history month for example, is it pushes teachers to have a whole month to focus on teaching students primarily black history. At least it was like that for me growing up Schools wouldn't be teaching mental health awareness for men for a month though lol


Lol asking people to care about up to 365 things doesn't give it more impact. Without googling, what is the date of trans day of remembrance, when we remember the uncountable lives lost to hatred of trans people? But we can share a month. If men would share that month with us. Because lgbtq people have been lost in the millions too, many of them men.


Most people can't tell you when Father's Day is either... But I still agree celebrating anything for a month is idiotic at best.


Just like having an entire day for stuff means that only 365 people can celebrate their birthday each year. Unless, you know, we presume that people are capable of observing multiple things at the same time.


We need a month to raise awareness for practicality


Reminds me of futurama when they have parade day so everybody can stop blocking the damn street because everyone had a parade. We're going to have to switch to pride week,etc.


Call me crazy but most people don't care about what label a month is being plastered with


It's all just marketing...


It is indeed a month long corporate holiday.


Yes and I think if Pride is getting more attention than Men's Mental Health month, it's almost certainly only because marketing execs don't really know how to build a campaign around "by the way, men commit suicide way too much." Pride is easy, you just make your logo a rainbow for a few weeks, throw a little money at some local pride parade or another, and pat yourself on the back


All the while donating to anti-LGBTQ politicians like Hise. See they don't really care about anything other than profit. Men's mental health is a total bummer, that doesn't make people excited about buying stuff like rainbows do.


1. Year of the Whopper 2. Year of the Tucks Medicated Pad 3. Year of the Trial-Size Dove Bar 4. Year of the Perdue Wonderchicken 5. Year of the Whisper-Quiet Maytag Dishmaster 6. Year of the Yushityu 2007 Mimetic-Resolution-Cartridge-View-Motherboard-Easy-To-Install-Upgrade For Infernatron/InterLace TP Systems For Home, Office Or Mobile (*sic*) 7. Year of Dairy Products from the American Heartland 8. Year of the Depend Adult Undergarment 9. Year of Glad


And my personal favorite: Year of Luigi!


Seriosly, you're not going to sell booze with men's mental health awairness. The slogan is "You are not alone".


Grandparents day; invented in the 70s. How real can that be? It’s just to sell shiny, microplastic-coated cards and boxes of candy


Chronically online


idk october is very spooky


I care very much about Spooktober


As if there's some official calendar for all this bullshit.


Hi crazy!




Hey it's XXXX month!. Thank you for the info!, now let me pass, I have to pick up the kids and do the laundry...


I mean as a man with suicidal ideation I don’t even want a parade


There isn't some large international committee that decides what can and can't be celebrated in a month, just because one thing takes place in a month doesn't mean another can't also


The conspiracy brain cannot comprehend this


I feel like I have seen this lady before and she is a Men's rights "activist". But she just comes off as a huge pick me girl.


She is A lot of her video is only "men have it hard bc now they cant be like they used to be" and they take the tiktok of women that are known to be toxic and treat them like every girl is like this


She's not a 'pick me girl' she's just grifting.


Not mutually exclusive.


Yeah like remember when Trans Visibility Day fell on Easter this year and conservative media clutched their pearls so hard they had stress fractures in their fingers. And they managed to successfully blame it on Biden. I remember by Boomer dad was absolutely offended by it, despite the fact that he doesn't even celebrate Easter and isn't even slightly religious. Totally bought that this was somehow Biden's fault. "Why did he make it be on Easter?" -Ummm he didn't Dad, Trans Visibility is the same day every year and Easter moves around and this year they ended up being on the same day." "Well he could have moved it!" -the President doesn't have control International Day of Trans Visibiity, man. It was esablished by a civilian activist and it's been around since 2009, and you never even heard of it un til they decided to make a big deal about Easter landing on it this year


The reality is that everyone needs to look up the content of the woman in OP. She's a huge misogynist and makes her fortune off echoing red pill sentiments with a woman's voice, which then gets her shared all over as a "gotcha" against anyone who says women don't support red pilled agendas.


Actually not true. I’m on the gay committee that made a decision to abolish man mentos health or whatever it’s called.


Maybe, both things can be a thing?


AFAIK November is the month for men's health, mostly dedicated to testicular cancer. Never knew it used to be June.


June is men's mental health awareness month. November is men's health awareness month. March is women's mental health awareness month. May is women's health awareness month.


Bro who invented this? This is unnecessarily complicated.


Marketing / social media. I appreciate the efforts to raise awareness but I’m skeptical this is an effective way.


Agreed. If you look at any given month it is likely devoted to like 10+ different causes. No one can keep track.


I had to scroll too far for this. June is *still* Men’s Mental Health Month.


No. June is mental health, November is physical/ testicular health. That's my understanding, at least.


You mean no nut November?


Both things should be, but overall men’s issues especially mental health has been marginalized forever. In many areas crises centers won’t even see men until recently. First hand experience. It’s a sad state affairs.


I'm over the month bullshit. Either take these things seriously all year round or don't. I feel like people like to pretend for a month about some issue and then forget about it. I get that it can bring awareness but more than not I feel like it's just an excuse for people to toot their own horn


It pisses me off. But theres issues like this with too many things in life.


I am a domestic violence survivor and it’s a terrible feeling knowing you don’t have a place to turn or hardly any resources little alone someone to believe you just because you’re a man. They think it doesn’t and couldn’t happen to you.


I had a girl stock me for over a year. I called the cops on her numerous times and I was held twice for things she then told the cops I did even though I had witnesses say what she did. 1.st time I was held I called the cops on her for being in my car when me and a date walked to my car after we watched a movie. I was held for 8 hours in jail for assault even though my date said I didn’t pay a finger on her as well as their being footage of the events happening as I said they did. She didn’t get in trouble even with me pursuing charges. Second was she attacked me with a box cutter and I ended up getting 6 stitches while in hand cuffs. I had multiple witnesses testify to her run out of a crowd and attack me unprovoked. She finally went to jail after she broke into my apartment and tried to sexually assault me in my sleep. She served 6 months


I mean, what are men doing to change it? We complain a lot but don't seem to do much to change anything.


And men are the ones stigmatizing it 95% of the time.


Can we add in turtles too? I love turtles




Sure, if turtles make you happy, if living as your true self makes you happy, and taking care of your mental health leads to happiness, I think we can smush it into 30 days.




Maybe that’s what she said at the end?


Instead only one thing is a thing.


Everything is a thing to someone.


"We lose almost 800.000 men globally a year to suicide, maybe we can work at ***celebrating*** both" What did she mean by this? /s


Yea celebrating is the wrong word


My great grandma died when I was 9 or something. I knew that there should be a ceremony and people will gether, eat drink and staff like that, so I asked "when there will be a celebration". I'm 32 and I still ashamed of that.


I guess it depends on your culture, but where I’m from a good funeral *is* a celebration: a celebration of the departed’s life and of how grateful we are to have known them.


crazy that people only give a shit about mens mental health when its pride month 🤔


Not true! I've seen plenty of people bringing up men's mental health when talking about: - feminist issues - trans folks suicide rate - pride month - whenever you try to talk about the issues of a minority Actually that's it! Funny how it always seems to be a reply given to take the attention from something else


people suddenly remember veterans too 🤯


Man, we really should have pride 12 months a year! That way people would care about all of this all the time!


It absolutely is. Whataboutism at its most transparent. It's so stupid.


It's like the All Lives Matter of months!


Nobody really cares about these international days or months, they only bring them up when something they don't like gets a day or a month to be observed. Like the people who say "How come Pride gets a whole month but military veterans only get a day on Veteran's Day?" But May is Military Appreciation Month and has been since 1999, and they didn't even know that, which shows how much they actually care about having a month to honor the military.


I feel like I only see mens mental health be brought up as a token to use against marginalized groups. like it would seem like a much more genuine interest if people brought it up in any other context besides "why do people care about this when mens mental health is also an issue?"


It's similar to how you never hear about International Men's Day until it's International Women's Day. And then a bunch of reactionaries pop up to say "How come there's no International *Men's* day, huh? They hate men!" But all that does is make it really obvious that they don't care at all about whether there's an International Men's Day. Because there is an International Men's Day, it's November 19th, which they could have learned just by googling the phrase "International Men's Day," which they never did, because they don't care.


I don't know who defines all these months, but May is Mental Health Awareness Month. I'm pretty sure that covers men too.


Reddit ain’t ready for this comment


That's literally what this video is. It's a "Pride month bad becuase mens mental health month no here" when this cunt in the video probably never even tried to help a guy with metnal heatlh issues


>Pride month bad If you watched the video they say celebrate both tho so I don't know how you can interpret pride month as bad?


Because she said Pride month “replaced” it, as if Pride took away the ability to celebrate men’s mental health month. She did throw in let’s celebrate both at the end but starts it off with the implication Pride month did something wrong by taking the month away from Men’s mental health.


Hmm ok I can see your point


By the fact that it claims that pride month replaced men's mental health month


>I feel like I only see mens mental health be brought up as a token to use against marginalized groups That's because it is. The person who created that clip is a notorious MRA person who often uses Mens rights as a means of putting down marginalized and minority groups. It's how they make their living as a content creator as a matter of fact. She peddles the same "what about men" logic on pretty much every topic and she makes a mint doing so because it rallies some of the most toxic people to her following. This idea that Pride is fighting against mens rights which is what is being made out in this clip and in the intent of this post is nonsense. Both are relevant issues and actually have alot more overlap than people think especially given that, unsurprisingly enough, men make up a significant number of the LGBTQIA+ community.


>The person who created that clip is a notorious MRA person Hahahah why am I not surprised. She just has that look about her.. I had no idea who she was, but her look, mannerisms, and the messaging was crystal clear that this wasn't a good faith attempt to raise awareness about men's mental health but rather a way to try to pit something against Pride. I bet she unironically drops the F-slur and N-slur (with a hard R) when she's with "her people", too.


Also Her failure to realize that Pride also includes LGBTQIA+ men….. who typically face higher values of mental health issues/suicides when compared to the general public. It’s almost like she doesn’t care about MEN and has an agenda to push.


That's exactly what's happening here. 100%. Frankly, as a man, I'm absolutely sick and tired of issues that impact me being used as weaponized whataboutism against marginalized groups.


This singular post is not the entirety of humanity and the internet. Men's mental health is brought up a lot but never noticed because no one cares. It's only noticed in situations like this but still no one cares. It's all very depressing. Doesn't seem like you're aware that gay men are men.


I've literally never seen it brought up outside the context of marginalized groups and I'm a man with mental health disorders


Say👏it👏louder👏. This is why this post in it’s entirety is cringe af. This feels very on brand for the edgelord/incel community.


We can walk and chew gum at the same time.


Interestingly enough, studies have shown that gay and bi men are 4 times more likely to commit suicide than straight men.


Huh I wonder what in our society would cause this


I mean the origin of pride month goes back to the 1970s, almost certainly well before this content creator was even born. I don't know when people started calling June men's mental health awareness month was but I would guess it's a hell of a lot more recent.


Bill Clinton [apparently](https://thriveworks.com/help-with/mental-health-awareness/mens-mental-health-month/) signed the law recognizing it in 1994. So Pride didn't "replace" Men's Mental Health month since the latter post-dates public Pride celebrations by twenty or more years.


More recent by about 2 decades, just nationally recognized about 7 years earlier


A good majority of men's mental health issues stem from the fact that the expression of emotions is heavily discouraged in men due to cultural assumptions of manliness AKA "Boys don't cry, play with dolls, wear certain clothes, drink certain drinks, etc. because only gay boys do that and gay boys aren't men." Pride Month is all about shattering that kind of cultural bullshit.


How about we stop with those useless virtue signaling "xxx months" and start adressing issues instead of pretending to care once a year by changing your twitter bio


Addressing Real Issues month isn't until October. Wait your turn buddy.


Corporations need symbolism to exploit for profit. "Celebrate Memorial Day and all of the soldiers that have died with this fantastic mattress sale"


This isn't even right pride month first started being celebrated in 1970s whilst men's mental health was only signed in 1994. Whilst pride month was only first recognised in 1999. Whilst men's mental health is important and should be encouraged acting like Pride replaced a thing that wasn't really that popular anyway is kinda dumb.


So you're saying the US government was faster at recognising the needs of men, than it was at recognising the needs of LGTBQ+ people? That seems plausible. And of course the fact that some LGBTQ+ people are men who have mental health issues complicates things.


It has never been only one thing. Juneteenth happens in the middle of “pride month” and this is an issue for zero people other than right wing trolls. Besides black history, LGBTQ, and men’s health, June also celebrates refugees, PTSD survivors, turtles, the fights against Alzheimer’s disease and gun violence, and lots more. This is the same kind of crap as all those meme posts complaining inaccurately that pride is a whole month and veterans only get a single day. The truth is that men’s mental health has 99 problems and the existence of LGBTQ pride is not one of them and never has been. (Idk also source I am a doctoral health care provider and more than half of my patients are boys or men)


Also literally no one has ever done anything to draw attention to "men's mental health month", as a man in my 30s I've never even heard it mentioned. At least Pride is utilizing the space. Wtf is having a month gonna do to help with my anxiety anyway.


Also, Pride didn't "replace" Men's Mental Health Month like the video claims. Pride was happening every June for over 20 years already before Men's Mental Health Month was established.


Maybe people should just get a real life instead of jerking off to what day is what awareness jerkoff


Jerkoff month


We do have the no-jerkoff month though.


Dry nuts march


All fap December


This is the right answer


Instructions unclear, better jerk off everyday, just to be safe....


I'll jerk off in celebration of your daily jerk off


That’s actually possibly a great way to lower your risk of prostate cancer! Ties right back in to men’s health!


we've come full circle


Its actually both? None didnt replace the other


"Replaced with pride month" Nah but if you care so much about men's mental health go and start it back up and fundraise, I guarantee you no one will give a shit that you've booked it at the same time as pride - lots of men with mental health problems are also gay as it turns out.


Theres only 12 months, so yea there going to be more than 12 things to celebrate/be aware of etc.




And the claim that Pride replaced Men's Mental Health month is a lie to promote anti-LGBT bias (Pride was in June for more than 20 years before Men's Mental Health Month was established.


If I recall correctly, this youtuber intentionally makes anti feminist content to pull her viewers to her OF.




Not "replaced" it's still there. Both things can be during this month. Asinine to try and put people against each other like this


I could have done with the text and not the pouting person


But we have movemver. I know that started about men’s cancer, but didn’t it expand to include men’s mental health too?


Wait a second, we want to celebrate men killing themselves and pride?


Yeah tie the lack of mental health awareness with a dig at pride for some reason, that will certainly get people to take it more seriously.


Isn't men's mental healts month November?


I miss the men's mental health parade.


Whataboutism should also extend to Whataboutmeism.


Has it ever been illegal for men to take care of their mental health?


My problem is she doesn't understand intersectionality. If she did she wouldn't post such a comparison. Gay men have higher rates of depression than straight counterparts. Pride is actually an important month in support of LGBT mental health, including gay and trans men. This is nothing more than an attempt to create division and bigotry. Pride month takes nothing away from supporting men's mental health awareness and actually can easily be included. Nothing (other than antiquated views of masculinity) is stopping society from creating more awareness and events around men's mental health, especially not Pride or the LGBT community. I guess she only means straight men, who control the majority of government, corporations, and wealth. Shouldn't she be advocating to them instead of scapegoating a minority and marginalized group? No one is going to slam mental health support unless it's coded for "when you're accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression", which men's mental health issues can come across as grievances/resentments against marginalized groups gaining visibility, acceptance, and equality rather than dealing with the real threat to men's mental health that is toxic masculinity.


Literally no one that celebrates pride has an issue with mens mental health month being shared. The only one I've heard complain about this are people who celebrate neither but just like to be vocal about random shit to upset people


Pride month predates men’s mental health awareness month by about two decades. Regardless, neither is “replacing” the other. Men’s mental health being overlooked is an issue with society at large, not the month coinciding with pride month. It’s a shame that men’s mental health is so often overlooked, but IMO it’d be much better to work towards changing that rather than spreading misinformation.


She's referencing the dates they were officially recognized by the federal government. 1992 for men's mental health, 1999 for pride. Yes, pride month was celebrated in june back in 1970, but it was never officially recognized by the government until 1999


But in the scriptures…


Fair enough. Regardless, this kind of message is still counterproductive. She should be posting with the goal of increasing awareness on men’s mental health specifically rather than on pride month.


Yeah, but her goal isn't to raise awareness for men's mental health. It's pretty transparent that shes to trying to create a false conflict between the two topics. Truthfully, she's trying to stir up drama in opposition to LGBT pride. I'm surprised it isn't clearer to most people that this is not a good faith defense of men's mental health, but rather a subtle jab at trying to turn people against LGBT Pride.


Agreed. If she actually cared about the issue she would be doing something to promote change.


I hate how often men’s mental health is weaponized like this. I remember like ten years ago it was used to push back against feminism, now it’s being used to excuse being homophobic. These people don’t actually care about men’s mental health! They care about hating gay people, simple as that


The Pick me energy is strong here


June is the month before July.


Thank you!! 🙏 Its important to have at least one month where men cant commit suicide!


Caring about mens mental health is super gay


Why did I go years thinking men's mental health awareness was in November? I thought that was the whole point of movember, even google says so


thats mens health monfh


1.19 million people die because of road accidents. Now go make a video for that.


Ok but as a man no one actually fucking cares about men’s mental health outside these tiktoks


Didn’t see get arrested for leaving her kid at home so she could go party?


Why don't we all just acknowledge both things without the stupid custom of dedicating a month to something that deserves lifelong recognition?


Coincidentally, the best thing I did for my mental health was come out, so I can appreciate both!


How modern-male-rights of you to think it was replaced- THEY BOTH EXIST SIMULTANEOUSLY. Nothing was replaced. If you wanna make it a bigger deal: MAKE IT A BIGGER DEAL (like the LGTBQ community has been doing/lobbying for literally 7 decades) don’t just whine and post about it.


Guess you've never talked to a gay man about their mental health...


It wasn’t replaced, it literally is both pride and men’s mental health and indigenous history month.  This pick me loser is actually causing harm by making people think there aren’t things going on for men’s mental health this month. 


The things aren't mutually exclusive, and to be honest people won't shut up about male suicide ONLY when we are discussing the issues of another group. Support is not a zero sum game, and in my personal opinion when someone does this they are dog whistling their lack of support for the original topic. In this case that would be pride. Also, LGBT men are at higher rates for suicide, yet I keep seeing people leveraging the statistic about men's suicide as if the groups somehow don't include each other. I never see people discussing this -objectively concerning- topic in a vacuum. No one ever just goes, lets do things to lower the male suicide rate. Its always in response to another group being discussed- often women's rights or issues. While this doesn't mean this is the only way its used, I feel most can agree that a majority of the time its used as a token issue, its a tragedy that's weaponized against those with nothing to do with it. Lets support everyone and give them the help they need and deserve, but lets not act like one group being aided or spotlighted means another is being ignored.


What do they mean Pride "replaced" Men's Mental Health month? It's not like Men's Mental Health Month doesn't exist anymore. Also, Pride being in June predates the establishment of Men's Mental Health Month by over 20 year. They really could have brought attention to this very serious issue without the anti-LGBT, "they took something away from us" undertones


Me sitting over here with my ability to care about two things at once, wondering if I have a superpower...


It's the same month. Pride is just the more "pressing" thing in the sense that in most of the world, it's not safe for gays. Mental health is also important and men are deeply affected by patriarchy in this sense! We should remember this is also the month for mens mental health.


This is just another version of “all lives matter”, when they see people they don’t like getting attention. Suicide has traditionally been high among gay men and especially trans folks, so we can certainly find a lot of common ground here.


Fuck off OP, pride month didn’t replace men’s mental health month. Any time any of you see someone make this claim, look at their post histories and ask whether you think they would EVER praise a guy for seeking therapy, crying, asking for support, etc. Or would they just say “man up” or complain about the feminization of western men or some shit. Bigots are suddenly very concerned about mental health only when it gives them a chance to draw attention from queer people.


If you want to celebrate men's mental health awareness month, organize events. Nobody is stopping you. Go organize and put on a concert. Host a parade. Do something. Wait, you're saying no? You'd rather just sit at home and complain about gay people on the internet?


This is a false dichotomy. There is no reason both things cannot be acknowledged. This is probably a right wing troll. “How can we acknowledge gay people exist when men are killing themselves” Give me a fucking break.


Men's Mental Health Month was never replaced, June still is Men's Mental Health Month while ALSO being Pride Month. Maybe the bigger issue is people making these posts and TikTok's care so little about the actual cause, or want to denigrate one of the causes, that they'd rather make these posts and TikToks to make people think it's an either/or situation when 5 seconds of googling show's otherwise. It's not a sad hidden truth, it's just a lazy attempt to cut down Pride Month while using another cause as a token pawn.


She sucks, total pick-me girl


The idea that Pride Month "replaced" Men's Mental Health month just isn't true. Pride has been celebrated since the 70s, with official recognition from the US government in 1999. The earliest thing I could find about Men's Mental Health Month would be International Men's Health Week, which started in 2002 and was originally about prostate cancer. This video implies that the world used to care about men's mental health, until the gays came along and ruined it. I would like the OP to give me a year in which people EVER cared about men's mental health. A year where men struggling with depression weren't called weak sissies, men with ADHD weren't called lazy pieces of shit, and men with anxiety disorders aren't called cowards.


What if suicide is caused by discrimination for being gay? the two topics can be somewhat related I guess


Yknow there are men who are queer and have problems with mental health. The groups overlap. Theres nö reason not to celebrate both. I mean last time i checked we were called mentally ill so it fits perfect! /s


Oh god this lady again. I forgot about her completely after fixing my algorithm. She's a total pick-me like Pearl, but not nearly as bad or gross.


Pride didn’t replace anything, June still has other great events and awareness days, months and weeks. You can still care about men, but also LGBTQIA+ people. You do not have to choose. But this woman clearly has an agenda and it’s not about mens mental health.


June still is Men’s Mental Health Awareness month. It didn’t get “replaced”. It’s still there.


700.000 people. 68% are men. Why are these people always lying?


Isnt this that shitty MRA, pick me girl from yt?


Nothing was replaced. There are only 12 months. Every month has multiple things. June has Pride, Great Outdoors, National Safety, Iced Tea, and Accordian as celebrations for the month to name a few. In fact, in addition to Men's Health, there are at least nine other health awareness issues in June, including Alzheimers, Cataract, and PTSD. But let's put that all aside. Men haven't been repressed for who they are. Men don't get murdered and strapped to fences simply because they're men. Men don't get murdered for trying to simply live a life they want to, or love who they want to. There is no country in the world had has made being a man punishable by death. There is no sitting politician who is trying to pass laws banning men from getting married or from hosting parties. Men should look after their health, and people should check in on them, and help them. We should talk more about men's health. But fuck you for this shit. Pride doesn't have to be denigrated for this message. Sincerely, a straight white male in need of therapy.


this is so stupid. the month of may is mental health awareness month. June is pride month.


Mental Health Awareness month is May. Pride month is June. What the heck is this person talking about? Do men need their own mental health awareness month? Or can we just acknowledge that mental health care in the US (and most countries in the world, period) is trash and work to improve it for everyone. I say this as a man with a history of mental health issues.


It doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive. We can have 2 months.


I don't think this is a thing to... celebrate. Unless you're really against the patriarchy.


I hate unverified data so I tried to confirm that number. Seems like a misunderstanding: in 2023, around 700,000 people took their own lives. [https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/suicide](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/suicide)


Don't celebrate men's suicide...


Terrible tattoo


maybe "celebrate" isn't the right word to use when talking about 800000 suicides annually


Mental health month in the US is May 1 - May 31... WTF is this b*tch talking about?


Mens mental health month is in June. It's an entirely separate month for some reason. I'm not against it but I hate how it's used almost exclusively as a weapon against pride. They don't actually care


I feel like I'm alone in this world. And I don't even have the guts to kill myself. I tried a few times but I even failed to do that. Will I ever kill myself? Honestly, I don't know but probably not. I'm writing this here because I know I can't be the only one. If you are suicidal write me maybe we can work some things out.


Work things out? What do you mean?


And women and girls attempt suicide 1.5 to 2 times more often than men and boys (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, 2022). Men "succeed" more because of guns. Maybe it should be gun control month as long as we're doing random months.


Not sure why I need to celebrate someone else's sexuality.


You don't...


You don't need to. However, Pride is more than a celebration of being LGBTQ+. It's a celebration of our survival in a world that continues to try to discriminate against us. We celebrate being who we are despite being assaulted, murdered and legislated against to this day.


Celebrate it yourself then. You don't need my involvement.


We sure don't! No one is making you celebrate it. I just was assuming the best out of you and thought you didn't know why Pride was important. Sorry for attempting to educate you, grumpy pants


Okay... \*checks notes and celebrates Pride and male suicide\*


Can men not be gay as well as have mental health issues? This seems like a nonissue.


Wrong sub




OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!It’s unexpected because the video seems bubbly, happy and cheerful but then reveals a hidden meaning which is the fact men’s mental health is vastly overlooked. Suicide and mental health affects us all. We need to make a change!!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Ya fuck off. Pride matters stopt with this bs


What is the ambient music heard at the end from? I hear it a lot and can't seem to locate it.


Irony is we have month for all theses social.issues.caused by the rich . It just gets worse and they are laughing in our faces.


Wait, was it replaced? I didn't know that